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On the Edge (Winter Games Book 2)

Page 5

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

“What should we watch?” Tammy flipped through the Netflix options. “Is Jessa coming?”

  Jessa had movie rules, so if she were here, it had to be something action or drama; no romance for that one.

  “No, she said she had a hot date.” It was unusual for Jess to bail on us, but I had texted them last minute. Plus, she didn’t like hanging out at my house. I think because it was Chance’s house, too, even though he obviously wasn’t here.

  “Let’s do a ‘Friends’ marathon.” The ocean might not be able to cure everything, but a ‘Friends’ binge certainly could.

  “So, who is this other guy that Emmett has a problem with?” She took another small sip of her wine. Even moral support couldn’t tempt her into letting loose. But I didn’t judge.

  “His name is Zack,” I grinned, “and you’ll love him because he’s a skier.” She would have loved him either way because that was just who she was.

  Randomly choosing ‘The One With Mrs. Bing,’ I dropped onto the couch and recounted my meeting with the sexy skier who’d adorably asked if he could buy me a coffee after my shift tomorrow, a dark part of me hoping that Emmett would be there to see.

  King Asshole had come into Cup of Joe – the coffee shop where I worked – every day since I’d been hired which was coincidentally, every day since he’d gotten me fired from my last job waitressing at Big Louie’s.

  I hated the way he got me fired, only for me to wind up with a job that I enjoyed so much more.

  I’d been building a list of grievances for some time now, writing them in my diary each night that he’d done something offensive – which was most nights. Although, I did tend to blame him for invading my dreams when the fault was solely my own. I wonder how many wrongs it would take for it to finally sink in how wrong it was to want him?

  Even though the show was playing, we continued to talk about my morning at work… about Zack.

  “So, is he cute? What happened? What did you talk about?” Tammy was great at prying information about guys from Jessa and me – mostly Jessa. This was the first time I’d given anyone the time of day since I moved.

  Except Emmett.

  “Oh, my God, yes! Baby blue eyes. Dirty-blonde, scruffy hair. I think a little on the skinnier side, but it was hard to tell with all the snow gear. And taller than you.”

  “Maybe you should give him to me,” she teased playfully; it was hard to find a guy taller than Tammy. Even Emmett and Nick only stood an inch or so above her. But, if I thought there was any seriousness to her statement, I might have considered it. Tammy was never interested in men or dating – too busy taking care of others while simultaneously believing herself never good enough (no matter how hard Jessa and I tried to make her see otherwise.)

  I thought about the way I’d described him, remembering how Channing had described his brother to me earlier this morning – hot as a milk frother – and wondered why I hadn’t come up with anything like that. He was cute and I was definitely attracted to him, but I wasn’t thinking that he would be steaming milk anytime soon.

  My mind drifted to Emmett. Massive. Magnetic. Looking at him twisted and tangled everything inside of me, energy flaring and desire flashing off of me like radiation, melting me to my core.

  Now, why could I think of that for King Asshole, but for Zack, all I could come up with was that he was cute?

  “So, he came in with his brother – who only had eyes for Chan. You should have seen the way he made her uncomfortable. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so flustered before!” We both laughed, knowing that my sister was the confident, collected one – at least around her SnowmassHoles; she had to be. “Anyway, he ordered a coffee but then stayed in there for almost an hour just talking to me. Finally, when his brother and the rest of their group were done riding, they made him leave.”

  “What did you talk about?”

  “I don’t know – a whole bunch of stuff. Why he’s in town – for his brother, obviously, that he’s on break from school, but might not be finishing the semester… That’s where we got cut off so I’m not sure why yet. Mostly, he asked about me. Oh! He wants to teach me to ski!”

  It was nice to have a conversation with someone I was attracted to. Usually, the only thing I engaged in with someone my body craved was a battle.

  “Finally! Then you’ll be able to hang out with the rest of us on the mountain.”

  “Yeah, I think you guys are a little advanced for me.” We both got distracted by the show as Ross kissed Chandler’s mom and the drama that ensued.

  “Are you going to see him again?” she asked.

  “I gave him my number, but he said he’d be back tomorrow.” I grinned.

  “Is that why Emmett was upset?”

  My smile dropped. “He’s been upset since the day he met me and I didn’t care then and I don’t care now.”

  Raising my glass in mock salute, I drained the rest of the wine.

  I swore I didn’t care.

  Chapter 4


  I hate the way the way he insists on looking out for me even though I never asked him to do so.

  Zack had planned a date night for us, one that I’d hijacked for other purposes after Channing fell on the mountain earlier and was confined to the house for the weekend. Good thing my date was a good sport. He’d picked me up earlier, bringing his brother to my house with him. The two of us had conspired to leave Wyatt and Channing alone at the house for the night to give my sister some time to explore the feelings that she was fighting.

  We’d started off with dinner at Peak’s Pub – best burgers in Aspen – and Zack had something else planned for afterward, but when he saw how excited I was that it was Karaoke night at the Pub, he refused to even tell me what those plans were and insisted that we stay there.

  Usually, the girls and I did Karaoke there or at Big Louie’s, but Louie’s had it less frequently and there was a greater chance of running into Emmett and Nick – something that I tried to avoid when at all possible; although I never saw Tammy complain about it either.

  “I have to ask – and I’m worried I might regret it,” he began as we walked inside the bar and picked out a table in the corner near the stage, “what are the chances you are going to make me sing with you tonight?”

  My head fell back as I laughed and answered. “I’d say one-hundred percent,” as he winced playfully, “so prepare your nerves and your vocal chords.”

  “I apologize in advance for dragging your performance down the tubes.”

  “Psh,” I waved him off. “I heard you singing some Old Dominion on the way over here.” His voice wasn’t bad; it wasn’t good either. But he had confidence when he sang which somewhat made up for his lack of skill.

  “I’m gonna go grab us another drink. What do you want, babe?” I smiled and shrugged.

  “You pick.” I secretly hoped he would pick my favorite, chewing on my lip as I watched him walk away.

  A minute later, my view of my date was eclipsed by the gorgeous face with the red crown I’d been arguing with only a few hours earlier when he brought my injured sister back home from the mountain. Before that, I had a blessed few days break from Emmett.

  Oh, he’d been around – like in the coffee shop during my shifts, doing some work of his own, but always keeping an eye on me. Sometimes, I saw his truck in the parking lot and the goosebumps encasing my body told me that he watched as Zack or Tammy took me home every night. Close enough to let me know he was there, but far enough away that it allowed the tension to build up inside of me to the point of eruption. He was like my shadow – dark and looming.

  And like my shadow, he was a dark part of me that was inextricable and inescapable.

  “Can I help you?” Perhaps help you find the door?

  His jaw ticked. At least we were in public where he could only do so much.

  “What do you think you are doing?” he demanded. “You aren’t twenty-one.”

  “Go away, Emmett. I think we said all we needed to earl
ier,” when I congratulated him for doing a phenomenal job of protecting my sister on the mountain – with every ounce of sarcasm I owned. Obviously, it wasn’t his fault, but I was in shock when the door had kicked open and he’d strolled in carrying my grumbling sister in his arms. I wasn’t going to take back my words now though; it’s not like he ever did.

  He smiled because he didn’t give a shit what I wanted. “Earlier you weren’t wearing that.”

  I glanced down at my thigh-high boots and sweater dress that I’d chosen. What was wrong with it? Ok, it was a little short and the neck was a little low cut, but how else was I supposed show off my legs? I also really loved the way it showed off my boobs, not that they needed much help in that arena especially during this time of the month.

  “Dress. Boots.” I shrugged, playing it off. “Everything is covered and you’re not my mother.”

  He growled and leaned in. “You’re going to wish I was your mother compared to what I will do if I see him touch any part of you.” I hated how rude and overbearing had become a turn on; I hated how threats now tempted me.

  Before my breath was even out of me, he was gone and I saw Zack picking our drinks up off the bar. When he sat back down and our conversation gave me a cover, my eyes scanned the room looking for him.


  Sitting against the far wall was the King with one of his many subjects – a brunette with long, wavy hair – who I had no doubt would be kneeling for His Majesty later. He smiled like he’d been waiting for my stare and I immediately jerked my gaze away, my face flushing from being caught.

  Zack had picked out some drink with tequila in it for us. I was not a fan of tequila, but I certainly wasn’t going to tell him that. One, because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings and two, because I didn’t want Emmett to see that I was less-than-enamored with anything involving my date. So, I gritted my teeth and drank two-thirds of the cocktail in a few gulps with a smile on my face.

  Two could play at that game.

  Feeling the comfortable warmth spread through my body, I draped myself over Zack, flirting shamelessly while we waited for our turn to sing. He was going to love that. Zack’s arm came around my waist, his hand resting just at the top of my ass.

  I could practically feel Emmett’s hot rage from here.

  One of my hands went to his chest, toying with the buttons on the front of his shirt while we laughed softly between us. I was enjoying myself. I wasn’t sure if it was because of Zack or because I was defying the King.

  A quick glance towards the red crown confirmed my suspicions. He was fondling the brunette, roughly squeezing her ass while her hand drifted along the inside of his thigh, but he wasn’t enjoying it. And it was all because of me.

  Vengeful desire emanated from the both of us like toxic radiation, seeping into everything and everyone around us. They became casualties in the nuclear war of need that waged between us.

  I was drunk – not wasted – but drunk. I knew better than to get drunk before karaoke nights. But I was inebriated enough to fight his fire with fire. Our eyes remained locked as we each touched the wrong person. We did it to hurt the other. We did it because we couldn’t have what we wanted.

  My stomach turned.

  Here I was with a hot, sweet guy who was about to sing Grease’s ‘Summer Nights’ with me without complaint – a guy who I liked and enjoyed spending time with – and yet the second this SnowmassHole showed his face, nothing mattered but him.

  Nothing mattered but how much I wanted him. How much I hated him for making me want him. And how much I hated that he wanted me too, yet it never seemed to bother him.

  And my sweet, nice date turned into just one more weapon in my battle.

  I was a horrible person.

  So, I kissed him. I knew we were singing next so before the pretty decent rendition of ‘Chicken Fried’ ended, I turned and grabbed Zack’s face, planting my lips on his. Honestly, it wasn’t even for Emmett – who I knew was still watching. It was for me. I couldn’t tear myself or my gaze away from him. I didn’t want to watch him fondle his one-night-stand. I didn’t want him to have the satisfaction that he had my focus instead of Zack.

  Desperate times…

  Zack had kissed me before. The first time was two days after we met. He was a good kisser and he always tasted fresh like an Ice Breaker. Because of the alcohol, I lost myself in the kiss and only partially forgot that Emmett was still there.

  The song ended and Zack pulled back, “Our turn, sweets.” His grin said he’d sing a Disney song with me if it meant I’d kiss him like that again.

  He stood and I saw Emmett stalking towards us, bloody murder written on his face. But we were moving and there were too many people between us for him to get to us in time.

  We were safe on stage, under the bright lights and curious stares. At least until the song was over.

  At least, if he did punch Zack, I didn’t work at this bar so I couldn’t get fired.

  The song began and I lost myself in the music. In spite of his warning, Zack did great and I found myself smiling and laughing through our entire performance.

  I’d picked the song because I wanted a real duet for us to perform. How could I go wrong with Grease? I knew better than to have a specific person in mind when choosing music anymore. Emmett had a habit of ruining all my plans.

  My eyes drifted to the crowd, wondering just how angrily he was waiting.

  ‘You’re the one that I want…’ I saw him. Very angrily was the answer to my wondering.

  ‘You’re the one that I need…’

  And another song was ruined.


  Fucking hell.

  I swore I was going to take her over my knee and make that delicious ass of hers as red as that goddamn kiss had made her lips.

  I didn’t expect her to be here. I expected her to be at home with her ailing sister. But no, here she was. With that shithead skier. Aside from the fact that he skied, he could have been Prince Fucking Charming and I would have been ok with him if he hadn’t set his sights on her – on what was mine.

  I wasn’t really interested in my date – friend of a friend who’d wanted one night with me. Hell, I wasn’t even aroused until she walked in wearing a dress that was meant to be hiked up to her waist and boots that were meant to be wrapped around mine. And I saw that he was thinking it, too. Especially when she plastered herself against him.

  Calm down, King.

  Air forced its way into my lungs as my fists flexed at my sides. Every muscle I had vibrated with the need to rip the tall motherfucker from the stage and beat his face until he couldn’t look at her like that anymore.

  Except he could because he was her boyfriend.

  If it had been a slimy stare, I would have taken him out. But it wasn’t. And it was only brought on because of how she behaved – which was brought on because of me.

  I stared as the shithead grabbed her hand and spun her on stage, the crowd whistling and hollering around me. When she twirled back to him smiling and laughing, that was what killed me.

  She was mine. But just because I couldn’t have her didn’t mean anyone else could either.

  I was so fucked up.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. Fuck. It was the hospital and it was the only thing that could pull me away from Ally.

  “Fucking hell” escaped under my breath as I stalked outside.

  Even without my jacket, I barely registered the winter cold, the thin layer of snow crunching underneath my sneakers.


  “Mr. Jameson, it’s Dr. Drake from Johns Hopkins.” I grunted in response. “I just wanted to let you know that she is out of surgery and that it went as well as can be expected.”

  “Thank you.” Relief flooded me. But this was only temporary. It didn’t change the eventuality of Miriam’s situation.

  “I’m sure she’ll call you when she wakes.”

  But I wouldn’t answer. “Have a good night.” I didn’t f
eel bad hanging up on the good doctor, I’m sure he had more important things to be doing with his time.

  And now I did, too.

  I threw open the door to the Pub with one thought on my mind. A thought that disappeared into the bathroom straight ahead of me as an older woman was walking out.

  “Excuse me,” I gave her a dashing smile and she was easily fooled, “I’m looking for my date. Is there another girl in there?”

  “Oh, no. At least, I didn’t see anyone else except the girl who just walked in there.” She looked sympathetic.

  I let my face fall. “Thank you.”

  She gave me a brave smile that I returned until she was out of sight at which point I pushed into the Women’s Room, locking the door behind me.

  The bathroom was practically silent compared to what was going on outside. Good. Little Miss Sunshine needed to hear me loud and clear.

  I leaned against the door, my arms over my chest as I watched her come out of the stall. She was drunk and completely unaware of my presence.

  And for one scandalous second, I let myself just bask in her glow.

  Long legs, gorgeous ass, and those breasts… My hands still itched every time I saw her just like they had the night that we met. Her head tilted to one side, to keep her hair from falling over her shoulder. I wanted to walk over and hold it up for her. I wanted to hold the door for her when she walked out. I wanted to be the one buying her dinner and rum-filled drinks. I wanted to be the one teaching her about the mountain. I wanted to hold her when she finally broke and told me why she was running – why she was here.

  I also wanted to bend her over the sink, flip that dress up and fuck her from behind until the only thing she could remember singing tonight was my name as she came over and over again like a fucking refrain.

  Every time I was around her, I was about to say ‘fuck it,’ ‘fuck Chance,’ ‘fuck the world’; I’m taking her sunshine for myself.

  “What are you doing in here!” she exclaimed. Those perfect pink lips parted in surprise as she finished rinsing her hands off.


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