and religion, 199–200;
Republican defeat in, 345;
and what is America, 5, 6, 10
Elizabeth II (queen), 273, 274
Emanuel, Rahm: and abortion, 43;
and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 341–42;
and Aunt Zeituni situation, 202;
and Debt Commission, 129;
and demonizing enemies, 321;
and elections of 2010, 341–42, 349;
and entertaining at White House, 77;
and health care, 37, 276, 331–32, 333–34, 342;
and immigration, 145–46;
manners and protocol of, 276–77;
and marriage debate, 62–63;
and Massachusetts special election, 268, 269;
and Obama approval ratings, 334;
and Obama Business Roundtable speech, 132–33;
and Obama extended family, 57;
and physical fitness, 158, 160;
and Rogers resignation, 107;
and Rogers-White House crashers incident, 100;
and search for a church, 206;
shower room tactic of, 276–77;
and Virginia gubernatorial election, 265
emergency preparedness, 171–72
Energy and Commerce, U.S. House Committee on, 147
entitlement programs, 59–60, 111–12, 129, 147–48, 196
environment: taxes concerned with, 61
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , U.S., 97, 103, 140, 141
Enzi, Mike, 119
Erickson, Erick, 109
Evergreen Chapel (Camp David), 211–12
exceptionalism, American, 11–16, 18
Fairness Doctrine, 316
faith: and decline of U.S., 335;
as influence on all aspects of life, 214–15;
nature of, 178;
Obama description of, 178–79, 194, 204–14;
as political necessity, 199–200;
and reason, 194;
relationship of government and, 176;
and religion, 176–79;
role in America of, 176, 199
Faith-Based Advisory Council, 201–2
Falsani, Cathleen, 178–79
family: Biden, 32–33;
as building block of society, 33–34;
dinners, 64;
and family values, 38–39;
helping other, 65;
ideal, 32;
marriage as foundation of, 62;
modeling good behavior in, 64–65;
as moral issue, 200;
need for discretion in, 64;
Obama as advocate for, 63;
and Obama economic policies, 59–61;
Obama notions of, 53;
politicians’ commitment to, 65;
private activities of first, 68;
and quality time with children, 65;
and recommendations for insulating family from cultural and political assaults, 64–66. See also abortion; family, Obama; fatherhood; marriage
family, Obama: child rearing ideas in, 50–52;
family tree of, 53–59;
image of, 37–46;
media coverage of, 31–34, 36, 38, 47–48;
Michelle’s role in, 39, 40, 50;
relationships among members of, 34–37, 39–40, 46–52, 64;
Too Much Information about, 39–41. See also specific member
family planning, 42, 43–44. See also abortion
Fannie Mae, 123–24, 134
fatherhood, 59, 64, 200–201
Favreau, Jon, 15, 62, 301, 342
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 15
Federal Reserve, 130
The Federalist Papers (Hamilton, Madison, and Jay), 29
Feinberg, Kenneth, 133
“Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee” proposal, 134
financial regulatory reform, 135–38
Financial Services Committee, U.S. House, 131
Fisher, Elliott, 116
Fitzgerald, Frances, 18
Flexner, James T., 29
Focus on the Family, 193
food industry, 162
Food Network: Michelle on, 104
food stamps, 60, 130
Ford, Harold, Jr., 40–41
Ford Motor Corporation, 140
foreign relations: apologies as ineffective in, 236–44;
apologies for U.S., 219–27;
and apologies for U.S. domestic concerns, 231–34;
bad guys in, 228–31;
and bashing friends, 235–36;
Biden comments about, 220–21, 233–34;
and bowing of Obama, 233–34;
briefings for Obama about, 224–25;
characteristics of Obama approach to, 217–18;
and China role in world, 249–51;
and decline of U.S., 248–51, 335;
diplomacy as tool in, 218, 219, 220;
and elections of 2008, 254;
future of U.S., 252;
and Michelle, 225, 236–37;
Michelle teaching Sasha and Malia about, 245–46;
and motives of world leaders, 244–45;
and negotiating with terrorists, 219;
and nuclear weapons, 21, 216–17, 219, 228–29, 240–41, 243, 244–45;
Obama criticism of U.S., 226;
and Obama popularity, 218–19, 220, 244–45;
and power of U.S., 247–48;
presidential domination of, 251–52;
problems with Obama approach to, 228–36;
during Reagan administration, 330
Foreign Relations Committee, U.S. Senate, 234
founding principles, 12, 17, 25, 26, 28, 110
France, 13, 221, 284–85
Frank, Barney, 133, 279, 305, 307
Franks, Trent, 75
Freddie Mac, 123–24, 134
Frye, Jocelyn, 86
G-8 Summit (Rome, Italy), 283, 284, 285
G-20 Summit (London, 2009), 12, 221, 274
Game Change (Halperin and Heilemann), 290, 291–92
Gates, Henry Louis, 56, 288–89
Gates, Robert, 240, 243, 251
gay marriage, 61, 63, 194
gay rights, 208
Geffen, David, 79
Geithner, Timothy, 133, 167, 249–50, 338–39
Genachowski, Julius, 324
General Motors, 47, 134, 139, 140, 142
Georgetown University: Obama speech at, 188
Gettelfinger, Ron, 143–44
Gibbs, Robert: and Aunt Zeituni situation, 202;
and Biden comments about religion, 214;
and Bo the dog, 94;
Catholicism of, 193;
and death panel, 120;
and demonizing enemies, 309, 315–16, 320, 321;
and elections of 2010, 349;
and gifts from heads of state, 273;
and immigration, 145–46;
and Indonesian trip of Obama, 286;
and marriage debate, 62;
and Obama narcissism, 16, 259, 315–16;
Robinson (Marian) comment about, 90;
and Rogers resignation, 105, 106;
and Rogers-White House crashers incident, 100;
and Russia-U.S. relations, 45–46;
and search for a church, 184–85, 206, 212;
and Tea Party movement, 301
gifts: for world leaders, 222, 271–74
Gingrich, Newt, 265, 302
Giuliani, Rudy, 297, 298
Givhan, Robin, 279–80
GM Corporation, 131, 134, 139, 140
God: politicizing, 193–204
Goldman Sachs, 135–36, 138
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 46, 345
Gore, Al, 69, 238, 239, 244
Gore, Tipper, 239
government: expansion of, 147–48, 231, 310;
relationship of faith and, 176:
takeovers by, 111–49.
Government Accountability Office (GAO), 281
government assistance, 1
14, 130–38. See also entitlement programs; welfare; specific program
government departments: Michelle “drop-bys” at, 96–97
Governors’ Dinner, White House, 78, 100, 104–5
Graham, Lindsey, 345
Green, Edward, 201
greenhouse gas emissions, 243
Grocery Manufacturers Association, 162
Guantanamo (Cuba), 13, 222
Guevara, Che, 318
Gulf Coast oil spill, 42, 288
Gupta, Sanjay, 79
Guy, Jasmine, 19
Haim, Laura, 189
Haiti, 11, 35, 36, 322
Halperin, Mark, 290, 291–92
Hamilton, Alexander, 17, 28, 29, 80
Hanks, Tom, 20, 24–25, 322
Hannity, Sean, 207, 297, 312, 317
Hanson, Victor Davis, 13
Hartshorn, Peggy, 65
Harvard Law School, 48, 138, 208–9, 256
Harvard University, 55
Hawaii, 151–52, 173–75, 257, 258–59, 281
Hawkins, Derrick, 180
Hawthorne, Christopher, 70
Hay-Adams Hotel (Washington, DC): Obama family at, 8
Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of, 43, 59, 97, 115
health care: and abortion, 44;
and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 336, 340, 341, 343, 344, 350;
American satisfaction with, 115–16;
and bipartisanship, 344;
and Catholicism, 194–98;
and culture of dependence, 147–48;
Democratic ad about, 276;
and demonizing enemies, 303, 306, 307–8, 309–10, 318–21, 324–25;
and economic issues, 115–16, 120–21, 129, 333;
emotional manipulations about, 116–18;
and insurance industry, 146;
lawsuits about, 118;
mandate for, 118–23;
and Massachusetts special election, 268, 269, 270;
Michelle concerns about, 38, 104;
and New Jersey gubernatorial elections, 267–68;
Obama campaign for, 206, 312;
Obama consideration of changes to bill for, 37;
and Obama family relations, 35, 36;
and Obama family vacations, 286–87;
and Obama first day of school address, 99;
and Obama International Olympic Committee presentation, 102;
Obama views about, 114–16;
passage of reform of, 270;
polls concerning, 333;
“preventive,” 121-22;
quality of American, 115–16;
and Seder celebration, 190;
signing ceremony for reform of, 118;
and TARP, 130–31;
and Tea Party movement, 303, 306;
and U.S. debt, 129;
votes about, 270, 277–278, 286–87, 307–8. See also anti-obesity movement; physical fitness; vegetable garden, White House; specific person
Heartbeat International, 65
Heilemann, John, 290, 291–92, 317
Herbert, Bob, 319
Heritage Foundation, 60, 130
Hesburgh, Father Theodore M., 198
Holden, John, 250
Holder, Eric, 138, 145
Homeland Security, U.S. Department of, 58, 97, 144, 145, 307
homosexuality, 61–62, 63, 194, 208, 305, 346–47
Honduras, 235, 236
“The House I Live In” (song), 1, 3, 9, 11, 17, 26
housing, 60, 110, 123–24. See also mortgages
Hu Jintao, 217, 233, 250, 251
Huckabee, Mike, 106, 319–20, 321
Hudson, Jennifer, 79
Huffington, Arianna, 121
Hughes, Corey, 147
Hughes, Henrietta, 111–12, 113, 147–48
human rights, 61, 62, 201, 243
Huntley, Chet, 32
Hurricane Katrina, 171, 173
Hussain, Rashad, 189–90
Ifill, Gwen, 319
immigration, 3–4, 80, 83, 144–46, 202–4, 227, 307, 324, 344, 346
Imus, Don, 318
inauguration, Obama, 4–5, 57–58, 82, 181, 274
Independent Payment Advisory Board, 120–21
Independents: and demonizing enemies, 321
India, 222
Indian Americans, 290
Indonesia, 55, 286
industry: Obama hostility to, 335
Ingraham, Laura, 323–24
Inside the White House (NBC-TV special), 94
insurance industry, 146
Interior Department, U.S., 96, 97
International Olympic Committee, 102
Iowa, 299, 312
Iran, 217, 218–19, 240, 243, 244, 251, 335
Iraq, 10, 20, 84, 234, 243, 275
Iron Chef America (Food Network show): Michelle on, 104
Israel, 235, 248, 329
Japan: Obama visit to, 222–23
Jarrett, Valerie: and Aunt Zeituni situation, 202;
and Barack-Michelle first meeting, 45;
and Biden, 335;
and demonizing enemies, 304, 318;
and elections of 2010, 349;
and entertaining at White House, 77;
and health care, 267, 333;
and International Olympic Committee presentation, 102;
and Obama narcissism, 259–60, 261–64;
and Rogers at MTV dinner, 92;
Rogers friendship with, 72, 102;
and Rogers-White House crashers incident, 100;
and search for a church, 184–85
Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 28
Jindal, Bobby, 78, 99
jobs, 125, 129–30, 132–33, 152, 206, 333, 339, 341
John Paul II (pope), 175
Johnson, James, 124
Johnson, Paul, 29
Johnson, Tanya, 147–48
Johnston, Camille, 39, 323
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 25
Jones, James Earl, 80
Jones, Jim, 219, 224
Jones, Van, 318
Joshua Generation Project, 200
Kaczynski, Lech, 236
Kagan, Elena, 43, 318
Kaine, Tim, 265
Kass, Sam, 91, 154, 164
Keehan, Carol, 195–96, 197
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 36, 94, 100, 268, 269
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 73
Kennedy, John F., 150
Kessler, Glen, 235
Key, Francis Scott, 329
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 59, 180
Klein, Joe, 317
Knox, Harry, 201
Korean War, 27, 343
Kornblut, Anne E., 187
Krauthammer, Charles, 240, 256
Kroft, Steve, 218–19
La Raza, 145
LaBash, Matt, 168
LaPook, Jon, 114
Lauer, Matt, 212, 213, 314
Lee, Sheila Jackson, 278
Leibovich, Mark, 260, 261
Leno, Jay, 276
“Let’s Move.” See anti-obesity campaign
Levin, Carl, 135–36, 137, 138
Levin, Mark, 313
Lewis, Carl, 102
Lewis, Emanuel, 118
Lewis, John, 308
Lewis, Reggie, 289
liberals: and abortion, 201;
and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 336–37, 344, 347;
and apologies of Obama, 231–32;
and big government, 231–32;
and culture of dependence, 149;
and demonizing enemies, 306, 307–8, 324–25;
domination of media by, 344;
as elites, 6–7;
and entitlement programs, 112;
and mortgages, 123;
and religion, 193;
and Russia-U.S. relations, 230;
and tax increases, 128;
and what is America, 6–7. See also specific person
Limbaugh, Rush, 152, 314, 315–16, 317
Lincoln Memorial, 82, 181–82
Littwin, Mike,
Loewen, James, 18
logo, Obama, 67, 256–57
London, England: Obamas’ visits to, 283, 284, 285
Long, Wendy, 65
Love, Reggie: and Aunt Zeituni situation, 57, 203–4;
and Bo the dog, 95;
and Catholicism, 193;
and gifts from heads of state, 273;
in Iowa with Obama, 312;
and Limbaugh talk show, 315;
and marriage debate, 63;
and narcissism of Obama, 305;
Obama golf games with, 173, 174, 185;
Obama watching TV with, 24;
and Obama’s narcissism, 263;
and Obamas’ search for a church, 181;
and physical fitness, 166;
and search for a church, 182, 183;
and Sidwell Friends School visit, 36;
and Sunday morning basketball, 187–88;
and vacations of Obama, 283, 285;
Vatican visit of, 191, 192
Lowey, Nita, 37, 83
loyalty, 26, 27, 350
Maddow, Rachel, 195, 309, 319
magazines: Obama stories in, 31–34, 36, 38
“Make It Right NOLA” foundation, 83
Malkin, Michelle, 102, 109
Mandela, Nelson, 59
manners and protocol, 271–81, 288–94, 295
Mao Zedong, 19, 23, 318
marketing: of Obama, 67–74
marriage, 32, 33–34, 61–62, 63–64, 194
Martha’s Vineyard, 52, 270, 281
Martin, Roland, 48
Massa, Eric, 276–78
Massachusetts: special election in (2010), 35, 37, 116, 268–70
May Day protests, 146
McCain, John, 220, 297, 298, 350
McCain, Meghan, 34
McCarrick, Ted, 214
McCartney, Paul, 80
McCaskill, Claire, 135–36, 137
McClatchy News Service, 285
McConnell, Mitch, 138
McCormick Lelyveld, Katie, 39, 86–87, 155
McCullough, David, 28–29
McDonnell, Bob, 264, 265, 266
McHenry, James, 328
McVeigh, Timothy, 309, 311
Meacham, John, 161
media: and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 345;
and Bo the dog, 93;
coverage of Obama family life by, 38, 47–48;
and demonizing enemies, 298, 310–11, 313–25;
liberal domination of, 344;
and marketing offensive of Obama, 67–74;
Michelle views about, 38, 92;
nontraditional, 109;
Obama manipulation of, 336;
Obama meeting with pundits of, 318–19;
and Obama narcissism, 257;
and Obama vacations, 283;
and White House vegetable garden, 91. See also specific person or organization
Medicaid, 148, 333
Medicare, 60, 122, 333
Medvedev, Dmitry, 218, 222, 229–30, 241
Memorial Day, 288
mentoring program: of Michelle, 81
Merkel, Angela, 12, 242, 283
Mexico City Policy, 42
Mikulski, Barbara, 326
Milbank, Dana, 259
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