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Daisy Does It All (Clover Park, Book 2) Contemporary Romance (The Clover Park Series)

Page 23

by Kylie Gilmore

  He didn’t have to read along with her. He had it memorized. It had taken him ten tries to get it right.

  Why Daisy Garner Kicks Ass…

  Daze, I am so damn proud of you. You’ve been working your ass off since day one when our son was born. Always putting him first. You’re raising him with so much love even though he’s a tough kid, always going that extra step to meet his needs. You amaze me. So you stretched the truth a little in a blog. You apologized, and, in my book, that’s enough. That’s why you kick ass.

  Everything you heard about me is true. Drinking, drugs, stealing, vandalism, fighting. It was only a matter of time before I got shipped off to juvie. I hit rock bottom at seventeen when I broke into the high school and set fire to my permanent record. I was sick of everyone judging me the minute I showed up. I know, it doesn’t make sense. I did do bad shit. Anyway, I thought the fire was out when I tossed it in the trash, but the embers caught on some other papers, and, before I knew it, the fire had spread. I booked it out of there, hitting the fire alarm as I left.

  You probably know the rest of the story. The fire department got there in time to save the school. The main office was damaged but still structurally sound. I didn’t come forward like I should’ve. They came and got me. Turns out a security camera showed me breaking in. I was facing breaking and entering, trespassing, arson, destroying public property. Principal Herzog was going to throw the works at me. He hated me for all the trouble I caused, and I didn’t blame him.

  It only took a few people to believe in me. That was Gran, Ry, and Chief Bailey. The chief talked the principal down, and the town agreed to let me make up for it with community service. I mowed lawns, cleaned up litter, and weeded anyone’s garden who needed it, by hand. Do you know how many weeds grow in the spring and summer around here? I do. Long story short. I loved working outside, and now I’m a landscape architect. So I guess that turned out okay.

  Daze, just like for me, this whole town has your back. I’m sorry for pushing you so hard to marry me just because it was best for Bryce. I guess my screwed-up family made me want a better life for Bryce real bad. I did this all bass ackwards as usual. So I will only ask you this. Will you go on a first date with me? We can have dinner at a back booth at Garner’s and talk all night about our dreams, our hopes for the future, what we love, what we hate, just like we said we did in the first place.



  She looked at him, her smile big and sunny, making his heart fill with joy to see that smile again.

  “Yes, Travis O’Hare, I will go on a first date with you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Daisy couldn’t believe Trav remembered their fictional first date so well, but here she was living it. Saying yes to Trav was the best thing she’d ever done. He held the door to Garner’s open for her as they left the restaurant. It was late. They’d already been talking in a back booth for two hours, trading horror stories of their teenage pranks and adventures. They vowed to keep Bryce on a tight leash.

  “Where to now?” Trav asked.

  “Come back to my place,” she said.

  He grinned devilishly. “Yeah, I’m all over that.”

  “To talk!”

  “Oh, yeah, talk. Of course.” He swatted her butt. She jumped and swatted him back. “That’s what I meant.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she said.

  They walked to where she’d parked her car and made the short drive back to her apartment. Bryce was staying with her parents for the night, who were thrilled she was going on a date with Trav.

  When they got to her place, she poured them both a glass of white wine and joined him on the sofa.

  “Thanks,” he said, taking the wine. “So we’ve covered hopes, dreams, loves, hates. Teenage tales of woe. What else do you want to know about me?”

  “Tell me why you love me.”

  “I love you because you are bright and bubbly, and loving, and fun, and so-oo-oo sexy.” He waggled his brows and leered at her.

  “How can I take you seriously?” she asked with a laugh.

  “You want serious?” He set down the wineglass and went down on one knee in front of her.

  “No! Don’t do it!”

  “Daisy Garner, I will love you until the day I die—”

  She put her fingertips over his lips and knelt beside him. “It’s my turn. I will love you until the day I die.”

  He kissed her fingers and held her hand.

  “I’ve loved you from the first moment you held Bryce. I fought it because I didn’t trust myself not to screw up. But now I do. Trust myself, that is. Travis O’Hare, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?”

  He cradled her face and placed a tender kiss on her lips. “I knew I’d wear you down.”

  “So what’s your answer?”

  He rocked his head side to side, considering. “I kinda like this turnaround. Think I might leave you hanging a little longer.”

  “Maybe you need a little convincing,” she said, throwing herself on top of him. They toppled over, and she straddled him.

  He ran his hands from her hips up to her breasts. “I do. I need a lot of convincing.”

  She pulled her shirt off, revealing her black lace bra.

  He groaned. “I love you, woman.”

  She smiled, knowing she had him for life and not because of Bryce, because of them, who did everything backwards, but still found a way to move forward together.

  She unclipped the front clasp of her bra. “I love you too, man,” she said cheekily, swinging the bra over her head and throwing it across the room.

  He laughed. She slowly leaned down, her breasts rubbing his chest, and he became serious as she went in for a kiss. She stopped a breath away. “Did I convince you yet?”

  One corner of his mouth kicked up. “I’m afraid not.”

  She kissed him then, suddenly ravenous for him. He wrapped one hand in her hair, holding her head as he kissed her back, slow and tender, his mouth tasting and nibbling, while his other hand ran down her spine and cupped her bottom. He kissed her like he had all day, and it was making her crazy.

  She broke the kiss. “Trav, I want you.” She undid the button on her jeans, and his hand stopped hers on the zipper.

  “I got it.” He pulled her up off the floor. His hands made short work of it as her jeans and thong hit the floor.

  She pulled off his shirt and reached for his jeans.

  “Slow down there, Speed Racer,” he said. “It’s called foreplay. And you’re first.”

  He kissed her, and his hand slipped between them to stroke her. She moaned and stroked him over his jeans. He pushed her hand away and moved to kissing her neck, keeping up a slow and thorough massage, touching everywhere but where she craved it most.

  “My turn,” she gasped. “I want to give to you.”

  “Oh, you will,” he told her, moving up to kiss the shell of her ear. “You will.”

  He increased the pressure and finally reached her center. Her knees buckled, and she surrendered to the rush of sensation. She wrapped her arms around his neck and simply hung on for the ride. Moments later she cried out, his name on her lips.

  He kissed her again. She gave him a slow smile and dropped to her knees, unzipping his jeans and pulling them down with his briefs. “Your turn.”

  She took him in her mouth and heard his sharp intake of breath. Now she was in no hurry, determined to torture him with slow tastes and deep suction, her hands cupping and massaging him underneath.

  He watched her, and she felt the moment he started to lose control. She pulled back and looked up at him. “Did I convince you yet?”

  He grasped her arms and pulled her up. “This is gonna be over way too soon if you keep that up.” He led her into the bedroom. “And I still need a lot of convincing.”

  She crawled onto the bed, stopped on all fours, and looked over her shoulder at him. “Take me, Trav,” she said huskily.

  “Now I see what yo
u’re doing there,” he said, setting a condom on the nightstand. “And I do appreciate the view, but this isn’t gonna be a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am.”

  “I like the wham, bam,” she said, rolling to her back and opening her legs to him. She let her fingers trail down, touching herself. “Are you convinced yet?”

  He closed his eyes. “Not yet,” he croaked.

  Then he was on her, entering her in one swift stroke that had her breath catching. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, bucking her hips, urging him along. He stilled, slowly pulled out and thrust back inside. Again. And again. Forcing her to his rhythm. She stopped bucking and went with it, letting him take the lead, take his fill. She gave him everything she had in complete surrender. He must have felt the moment she was on the edge because he suddenly pumped hard and fast, giving her the release she needed. He went with her a moment later.

  Trav rose up on his elbows and grinned down at her. She smiled back, filled with love for this man.

  He kissed her again. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Does this mean you’ll be my husband?”

  “I might need some more convincing,” he said with a grin.

  “Well, we’ve got all night.”

  He nibbled at her lower lip. “Yeah, we do.”

  They spent the night wrapped in each other’s arms, their love burning bright and hot. By noon, they got up for lunch. He kept her in his lap as they ate grilled cheese, his hand playing with the side of her breast, her hand running through the hair at the nape of his neck.

  She met his hazel eyes and saw love shining back at her. “I’ve got you now,” she told him.

  “You always have,” he replied.


  They married barefoot on the beach in July.

  Daisy didn’t want to overshadow Liz’s special day in June—a grand event with most of the town in attendance in a huge mansion that was owned by the town and used for special events. Liz had looked like Scarlett O’Hara descending that grand staircase to her very own Rhett Butler. Their parents had catered, of course.

  Daisy dug her toes into the sand across from Trav. Her tulle over chiffon gown was cut high in the front, ending mid calf so it didn’t get caught in the sand, while the back trailed full length behind her. Trav looked stunning in a tux with the pants rolled up at the cuffs. Ry stood next to Trav as one of three best men, holding Bryce in a baby tux. Her little guy was officially an O’Hare now. He’d turn one next month and was already walking. He was so much happier now that he was on the move and had settled right in with her at Trav’s place. The other two best men, Shane and Rico, stood nearby. Liz was her matron of honor, and her two closest friends, Amber and Zoe, her bridesmaids.

  Justice Fleming approached the happy couple as the sun began to set over the Long Island Sound. Maggie had held out hope that her new certificate as a minister of love that she’d printed off the Internet would turn things in her favor, but they’d remained firm in their choice of the justice of the peace.

  Daisy took a deep breath. Now that it was real, she was shaking. She’d never gotten married with so much riding on the outcome. Her son’s future happiness. She’d demanded so much from Trav. Could she give as much as he gave?

  Trav gripped her hand tight, seeming to sense her nerves. “Relax. It’s us. We’re forever.”

  And just like that, she felt better. It was the “us.” There truly was an us now, living together, raising Bryce together, sleeping together. Her body warmed at the memory.

  Justice Fleming, an elderly woman with dyed black hair, looked to her for the go-ahead. She nodded.

  “Friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Dorothy—”

  “Daisy!” she corrected, her face flaming.

  “Daisy Garner and Travis O’Hare. On this beautiful beach, we are privileged to witness the love of two young people close to our hearts.”

  “I’ve written my own vows,” Trav whispered.

  Daisy turned to him in shock. “You did?” She’d planned to recite whatever the judge said. Trav was always surprising her. Like when he’d told her he wanted to put an addition on to the house and then showed her an amazing plan he’d designed. She’d have to try to keep up. She looked forward to the challenge.

  Trav smiled. “Yeah, I’ll go first.”

  “The groom has prepared his own vows and would like to go first,” Justice Fleming announced.

  “Awww…” the crowd sighed.

  Trav cleared his throat. “Daisy, I promise to be my whole genuine self with you. You’ll have to put up with my jokes, and my bed head, and my toothpaste cap problem.”

  Daisy smiled as the crowd tittered.

  He went on. “And in return, I promise to leave the seat down and never, ever, say you look fat in those jeans.” His eyes sparkled merrily. “Through thick and thin, good and bad, for the rest of our lives.”

  She gazed at him, a surge of affection running through her. She just wanted to kiss him right now. “You goof.”

  He grinned. “Your turn, sweetheart.”

  “Travis, I promise to be my genuine self with you and give to you as much as you’ve always freely given to me. I won’t be the perfect wife or the perfect mother, but I will always work hard to be my best. You’ll have to put up with…” She tried to think of some bad habits that she wouldn’t mind sharing with the world.

  Trav shook his head. “Really? Can’t think of a single thing?”

  Everyone laughed.

  Just stick with the truth.

  “With my messiness!” she said. “I really don’t care about cleaning. And I don’t cook. And…in return, I promise not to leave feminine hygiene products lying around”—the crowd roared, and she raised her voice—“and to be sweet to you, except when I have PMS, and to never say I have a headache.” She grinned. “Through thick and thin, good and bad, for the rest of our lives.”

  He cradled her cheek and kissed her in that slow and tender way of his that always made her crazy for more. The kiss quickly turned hot, and she threw her arms around him as the rest of the world fell away.

  Justice Fleming cleared her throat. “I didn’t say you were man and wife.”

  They kept kissing.

  The judge sighed. “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  Everyone cheered. Trav pulled away, and they smiled at each other. She liked that when she looked at him now, she saw a man and not just a dad.

  “Do I look like Bryce’s mom to you or just Daisy?” she asked.

  He cradled her cheek. “You look like my woman, who’s going to get ravished tonight.”

  She beamed. It was what she’d wanted all along. Well, not the ravishing part, but…well, yeah, that too.

  ~ ~ ~

  Daisy’s Private Journal—No Peeking

  Trav wants me to follow my dreams, so it’s on to the next adventure. Before all the excitement over my blog, I’d been really excited about the infant massage that worked wonders on Bryce’s colic. It absolutely saved my sanity to have a way to soothe him that really worked (except for his nightly pre-bed scream session), so I’m going to an infant massage training workshop in the fall to become an instructor!

  I might write a little fiction on the side. About a single mom who demanded more from a guy who gave and gave and gave, until she finally realized it was her turn to give.

  I think it will have a happy ending.

  Daisy Garner O’Hare


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  You’ve just read book #2 in the Clover Park series. The books in the series are The Opposite of Wild (Ryan and Liz), Daisy Does It All (Trav and Daisy), Bad Taste
in Men (Shane and Rachel), and Kissing Santa (out Christmas 2014). I hope you enjoy them all!

  If you’d like to read an excerpt from Bad Taste in Men, Shane and Rachel’s story, please turn the page.

  Bad Taste in Men: Excerpt

  Clover Park series, Book #3

  Something's Brewing Between Friends…

  Rachel Miller knows opening a café with coffee and pastries will make her struggling bookstore the place to hang out. But when the bank turns her down and her best friend Shane steps in, she vows business will never ruin their friendship.

  Gourmet ice-cream maker Shane O’Hare knows food, not women. To sweep Rachel off her feet, he secretly sells his beloved ’67 Shelby Mustang and becomes a partner in her café. And then she sets him up with a friend.

  As they build the café together and Rachel learns what Shane has sacrificed for her, she finds herself falling for him. Now way too much is riding on the success of this business venture—her career, her best friend, and her heart.

  Rachel complained to Shane about her lack of time for all this sprained-ankle business on the drive back from the hospital.

  “The doctor said six weeks and you'll be good as new,” Shane said.

  “In the meantime my business will go bankrupt and the street fair will never get off the ground.”

  He glanced over. “I'll help you with work. And Barry's running the street fair this year. Don't worry.”

  Shane was so sweet. Rachel was not.

  “Barry's only been in the chamber of commerce for a few months,” she said. “He's going to need help. And you have your own business to run.” She stared out the window at the passing scenery. “I'll figure something out.”

  Shane ran Shane's Scoops, an ice cream/coffee/candy shop across the street from hers. It was one of the things they had in common, both owning their own shop in town. The other thing they had in common, what had moved them from passing acquaintances to friends, was the Liz-Ryan connection. Rachel and Shane were thrown together often because of them-parties, family barbecues, town celebrations. Liz included Rachel in her new social life revolving around the O'Hares, and Ryan, her husband, always included his brothers, Trav and Shane. She knew Shane from as far back as middle school, but had paid him little attention then. He'd been a tall, quiet boy and not nearly as interesting as the books she loved to lose herself in.


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