Book Read Free

Here's to Tomorrow

Page 12

by Teagan Hunter

  “Fair enough.”

  “Are you a reader, Hudson?”

  “Only at night. I’m more of a music person.”

  “Ah, yes. Our mutual love of Transit,” she smiles. “You ever see them live?”

  I scoff. “We live thirty minutes—at most—outside of Boston. Of course I’ve seen them live.”

  “I haven’t,” Rae confesses shyly.

  “No!” I gasp.

  She shakes her head. “It’s true. I’ve never seen them. I’ve always had to work when they play.”

  “We’re fixing that. There’s no way you can live a full, meaningful life if you haven’t seen a live show of theirs. It’s…amazing. The lead singer is so theatrical. I love it.”

  “You’re on,” she replies, her eyes lit up. They quickly dim. “However, I’m probably gonna have to bounce. I’ve got a hot date with Maura tomorrow before work and I’ve agreed to come in a few hours early.”

  I’m a little disappointed by this. Not because I was expecting her to stay over or anything, but because I’m truly enjoying myself with her.

  I frown. She frowns back.

  “What? Were you hoping for a sleepover? I know that my unquestionably amazing ability to quote Step Brothers is a huge turn on, but I don’t put out on the first date, Hudson.”

  “Well…technically it’s our second,” I tease.

  I get a good laugh out of that one.

  “Don’t push it, mister. It’s so not happening.”

  “Oh, sugar, if I wanted you to have a sleepover with me, you would,” I say, winking to let her know I was teasing back.

  Her mouth drops open. Gotcha.

  “Did you just fucking wink at me?” she says incredulously.

  Yeah, so not what I was expecting.

  “Uh…yes?” It comes out as a question because I’m not one hundred percent sure how that should be answered.

  “Winking isn’t really a thing, you know. They do that in the movies and romance novels, not real life.”

  “I’m sorry?” Again, a question.

  She shrugs. “It’s okay, but only because you look a little cute when you do it.”

  This girl is going to fucking kill me with her mouth.

  “So, you gonna walk me out or what?”

  I laugh and grab our bowls off the table, rinsing them out while she collects her things.

  I meet her at the door, slipping on my shoes. “After you, my lady.”

  “Thank you, kind sir. Such a gentleman.” She almost sounds like a real lady.

  As we make our way to her car, the internal struggle of whether or not kiss her begins.

  Should I? I’m sure she’s expecting it. I want to kiss her, but I don’t think it would be…appropriate. I’m not sure I deserve to kiss her yet. Actually, I know I don’t.

  She stops in front of her red sedan and turns toward me. Sticking her hands in her coat pockets, she rocks back on her heels. I mirror her pose.

  “I had a lot of fun tonight, Hudson. Thank you for dinner and ice cream.”

  “So did I. It’s not often that I get nights like these. I usually spend most evenings at my mom’s with Joey so this little…break…has been nice. Thank you for that. Can we…can we do this again sometime? Soon?”

  She nods and takes a small step forward that may or may not have been intentional.

  Of their own accord, my hands reach out and place themselves on her waist. My muscles move on their own and pull her close to me. A small gasp leaves her lips and she grabs on to my biceps. I swear I feel her squeeze them so I squeeze back, pulling her in even farther.

  I rest my forehead on hers and stare into her eyes. Even though it’s dark out and our bodies are casting shadows upon one another, her eyes are bright. Her small chest is moving a mile a minute, pressing tightly against mine.

  She’s totally turned on! Join the club.

  Our breaths mingle together as we continue to stare, our heartbeats falling into similar rhythms.

  Then carefully, and oh so slowly, I lean in, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. I continue to kiss a path along her jaw to her ear, lingering a little too long just under her lobe.

  “Goodnight, Rae,” I whisper.

  Letting her go, I turn around, shove my hands in my pockets, and head back to my apartment, fighting the entire way with myself.

  I almost turn back. Twice.


  I have to catch myself on my car since my knees stop working like knees should.

  What in the actual fuck just happened?

  I just experienced the most intimate and sensual kiss I’ve ever received in my entire life. And it was on the fucking cheek!

  Truth be told, I’m not even mad he didn’t kiss me for real. Because that kiss? That was incredible.

  Do I want to feel his lips on mine? Of course. Who in their right mind wouldn’t? But I’m okay with waiting, especially if his cheek-kisses do that to me.

  This man…he’s doing something to me. And I don’t mind one bit.

  “Hey, you’re back!”

  I scream. “Holy fuck! You scared the shit out of me, Hales!”

  I flip a light on. She’s curled up on the couch in those damn lime-green sweats again with all the lights off, reading on her Kindle.

  “Sorry, Rae,” she says in a way that tells me she really isn’t. “How’d it go? Did you get you some?”

  I laugh and flop down happily on the other end of the couch. “You really think I’m gonna put out on our first real date?”

  She shrugs. “I would.”

  My turn to shrug. “True. But…that’s not me. I did get kissed, though.”

  “WHAT! Details!” she screeches. So I recount the best kiss I’ve ever gotten.

  She’s got this look on her face that says I’m officially crazy.

  “He kissed you on the cheek and you’re happy about this?”

  I nod. “I am. Extremely happy.”

  “What! You’re fucking high!” She’s suddenly off the couch.

  I laugh hard because she totally just quoted Step Brothers unintentionally.

  “Why are you laughing? Is this a joke, Rae?” she says in a motherly tone, her hands finding her hips.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You just quoted Step Brothers and it’s funny because that’s actually the movie we watched tonight.” Her face screws up. “Hey, lady! Don’t knock it until you’ve actually stayed awake through it,” I scold.

  “Whatever. That’s not even the point of this. The cheek, Rae! You’re happy over a cheek-kiss on what is actually kind of your third date. You two should have already rounded third base by now! Your next date is home, Rae. HOME BASE!”

  She’s way off track. That’s not even close to what this is about. Everything about Hudson is…more.

  “Haley,” I say seriously, looking her directly in the eyes. She knows my eye thing too. “It’s more than that. So much more. I know we’ve only been on one real date, but I can tell he’s something special. And I like him. A lot. So I’m perfectly okay with a cheek-kiss.”

  A look of understanding falls over her face. She sits back down.

  “Wow.” That’s all that comes out.

  “Yeah, wow.”

  She looks at me with worry. “Please be careful, Rae. That’s all I’m going to say. Well, that and keep an open mind. I know how you can get.”

  I nod and get up. “I’m heading to bed. I’ve got a date with our favorite blonde-haired babe tomorrow. Night, Hales.”

  “Night, Rae-Rae.”

  I make my way into my bedroom and close the door behind me. Taking off my shoes, I throw myself onto the bed with a smile plastered on my face.

  I know that Haley is right, that I need to keep an open mind but be cautious. I can’t blame her for being worried.

  My feelings…they’re escalating. Quickly. And I can’t help it. Every time I see Hudson, everything just clicks. He gives me this weird inner peace that I had no idea I was missing. Well, I had an inkling of an i
dea but I guess I just never knew it was that bad until I found whatever it was that was missing: Hudson.

  Is it crazy how he makes me feel even though I’ve only known him for less than a month? Hell. Yes. That’s just nuts. I honestly can’t explain it, though. I just feel like he…belongs. In my present, my future, my heart. Everything. He feels so right.

  My eyes grow heavy with sleep. I’m almost pulled under the blanket of sleep when something briefly runs through my head.

  Who’s Joey?

  “So, how’s it going with Tanner?”

  Maura sighs. I can’t decide if it was her cheeseburger she just took a bite of or thinking of Tanner that caused it. We’re currently sitting at Vern’s, a local diner with the best root beer floats ever, having cheeseburgers and gossiping about life.

  “He’s amazing,” she says around a mouthful of food. I’m guessing it was Tanner.

  “Really?” I have to ask because the guy kind of seems like a total sleazeball.

  “Really, really. He’s so damn sweet, Rae. He’s funny and goofy and incredibly hot,” she says, fanning herself. “Like really hot. He’s got an eight-pack. Like a legit eight-pack.”

  “Of beer? I thought those only came in six- or twelve-packs. Weird.”

  She throws a fry at me. “Har, har. Very funny, you brat.” Naturally, I eat the fry she just threw. “I mean it. I know he comes off a just another ‘bro’ but he’s so not.”

  I look her in the eyes.

  “You mean that.” It’s not a question. She just nods. “Well…good. I’m glad,” I tell her.

  And I really am. I was really worried that the Tanner that I’ve seen is the same Tanner when no one is around. I had hoped not, but if I’m being honest, it wouldn’t have surprised me in the least if he were.

  “We’ve got another date this weekend,” she says quietly.

  At first, I don’t really understand her sudden shyness. Then it hits me.

  This weekend is a “Maura plays at perfect daughter with her parents in the city” weekend. That means if they have a date this weekend, Tanner’s gonna meet the evil parents.

  Maura’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doughers, are assholes. Both of them. The girl didn’t even get lucky enough to have one of them be just a part-time asshole. Instead she got two full-time horrendous parents and one cool as hell aunt that used to have to sneak the poor girl off for a day at the mall. She got lucky in the physical abuse department—there was none of that. Nope, instead they mentally tear her down, calling her names, questioning and correcting every little thing she does. It’s disgusting. The things they’ve said to her just baffle me.

  I have no idea how Maura is the way she is—strong, confident, carefree. There’s no way I would’ve been able to put up with those two like she did all those years—or one weekend a month like she does now.

  “No. No fucking way,” I say seriously.

  She nods. “Way.”

  I clear my throat. “Don’t you think that’s…?”

  I’m not trying to be a bitch or judge her because I have no room to do that—not when I’m in so deep with Hudson. I’m just genuinely concerned for her. Her parents are crazy for Cocoa Puffs and they will eat Tanner alive.

  “I slept with him, Rae.”

  There’s no way my sweet, quiet, innocent Maura slept with Tanner already. She’s gotta be fucking with me.

  “Good one. Pay back for the eight-pack joke.”

  She sits quietly opposite me, a look of unease on her face. Her eyes are flitting about the diner and that can only mean one of two things: she’s fucking with me, or she’s embarrassed about it.

  Holy. Shit. She slept with Tanner!

  Even though Maura’s been dating this past year for the first time, she’s still—or apparently was—a virgin. On top of her parents being the captains of the crazy train, she was very sheltered.

  She came close to something serious and having sex with her last boyfriend, Aaron, but discovered his ass— literally—mid-cheat. It wasn’t pretty.

  I’m a little shocked that she had sex with Tanner so soon. They’ve only really been together for a little over a week, but who am I to judge her? No one.

  “Well, was it good?” I ask with a smile.

  She covers her face with her hands and falls into a fit of laughter. I join her.

  “It was awkward at first for me, and it hurt, but I liked it. He was really sweet about the whole thing,” she beams. Her face grows serious. “You think I’m a total slut, don’t you?”

  “What? No! Everyone has needs, Maura. There’s no right or wrong amount of time to wait to sleep with someone. Only you will know when you’re ready. I trust your judgment.”

  She exhales strongly and looks me directly in the eyes. “I really like him, Rae. Like, really like him.”

  I get it, I really do. Because I like Hudson. Like, really like him. And I know it’s way more than I probably should, but that’s not really something that can be helped.

  “How long is he home for?” I ask because I’m a little worried. I know he will eventually leave and Maura seems a little…attached.

  She frowns. “Just another few weeks or so. Apparently he had a lot of leave time saved up.”

  I wince. “That’s it? Then what happens?”

  “Then he goes back to his base.”


  “And hopefully we continue our relationship long distance. Or we split. I’m hoping for the first option, though.”

  I am too. I know Maura and I can tell she’s getting pretty attached to Tanner. I don’t think I can stand to witness her breakdown if things don’t work out because I think that’s what would happen. So I’m strongly rooting for them to stay together.

  “It’ll all work out. If it’s meant to be, it will happen,” Maura says confidently.


  “Your confidence in me is inspiring. Thank you.”

  I laugh because oddly enough, she means what she just said. My “word” is my word. It’s kind of my agreement of all agreements. At least with Maura.

  “And what about you? Didn’t you have a date last night? Are you two engaged yet? When’s the wedding? Dibs on Maid of Honor!”

  I smile. She has no idea how close she just hit with what went on last night.

  “No, we’re not. We’ve decided to wait until at least the third date for any more proposals. It was getting way out of hand.”

  “And?” she prompts.

  “It was fan-freakin’-tastic. Completely perfect. He’s completely perfect. We watched Step Brothers, ate pizza, had ice cream, and then wild monkey sex right there on the kitchen table.”

  “SHUT UP! YOU DID NOT!” She’s way too excited about that.

  “You’re right. We didn’t. Your slut title is still safe.”

  “Bitch,” she says, sticking her tongue out at me.

  “And you still love me. Really though, it was easily the best date I’ve ever been on. He was sweet, funny, inquisitive, sexy as sin. The whole package.”

  “Good. It’s about damn time you were happy. I think you’ve found your match in Hudson.”

  Oh, man, do I hope she’s right.

  I toss the fry I’ve been holding for the past few minutes back down onto my plate and push it away. “Alright, I’m officially stuffed,” I say, slouching down and resting my hands on my slightly soft stomach. “What’s next? You said you wanted to hit up Jane’s on Main. Wanna go there?”

  “Please. I need to find me some new old boots to go with my new sweater dress.” Ever the fashionista.

  “Let’s get going then. I’m gonna try to sneak in a few hours with the Winchesters before work tonight.”

  Maura rolls her eyes. “I don’t see the appeal in those two.”

  “Watch your tongue, woman! I’ll make you walk to the store,” I say, shooting daggers at her.

  She shrugs, completely unfazed by my threat.

  Turns out we both walk anyway, deciding we need the exercise after devou
ring those burgers, fries, and floats.

  “Hey, girls!” Jane, the tall brunette boutique owner calls out when we walk in.

  “Hey, Jane!” we say in unison.

  We may come here a little too much. Okay, fine. Probably over half of our wardrobes come from here. In fact, we’re here so often, it’s safe to say that Jane is like our unofficial fairy godmother. Sure, she’s only a couple years older than us, but we go to her for everything. Actually, we come to Jane’s on Main any time something happens in our lives and we just need to cope with things. Sometimes we walk in looking for something specific and sometimes I swear we just come to walk around and chit-chat with Jane since she gives the best advice ever.

  This visit is a mix of the two.

  “Looking for anything specific today, Maura?” Jane knows what’s up. She gets that Maura’s the fashion-lover out of the two of us.

  “Boots. I need cute boots. Rocker chic. Got anything?”

  Jane throws her a look saying she should know better than to question her. “Follow me.”

  We follow her over to a rack full of adorable boots. Maura squeals and starts grabbing some to try on. I walk away and browse through the vintage tees and funky cardigans.

  “So, this weekend. Are you nervous at all?” I ask loudly so Maura can hear me, obviously not caring if Jane hears us. I know she’d never breathe a word of any of it.

  “Are you kidding? Hell fucking yes I’m nervous! You’ve met my parents. They’re crazy as hell! I think they may respect Tanner for his service, but I doubt that’s going to be enough. I kind of feel bad for him, but he’s the one who insists on meeting them since he’ll be gone soon.”

  “Really? That kind of surprises me. Tanner definitely doesn’t seem to be the ‘meet the parents’ type of guy.”

  “Ya know, I didn’t expect that at first either. He comes off as this good-time guy who is kind of an asshole. And he seems sleazy; even I can’t deny that. But he’s not. Like I said before, I think it’s just a front he puts on around everyone else. That guy is nothing but a total sweetheart to me.”

  I got that feeling about Tanner, too. I think a lot of it is an act. I just kind of wish I knew why.

  “I can’t even imagine how your parents are going to react. This is the first guy you’ve ever introduced them to. You didn’t even take what’s-his-nuts home for the weekend.”


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