Book Read Free

Love or Justice

Page 20

by Rachel Mannino

  “Next time, call first.” Dante clapped him on the back in a bear hug. “Or else next time I will shoot.”

  Bob chuckled at him as they walked toward the front door.

  “Where’s everyone else?”

  “Gabriella’s upstairs taking a nap. Albert and Emma took the boys out to show them the barn.”

  “Did Dad have a heart attack when you came up the lane?”

  “Just about. Though your reaction was even better. At least he didn’t try to shoot me.” Bob wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Well, I have a witness to protect.” Dante gestured to the truck, and Laurie waved.

  “The way I remember it, that’s not all she is.”

  Dante smiled, his face flushing. He forgot Bob already knew.

  Dante waved to Laurie. She didn’t move, she just sat in the truck. He waved again, but she gave no response. Just as Dante started to become concerned, Laurie reached over and rolled down the window.

  “You said not to move until you came and got me. You’re still on the porch.”

  Bob burst into sidesplitting laughter. Dante smiled, shaking his head.

  “Well, kid. What are you waiting for? Go get your girl.” Bob clapped him on the back.

  Dante left the porch, crossing the yard to the truck. When he got there, he reached for her door handle, but she had it locked.

  “Can I help you, officer?” Laurie gave him an innocent smile.

  “Very funny, now let’s go inside.”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t go in until my boyfriend tells me it’s safe.” She batted her eyelashes. “Because, you know, I’m just a helpless female.”

  “That’s not…” Dante started, but then he laughed. “That’s not what I have ever said to you.”

  “I mean, it’s not like I’ve saved his life twice or anything, because if that were the case maybe he should let me go in the house. He might need me to save his life—again.”

  “Hey, hey. I’ve also saved your life too.”

  “When?” She quirked an eyebrow.

  “When? The night I first met you.” Dante lifted his hands.

  “You mean when I attacked the intruder that was ready to kill you?”

  “Yeah, because I had them distracted while you were busy hiding in the closet.” He yanked on the door handle.

  “Which is where you told me I had to be. Then there was that time at the safe house when I had to shoot the other guy who was about to kill you.”

  “I shot the guy who was ready to kill you. Furthermore, at the first safe house, I killed three guys who were trying to kill you, so I win.” Dante put his hands on his hips.

  “You win? You win what?” Laurie laughed.

  “You—now get out of the truck.” Dante pulled on the door.

  “What if I don’t want to get out of the truck? What if I don’t feel it’s safe?” Laurie crossed her legs and settled back into the seat.

  “Get out of the truck. Who’s going to hurt you?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you?”

  “Me. Me? Get out of the truck” He was determined to get her out now, but realized his keys were in Laurie’s hands. He went back to the porch. He picked up a thin wire he had laid there the day before, when he mended the fence around the yard. He hooked the wire as he walked back, and dropped it in between the window and the doorframe until he found the latch.

  “Hey, hey. That’s cheating!” Laurie squeaked.

  “Just being resourceful.” He popped the lock and flung open her door.

  Laurie tried to scramble for the driver’s side door, but he was much faster. He wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her out of the truck, shrieking and laughing at him. He pinned her against the cab.

  “Will you ever follow directions?” Dante hovered over her.

  “Not planning on it, no.” She grinned up at him.

  He kissed her. Just as he deepened the kiss, he heard a cough behind him. Dante heaved a sigh. It was the one time he wished Bob wasn’t there. He pulled himself away from her, turning to his uncle, who grinned at him like a kid at the ice cream store.

  “That was a nice show. You too should do comedy together.” Bob clapped for them.

  Laurie giggled.

  “Hi, Bob.” She broke away from Dante to give Bob a hug.

  “Where did you learn to break into cars?” Bob asked Dante over Laurie’s shoulder.

  “Law enforcement on the islands. You meet a lot of tourists who lock themselves out.” Dante tossed the wire onto the side of the yard.

  “Uh huh. You better hope that’s all.” He winked at Dante.

  “Did you come with your wife and kids?” Laurie took him by the shoulders.

  “Yes, ma’am. Thought you all could use some company for the holiday.” Bob put his arm around Laurie’s shoulders as he led her toward the house. Dante had to follow in their footsteps.

  “Great. Can you call next time? Before Dante shoots you by accident?” Laurie looked over her shoulder. The men burst out laughing.

  “In fact, he almost did. He is his father’s son.” Bob tossed a look over his shoulder.

  Dante glowered at him, which only made Bob chuckle more.

  “You’re being mean on purpose.” Laurie slapped him lightly on the arm as they entered the house.

  “Nope, just making sure he remembers why he’s so good at what he does.” Bob raised his eyebrows.

  They walked into the kitchen to find Emma at the stove making dinner with two young boys. Both of them had black hair, and that was all Dante could see of them. Aunt Emma’s cooking lesson dominated their attention.

  “Boys, do you remember your cousin Dante?” Bob gestured to Dante.

  They turned, waved with a dull, “Hey,” and turned back to the lasagna preparation before them.

  “Boys.” Bob folded his arms over his chest.

  Dante saw them roll their eyes as they both lumbered around to say hello properly. They had brown eyes like the rest of the Stark men. Their eyes were more almond shaped, though, and their skin was a shade of olive. They were both in their young teens, barely into high school.

  “Hi, Dante,” they said in unison.

  “Hey guys.” Dante smiled. He approached them and shook their hands. “Haven’t seen you since, man. I haven’t seen either of you in years.”

  Dante was amazed, awestruck even, as he realized just how many years it had been.

  “This is Dante’s girlfriend, Laurie.” Bob pushed Laurie forward.

  Both of their eyes widened.

  “I’m James,” said the oldest one.

  “I’m Devin,” said the other. They both shook her hand, pumping it awkwardly. Dante had to stifle his laughter.

  “This is your girlfriend?” James asked Dante.

  “Yeah.” He nodded his head. James and Devin exchanged a look, then turned back to Dante with newfound respect.

  “It’s nice to meet you both.” Laurie smiled down on them.

  They both blushed and nearly ran over Emma as they backed up toward the stove, still looking at Laurie.

  “Sorry, Aunt Emma!” James exclaimed.

  “That’s all right boys. Why don’t you chop the herbs?” Emma pushed a bundle of greens toward him.

  Laurie looked at Dante.

  He smiled back at her. They sat down at the kitchen table with Albert and Bob.

  Bob caught up with the news on the farm, and the success Laurie and Dante had with the orchard.

  After a few minutes, Gabriella came down the stairs. Dante always thought she was a beautiful woman. Gabriella had jet-black hair and eyes so dark they almost looked black. Her skin was the same olive tone as the boys. She was petite, slight, and much younger than Bob. Dante thought she seemed an odd match for an Air Force general, but the way they beamed at each other when she entered the room told him everything he needed to know.

  “Feeling better?” Bob arched an eyebrow as Gabriella came up behind him, dropping her hands on his shoulders.

bsp; “Yes, a lot better.” She squeezed his shoulders as Bob kissed her hand. She greeted Dante next, then introduced herself to Laurie.

  Dante thought she had a serene quality, a calming peacefulness in her voice. She had the kind of voice that evoked zen gardens in spring or trickling streams.

  “Emma, can I help you with anything?” Gabriella gestured to the dinner.

  “No, not at all. I think the boys and I have it all well in hand, don’t we boys?” The boys nodded their agreement. “The lasagna should be done in half an hour or so, so you just relax.” Emma waved Gabriella into a seat at the table.

  She smiled, sitting down beside Laurie.

  Albert looked thoughtfully at the table.

  “You know, Bob, I don’t think you’ve seen the barn yet, have you?” He traced a knot in the wood with his forefinger.

  “No, I don’t think so. But it’s a barn, not that much to see.” Bob shrugged.

  “Well, Dante and I have been working on a few projects out there you might be able to help us with.” Albert gave Bob a bland expression.

  Dante’s brows knit. Then he schooled his features into mild interest in the conversation. Why was his father bringing Bob into tracking Kaimi?

  “Sure.” Bob raised an eyebrow.

  “Why don’t we go out there now and we can show you.” Albert nodded his head in the direction of the door.

  Dante nodded, and the three men excused themselves from the kitchen.

  They walked in silence across the lawn. When they reached the barn, Bob turned to his brother as he stood just inside the door, arms crossed.

  “All right, what are you up to?” Bob gave Albert a pointed expression.

  “How do you know we’re up to anything?” Dante put his hand on his hip.

  “I’ve known my brother a lot longer than you. The last time he asked for my help with a project, I ended up out in Hawaii bringing you home. What are you up to now?” Bob turned from Dante to Albert.

  Albert didn’t answer. He went to the fake wall panel, unlatched it, and unlocked the safe. Bob stared at his brother, curious about the papers Albert brought back to the table.

  “Dante and I have been trying to track the man who attacked him and Laurie. We also need to figure out who the mole is in the Marshals Service. Dante can’t return to Hawaii with Laurie until both men are found.” Albert rolled out the map of Hawaii.

  “Who is this man you’re after, again?” Bob looked to Dante.

  “Kaimi.” Albert flipped through the other papers in his hand.

  “Cleaning up loose ends, Albert?” Bob leaned against the table.

  “It would be a service to the nation to have him put away.” Albert glanced up at Bob. “The FBI has had no luck locating him.”

  “Did they call today? Did the house in Molokai turn up anything?” Dante grimaced as he leaned against the worktable.

  Albert shook his head.

  “But they did find something in a reservoir on Kauai, where they first thought Kaimi was staying.” Albert’s expression turned stony.

  “What’d they find?” Dante held his breath.

  “Two bodies.” Albert’s lips became a thin line. “Dental records just confirmed a match to Katherine and Easton James.”

  Anger swelled in Dante’s stomach, gnawing at his insides. He ran his hands into his hair. He held his head in his hands as he began to pace.

  “They were killed not long before they were found. They were emaciated. Both were abused.” Albert looked to Bob.

  Dante stopped pacing and stood with his hands on his hips. His jaw clenched, as he looked down to the floor of the barn. He felt nauseous with anger. Katherine and Easton didn’t deserve to die. Not like that.

  “He’s a disgusting son of a bitch,” Dante spat out.

  “What about the mole? Do they have any leads on who it is?” Bob tugged the map of Hawaii closer.

  “They’re not looking for one. Since Dante left with their only witness, they think it’s him.” Albert gave a nod in Dante’s direction.

  Bob’s eyes widened for a moment. Then he shook his head. He leaned against the worktable, studying the maps that Albert carefully laid out.

  “Even though I know it’s one of my own men.” Dante massaged the base of his neck where a headache was forming.

  “Suspect.” Albert flicked his eyes up at Dante. “We haven’t found corroborating evidence yet.”

  Dante glared at his father for a minute before turning to his uncle.

  “So now we have two bodies, a suspect so deep in hiding we can’t get a lead on him, and no one even suspecting the real mole is right under their noses.” Dante began to pace again. “This is a nightmare.”

  “It’s only a matter of time before Kaimi can find a way to get off the islands undetected and make his way to friends in China.” Albert leaned over the work table, watching Dante.

  “Then we’ll lose him for good. He will never stop searching for Laurie. No matter where he is, he’ll be looking for her. I need him behind bars.” Dante threw his hands up in the air.

  “There is one way to handle this investigation now. We need to go there.” Albert leveled a look at Bob.

  “We can’t. Every law enforcement official on the islands is looking for me.” Dante gestured to himself.

  “They’re on the lookout for Kaimi, but he’s avoiding them just fine. It will make us think like he does.” Albert raised his eyebrows.

  “No, no, no,” Dante shook his head. “I can’t leave Laurie without protection. They will do anything to kill her.”

  “Your mother can take care of Laurie.” Albert pinned him with a look. “She was one of my best agents, after all.”

  “No.” Dante walked away from his father. “That was years ago. There is no way we can find Kaimi, and leave Laurie and Mom here. Mom would kill both of us!”

  “It’s the only way, son.” Albert came around the table towards him. “It’s the only way he’ll ever leave her alone. You’ll never get a good night’s sleep if we don’t do this.”

  Dante grimaced. He turned back to his father and uncle.

  “We can’t.” Dante held up a hand. “It’s too dangerous for Laurie and Mom. If we’re caught before we catch him, then all of us will end up in jail. Both of you aided and abetted the kidnapping of a federal witness. They won’t care that she went willingly; they’ll find some way to make it stick. It won’t matter to them.”

  “Then we’ll have to find Kaimi and the mole before anyone finds us.” Albert put his hands on his hips.

  Dante laughed.

  “It will never work. There’s no way it can work.” Dante turned away.

  His father took a couple of steps to close the gap between them.

  “Why wouldn’t it?” Albert asked. “You are the best Marshal in the federal service. You know that. So do I. Hilton’s been feeding me your evaluations for years.”

  Albert’s eyes held a mixture of confidence and admiration. His father had never said one word to him, not one, of praise. Then his father put his strong, work-worn hands on Dante’s shoulders.

  “You and me.” Albert shook him. “We can find this man. We can put him away where he can pay for everything he’s done, where he can’t hurt Laurie anymore. It’s just one mission.”

  Dante’s brows knit, trying to decide between the safe defensive road, and the long-shot offensive path. One small step on that path, and it could blow up in all their faces. He thought hard, torn between wanting to protect, and wanting justice.

  Albert pressed on Dante’s shoulders in a firm grip.

  “It’s one last mission. You and me. We can find him.” His eyes were pleading Dante to agree.

  Dante realized how much his father needed him; his father just needed him to say yes. He took a deep breath.

  “Okay. You’re right. It’s the only way,” Dante said softly.

  “Yes. Yes, son, it is the only way.” Albert shook Dante’s shoulders. He released his hold on Dante, turning to his
brother. With eyes alight, he smiled at Bob.

  Bob rolled his eyes while heaving a great sigh. He stretched out his forearms to lean forward onto the worktable, shaking his head at Albert.

  “Bob. Come on Bob, don’t hold out on us.” Albert ambled back to the table. “Your nephew needs you.”

  Bob started laughing. He laughed until he doubled over. He stared at the floor, shaking his head and laughing. A minute or two later, he leaned against the worktable.

  “We have to be back by Christmas. Gabriella will kill me if I’m not there for Christmas,” Bob said finally.

  Albert smiled. He approached the table to extend his hand out to Bob. Bob playfully smacked his hand away.

  “I’m not doing this for you.” Bob pointed at the table with his chin. “I’m doing this for Dante, and for the woman and child. No one deserves to die like that.”

  Still smiling, Albert leaned over the map of Hawaii.

  Dante joined his father and uncle at the worktable to see his father unroll another map, this one a map of the United States. There were several other maps Dante had never seen before. They were sections of the country between Nebraska and Southern California.

  “What’s our flight plan?” Albert took a pencil, handing it to Bob.

  Bob swiped the pencil out of Albert’s hand with overexaggerated force. Then he took the ruler and began sketching out a flight plan crisscrossing several air bases until the Pacific Ocean. Then they debated on where they should start their search on Hawaii. They settled on Molokai, since that was the freshest lead. Finally, they debated on where on the islands they should land. In the end, they settled back on Bradshaw, despite the distance to Molokai.

  “Do you have any friends with a boat?” Bob’s eyes flicked up to Dante.

  “I can’t contact any of my friends. They’re all in law enforcement.” Dante leaned over the map.

  “I can rent one as a tourist looking to fish.” Albert nodded.

  “We’ll need one for the entire time we’re there. You got enough cash in that safe to make it work?” Bob quirked an eyebrow at Albert.

  Albert gave him a sly smile.

  “I’ll have plenty.” He rolled up the map of Hawaii.

  “All right then. When should we plan on leaving?” Dante asked.

  “Day after Thanksgiving. No one will be at the airbases. They won’t care about a little plane with a couple of vets. But we’ll all have to promise Gabriella you’ll have me back before Christmas.” Bob nodded to Albert.


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