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by Nell Henderson

  Bind Me Tight

  Part 1

  Insatiable Need


  Nell Henderson

  Copyright – Nell Henderson 2012

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, some places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  Jessica was driving far too fast along the narrow country lanes but she was late. Late, nervous and very flustered and the new high heel shoes she had on her feet kept slipping off the pedals. All this haste and anxiety because Darren had had decided tonight was the night she met his parents. But why did it have to be a week night and why couldn’t they have met at a restaurant in town and not out here in the middle of nowhere?

  “They’ve insisted, Jess,” he’d told her excitedly. His face had been glowing with excitement. He’d wanted his parents to meet her for ages now – it would embed her in their minds and help to make them see that he was serious about the girl.

  “They want to buy us dinner at some award winning place out in the sticks. And they seem genuinely interested in our plans for the future. So make an effort and please, please be on time,” he’d remonstrated with her knowing that punctuality wasn’t her best attribute.

  Jessica shook her head and peering through the windscreen at the dark sky and black road in front of her growled with frustration. She was never going to make it on time – not now.

  But she had tried, of course she had. She didn’t do this sort of thing deliberately and she knew how important it was to Darren. But at the last minute her cat, Mog, had returned home with a gashed paw, thrown up and covered the dress she’d bought specially for the occasion in blood and vomit. So with having to find something else to wear, change and placate the cat she was late. But there was no way Darren would understand any of that – he’d just be mad and think she’d done it on purpose.

  Jessica rounded another bend and could see the blaze of light from the country pub in the valley below – nearly there - only minutes now and she could relax. She hurled the small sports car left at the next junction a little too fast. The car swerved sharply and before she could regain control she saw it but it was far too late. There was something in the road just in front of her, a shape, large with flashing lights – another car. Jessica immediately slammed on the brakes and slithered to a halt. She skidded forward clutching the steering wheel tight and bracing herself for the impact and then it happened – a sharp jolt and the sickening crunch of metal on metal.

  What had she done? What had possessed her to drive along these unfamiliar roads like a lunatic? It was dark and she’d gone at breakneck speed with no thought of the danger. She’d never make it now – she could hear footsteps, someone was coming towards her – now there’d be paperwork, profuse apologies and police. Oh God, she thought beginning to shake – how do I get out of this?

  “Are you hurt,” a deep, male voice asked through her cars half open window?

  “I don’t know,” Jessica replied shaking her head at the tall figure opening the door of her car. “But I’m probably fine – shaken up that’s all.”

  “I’m not surprised,” he agreed scornfully. “Come and take a look at the damage you’ve done,” he instructed taking her arm and helping her to her feet.

  He was big and strong and effortlessly lifted her out and pulled her through the inky darkness to his car. The damage to his vehicle was extensive and illuminated in all its glory by what was left of the bright head lights of her own vehicle.

  Jessica’s heart hammered in her chest. God this was awful – this was no cheap, run of the mill motor she’d smashed into. This was a top of range expensive limo and she’d practically destroyed its rear end. She looked up at the owner, he was young, expensively dressed – money, she thought. This one is wealthy so he’ll have lawyers to call on and they’ll take her to the cleaners.

  “You don’t do things by halves – do you,” he noted dryly? “The damage will run into thousands – what do have to say about that?”

  Jessica swept her long, dark hair off her face and sobbed. This was a mess – his car was a mess and she was to blame.

  “I’m sorry,” she stuttered looking up into his face for the first time. “I’ll give you my insurance details,” she mumbled wiping a tear from her cheek. “I didn’t see you and I was late. I’ve not travelled this way before and Darren will be waiting and he won’t understand,” she sobbed again and took the hankie he offered her.

  She wasn’t the only one delayed tonight. But he couldn’t be too hard on her she was obviously shaken up and emotional. He sighed and looked down at the dishevelled girl. Despite the tears, the smeared make up and the half light he could see that she really was quite something to look at. Long, dark hair swept across her shoulders like a glossy curtain and she had a superb figure. He particularly liked her breasts - they were shown off to advantage by the low cut dress she was wearing. And they were large – they’d be wonderful to cup in his hands – to knead hard while she lay naked and much more. And probably because of all the shock and emotion, he could see both her nipples showing erect and taut through the flimsy fabric. Nipples to have fun with he thought watching them move as she did. How would she react if she knew what was on his mind, he wondered licking his full lips, loosening her arm and letting his hand slide to her waist?

  “Insurance details – is that all you can offer me,” he asked? “Weeks of waiting for assessors and for the corporate wheels to grind around before they finally pay out.” He shook his head. “OK get them and I’ll have a look.”

  His tone was softer now – sexy even - and his arm is around your waist.

  Reluctantly Jessica wriggled free of him and retrieved her documents from the glove box of her car.

  “I had a bit of a bump a couple of months ago – nothing major you understand so it should be fine.”

  “And they paid out?”

  “Well yes, off course – isn’t that what we pay premiums for.”

  “And the premiums you pay – what do you imagine will happen to those after this?”

  “That’s my problem, not yours so for now let’s just get this sorted out,” she told him while flicking through a folder of paperwork.

  “Here you are everything you should want,” she said handing him a document. “Please – just get what details you need to claim for the repairs and then we can wind this up,” she said glancing at her watch. The time was rolling by and she could only imagine the state Darren would be in by now. Perhaps she should ring him.

  “You won’t get a signal out here,” the man confirmed watching her retrieve her cell phone from her bag while studying the policy.

  “Darren will kill me,” she moaned. “I’m supposed to be meeting his parents tonight – down there,” she said pointing to the lights in the valley below,

  “I think we have a problem, Miss Hall,” he decided after re-checking the paper, copying down her name and address and then handing it back to her. “You see, this policy expired three weeks ago.”

  “What,” she gasped. “That can’t be right – they didn’t contact me,” she replied and then groaned and closed her eyes. “Oh God – I’ve moved haven’t I – and I forget to tell them. What am I going to do,” she wailed. “There’s no way I can afford to pay for the damage myself,” Jessica told him with another sob. Tonight was just getting worse and worse

  “In that case we’ll have to find another solution,” he suggested smoothly.

  Jessica sobbed again and looked up at him. She’d no idea what sort of solution he was talking about but he didn’t seem to be as angry a
bout the accident as he should be and that was odd.

  “Well whatever we do we can’t stand out here all night. I’ll push your car onto the grass verge and give you a lift. If you want I’ll have your car towed in along with mine tomorrow sometime,” he offered.

  For the first time he smiled at her. Jessica nodded her agreement and watched as he effortlessly pushed her small car to the side.

  “Give me the keys,” he asked rubbing his hands together. “Now, our lift should be here any moment so in the meantime we can wait in my car,” he told her pointing to the passenger seat.

  Jessica didn’t argue and she sat down to wait for the lift he’d somehow managed to arrange and wondered just how she was going to sort this one.

  “Look what are you going to do – if it’s not going to be the insurance company then I have a problem?”

  “Yes, I’d say you’re right, Miss Hall. You’ve got one huge problem. Because I’m afraid – I do intend to make you pay.” Then seeing her horrified expression he smiled again. “But not in the way you think – I don’t want money, not a penny. In fact I’ll even get your car fixed with mine and I’ll pay for that too.”

  Jessica didn’t understand – why would he do this? Still she smiled back at him nervously, perhaps this was just what he was like. But it was freaky – if it wasn’t money then what did he want? The possibilities rattled around her brain for a few seconds before ending in a dark sizzle of excitement in the pit of her stomach.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure Darren knows someone who’ll do it cheap,” she assured him hastily.

  “No – I couldn’t allow that. I drive a very high end car and anyway that’s not what we agreed,” he replied firmly.

  But I didn’t actually agree to anything. I mean you haven’t said what you want yet,” she reminded him.

  “Don’t worry I will once I’ve thought about it, Miss Hall. But for now all you need to know is that you’ll pay by responding to a number of requests from me. All you have to do is be sure to follow my instructions to the letter. Do you understand?”

  Jessica nodded but she’d no idea what he was on about – requests – what did that mean? What was he going to request her to do?

  He lifted up her chin and gently dabbed the remaining streaks of mascara from her cheeks with a hankie. Now she looked at him – really looked at him and realised with a jolt of something weird down her spine just how gorgeous he was. He had dirty blond tousled hair, deep blue eyes, almost navy in fact - the moodiest looking eyes she’d ever seen. And as her appraisal of him continued each touch of his fingers sent a tease of something hot down her spine. He was young, handsome and obviously rich – his clothes, his car and the gold watch on his wrist told her that. Despite Darren waiting patiently somewhere for her this was a man she could like – and like a lot.

  “Will I see you again?” She asked tentatively knowing now that she’d really wanted to.

  “Oh yes, Miss Hall you will indeed. He smiled – a little smile then pursed those luscious, full lips. “Quite soon too I think.” Then he handed her the hankie and she put it in her bag.

  Jessica shivered with anticipation, the sizzle was back and she couldn’t drag her eyes from his mouth. For one wild moment she imagined what it would be like to feel them giving very close attention to her most intimate place then blushed scarlet at the image in her mind. What on earth was going on?

  Chapter 2

  Jessica had to take the following day off work. She was still shaken up and reeling from the way Darren had laid in to her once she finally got to the restaurant. He’d shouted – he’d called her all sorts of names and in front of his parents and everyone else too. Then he’d arranged for a taxi to take her home saying that she looked too untidy and messed up to stay. Well she’d known that but she’d expected more concern, some sympathy for what had just happened to her?

  And the stranger she’d crashed into - he hadn’t waited. An equally large, posh limo as the one she’d wrecked had pulled up and she was whisked swiftly off to Darren’s side.

  All in all an emotional and disturbing evening and that was without all the mystery surrounding him – the enigmatic dream of a man whose car she’d hit. He hadn’t even told her his name – nothing. So Jessica realised, miserably, half way through the night that she couldn’t contact him even if she wanted to. And that’s what had made her get up – roam around her flat – drink coffee and pray with all her heart that he kept his word and sent her one of those requests he’d promised. Whatever they might be.

  But there was nothing. Nothing in the post and no email – because he would have that too – so what was she going to do? She was haunted – by his smile – his attitude – his entire being and by the end of that week she quite literally desperate to see him again.

  “Miss Hall,” a gruff female voice asked from behind her as she fought with the bandage around Mog’s foot in her doorway.

  “Yes, that’s me,” she said turning and momentarily releasing the cat who instantly bolted. “Daft cat,” she hissed after him. “I only want to dress his leg.”

  “I’ve to give you this,” the woman said looking at Jessica down her nose. “You are to follow the instructions to the letter – is that understood?”

  Jessica smiled and nodded – at last, this was it – this was from him. – it had to be The woman, who Jessica now noticed was dressed in a chauffer’s uniform, nodded and left.

  Jessica examined the blue coloured envelope and carefully tore it open. A letter full of simple instructions and all written in beautiful handwriting and signed at the bottom ‘Justin’. Jessica’s heart missed a beat and the same jolt of electric pleasure she’d felt on that night shot down her spine. He wanted to see her and he was called Justin.

  But his instructions were odd. She was to go to a very up market lingerie store and pick up stuff he’d ordered and paid for. She was to bathe, shave off all her body hair – and he’d underlined the all - that bit made her shiver as she considered why. Finally she was wear the underwear he’d bought her all that day before meeting him in the evening – and all this tomorrow, she read with a smile.

  More questions – more mystery – why did he want things to be like this – why more of the freaky stuff? The underwear and the shaving could mean only one thing – sex. But there was no way Jessica was going to refuse him anything even if it did mean sleeping with him. So she did as instructed. She picked up the lingerie, a set of beautiful flimsy cream, silk panties and matching bra – and a perfect fit. How had he known? Simple – she told herself because he obviously took more notice of you than you’d thought.

  She bathed that morning and shaved – and as he’d seemed so insistent - even her most intimate place and this wasn’t something she usually did. Then she put on the underwear. The bra was low slung and showed off her ample cleavage and the silk panties fitted tight across her hips and very snugly between her legs. They were beautiful and she felt wonderful in them. Wonderful and wanted and tonight she’d see Justin – and perhaps, very soon, her Justin.

  Her excitement built as the day wore on. The underwear, it had to be so important because he intended to undress her – to make love to her? The idea brought on more of the shivers and she felt the familiar slick heat deep inside her sex. She tingled there each time she thought of him and it felt just glorious – she couldn’t wait.

  A taxi picked her up and took her to a restaurant in town. She was led to a private room where a table had been laid for two and a bottle of champagne sat on the table nicely chilling in a bucket of ice,

  “Miss Hall,” he greeted her pleasantly. “You’re on time – good.”

  His blue eyes raked her body lingering on her breasts and her legs. Jessica was nervous, he made her nervous – standing there staring at her while looking so damned hot in a dark suit that fitted so well it must have been hand made for him.

  “I’m not always late, you know,” she prickled back completely belying her true feelings.

  He smirked and held out his hand to her.

  “Come here,” he ordered softly. “Let me take a good look at you.”

  Jessica walked forward slowly, God he was just so delicious – juicy Justin – she thought to herself and suddenly giggled.

  “Do I amuse you, Miss Hall,” he asked raising an eyebrow and taking her arm. “Because I can amuse, I can amuse beautifully given the right setting,” he whispered going in close to her face. “You do remember why we’re here, don’t you,” he asked? “And you have done exactly as I requested,” he added rubbing the bare skin of her arm and leaving a fiery trail behind his finger tips.


  “You’re sure – everything?” He intoned knowingly.

  Jessica nodded - her mouth was too dry to speak but he meant the underwear and the shaving – she knew he did. His hand was on her thigh over the fabric of her dress. Why did he have to be so damn hot?

  “Good – because I always punish any disobedience harshly,” he rubbed her arm again and leaned in close. “But then you might enjoy that, Miss Hall – what do you think?”

  The truth was Jessica couldn’t think. The tingling had started again and was driving her wild. The suggestions, the innuendo – the idea of him punishing her – what was that all about? It was just too much.

  “Now remove your panties and give them to me,” he told her in a tone low and very sexy and then he smirked again as her big brown eyes widened with shock at his request.

  “Yes, I know – dreadful isn’t it. Me – a virtual stranger asking for your panties. But on the other hand – would you rather pay for the car repairs?” He thought for a moment. “I don’t think so – this is far easier and, of course, be careful not to upset me – remember our deal and remember what I said about punishment. So give them to me now Miss Hall – at once.”

  This was totally unexpected, what on earth did he want her panties for? True he’d bought them for her – but to want them back and like this when she’d been wearing them all day. Jessica wanted to run – this man was strange but gazing up into his beautiful face she knew she couldn’t, he wouldn’t let her. She didn’t have any choice the look on his face told her that so she dipped down slightly and slipped them from her hips. They were so tight they’d been like a second skin since she’d bathed this morning and she’d got all wet and bothered earlier thinking about him. They were probably stained she realised with horror and blushed as she gripped them in her small hand and tried not to think about what he’d do with them.


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