Obama said he was remaking America. We are retaking it.
In the almost three years since I wrote Power to the People, my life has been turned upside down—in a good way. My children, Maria and Dmitri, are blessings in every way, and I am so grateful to be their mother.
This book would not have been possible without the encouragement and collaboration of my friend and colleague Raymond Arroyo. From beginning to end, he helped keep this project going with insight and humor. My, did we laugh. And thanks to his wife, Rebecca Arroyo, for being her usual understanding and amazing self.
A friend from my old law firm days, Stephen Vaughn, added important input and advice throughout the process. Even when swamped with work of his own, he always finds time to listen my political and cultural ideas and offer his own.
Threshold Editions and its staff of highly talented professionals— publisher, Louise Burke; my editor, Tricia Boczkowski; deputy publisher, Anthony Ziccardi; and art director, Michael Nagin—were a delight throughout this odyssey. I knew I was in good hands from day one. And I would be remiss in not mentioning friends Vince Flynn and Mary Matalin, who introduced me to Threshold and convinced me to take the plunge.
Chris Edwards deserves more thanks than an acknowledgment page can confer—his selflessness is a rarity in our “what’s-in-it-for-me?” culture. I continue to be inspired by my brave, smart, selfless friend Cathy Morrison. Others who have provided invaluable guidance in both the world of motherhood and business include Wendy Long, Deborah Colloton, Pat and Becky Cipollone, Julie Altman, John Cribb, Ed and Nina Hendee, David and Brodie Wheaton, Lia Macko, Sarah and Jon Talcott, Randy and Toby LeFaivre, Michael Savage, Sahaira Vasquez, Phil and Rachel Lerman, Patty and Marshall Coleman, Jill Sorensen, Conrad and Barbara Black, and Pam and Darren Cooke.
Without the constant support and love from my “surrogate parents,” Charles and Ina Carlsen, I’m not sure if this book would ever have been written. Thank you.
My dedicated radio team in Washington and Oregon has been extremely supportive in what has often been a wild ride. My executive producer, Tom Elliott, is one of the hardest-working guys I know.
Thanks to Don Imus for putting me on the radio before anyone else did. And without Rush Limbaugh’s friendship, and his example blazing the radio trail, I would not be in the business at all.
I am immensely grateful to Fox News’s Roger Ailes and Bill Shine for believing in my ability, and helping me become better at television. Bill O’Reilly has been gracious and generous in allowing me to fill in for him on The Factor. The advice that Sean Hannity gave me years ago about the media business has helped immeasurably.
My attorney, Rick Bernthal, has been a steadfast friend, advocate, and advisor.
My late mother, Anne Ingraham’s spirit runs through the funniest, feistiest parts of this book. My father, and my brothers, Jimmy, Brooks, and Curtis, keep me grounded with love when all else seems crazy. My children, Maria and Dmitri, kept me laughing while on deadline. My nephews, Jim and Bret, make us all proud. God has truly blessed me, and throughout all of the ups and downs of life, I am constantly reminded of His grace and His sovereignty over all.
Abdullah (king of Saudi Arabia), 217
abortion, 42–44, 168, 177, 192, 195, 196, 200–201, 231, 250, 307, 344, 346, 347
abstinence funding, 61
ACORN, 123
Adams, John, 17, 90, 215
Afghanistan, 240, 244, 254
agenda, Obama: advice on defeating, 336–51;
and American traditions, 348: importance of rolling back, 335–36;
and retaking America, 350–51
AIG, 153
Ailes, Roger, 15, 109, 118
Akihito (emperor of Japan), 217
Al-Arian, Sami, 189–90
Alexander, David, 88
Alinsky, Saul, 207, 208, 297, 299–301, 302, 304, 312, 313, 324
America: Americans’ views of, 248;
books and resources to revive appreciation of, 29–30;
creed of, 4, 9–10, 27;
decline of, 248–51, 335, 336–48;
founding of, 20;
and keeping the republic, 328–30;
love of, 25–30;
as melting pot, 3;
power of, 247–48;
preservation of, 28–29;
retaking, 350–51;
role of faith in, 176, 199;
as “shining city on a hill,” 2, 3, 7;
spirit of, 27, 28, 29–30;
what is, 1–30
America Speaking Out, 108
America: The Last Best Hope (Bennett), 29, 30
American Atheists, 191
American Beverage Association, 162
American Dream, 148
American exceptionalism, 11–16, 18
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 125–30. See also stimulus plan
American Red Cross, 172
American Revolution, 28, 175
Anderson, Christopher, 54, 208
anti-obesity movement, 34, 36, 37, 38, 43, 77, 91, 97, 121, 153, 157, 160–62, 167, 319–20, 323
Aoko, Kezia, 54, 56
apologies, Obama: as Contrition Tour, 13;
for domestic concerns, 231–34;
for foreign relations, 219–27;
ineffectiveness of, 236–44;
justification for, 231
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 61
Arizona: immigration law in, 144–46, 227
Arlington National Cemetery, 288
Armey, Dick, 302
Arroyo, Raymond, 70
atheists, 191
Atlas, Scott, 115
The Audacity of Hope (Obama), 48, 49, 174, 202
Austin, Denise, 154
automobile industry, 139–43
Axelrod, David: and Biden as Obama running mate, 254;
and demonizing enemies, 302, 309;
and elections, 254, 349;
and events at White House, 24, 76, 77, 210;
and foreign relations, 227;
and health care, 333;
New York Times profile of, 260, 261, 263;
and Obama approval ratings, 334;
and Obama narcissism, 259, 260–62, 263;
and Obama speeches, 132–33, 188;
and Obama vacations, 284;
and physical fitness, 261;
and religion, 173, 175, 184–85, 210;
and Rogers media coverage, 92;
and Rogers resignation, 105;
and Rogers-White House crashers incident, 100;
and snowjobs, 152;
and town hall meetings, 113;
and Virginia gubernatorial election, 265
Ayers, William “Bill,” 207
Baier, Bret, 320–21
bailouts, 142
Baker, Peter, 268
Balsera, Alfredo, 127
Bancroft Elementary School (Washington, D.C.), 87–88
banks, 123, 124, 130–38, 281, 306. See also mortgage bailout
Barnes, Melody, 43
Barofsky, Neil, 132
Beck, Glenn, 314, 317–18
“beer summit,” White House, 290
Bell, Michael, 206
Bennett, Bill, 29, 30
Berlin, Germany: Obama speech in, 220, 221
Biden, Beau, 33
Biden, Jill, 33, 126, 294
Biden, Joe: acceptance of nomination by, 69;
and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 343;
as breaking up Obama meetings, 225, 227, 234;
and celebrities as Obama supporters, 83;
and conservatives, 325–26;
and demonizing enemies, 325–26;
and elections of 2008, 254, 255;
Emanuel views about, 332;
family of, 32–33;
and foreign relations, 220–21, 233–34, 254, 337–38;
and health care, 332, 335;
and homosexuality, 346–47;
manners and protocol of, 275, 290;
and Michelle, 346–47;
narcissism of, 293–94;
Obama hamburger outing with, 156–57;
Obama relationship with, 36;
as Obama running mate, 254, 255;
popularity of, 334;
as pro-abortion, 43;
and race issues, 290;
and Recovery Act, 156;
and religion, 213–14;
and Sasha essay about Washington, 37;
at State of the Union address, 21;
and stimulus bill, 126–27
bipartisanship, 74–79, 100, 128, 138, 336, 344–45
Bo (dog), 93–95, 100, 192, 239, 269, 270, 279
boot camps, exercise, 170–71
Borger, Gloria, 319
Boxer, Barbara, 341
Bradlee, Ben, 258
Brand, Obama, 67, 68, 70–71, 100–101, 105
Breitbart, Andrew, 109, 307
Brinkley, David, 32
Brinkley, Douglas, 20
Brookings Institution, 131
Brooks, David, 315
Brown, Gordon, 12, 14, 271, 272
Brown, Scott, 56, 116, 268–70
Brownstein, Ron, 318–19
Bruni, Carla, 225, 284
Buckley, Chris, 315
budget, U.S., 130, 330, 340
Burton, Bill, 281
Bush, George W.: and apologies of Obama, 231;
blame on, 20, 206, 302, 303;
Catholic support for, 200;
as churchgoer, 184;
“failed presidency” of, 71;
and foreign relations, 12, 222, 231, 251–52;
and Iraq War, 20, 234, 243;
manners and protocol of, 274;
nation’s fatigue with, 68;
and Obama family at Blair House, 8;
and Obama family tree, 56;
and Obama Nobel Prize, 164;
and physical fitness, 157–58;
popularity of, 218, 243;
presidential legitimacy of, 317;
social staff of, 107;
on Time cover, 31;
and White House as People’s House, 73
Bush, Jeb, 108
business: loan program for small, 131, 132;
Obama hostility to, 335
Business Roundtable: Obama speech to, 132–33
Calderón, Felipe, 227
Called to Renewal, 193
Cambridge (Massachusetts) Police Department, 288–89, 290
Camp David, 211–12, 281
Campaign for Human Development, 207
Campos, Paul, 164–65
Canfield, Natoma, 117, 148
Cantor, Eric, 108, 308
cap-and-trade bill, 60, 279, 324
Capitol, U.S.: protests at, 307–8
carbon emissions, 61, 243, 347
Carender, Keli (aka Liberty Belle), 110
Carney, Jay, 33, 233
Carter, Jimmy, 229–30, 238, 244
Catholics, 176–77, 186, 188, 191–98, 200, 203–4, 207, 213
celebrities: as Obama supporters, 79–85
charitable giving, 200
Chavez, Hugo, 15, 16, 22–23, 235
Cheney, Richard, 14, 56
Chicago, Illinois, 102–3, 207
Chicago (musical), 70
child rearing, 50–52
children: Obama attempts to appeal to, 97–99
China, 217, 234, 240, 243, 244, 249–51, 329, 335–39
The Chris Matthews Show (MSNBC-TV), 316
Christianity, 176, 178, 179, 184, 189, 194, 199, 209, 214–15
Christie, Chris, 266–68
Chrysler Corporation, 131, 134, 139, 140, 142
church(es): black, 207–9, 212;
Obama’s views about, 173–75;
search for a, 179–85, 206–7, 210, 211–12;
and social activism, 207–8.
Churchill, Winston, 146, 147, 221, 272, 273
Cinco de Mayo event: Michelle at, 155
Cleaver, Emanuel, 305, 307
Cleveland Clinic, 148
climate change, 200, 222, 230, 243, 345
Clinton, Bill: Asia trip of, 285;
big government comment of, 231;
as churchgoer, 184;
and conservatives, 311;
and Defense of Marriage Act, 62;
at Democratic National Convention, 69;
and demonizing enemies, 309, 311, 314;
and Hillary-Obama relationship, 223;
and Lewinsky scandal, 311;
and Obama’s Nobel Prize, 238, 239;
Podesta as breaking up meetings of, 225;
and Tea Party movement, 311;
and vegetable garden, 90
Clinton, Hillary: and abortion, 43;
and apologies of Obama, 219;
Biden diary comments about, 157;
and China reeducation camps, 250;
and elections of 2008, 350;
and foreign relations, 219, 222, 223–25, 246, 250;
gift to Russian leaders from, 222, 275;
Michelle’s relationship with, 225, 227, 246;
Obama’s fund-raising with, 69;
and Obama’s Nobel Prize, 239;
and Obamas’ travels, 284;
and vegetable garden, 90
Clooney, George, 75, 82–83
Coakley, Martha, 268–70
Coburn, Tom, 119
Cohen, Steve, 308
Collins, Lauren, 6
Collins, Susan, 75
Colmes, Alan, 313
Color of Change group, 318
Comerford, Cristeta, 78, 91, 104
community organizing, 135–36, 138, 152, 183, 207, 256, 299, 300, 303, 304
Community Reinvestment Act, 123
Congress, U.S., 61–62, 121, 139, 144, 159, 252, 340
Congressional Black Caucus, 292
conservatives: and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 335–36, 343, 344–45, 348;
and apologies of Obama, 231–32;
Biden views about, 325–26;
and Clinton (Bill), 311;
decline of, 345;
and demonizing enemies, 302, 308, 311, 313–25, 326–27;
effectiveness of, 302;
and elections, 251, 341–42;
fair-minded, 314;
and foreign relations, 251;
need for Razzie Dazzle by, 108–9;
and nuclear weapons, 297;
Palin as representative of, 298;
Reagan as inspiration to, 330;
and reform of conservatism, 335–36
“Corporate Voices for Working Families” conference (May, 2009), 50
Corsi, Jerome, 55
Corzine, Jon, 266–68
Council for Secular Humanism, 191
Couric, Katie, 79
Craig, Larry, 279
Cranston, Alan, 128
Crow, Sheryl, 71, 81–82
Crowley, James 289–90
Cuba, 15, 208
culture: coarsening of, 335, 396;
of dependency, 146–48, 149;
reshaping American, 16–25;
and Too Much Information about Obama family, 40
Czech Republic, 47, 221, 235, 241, 297–98
D-day, 284
da Silva, Lula, 103
Dalai Lama, 243
Daley, Richard, 53, 102, 259–60
Darfur, 82–83
Dartmouth University, 116, 217
D.C. voucher program, 61
death panel, 120–21
death tax (estate tax), 60–61
Deaver, Michael, 109
debt, U.S., 59–60, 128–29, 130, 249–50, 252, 335, 338, 339
Declaration of Independence, 4
Deeds, Creigh, 264–66
Defense of Marriage Act (1996), 62
DeLauro, Rosa, 37, 305
Delphi Corporation, 139
Democratic National Committee (DNC), 133, 340
Democratic National Convention (Denver, 2008),
41, 44, 68–72, 82, 253
Democratic Woman’s Caucus: Michelle comments about abortion to, 44
demonizing enemies: and Alinsky influence on Obama, 299–300;
and conservatives, 302, 308, 311, 313–25, 326–27;
and health care, 303, 306, 307–8, 309–10, 318–21, 324–25;
and importance of political activism, 327–28;
and media, 298, 311, 313–25;
and Michelle, 299–300, 301, 319–20, 322–24;
and nuclear weapons, 297–99;
purpose of, 326–27;
and Tea Party movement, 301, 302–13, 314, 324, 327
Dent, Charlie, 74–75
dependency: culture of, 146–48, 149
Dickerson, John, 319
Dionne, E.J., 318
disabilities: people with, 276
Dobson, Jim, 193
Domestic Policy Council, White House, 43
Donnelly, Joe, 198
Donohue, Bill, 186
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, 310
Dowd, Maureen, 319
Dreams from My Father (Obama), 54, 58–59, 204, 207, 256
Drudge, Matt, 109
Dubois, Joshua, 199–200
Dunham, Madelyn “Toot,” 16, 49, 55, 204
Dunham, Stanley Ann, 16, 54–55, 59, 204–5
Dunn, Anita, 108
Ebbert, Stephanie, 310
Economic Club, 120
economic issues, 59–61, 115–16, 120–21, 188, 295, 330, 333, 336, 338, 343. See also debt, U.S spending; stimulus plan; taxes
Edelman, Marian Wright, 19
education, 61, 83, 231, 334–35. See also school
Education, U.S. Department of, 97, 98
Edwards, John, 69
“elder reduction program,” 121
elections: of 2006, 345;
2009 gubernatorial, 264–68;
of 2010, 304, 310, 335, 341–42, 343, 348, 349–50;
of 2012, 144, 145, 203, 211, 251, 348;
and love for America, 28
elections of 2008: auto industry contributions to, 139;
Biden as Obama running mate in, 254, 255;
Catholic vote in, 200;
Democratic National Convention for, 41, 44, 68–72, 253;
demoralization of conservatives by, 109;
Obama acceptance speech for nomination in, 68–72, 253;
Obama campaign in, 5, 6, 10, 41, 254–55;
and Obama family background, 54;
and Obama International Olympic Committee presentation, 102–3;
and Obama Iowa victory speech, 299;
and Obama logo, 67, 256–57;
and Obama narcissism, 253–55, 256, 349;
Obama victory speech in, 67–68;
The Obama Diaries Page 33