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Broken Angel

Page 5

by Amanda Jones

  “That’s it. You can do it, B. Now open your eyes. Open your eyes and look at me,” she whispered softly.

  B opened his mouth to speak, not trusting that any intelligible sounds would emerge. Unsure of what to say, he licked his dry lips, his mouth opened and closed. With a tired sigh, he gave it a go.

  “I…I don’t know if I should,” he said in a voice that shook with fear. “I don’t want to see.”

  Those soft hands came back, cupping his face, calming him and grounding him in the moment.

  “You’re safe here, B. Open your eyes.”

  B reached up with hands that were suddenly free of their chains, covering her small hands with his. She felt so real, so good, like the answer to all of his prayers during his captivity. He knew that voice; he’d spoken to this woman before. He knew deep down that she was important to him. Deciding to trust her he slowly cracked open his eyes. For a moment, he was looking at an angel from Heaven itself. The light behind her created a halo out of her flaming red curls while her creamy skin made her look like a porcelain doll come to life. Jade green eyes stared into his with a look of pure concern and caring.

  B swallowed down the lump in his throat. “Mara.”

  Chapter Nine


  Nyx cared about a lot of things in this world — the perfect blowout; the ideal shade of lipstick for each outfit; designer heels; and diamonds. Those were a girl’s best friend, regardless of whether the girl was a demon. What Nyx didn’t care about in the least were feelings.

  She tossed back her long blond hair and blew out an angry breath as she continued trailing her quarry down the bustling street. Why that group of jokers gave a shit about their missing friend totally escaped her. Then there was this joker, Samael, off on a wild goose chase to find his missing friend with a look on his face like someone just ran over his puppy. Really! What was the benefit of any of this caring bullshit anyway? All they did was run around in circles like headless chickens for no reason. If she didn’t get to Bataryal, Keir definitely would. He was a cold son of a bitch — no tricky emotions holding him back from his duty.

  A clap of thunder sounded in the night sky and clouds opened up. Fat raindrops began pelting the pavement. Nyx threw up her hands in disgust.

  “Are you kidding me?” She muttered under her breath. Bad enough she’d drawn the short end of the stick with this mission to the land of homo sapiens, but now she was out ruining her new stilettos chasing down rogue fallen angels. She shot a glance at her evening’s prey. Samael had stopped at a street vendor’s coffee cart to grab a cup of Joe.

  Nyx decided to take advantage of the moment to update her colleague on the night’s hunt. She dug around her formerly gorgeous — now damp — designer purse and fished out her favorite new toy, the pink rhinestone covered smart phone. The human race had a grasp on wardrobe and accessories in a way they didn’t quite get in Sheol. She shot Keir a quick text to let him know she was on the trail then dumped the phone back in her bag. Digging around once more she palmed the small knife she’d charmed just for Samael. Covered in demonic sigils, and baring the demonish script that was sure to drop him like an anchor. In nomine diaboli, in the name of the devil…as long as she could get the pig sticker through his neck she’d be home free. Time to flush out his friends from that goddamn safe haven. They were guaranteed to come out looking for him. No way could they let two of their group of little princes disappear without launching a full-scale investigation.

  Nyx started walking again, drinking in the lustful looks from every man she passed. Laughing a little inside, she wondered what they’d think of her if they knew the truth about what lurked beneath the shiny exterior. These humans hadn’t learned anything in all the millennia since she’d been on the surface last. Not everything is as it seems. Fools! They’d learn once her brother made good on his promise to find a way back out of Halja. He’d been trapped in the center of Sheol in that damn castle for far too long. The humans had become weak and soft, ripe for the picking. They bitched and whined about life being hell when their Internet service went down. It was time to remind them about what Hell really was.

  She eyed Samael as he stopped to drop some coins into a homeless man’s jar. It really was a shame that she was going to have to end him. He was, after all, a fine specimen of his kind. She watched as he turned down a darkened alley. Game on. She’d definitely have to rip off another human’s credit card and buy herself a new pair of shoes as a reward once she finished this gig.

  Nyx reached the mouth of the alley and turned into the darkness. She dropped her purse into a puddle with a splash. Samael stopped cold and spun to face her.

  “Hello, Lover.” She smiled coldly. “You didn’t call, you didn’t write. You just blew up my house and left without saying goodbye. Bad boy.” Nyx twirled a length of her blond hair around her finger.

  Samael gave her a hard look. “Keres, I didn’t expect to see you in the human realm.”

  Nyx pouted. “That’s not nice now. You didn’t even bother to remember my name. I feel so used.”

  “I guess I really should figure out which sister you are so I can send your brother a personalized condolence card when I’m done sending your ass back to hell, you evil bitch.” Samael stepped towards her and drew his own dagger from a sheath at his waist.

  Nyx sauntered towards Samael, swinging her hips, her eyes flashing to a bright red. “So what’s your plan, Sammy? You just going to sweet talk me to death?”

  Flipping the dagger round and round, catching and releasing, he smiled back at her. “What, cute nicknames now? We’ve really hit a high point in our relationship.”

  Nyx made a show of examining her expertly painted nails. “I don’t know about that, Sammy. I’m not really a relationship kind of gal. I’m more of a rip-out-your-lungs-through-your-throat babe.” She gave him a saucy wink. “I guess you’ll have to let me know if that floats your boat, Lover.”

  “You know what doesn’t do it for me, Darling? Bitches that bleed black.” He replied, catching the dagger and examining the angelic charms etched on the blade.

  Nyx laughed. “You’re one to talk about what does or doesn’t do it for you. Baby boy, from what I hear, anything with tits and legs should do it for you. Aren’t you the thousand-year-old virgin?” She licked her lips. “I can help you out with that before I shred you to ribbons. Would be a shame to let that body go to waste.”

  “I’d rather be your brother’s bitch again for eternity.” He took another step towards her.

  Nyx let her eyes trail down Samael’s body from head to toe, her smile turning downright evil. “Sweetheart, there’s one part of your anatomy that begs to differ.”

  Samael narrowed his eyes at her. “Maybe it’s just the idea of sending you back to good ole Satan for some sibling bonding.”

  “Sibling shit. Kinky.” Nyx winked again. “Enough pillow talk, Boyfriend. Time’s up.”

  Nyx let the mask of humanity slide, her eyes glowing a brighter red, nails elongating into claws, her perfect smile transforming into a mouth full of sharp white fangs. “Now that I’ve slipped into something more comfortable, let’s get down to it.”

  She launched herself towards Samael, claws on one hand raking across his face as he underestimated the speed of her attack. Her dagger flew at him but he blocked her, stumbling towards the building beside him. Ignoring the blood that slithered down his face, Samael grabbed onto her arm and spun her around, slamming her into the wall so hard the brickwork cracked. Nyx laughed as she kneed him in the groin, dropping him to the ground like a sack of flour. Taking advantage of the upper hand, she kicked him under the chin with her glorious pumps. The cracking of his jaw was like music to her ears. Samael heaved himself to his feet and backhanded her across the cheek. Nyx’s head snapped to the side, a loud ringing setting off in her ears. Before she had a chance to right herself, Samael had grabbed her long hair and wound it around his wrist, jerking her head back and exposing her throat. Nyx licked at the trail o
f blood that seeped out the corner of her mouth and looked him in the eye.

  “Foreplay, good boy.”

  Samael raised his free hand and tore the glove that covered his cursed skin free with his teeth.

  Chest heaving, Nyx gave a sultry laugh. “Not that I’m averse to some touching here, big boy, but do you really think that’s going to do shit to me?”

  Samael shook his head. “Don’t know, but it’s worth a shot.” He brought his hand down and pressed it against her forehead. Nyx screamed and writhed in his grip, her eyes rolling back in her head. She shook and shuddered, her body nearly slipping out of Samael’s grip with the force of her convulsions.

  “Say hi to your brother.” Samael smiled as he pressed down harder on her forehead, success within his grasp. Suddenly Nyx began to laugh again, her eyes connected with his. “I don’t have a soul for you to reap, you big dumb fuck.”

  Nyx jerked herself out of his grasp and spun away, slicing with her blade as she went, the tip raking across Samael’s rib cage. As she spun, the heel of her beautiful new shoe got stuck in a crack in the paving, snapping it off like a wishbone. She stumbled just long enough for Samael to regain his bearings. Her eyes widened as she watched his charmed blade bury itself in her chest, the Word of The Deity burning its way into her black heart. Nyx grabbed at Samael’s strong shoulders, pulling his ear closer to her as she collapsed. “I hope it was good for you,” she said as the lights went out.

  Chapter Ten


  B stared up at Mara’s face wondering if he’d managed to somehow die and find his way back to Heaven. He reached out his hand and brushed an errant lock of hair behind Mara’s ear. The soft, crimson curl clung to his finger as he drew his hand away. B wanted to stay in this moment forever, his fiery angel rising over him like a phoenix from the ashes. In the hazy place between waking and sleep, B’s heart clenched. Something was shifting and falling into place, the unfamiliar feeling that was both nerve-wracking yet terribly right. Her pale, delicate hand stretched out and stroked over his cheek leaving a cool, electrified trail in its wake. A sensation of peace that he hadn’t experienced since his days in the Heavens stole over him. The gems on the stone ceiling glinted and shone above Mara’s face throwing rainbow prisms of light.

  “Are you real or am I dreaming?” B whispered, hope warring with doubt in his voice.

  Looking down at him, her green eyes glimmering like the jade gems twinkling above her, Mara gave a soft smile. “I’m real. You were badly injured, but you’re going to be okay.”

  B lifted his head slightly to get a look around. “Where am I?” he asked, his voice scratchy and cracking as he tried a slightly higher volume. The skin around his throat burned as though it had been touched with a lit match. Closing his eyes against the pain, he felt the bed shift as Mara got up and moved across the room. He threw out his arm in an attempt to catch her and keep her close.

  “Stay.” He croaked.

  “Shhhhh. I’ll be right back.” Her voice floated around him, bouncing off the stone walls and surrounding him like a blanket.

  As the fire in his throat died down, B cracked open his eyes and got his first good look at his surroundings. The small cavern’s gems winked and reflected the light from a tiny pool. The bed he lay upon appeared to be one of the few pieces of furniture in the spare but beautiful room. Mara was crouched down beside an icy glimmering pool. She passed her hand over the frozen water, muttering an incantation that immediately thawed a portion of the liquid, and dipped a sparkling crystal decanter into the violet waters. B was struck by how much Mara looked like an elfin princess with her wild hair and porcelain skin. Standing there in the glittering cave holding the glowing decanter she could have stepped out of the pages of a fairy tale full of magic and enchantment. She moved towards him, the otherworldly smoothness of her gait made it seem like she was floating just above the smooth stone floor of the cave.

  B closed his eyes against the beauty as she made her way to his side. He heard the soft tinkling noise of the brightly glowing water being poured into a goblet. B knew the exact moment Mara set the decanter down on the bedside table from the pure ringing sound of the crystal. The bed depressed beside him as she climbed in, the coolness of her body bringing him some relief from the incessant burning pain of his wounds.

  B felt her hand slide around the back of his bare shoulders, guiding him upright towards the sparkling goblet of enchanted water she held in her free hand. The soothing coolness suddenly made his skin crawl. Other hands had cradled him like this once before, giving him life-sustaining liquid before re-embarking on their torturous quest. Those hands had been rough and calloused, hot and sweaty. Mara’s were pure, soft, and cool. B’s past and present realities crashed together in his mind. He jerked away from her roughly. The sudden violent movement pulled at his stitches, causing some to pop and small tears of blood to fall. Desire to bask in her kindness warred with his need to remove his filth from her presence. Mara reached out to calm him, placing her free hand on his chest as she held the crystal goblet aloft. As her hand touched his chest, B struck out, sending the goblet flying into the far wall of the cave, smashing into glittering shards that tinkled down to the stone floor.

  “Don’t touch me!” He shouted as he shrank back from her against the mattress.

  Confused, Mara leaned towards him. “You’re popping your stitches. Just lie back and relax.”

  B slapped her hand away. “Don’t touch me. I’m going to be sick.” His face was a mask of disgust.

  Mara leapt off the bed. “God, I’m such an idiot!” She shouted. “Why do I always do this to myself? I’m risking my life to save you and this is what I get in return.”

  B felt sick. He was hurting her, but couldn’t seem to stop. His inner demons were doing battle with his better intentions. Mara didn’t understand, she couldn’t understand his shame and humiliation. He had been used and abused by demons; he was dirty and broken. He had to do this for her benefit, no matter what the cost to himself.

  “Just get away from me.” He shouted, shoving his feelings down to the bottom of his black soul.

  Mara’s face fell. “Don’t worry. I’m leaving. I just can’t believe I deluded myself into thinking we had some kind of connection when I helped you with Sergei.”

  A pink tinged blood tear tracked down her ivory cheek, and Bataryal felt his damaged heart break in his chest. Spinning away from him, Mara moved like a blur, bending down and snatching up a dagger lying beside the mystical pool. She sliced into her palm, dripping crimson blood into the frozen waters. Moments later the ice cracked, the lavender water boiling up. With one last pained look back at him she stepped out over the water’s edge and disappeared beneath the surface.

  Left alone in the magical cavern, B balled his fists until he felt they would forever lock in place, his soul howling in pain worse than anything his physical injuries could cause.

  Chapter Eleven


  The door of The Advocate burst open, drawing the attention of everyone in the bar. There stood Sam, a wild look in his eyes, rain pouring down in the street behind him, lightning sparking up the sky. Even through his shock at the sudden appearance of his friend, Yetarel couldn’t help musing that this all seemed like something out of a penny dreadful or a bad Hollywood horror movie.

  Samael strode over to their table, his coat and hair dripping rivulets of water all around him. Theo came rushing over with a bar towel.

  Theo tossed the towel at Sam’s head. “Yo, my man! Dry off a bit. You’re raining all over my bar. I’m not interested in having a slip-and-fall hazard here, dude.”

  Sam snatched the towel out of the air and pointed it at Theo. “A little water on your floor is the least of our worries at this point.”

  Yetarel let out the breath he’d been holding. “Did you find him?”

  Sam rubbed his sopping head with the towel and blew out a frustrated breath. “No, but I did find Satan’s little sister, so we k
now we’re dealing with a bigger problem here.”

  “Sheol’s rings.” Yetarel muttered as he dropped his head into his hands. Unbidden, images of torture and imprisonment began to click through his brain. Yetarel knew there was no way he could survive another round of that, and he had emerged without a raging drug problem. What were B’s chances if he’d been taken captive yet again?

  Stroking his goatee, Baliel gave Sam a confused look. “What the fuck is Satan’s sister doing here? Never mind that, how the fuck did she get here?”

  Sam tossed the towel down on the table. “I think the bigger question is how did Nyx know where to find me?”

  Baliel narrowed his eyes at Sam. “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

  A heavy silence settled on the group. One by one they began shooting suspicious glances across the table at each other. As the awkward silence stretched, Sergei began to fidget. The only non-angel in the group, he was getting the majority of the shifty eyed looks.

  “Seriously guys?” he said, slapping his hands down on the table. “Up until a few weeks ago I had no idea we’d be in this scenario, never mind the fact that I died to help you!” He shook his head, disappointment written all over his face. “How could you even start to suspect me of being Satan’s puppet?”

  Sam narrowed his eyes at him.

  Shoving his chair back, Sergei jumped to his feet. “You know what? Fuck you and fuck this! I don’t need this shit in my life.” He spun on his heel and strode towards the door.

  Sighing, Sam made a choice. “Sergei, don’t go.”

  Sergei stopped in his tracks but he kept his back turned. “Why shouldn’t I.”

  Sam made his way over to Sergei’s side. “Look, you’re new to our little posse, so you’ve got to cut us a bit of slack when we find out there’s been an information leak. We’ve all been together for so long that it’s hard for us to even imagine one of us betraying the crew. We’ve been through an epic amount of shit together.”


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