Hunt for Justice

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Hunt for Justice Page 11

by Vernon, James R.

  Ben wheezed and clawed at her hand to no effect.

  "But that is not what I have planned for you. Instead, you will tell these Orange Hounds that the title of bounty hunter is not to be taken by common thieves and cutthroats. No matter how powerful you think you are, you are mice compared to those that truly worship the goddess of the hunt." She tossed him away like a child would discard an old toy. "Now run back to Lurthalan, dog, and tell whoever you call master that the will of the gods should still be feared and respected."

  Ben struggled to his feet and shot Shayua a look that clearly conveyed his feelings towards her. Then he glanced at all of his fallen companions. His anger faltered and he hobbled off without another word. Leaving Ezzy with Shayua.

  "You," the bounty hunter said, leveling a finger at Ezzy.

  "What?" Ezzy tried her best to return the strong woman's gaze. Tried and failed.

  "You came to my aid." Her voice was flat, not giving a hint if Shayua was appreciative or condemning. "Why?"

  "I saw you as the lesser of two evils. As unpleasant as you have been, I figured you were a better captor than those men."

  "And that is the only reason?"


  "Well, your reasons are your own, but your actions have created a problem."

  "What kind of problem?"

  "I have to accept that you may have saved my life, as I'm sure if those men had won the struggle they would have tortured me and then taken it."

  "Um, ok. I'm not sure what to say."

  "Neither do I. I have yet to decide what I am to do with you."

  "Well, you could always let us go."

  "The thought had crossed my mind. It would ease my--"

  Shayua cut off as she lurched forward and crumpled to the ground. Nolan stood behind her, his walking staff gripped tightly in his hands.

  "Should I hit her again?"


  New Understandings

  Temple Bounty - 35 Silver (Alive)

  Orange Hound Bounty - 60 Silver (Alive)

  "I still think this is a bad idea."

  Ezzy rolled her eyes, even though Nolan was walking behind her. They had had this conversation the previous night and again this morning when they awoke. Now, as they came to the end of another day of walking, he wanted to bring it up again? The man could be so frustrating.

  "And I still say it was the only thing we could do."

  "Not the only thing..."

  "It was the only acceptable thing to do. Nolan, please don't start. We've been walking all day across the grasslands, I'm tired, and I'm certainly not going to change my mind now."

  "Fine, fine. But you are going to have to let her go at some point."

  "I know."

  Coming to a stop, she turned to look at their prisoner. Shayua was draped over Paz's shoulder, her hands tied behind her back and her ankles bound. The cold, calculating look the bounty hunter was directing towards her though sent a chill down her spine. The woman hadn't said a single word the entire day. That stare was more than enough to express her feelings.

  "I don't know what she'll do if we let her go."

  "She'll probably take you over her knee and--"

  "Me? You're the one that smacked her in the back of the head with your staff. I would think if she was mad at anyone, it would be you for blindsiding her."

  "I'm not the one she's been shooting daggers at with her eyes."

  "I know."

  "And I'm not the one that's kept her tossed over Paz's back all day. I'm sure the jostling around hasn't been the most enjoyable traveling experience. Especially all bound up."

  "I know, I know!"

  With a thought, she had Paz drop their packs, then take Shayua in both hands and place her on her feet. Ezzy had her Vilathos keep a solid grip on the woman. Who knew what the trained bounty hunter could do, even properly tied up. By the gods, Ezzy hoped they had properly tied her up. Well, she would keep her distance and try to reason with the woman.

  "Nolan, why don't you start setting up camp while I have a friendly conversation with our new traveling companion."

  "Ok, but I'll be right here when she gets free and starts tossing you around."

  Ignoring his comment, Ezzy walked up to the woman, keeping out of easy reach just in case Shayua somehow got free. Nolan was right, they had to work things out. Better now than later.

  "Ok, it's getting late and I'm sure you don't want to sleep wrapped around my Vilathos's shoulders. Can we come to some kind of understanding?"

  Shayua continued to stare at her for quite some time, then finally looked away. "Yes."

  Well, that was a good sign.

  "I want to let you go, but I can't have you turning around and knocking Nolan and me senseless."

  "That is not my plan."

  "Well, would you be so kind as to let me know what you're planning?"


  Throwing her hands in the air, Ezzy began to pace in front of the woman.

  "How do you expect me to let you go if you won't tell me what you are going to do? What am I even saying? How could I even know if what you tell me is the truth? You might say we should call things even, and then as soon as you are untied, turn on us."

  "I do not lie. If I said I was going to let you go, I would."

  "So, you are willing to let us go?"

  "I don't know yet."

  "You are the definition of frustrating! Can you tell me anything?"

  "I have no intention of hurting you or the old man. But I will stay with you until I figure out what is the right thing for me to do."

  "Well, that's a start. Anything else?"

  "You frustrate me. I do not know what to do with you."

  "Good! Then at least you know how I feel. How about this, if I let you go, do you swear not to attack us in our sleep?"

  "That I can do."

  "And after all your talk of honor, I know you wouldn't go back on your word."

  Shayua's lip curled downward, exposing more of her sharp teeth.

  "I'll take that as a yes. I'm still going to have Paz hold on to your weapons though. Now here, turn around so I can untie your hands."

  "That won't be necessary."

  Shayua brought her hands forward, the untied rope dangling from her wrist. She knelt down and started working on the binds around her ankles, as calm as if she were lacing her boots. When she was free, she stood back up and gave Ezzy a quizzical look.

  "So, what now?"

  "Um, well, now I guess we settle in for the night. Have something to eat. We'll want our energy for tomorrow. We should reach the north side of Rensen forest, and then it will be slow going since we won't be taking the road."

  "Good. I will cook."

  "Oh well, you don't have to do that..."

  But the woman was already moving. She strode past Nolan, who raised his walking staff in a defensive manner. She ignored him.

  "Do you have kindling gathered? I did not see you picking up material as you traveled."

  "Yes," Nolan said, still brandishing his staff in her direction. "We had a supply already. It's behind the bag holding our cooking pot."

  "Thank you."

  While Nolan stood in shocked silence, Ezzy moved to the woman's side. She pulled out the pot and its stand while Shayua started building a fire. Nolan might not be able to handle surprises, but Ezzy was more adaptable. Plus, having the woman cook for them, instead of knocking them around, was a much better option.

  "So, Shayua, that's an interesting name."

  "Do not ask about my past. It will prevent unpleasant situations."

  "I wasn't trying to," Shay turned and gave her a pointed look. "Okay, maybe I was, but it's just I've never seen anyone like you before."

  "I'm sure a girl that grew up in a situation like yours has not seen a lot of the world."

  "What is that supposed to mean?"

  "Esmerelda Ciantar, daughter of Meganan Ciantar and Alexia Ciantar, siblings Maxanan and Moxanan, one of the o
ldest Hawkpurse families in recorded history." She spoke as if she was reading from a history book. "Bonded to a Vilathos by Nolan Bintershad. Trained in hand-to-hand combat. Willful and stubborn. Father deceased, murdered in the Deadlands, family home burned down, probably by a rival family--"

  "Stop!" Ezzy had heard enough. Her father's death and the downfall of her family were not things that should be checked off of a list. "You know nothing about who I am or what I've been through. You know nothing of the stresses and dangers of being a Hawkpurse. You're just a bounty hunter, responsible for nobody but yourself."

  For a moment, Ezzy thought she had gone too far. Shayua stared back at her with a blank expression. Her dark grey eyes seemed to probe Ezzy to her very soul. Tensing, she expected the woman to lash out. Instead, she got laughed at.

  "That is true," she said, laughing lightly. It was a strange sound to hear from the serious woman. "I haven't suffered the same life you have. I presumed too much, and it is clear what I learned about you does not match what I have seen. Except perhaps the part about being stubborn."

  Was that a joke? Shayua had stopped laughing. The blasted woman was impossible to read.

  "Yes, well, I am sure there are a lot of different stories about my family, just as there are about the other Hawkpurse families."

  "Perhaps. I've never hunted a member of a Hawkpurse family before. If I may be so bold to ask, what has driven you to a life of crime? Surely you had some money put away even after everything that happened."

  "What? I'm not a criminal."

  "You have a bounty on your head. That makes you a criminal."

  "No, that's just a misunderstanding--"

  "How do you misunderstand the willful destruction of property?"

  "It was in self-defense. I was ambushed by those Orange Hound fellows. Not the ones we saw, but a group of them in Halyquain. I had Paz give them a sound beating; it just happened that some nearby buildings were damaged in the process."

  "I saw no mention of any of this in the bounty."

  "Of course not. From what I've heard, the gangs run things in Halyquain. I'm sure they twisted the story around, especially if they are holding some kind of grudge against me."

  Shayua spit on the ground. It was disgusting, but before Ezzy could call her out on her behavior, the bounty hunter spoke.

  "A corrupted bounty. These Orange Hounds spit in the very face of Avien'zia. Why the goddess has not struck all of them down is beyond me."

  "That's exactly what I was thinking." At least she was now.

  Shayua grew silent for a moment as she used a rock and piece of flint to light the brush and get the fire going. When she had built the flame up, it made her eyes sparkle in the fading light of the evening.

  "Esmerelda," she said, her tone all business. "I have decided to reject your bounty. I will not take you back to Lurthalan."

  "Thank you, Shayua. That's a relief to hear."

  "You travel to Shade now, correct? I will go with you."

  "Um..." The last thing Nolan and Ezzy needed was a hot-headed bounty hunter following them around. Especially one that stood out as much as Shayua. Now, how to reject her in the nicest way possible? "That is very generous of you to offer to protect us, but with Paz I really don't see the need..."

  Shayua barked a laugh. "I am not coming along to protect you. Those Orange Hounds need to die for the mockery they made of my goddess and their corruption of my profession. I would be insulting my goddess if I allow them to live. Since they seem most interested in you, I will have the best chance to kill more of them if I stay by your side."

  "Now wait a minute, you can't just use us as bait."

  "I don't know," Nolan cut in. "Those Orange Hounds are going to be after us anyway. One more set of eyes, especially attached to someone as skilled as Shayua, would certainly help."

  "Paz can handle..."

  "Paz didn't stop Shayua from getting the drop on us."

  "This arguing is pointless," Shayua said as she placed their pot over the fire. "I wasn't asking permission to accompany you. I simply told you I was coming. It's not up for discussion."

  "I could just as easily have Paz toss you over his shoulder again."

  "And eventually you would let me go again." She pulled a few pieces of jerky out and tossed it into the pot, then began to cut up a potato from their supply of food. "Either way I will be with you as you travel. Best to let me use my own feet and not monopolize your monster's arms."

  Shayua was right. As much as Ezzy hated to admit it. Her "stubborn side," though, wanted to have Paz show her who was in charge here. Maybe another day of being tossed over its back would teach her a thing or two. Probably not, though. Getting on the woman's good side was a better idea. Ezzy had a brief flash of the bounty hunter standing over the dead gang members. Definitely better to be on her good side. That didn't mean giving in nicely.

  "Just finish cooking. If you are going to stay with us, you need to pull your weight."

  Good job, Ezzy, you told her.

  She didn't let Shayua's laughter diminish her sense of authority one bit.


  A Deal Struck

  Ezzy had enjoyed the spicy seasonings Shayua used in her cooking. The blend of sweet and spicy flavors Shayua had added to the meal made even the normally bland rabbit stew taste like a meal created in the finest of inns. Ezzy had lain down for the night full and content, and although she would never admit it, she did feel safer with Shayua there.

  And then she awoke with her stomach screaming at her. The rest of her night was spent in the fetal position while her companions slept peacefully. After a night of a war raging in her stomach, Ezzy decided that Shayua could pull her weight doing something other than cooking for the group.

  When the sun finally started to rise, she felt exhausted. She stayed in her blankets while the others packed things up. At one point, Shayua made some unflattering remarks about her laziness, which motivated her to finally get moving. How the woman could constantly eat food with those spices and still function was beyond her. And how had Nolan gotten a good night's sleep as well? She had expected his constitution to be the weakest out of the three of them. Apparently the man had an iron stomach. Not wanting to look like a wimp, Ezzy mustered her strength and kept from complaining as they headed out.

  Trees started to speckle the land at first as they moved south, interrupting the plains that they had been traveling over for the last few days. Then the trees grew thicker as they found the true edge of the forest towards the end of the afternoon. With all of the logging limited to the west side of the Melcoi River, the forest was slowly spreading north on this side. The section where the road ran through was supposed to be relatively clear, but they had chosen to enter the woods much father east. The bounty hunter had been annoyed by the decision but hadn't argued with it. Much.

  As they began making their way through the forest, Ezzy couldn't help but wonder about their strange new companion. She had met a few bounty hunters in her time, but Shayua was like none she had ever met before. And it wasn't just because of her extraordinary appearance. Any bounty hunter hired by Ezzy's father had been a mixture of cockiness and abrasiveness. All they had cared about was the money her father promised to pay them. There had been a few times that Ezzy had snuck out of her room to hear her father arguing with a bounty hunter over a botched job or a mark that had turned up dead instead of captured. Those didn't seem to follow this code that Shayua had mentioned, although they all claimed to follow Avien'zia.

  Shayua was different. Going by her actions and what she said, Shayua took her role as a bounty hunter seriously and the rules involved as law. Ezzy didn't know much about Avien'zia, but it seemed that Shayua's devotion to her goddess was absolute. Which made the fact that the woman had given up on her bounty all the more confusing. Wouldn't the deliberate refusal to complete a bounty anger the goddess? Had her decision been based on some side of Avien'zia that Ezzy didn't know, or did it have something to do wit
h where she came from? It was frustrating to realize that she knew so little about Avien'zia and many of the other deities and their practices. And she couldn't ask the woman about her heritage. Ezzy would have to try a different tactic with the woman to get some answers.

  As they trudged their way through the forest, stepping around trees and saplings or pushing through dense overgrowth, Ezzy tried to think of the best way to get the woman to open up. In the end, she decided to on focus on her bounty hunter aspect and see if that made her open up more about her religion.

  "So, how long have you been a bounty hunter?"

  Shayua stepped around a sapling before replying. "I started training when I was eight and took my first contract when I was fifteen. So since my first contract, it's been ten years."

  "You started training at the age of eight?"

  "Yes, my mother bought me an apprenticeship through the temple."

  "And that's normal?"

  "Why wouldn't it be?" Her voice grew cold.

  "I don't know, I meant no offense." Ezzy brushed a branch out of her way to give her time to choose her next words. "I know very little about Avien'zia's temple. I've spent most of my life devoted mostly to Drenks, but with everything that's happened to my family, I no longer pray to him. Since I started looking for the person or people responsible for my family's downfall, I've been considering giving my prayers to Avien'zia."

  "You have abandoned your patron deity?" She made it sound like Ezzy had slaughtered a whole village.

  "He has abandoned me and my family! My family devoted decades in service to him, and now we've been torn down to nothing. All because of the actions of one man. Either that one man was more powerful than a god or my god abandoned my family first."

  Ezzy hadn't meant to raise her voice. She neverintended to get upset when she thought about what happened to her family. Her emotions were like a pile of tinder sitting next to a candle. All it took was the smallest push to knock that candle over and start a blaze. Struggling to get her temper under control, she took out her aggression on a nearby plant, trampling it under her boot. Shayua grew quiet for a moment. When she finally spoke, her tone had changed. It sounded...understanding.


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