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The Right One

Page 12

by Ariadne Wayne

  She just stared at me. “When?”

  “When we were at university. Before he even met you. We took a class together and one day we had a bit to drink …”

  “All this time you two were, what? Laughing behind my back? Oh ha ha, Katya doesn’t know.”

  I shook my head. “No. It was never like that. Hell, in all the time you two have been a couple, he’s never mentioned it to me.”

  She leaned over me. “Well, screw you. I thought you were my friend. Instead you’re keeping dirty secrets.”

  What was left of her wine splashed my face. She’d drunk most of the glass, so there wasn’t very much, but it was what triggered her actions that hurt. All this time I’d managed to keep quiet, not upset her. Even when she drove me nuts with her holier-than-thou crap, I’d respected and loved her enough to not hurt her with something that was a non-event.

  What have I done?

  * * *

  The sky continued to darken, and I sat in the dim light of the marquee, not knowing what to do. I dabbed at my face with a napkin, even though the wine had long since dried.

  Mum appeared out of nowhere, grabbing my arm. “Sweetheart, do you know where your father is? I’m a bit tired and he said he’d take me home when I wanted to go.”

  “Haven’t seen him, Mum.”

  “Can you take me?”

  She must have been completely unaware of my intoxication, and even I noticed I was slurring words.

  “I can’t, Mum. I’ve had too much. Want me to see if I can find Dad? You sit down and I’ll go for a look.”

  She nodded, sitting at the table. “If I can’t find him, I’ll sort you out a taxi. Okay?”

  I moved away, looking around. Alexander stood by the door, his fiancée nowhere in sight. “Hey, have you seen my dad? Mum wants to go home.”

  “I think I saw him inside a while ago. Talking to Katya’s dad.”

  Making my way inside, I spotted Katya’s father deep in conversation with some woman I didn’t know. No sign of my father. I scoured the room, but he was nowhere to be found. “Where the hell are you?” I muttered under my breath.

  Turning to go back outside, I nearly collided with Clarissa. Oh joy.

  “Rebecca. I’m so sorry.” The way she said it sounded like she was one of those snakes speaking in Harry Potter, hissing the S at me. I didn’t have time for her crap.

  “Nothing to be sorry about. I’m just looking for someone.”

  “Maybe I can help.” I looked at her sideways. This was the woman who had been all pissy about me being here, but now she was being helpful?

  “I’m looking for my father. Mum wants to go home, but I can’t find him to take her.”

  She smiled, a sly smile that sent shivers up my spine. I didn’t know what it was about her, but I trusted her about as far as I could throw her.

  “Oh. I saw him heading that way.” She pointed toward a corridor with rooms either side. Maybe he was looking for a toilet. Who knew.

  I made my way down the corridor, trying the doors. There was either no one in them, or they were locked, and no sign of a bathroom down there.

  There was one more room, right at the end and I placed my hand on the door handle, tapping as I turned and pushed it open.

  There was my dad, balls’ deep in Nicola. Her hand was fisted, and she bit down on it, muffling her cries as he pushed her up against the wall.

  “I don’t think I can actually take any more today,” I said.

  With a resounding bang, Dad stepped back, dropping Nicola, and she fell to the floor.


  “I came to see if you were ready to take Mum home, but I can see you’re busy.”

  I just couldn’t deal with it, my head already swimming from Katya knowing one of my dirty secrets. Now I had to deal with knowing Dad’s. And Nicola? Since when had she been screwing my father?

  He zipped up his pants, put up his hands, palms visible, and nodded. “Now, darling, it’s not what it looks like.”

  Why do people say that? Why do they even bother? It very clearly was what it looked like.

  “Well, it looked like you had your penis in my friend. Which if I wasn’t drunk I might be a bit more upset about, but I’m beginning to think this kind of thing is par for the course today,” I said, flatly.

  Nicola picked herself up, pulling up her panties.

  “Dad. Just do up your pants. And tell me if you can take Mum home or not, because the last thing I want is her getting drunk now. If you’re busy, I’ll organise a taxi.”

  He blinked, as if he was waking up from a daydream. “Uh, sure thing. I’ll be out in just a minute.”

  I turned, closing the door behind me. There was no way for me to even process this right now, so I went back outside, sitting with Mum until Dad came and took her away without a word.

  What a great night.

  Chapter Twenty

  I needed to get some fresh air. Most of the wedding guests were still in the marquee, so I went back outside and onto the veranda of the house.

  The sobs built inside me as I looked up at the sky. What a crappy night. One stupid off-the-cuff comment to Katya. She was far too smart for that to go unnoticed.

  I took a deep breath of fresh air. It was sweet with the jasmine that surrounded the balcony, and I held my hand across my face as I sneezed, wiping it on my dress.

  “Still ladylike, then.” An unmistakable voice came from behind and I sighed.

  “What do you want?”

  Alexander drew level, gripping the railing beside me.

  “I was just with Tim. And then I heard Katya found out about you and him. On today of all days. Are you okay?”

  “There was no me and Tim. You know that.”

  He nudged my shoulder with his. “Come on, Rebecca. There was for about thirty seconds.”

  I suppressed a smirk. “That might be funny if her finding out wasn’t such shitty timing. I never tried to hide it from her, I just always thought it better that she didn’t know.”

  The warmth of his arm around my shoulders felt good. Too good. I could close my eyes and pretend everything was how it was back when we were together. Before it all went to crap.


  I wriggled away from his grasp, and he gave me a half-hearted smile.

  “Sorry, old habits.”

  I shook my head. “That hasn’t been a habit for a long time. Think you’ll have to come up with some other excuse.”

  “Do I need an excuse to be a friend to you?”

  Our gazes were locked as I processed the words. It was difficult in my inebriated state.

  “I don’t think it’s a very good idea.”

  Footsteps coming closer broke our stare, and I turned my head to see Katya approaching. Even if she had a whole bottle of wine to throw at me I’d take that over this uncomfortable moment with Alexander.

  "Katya," I said, forlornly.

  “I’m sorry for being a jerk,” she said, the corners of her mouth twisting into an uneven smile.

  “I’m sorry I blew your husband,” I replied.

  She snorted. “I’m glad no one heard that and got the wrong idea.”

  “I’m right here.” Alexander waved at her.

  Katya rolled her eyes. “No one important.”

  “I didn’t want to keep anything from you. By the time I realised you two were going out, it was serious. You were so nauseatingly happy, and the last thing I wanted to do was throw some historical spanner in the works.”

  She laughed. “I was happy. Am happy.”

  “Tim wouldn’t have wanted to hurt you either. I think we both just figured it was best to forget it ever happened. That man freaking adores you.”

  Katya flung her arms around my neck, and I hugged her tight. “Love you,” I whispered.

  “Love you too, my crazy friend. Now to find you someone to love. Someone who's going to treat you like a princess.” She let go, giving a pointed look to Alexander.

I think I might have found someone. Only I don’t know yet. But I really hope so.”

  She pursed her lips, studying my face. “Spill the beans.”

  “Not now—not here. It’s your wedding day. Go and spend the night doing sexy stuff with your husband. Plenty of time for us to catch up later. Maybe I’ll know for sure by then and not just be having a drunken rant.”

  Katya hugged me one more time before kissing me on the cheek. “Good night. Get home and get some sleep. Lord knows you look like you need it. We'll be going soon.”

  With that she turned, and I sighed as she disappeared among the crowd. I didn’t look that bad, did I?

  The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end, and I just knew Alexander was still there. “Don’t you have a fiancée to go and find inside?” I asked.

  He drew level with me, gazing at me again with that intense stare I knew so well. The one that had gotten me into trouble in the first place.

  “I just wanted to say you look good. Really good.”

  I looked side to side, up and down, anywhere but into his eyes.

  “Thanks. You too.”

  “I mean it. You’re just glowing. I haven’t seen you like that in forever. It’s so good to see.”

  I gritted my teeth with no idea where this was heading. In those early days when we’d split up, I’d have given anything for him to say something like that, to give me a reason to forgive him and move on with out lives.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner sometime.”

  At that I cocked an eyebrow. I’d felt so alive since I’d started screwing around with Elliot and had realised just how dead the relationship with Alexander had been. Sure we’d had a lot of passion, but I hadn’t laughed as much as I had with Elliot in so long, literally crying with laughter at times. I felt safe and even if it wasn’t love, there was more affection in my relationship with Elliot than there had been with anyone else. I knew he genuinely cared about me.

  “Let’s just count all the reasons that’s a bad idea. Apart from the fact that you’re engaged.”

  “Rebecca, I know things went bad, but I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Everything happened so fast when we broke up and …”

  I took a deep breath, and attempted to flare my nostrils. With no idea if it worked, I interrupted him. “We didn’t break up; I kicked you out. After you and your dick went wandering. I’m not interested in dinner with you; I had dinner a million times with you. If you really gave two shits about my feelings, you would never have cheated on me.”

  He took a step back. When I was with him I wasn’t whole. Now I felt whole. Having people like Olivia and Elliot in my life had done that for me. I knew what true friendship was, and even love, and it wasn’t what was standing in front of me.

  “I never meant to hurt you,’ he said.

  “Well if that was your goal, maybe you should have kept it in your pants.”

  We stared each other down for a moment. “You know that drink you threw at me was damn cold. I had to replace the couch too. Fanta stains are hard to get out.” His lips twisted into a smile, and I couldn’t help but shake my head and laugh.

  “Good. You deserved it.”

  He grinned. “I’m sorry. I really thought I’d end up spending my life with you, but I did something stupid. I hope one day that you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  I shrugged.

  “What you said to Katya. Are you really seeing someone?” he asked.

  It was my turn to grin. “That would be none of your business. Goodnight Alexander.”

  As I made my way back through the crowd to the door, I looked around for my father, hoping that he hadn’t quite left yet. Maybe he could give me a lift home. No such luck.

  I had Corporate Taxis on speed dial, so pressed the button and waited for them to answer.

  “There’s an hour-long wait.” The call centre operator sounded bored.


  I sat out on the lawn at the front of the house, fiddling with my phone. I sent a text to Elliot.

  I miss you.

  The words made me sniff, and before long I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Not just for Elliot, but for Dad, for Katya, for Alexander. Everything at once piled on top of me and the stress came streaming out as I sat on the grass and wept.

  I dialled Olivia. She always made things better.

  “Rebecca?” She sounded concerned. Shit. It must be eleven pm by now. Late for her these days. “Rebecca, are you okay?”

  I hadn’t said anything, just sniffed and made bleating sounds from crying. What a loser.

  “I just wanted to hear a friendly voice,” I whispered.

  “Where are you? What’s going on?” Now the stress was clear in her voice. Just what she needed, me to stress her out.

  “I just … I think I’m in love with Elliot, and I caught my dad screwing Nicola, and Katya found out I gave Tim a blow job.”

  “Wait. You blew Tim? Her fiancé?”

  “They’re married now; it’s their wedding day. She found out on their damn wedding day because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.”

  A deep voice in the background told me Logan was hovering. Of course he was. The first hint that something was wrong and he’d be all over her.

  “Do you want me to come around? You sound so upset.”

  “I’m at the reception waiting for a taxi.”

  “Want me to come and get you?”

  I sniffed into the phone, not wanting to make her come out this late at night, but needing the comfort.

  “Where are you? Tell me where you are and I’ll come and get you.” The voice behind her rumbled. “Logan will come and get you.”

  “I’m at the Rose Gardens. You know, that big house they have wedding receptions in.” I was tired, slurring my words, and all I wanted to do now was sleep.

  She muttered in the background. “He can be there in about fifteen minutes. He’s on his way, and he’ll bring you here or take you home.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “That’s what I’m here for. We love you, Rebecca.”

  I clutched my phone to my chest as I hung up and took a deep breath. At least I could get home safe and sound and not have to wait around. My friends were amazing.

  A cool breeze caught my breath, and I inhaled deeply. It lulled me into a false sense of sobriety for just a moment, and the guilt at calling Olivia washed over me.

  She was probably exhausted with that small baby, and I’d called her to cry down the phone. I buried my face in my hands. What a mess I was; what a mess I’d always been.

  I tucked my knees up, and sat in a foetal position as I waited. Damn it, Logan would probably be cranky and I’d have to deal with him being pissed at me for upsetting Olivia.

  A car pulled up on the street nearby, rumbling beside me as someone got out. I was in my own little world, barely noticing when big hands landed on my arms, pulling me to my feet.

  Soft brown eyes took me in, full of sympathy. “Hey you,” Logan said. “Let’s get you out of here.”

  I flung my arms around his neck. “Thank you for coming. My car’s parked here, but I’m in no state to drive.”

  “You call us any time you need help,” he said.

  I shivered, and he held me at arm’s length to look at me. “Where’s your jacket?” he asked.

  “I didn’t think I’d be standing out on the street.”

  He laughed, slipping his from his shoulders and wrapping it around me. It was soft black leather, and so warm.

  “You’re such a cliché, Logan.”


  “Your big noisy car, black jeans, white singlet and black leather jacket.”

  He shrugged. “It’s just me.”

  “Don’t ever change,” I said.

  “Come on.” He took hold of my arm to lead me to the car when out of the driveway nearby, Alexander and his fiancée were making their way out of the complex.

  In the
dim light, I waved. I must have looked a sight. Only moments before I’d been in there alone. Now I was being led away by a six-foot-something tall hunk with big arm muscles and tattoos that were visible now his jacket was off. The nearby streetlamp gave off enough illumination that the little spot we were in was well lit, and I wasn’t about to waste this opportunity. I snuggled in tight against Logan, leaning my head on his shoulder.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Just play along for a minute.” I looked at him, trying to plead with my eyes. Besides, having him help me walk was a lot better than a drunken stumble to the car.

  He opened the door, holding my hand to steady me as I sat. Closing the door, he bent, rolling his eyes. “What am I playing along with?”

  “That’s my ex and his fiancée. Just one of the reasons I’m so screwed up tonight.”

  “So what are you trying to prove?”

  “That I’m not alone. I mean, I was there alone tonight.” I tilted my head. “But now I have you.”

  He laughed, that deep chuckle that resembled Elliot’s, making me miss Elliot even more. I sighed.

  “You smell amazing by the way. Do you and Olivia share soap or something? She always smells of coconut. I’ve never been close enough to you to smell you before.”

  To Logan’s credit, he suppressed most of the smile that swept his face. Being drunk and babbling always seemed to impress the boys.

  “Are you okay, Rebecca?”

  I nodded.

  “Don’t you dare vomit in my car.” With that he stood, walking around to the driver’s side and climbing in beside me.

  “Where are we going? Our place or yours?”

  “I just want to go home.” To my own bed, to recover for Elliot’s return. That was all that mattered now.

  The car roared to life, and I settled back in the car seat. We drove away from the train wreck that was my night.

  At least Katya was happy.

  It was a quiet ride home. All I wanted to do was sleep, and Logan didn’t ask me any further questions about the night. I guess he knew I’d catch up with Olivia in the next few days and he'd get all the gossip from her.


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