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On the Edge (Winter Games Book 2)

Page 19

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  I hadn’t paid much attention the other night, but now I really looked at my girl’s space. Light yellow walls. Of fucking course. White bedspread – not made. One wall taken up by a dresser and a vanity with a huge mirror. Another wall on the other side of the bed held the closet. And the last wall in front of the bed was covered in photos. Which was where I went.

  Her parents outside this house. Her and her siblings when they were younger in front of a Christmas tree. Her and a blonde, surfer-looking kid on the beach – Tyler. Jessa and Tammy. More girls I didn’t know. Her and Channing dressed up at Halloween.

  And then there was a photo of Ally with the blonde surfer and another guy – shirtless, tan, toned, looking like fucking Clark Kent, Superman of Surf. Fucker.

  “Making yourself at home?”

  She walked up next to me. I didn’t have to look before my body informed me that she only had a towel wrapped around her.

  “Tell me about them.”


  “The photos. Why these ones?”

  “Oh.” She started from the top. “That one was the day that we moved – my parents and I. They wanted a photo outside of the house; they wanted me in it, but I was too angry, so it ended up just being the two of them.”


  “They were taking me away from my siblings and all my friends. Not that I wasn’t excited for warmer weather, but it was hard.” She pointed to the next one with the blonde kid. “That’s Tyler, my cousin. If it wasn’t for him, I don’t know what I would have done. He was my best friend in Florida. I miss him. I mean, I love my friends here, but I miss him a lot.”

  Was it fucking normal to be jealous of a family relationship?

  “That one,” pointing to the Christmas tree, “was a few years before the move. I don’t know why I picked that one. I think it was the only one of my siblings and me that I could find from when we were younger where I didn’t look like the oddball.”

  “I don’t think ‘you’ and the phrase ‘looking like an oddball’ should ever be in the same sentence,” I said.

  Her blush extended farther down from her cheeks, disappearing beneath the towel. I wondered if the rosy tint reached her equally-as-rosy nipples.

  “Well, I just mean one photo where they weren’t in snow gear or with snowboards and I just looked like I was trying to fit in – and failing at it.”

  “Why try to fit in? Snowboarders aren’t that cool…” That got a laugh out of her.

  “Says the ‘King’ of the Mountain,” she teased, rolling her eyes. “Then, Jessa and Tammy. That was at a wine tour thing that Jessa got us a Groupon for. Tammy, obviously being the mom and not drinking any more after her first glass.”

  I nodded. Sounded right for Tam. “Who’s this?” I pointed at Superman, tired of waiting.

  Her hesitation told me all I needed to know, but she answered anyway. “Dylan. That was the day the three of us opened up a surf school in Delray. It was mostly Dylan’s idea and his classes, but we helped out a lot.” Pointless information spilled out of her to hide the importance of what she felt for him.

  “Why would you have a picture of your ex on the wall? I would never do that.” Then again, I didn’t have a shit-ton – or any – pictures on my walls.

  “Yeah, probably because you don’t have a wall big enough,” she retorted and I could hear her jealousy.

  I enjoyed it and yet the truth still escaped from me. “I don’t have ex’s, sunshine. I don’t date. I don’t do relationships. I told you, the f-word doesn’t exist for me. In my world, a new day means a new fuck.”

  The sick, twisted part of me hoped I could still send her running.

  Still, she stayed. So damn stubborn. “I keep the picture because things didn’t end on bad terms between us. We were friends before we started dating and… this was an important and happy day for me.”

  What about after you started dating? Were you friends then?

  If she loved him, how could things not have ended on bad terms? Because she loved him still?

  I ripped my gaze from the photo before I chucked the frame across the room.

  “What’s this?” A small, pink leather book caught my eye on the nightstand table.

  Almost losing her towel in the process, she reached around and snatched it to her chest. “My diary. Off limits.”

  “You keep a diary? Who are you?” I said, staring at it like I could will it into my hands. I wanted to read her thoughts, every last one of them. I wanted to know everything there was about her. I wanted it all to be mine.

  “A normal person,” she scoffed, walking away and tucking the journal into a drawer. “I started when we moved. It gave me someone to talk to until I started hanging out with Tyler. It’s not like a normal diary, I guess. Mostly, I just write down lists to help keep my head straight. Lists of feelings. Lists of events. Lists of thoughts.”

  “Am I in there?” I wondered aloud, my smile spreading along with her scowl. Yes. “What did you write about me?”

  “Nothing nice.” She crossed her arms over her chest, the towel loosening slightly. “Of course.”

  “Of course,” I repeated.

  Turning back to the wall, I pulled the last frame that she hadn’t talked about from it – the one of her and Channing from Halloween a few months ago. I sat down on the bed, staring at the image of the pirates. “Did I at least get my own list?”

  She took a step towards me. “Well, you are the King…”

  “Maybe a list of all the dirty things you’ve been wanting me to do to you?” My eyebrow arched at her and she rolled her eyes again. You keep rolling them, Sunshine, because soon, I’m going to be rolling you.

  My mouth watered as I looked back at the photo… remembering… knowing I was going to taste her again tonight.

  “I remember everything about that night,” I murmured, waving the frame slightly, “every fucking detail.”

  “I’m surprised. I would have thought you were too drunk… and too preoccupied.” Her voice was breathless. She wasn’t surprised, she just wanted to hear it from me.

  “Every fucking thing.” I glared at her. “You want the list? Open up your diary there, sunshine, because I’ll give you one.” The world fucking stopped around us as I listed off, “I remember the way you couldn’t decide what to order – a Dark ‘n’ Stormy I would later find out. I remember the fucking vampire who cut into my view of you – your view of me. Your eyes as you watched them touch me, running your hand through your hair because you were uncomfortable but you couldn’t look away. The way I touched them and thought of you. This fucking outfit that made all those perverted pirate jokes come to my mind.” I set the frame down on the bed next to me and stood, ignoring the way my dick protested every movement except the ones that would bring me inside of her.

  “The song you sang – the one you thought was for him even though it turned out it was for me. The way you fought me every fucking step of the way to Channing’s Jeep, pulling out your fake sword and all – only to crumble the second I kissed you.”

  I stepped in front of her, holding her eyes hostage as my words continued to assault her. “The way your tights ripped underneath my fingers and how fucking drenched you were when I touched you. So ready… so wanting… so perfect.” It sounded like I was mocking her; I wasn’t.

  “I-I was drunk…”

  My fingers gripped her chin, holding her face to mine. She smelled like sun and roses. I only knew the combination because it was the scent that assaulted me every time I walked into Miriam’s garden in the summertime. She fucking loved roses; I’d ruined those, too.

  “Little liar. You were drunk on me.” She thought I was being cocky. “But the truth is, I’ve been starving for you from the moment that we met.” Her gasp – those parted lips – made me want to be inside her mouth again. It ripped at my chest to give her more words that would produce the same result. “I could have fucked you from that night until this very second and I’d still need more.”
  “Emmett…” she breathed and I bit her lower lip as it moved saying my name – I couldn’t stop myself.

  “I remember every detail, but there’s only one thing that goes on the list for that night – and for every fucking second that I’m around you – because there’s only one word on my list for you…” I kissed my way along her jaw and over to her ear, pulling her earlobe between my teeth before finally whispering, “Unforgettable.”

  Her head spun to where I was waiting to devour her mouth. There was only one thing on my mind – making her forget the douche that was still pinned up on her wall and held in her heart. Even if it was only for tonight.

  One hand found its way into her damp hair, the other onto the towel on her hips as I spun her towards the bed, stopping when the back of her legs bumped up against it.

  I stepped back. “Drop it.” The towel was in my way.

  I didn’t hear it as it hit the floor.

  Nothing existed except for her, standing in front of me, mine for the taking.

  Fuck were her breasts even more beautiful than I imagined. Perfect pears, rosy nipples. One day, I’d rub my cock between them and decorate them with my cum. Not tonight. Tonight, I was only allowed a taste, otherwise, I’d gorge myself and destroy us both.

  “On the bed.” She sat and scooted back, her legs instinctively parting, knowing where I was headed.

  Next thing I knew, my hands gripped her thighs, pulling her knees to the edge of the bed – just like they’d been in the car that night – as I dropped down onto the floor.

  “Always ready for me,” I spoke to the sight before me: her slit was swollen and wet, coating my fingers as they gently slid over her.

  “Emmett…” she moaned. One hand on her hip, I held her firmly on the bed while I brought my fingers to my mouth.

  My entire body shuddered at the first taste of her on my tongue. So fucking sweet. Just like I remembered.

  “Do you wash with sugar?” I rasped.


  “Do you. Wash. With. Sugar?”

  “N-no. W-why?”

  I licked the last drop from my fingers. “Because you taste like simple syrup – like you can make fucking honey between these thighs.”

  My hands reached under, grabbing her ass, as my mouth went in for the kill.

  Sweeter than honey.

  She thrashed underneath me as I ate her like there was no fucking tomorrow. I bit and sucked on her clit like she’d wronged me and this was how I made her pay. Only when I heard her sobbing my name did I push three fingers inside of her and let her come like a fucking hurricane around me. Her orgasm was so strong, my cock almost exploded in solidarity.

  I lapped her gently for another few minutes, letting my fingers tell me when she’d finally come all the way down. I savored every taste of her, unsure if this was going to happen again or not, before I finally pulled my mouth back.

  “Unforgettable,” I murmured, standing.

  Flushed, sated, eyes glassy. Total fucking success story as far as orgasms went. I’d pleasured a lot of women the same way, but it had never been like this.

  “You should get some sleep and I should go,” I said roughly. I needed to stick my dick in the snow and hope that frostbite could cure the erection I had going on right now.

  With a strength she didn’t look like she possessed a minute ago, she pushed up onto her elbows. I saw in her eyes how the motion made her lightheaded.

  “Emmett, I don’t want—“

  “Sorry, Sunshine. I told you, I can’t stay.”

  “What I was going to say,” she began angrily, “was that I don’t want you to go with that.” I didn’t have to look. My pants were still half-undone because there was no way I could fully zipper them over what was going on down there right now.

  “I’ll deal with it later.”


  “Ally,” I bit out, my unresolved need making me more irritable than my normal asshole. “I told you, I’m not fucking you. And now that I’ve tasted the fucking drug that you brew in that sweet little pussy of yours, if I touch you again, not only will I end up fucking you but probably to the point of impregnating you because I don’t have protection and I will go more than once.”

  Every time I tried to shock her into submission, she only came back harder – and far deadlier at me. And I was the fool who kept stepping back into the ring, waiting to be knocked out again.

  What a sight. Her glowering stare even while her tits were still pointing at me and her sex still glistening from my mouth. “Or you could stop talking and instead, just let me watch you as you pleasure yourself… onto me.”

  Fucking hell.

  The damn thing in my pants jumped at her suggestion, reminding me that I would be doing this alone later, without the ability to come all over the woman I would be thinking about.

  “I’ll be fine.” My own body revolted against me.

  She smirked at me – the same damn smirk that I sent her every time I knew I’d won. Dammit. “No you won’t.” She sat up a little more. “Now, let me watch you.”

  I swore, ripping my throbbing cock from its cage as I stepped as close to her and the bed as I dared. My teeth ground together as I grabbed the hard length tightly in my fist, staring at her face the entire time. Those wide eyes told me no one had jacked off in front of her before – the thought brought me close. Her tongue darted out and licked her lips and a groan rose out of my chest remembering the feel of that tongue as she sucked me.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked, her eyes watching my hand move. Christ. Did she not know? How could she not fucking know? “Tell me,” she begged.

  “You,” I ground out, my fist pumping faster. “Kissing you. Sucking on those nipples that are begging for it.” I was so close… “Eating you again until the only name you know is mine.” I felt the first hint of my orgasm push through me. My hand was moving so fast I was surprised I didn’t rip the damn thing off. Finally, I tore my gaze from hers, looking down at my swollen cock, aimed in the center of her chest, between her rapidly rising breasts.

  “And then… shoving my dick so far inside of you…” I was losing it, “fucking you…” My balls tightened and I groaned, “until you’re… on the edge… of splitting in two.” The last words unintelligible as my climax ripped through me, jets of white-hot cum crashing onto her chest, running like a river down over her flat stomach to pool at the bottom.

  My eyes fought to close, but instead, I watched her as she watched me come. It had turned her on. And that turned me on even more – that was what sent me over.

  I was the King of the Mountain, but she… she was the slippery slope leading from the top down to my ruin.

  “That was…” She trailed off.

  “A first?” Groaning, I released myself, reaching for the towel that she’d dropped onto the floor.

  “That, too.”

  I didn’t bother to wipe myself. Instead, I knelt and carefully ran the towel over her, wiping all trace of my darkness off of her.

  “I want that list…” she murmured, in a daze as I carefully cleaned her.

  “What list?” My eyes met hers.

  “The one you just told me.” Meaning the one of the thousand and one ways I wanted to fuck her… and corrupt her.

  I stepped away from temptation and the bed, quickly wiping myself before fastening my jeans.

  “Go to sleep, Sunshine. And enjoy your day off tomorrow. Your body is going to need it.”

  She pulled back the covers and slid in naked. Did she always sleep nude?

  If she slept with me, I wouldn’t allow anything else.

  “Will I see you?”

  Dammit. “Maybe.” I walked over to the door, taking the towel with me to drop off in the laundry room. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Emmett.”

  Chapter 16


  I hate the way I can’t stop thinking about him.

  “Hey, mom,” I replied when sh
e picked up the phone call.

  I mixed the veggies in the fry pan, hearing them sizzle in the oil. It was almost eleven and I’d just made it downstairs to cook up some breakfast.

  “Ally! Sweetheart! Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice. Dad and I miss you guys!” I hadn’t spoken to either of my parents for probably a few weeks. They’d called as soon as they got home from their winter vacation in Europe – the reason we hadn’t seen them at Christmas – but then were probably busy getting settled back into their routine.

  “How was Europe?”

  “Oh, amazing! I wish you three could have come, but I know… competitions and all.” It wasn’t the first time we’d spent the holidays apart, but it was the one that had hit the hardest, especially because Chance had been gone and our parents thought he was just on some remote mountain training; none of us – him included – had told them he wouldn’t be able to ride competitively anymore. Maybe because we didn’t know it for certain, although it was highly unlikely otherwise. “So, what is my baby girl doing for her big birthday next weekend?”

  “Ahh…” I poured the egg whites into the pan, “I’m not sure yet. Jessa and Tammy are planning something.”

  “Jessa… now, why does that name sound familiar?” I winced. Had I not mentioned Jessa before?

  I loved my parents. I did. But after last year, it seemed that all they tried to do was coddle me – suffocate me in my sadness over Dylan – even after all this time. Why couldn’t they pretend I was ok just like I was trying to do? It was a lesser reason why I’d asked my siblings if I could move out here with them.

  “She went to school with us.”

  “Oh… ok. I feel like there is something else…”

  “What’s dad up to?” Time to deflect.

  “Oh, out golfing. He didn’t get much time on the course while we were away, so he’s been trying to make up for it.”

  “Yeah?” I dumped my omelet into my plate and hobbled over to the counter.

  “I can’t believe your sister left right before your birthday. That girl… Oh! Do you think he’s going to propose? I can’t wait to meet him.”


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