Hunt for Justice

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Hunt for Justice Page 12

by Vernon, James R.

  "If what you say is true, I understand why you would disregard such a fickle deity. So, you wish to follow Avien'zia now because..."

  "I want to hunt down the man that caused all of it. I want to bring him to justice. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal."

  Shayua stopped and spun around so suddenly that Ezzy put her arms up in defense. The bounty hunter gripped Ezzy's shoulders with her strong hands and looked directly into her eyes.

  "Esmerelda Ciantar. I understand now why I found your bounty. Why I felt the desire not to complete it. Avien'zia must have put me on the path to you for a higher cause."

  "Oh?" Ezzy had no idea what the woman was talking about. She kept quiet and waited to see where this was going.

  "You have prayed to Avien'zia, yes? Prayed for help in finding this man?"

  "Almost every day."

  "I believe your prayers have been answered. Avien'zia has placed me in your life to see if you are worthy of her blessings. I will join your hunt. Train you. Test you. Make you a true hunter of men. This man and all men will come to fear Esmerelda Ciantar even more than her metal monster."

  "Ezzy," Nolan cut in, "I don't think--"

  "You don't need to think, Thaljori, as this decision is out of your hands. It's out of all of our hands. It clearly is the will of the goddess." Returning her attention to Ezzy, Shayua's grip on her shoulders tightened to the point of being almost painful. "You must see that this is what is supposed to happen, yes?"

  "I don't know. It's hard to believe a goddess would take a personal interest in me..."

  "That is because you are used to following a god that sits back and lets his worshippers send him praises for boons he has not caused and blames others for their failures. Your former god sits and eats and grows fat with overindulgence while his followers battle it out for even the smallest scraps of his attention. Avien'zia watches out for her people. She makes our arrows fly true. Allows us to hear the slightest rustle of an animal we hunt. Shows our eyes even the smallest tracks while in pursuit of our bounties."

  "I haven't noticed any of this since I started praying--"

  Shayua released her shoulders and stepped back.

  "Giving her lip service and asking for favors does not make you a true servant of Avien'zia. Many hunters of either men or animals make the same mistake, either from ignorance or laziness. Those willing to listen to the sermon of her Voice, decipher their true meanings, and follow their instructions are the ones that become close to the goddess."

  "And you're willing to teach me what it means to follow her completely? To gain the heightened senses and abilities?"

  Ezzy wasn't sure if she believed everything Shayua was saying, but it had captured her interest. Did the deities of their realm exert more of their influence than she had been led to believe? Even if half of what she said was true, the chance to gain Shayua's skills would be hard to pass up. Especially combined with her control of Paz.

  "I can teach you how to hunt and fight, how to live in a way Avien'zia would find pleasing. Whether she takes an interest, no one can say. We cannot begin to comprehend the thoughts of the gods."

  "Please teach me, Shayua." Nolan let out a snort behind her but she ignored it. "I want to learn."

  "Do not ask for this so eagerly. You need to understand something before you make any commitment to this life. If I'm to instruct you, that means you must follow my instructions and orders. The man that trained me was a harsh and unforgiving mentor. There were days I wanted to kill him, but I humbled myself and followed his instructions to the letter. I would be doing him and Avien'zia an injustice if I expected any less from you. I will not waste my time if you are only going to follow what I say when it is convenient for you."

  "I will follow your instructions on the condition they don't interfere with my plans of finding justice for my father."

  Another snort from Nolan. The man needed to keep his opinions to himself. She could follow orders when she agreed to it. If everything Shayua was saying was true, she would gratefully swallow her pride to have even the slightest advantage of catch this Ean Sangrave.

  "Can I ask questions?" Ezzy continued.

  "Questions are not a problem. I expect you to have many questions about what we do. It's defiance that won't be tolerated."

  "I swear, Shayua, I won't let you down. Train me."

  The grin that appeared on Shayua's face was solemn.

  "Excellent. May Avien'zia smile on us both this day. Now, hold out your hand."

  Ezzy did as she was told then pulled it back as Shayua pulled out one of her many knives. That earned her a growl from the woman.

  "An agreement this important must be made in blood, Esmerelda. Avien'zia would be content with nothing less."

  "How much blood?"

  "Hold on," Nolan said, limping over to stand almost between the two women. "This is going too far."

  "This is no concern of yours, Thaljori." Shayua went to push him out of the way but he raised his staff and pointed it at her face.

  "Ezzy is more of a concern of mine than she is of yours. You've had your turn to speak, now she will hear what I have to say."

  He turned his back on Shayua, something Ezzy would never have done after threatening the massive woman, and raised his free hand in a soothing manner.

  "I understand you want to find this Ean fellow and bring him to justice for what he did to your family. Believe me, I want to see the same thing. Your father was one of the few people I could call a friend."

  He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer, his voice dropping to a whisper.

  "But I'm scared this path will lead you down a dark path. You already hold so much anger. I'm afraid learning to follow a goddess that gets a thrill out of a hunt and killing will just make that anger settle deeper inside you. Left unchecked, it will consume you. I won't let that happen."

  His fears were unnecessary, of course, but his words were still appreciated. After all this was said and done, she would make sure that her friend was well taken care of for the rest of his life. Even if she was the one that had to do it.

  "You're overreacting, Nolan. She's offering me a way to take better care of myself. I hate to admit it, but you know those rabbits I said I caught a few days ago? Well, I actually got them from--"

  "Yes, yes, I figured you bought them. You're not really listening to what I'm saying..."

  "You're worried that I'll become some killing machine. I get it. It's not going to happen, Nolan. Plus, I have you around to keep me grounded."

  "I won't always be around, Ezzy."

  "Why would you say something like that? Ok, never mind, I don't want to talk about it. I'm going to train with Shayua. My decision is final."

  "Stubborn girl..." Nolan mumbled as he stalked away as fast as his injured leg could carry him. Ezzy took a step to go after him, but Shayua stuck out an arm to block her path.

  "Let him go. You are an adult and must make your own decisions. He either will accept it or not. Now hold out your hand."

  Ezzy did as she was told. When Shayua placed the blade of the knife across her palm, fear almost made her pull her hand back again. What was she getting herself into? Then she pictured her father. The last time she had seen him. Hugging him good-bye, not knowing it was for the last time. She steeled her resolve.

  Her hand trembled as Shayua grasped her wrist. As much as Ezzy wanted to put on a brave face, when the blade cut into her skin, she cried out in pain. Shayua squeezed her wrist a few times until the blood dribbled down her hand. Then the bounty hunter cut into her own hand, took Ezzy's hand in her own, and squeezed even harder.

  "A deal struck."

  With that, Shayua nodded and stepped back.

  "Wait... that's it?"

  "You expected more?"

  "Well... yes! I expected some big speech or proclamation to your goddess."

  "OUR goddess.'

  "Yes, of course that's what I meant, but I just thought--"<
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  "Our goddess does not require big, elaborate rituals like other deities. Avien'zia is more about action over words."

  "Oh, well, let's get started then. I want to learn everything."

  "In time. At this moment we should fix your hand. I won't be able to teach you to use a bow if your palm gets infected."

  "True. I should wash the wound and get it wrapped."

  "That won't be necessary."

  Shayua pulled a small vial from her pouch and popped off the cork.

  "Let me see your hand."

  Shayua gripped her wrist again, and sprinkled a ground-up powder over the wound. She then used her free hand to rub it in. It hurt at first, but then the sharp pain turned into a light throbbing. A few moments later it was gone completely.

  "What was that?"


  "Rottwealth? Just that small amount costs a fortune!"

  "Not as much as it used to cost. The supply in Lurthalan has increased this past year."

  "Still, for you to use it on me..."

  "As my student, you are my responsibility now. To let something bad happen, even something as small as an infected hand, would reflect poorly on me. I've taken on a great responsibility becoming your mentor."

  "Shayua, I had no idea."

  "Well, let this be your first lesson. Everything you do from this point on is a reflection of how I instruct you. You can thank me for mentoring you by trying your best not to embarrass me."

  "Thank you."

  "Good. I'm hoping to at least make it a few days before I have to administer your first beating."


  Oh, Ezzy. What have you gotten yourself into?



  "Wake up," Shayua's grating voice tore Ezzy out of a pleasant dream that included a bathhouse, a handsome masseur, and his magical fingers along her spine. "We have a lot to do before we head out."

  Ezzy's body ached and her eyes fought her as she tried to open them. They had stayed up late, Shayua wanting to teach her how to shoot a bow by fire and moonlight. The woman hadn't let Ezzy sleep until she had fired three shots with acceptable form. All she had to eat were a few pieces of jerky, thankfully spice-free. The three moons had all been floating in the sky by the time Ezzy was allowed to lie down. It had taken even longer for her to fall asleep as she tossed and turned on the various rocks and roots that made up the forest floor.

  And now she was being woken up in the last remaining moments of night when the moons were gone and dawn was just starting to peek over the Unyielding Wall.

  "Just a few more moments," she replied.

  That earned her a kick in the side that almost knocked the air from her lungs.

  "The sun will not wait a few more moments for you to rise. We go by its schedule, not yours, Esmerelda."

  "Understood," Ezzy wheezed. Climbing out of her blankets, she let her eyes adjust to the dark. Nolan was still sleeping, one hand resting on his staff. The man was snoring, which bothered her for some reason.

  "Come. This way."

  Shayua was a blur of movement in the darkness. Ezzy followed in silence, wondering what morning activity the bounty hunter had planned. More practice with a bow in low light? Maybe some hunting and trapping practice? What else could they do this early in the morning?

  I hope this isn't an everyday thing. Wait, where did Shayua go?

  Lost in thought, Ezzy had lost track of the woman. The woods were so dark. The only thing her senses could pick up was the snap of branches and twigs beneath her feet as she stumbled forward. She might as well have been wandering blind. Part of her wanted to call out for her mentor, but her pride kept her quiet. She would just stumble on until the woman called for her or the sun came up enough for her to see.

  "This way, little rabbit."

  Shayua's voice came from behind her, possibly on her right side. How had the woman gotten behind her?

  "Which way?"

  "Over here."

  Orienting herself in the direction of the voice, Ezzy set off in the new direction. The bounty hunter's reasons for getting her up this early had better be more than to have her traipse about lost in the woods. If the only lesson she was supposed to learn was how inept she was in the dark...well, there wasn't much she could do. Maybe toss out Shayua's spices so the woman couldn't continue to poison--

  A snapping sound came from her right, followed by the sound of something falling through the trees. Before she could react, something gripped her ankle and pulled her legs out from under her. Her back and head hit the ground hard and then she was lifted into the air feet first. Her vision swam from the impact on the ground and her arms hung limply just above the ground as she swung upside-down. A hand gripped her shirt and Shayua was kneeling right in her face, their noses almost touching.

  "Seems like you're caught in a snare, little rabbit."

  "I don't see how swinging from my ankles helps me get closer to Avien'zia."

  "Oh, but it does." The slow scrape of a knife leaving its sheath sent a chill down Ezzy's spine. The cold look in Shayua's eyes made Ezzy tense up even more. "The capture of prey, offered up to Avien'zia, is a great compliment to our goddess."

  This close, Shayua's lower incisors looked like little daggers sticking up over her lip. And where was the knife she had heard come free?

  "Shayua, I'm not prey. You said yourself you had abandoned the bounty."

  "This is true, but it does not mean I cannot still hunt you for sport. And now that I've caught you, I can offer our goddess a tribute of blood."

  "Shayua, this isn't funny anymore. You're starting to sca--"

  Ezzy's voice cut off with a squeak as the blade of a knife touched her neck.

  "A morning offering of blood was how I first introduced myself properly to the goddess, Esmerelda. I believe your blood will be an acceptable greeting to her again."

  "Shayua, please..." Fear gripped her. She tried to summon Paz to her but all her focus was on the sharp edge pressed against her skin.

  "Please? You want to just get right to it? I like that."

  The blade began to move.


  Ezzy closed her eyes as a sharp pain rippled through her.

  And then it was gone.

  Her own hands went right to her throat, feeling along the skin for where the knife had done its damage. Confusion sank in as she failed to find even a scratch. As her mind struggled to understand what was happening, a dull ache started on the left side of her head. Her hand moved to the source of the pain, her ear, and she felt something wet. Daring to open her eyes, she looked at the small amount of blood smeared on her hand. Then she saw Shayua sitting a few paces away barely in sight.

  The woman was smiling!

  Not the smile of a psychopath. Not a condescending smirk. The bounty hunter wore a wide grin, her eyes filled with nothing but warmth.

  "Shayua! By the Abyss, I thought you were going to slit my throat. You could have said all you were going to do was nick my ear."

  "Where would be the fun in that?"

  "So that's what you consider fun? Making someone nearly wet themselves?"

  "Were you close? That would have made the joke even better."


  "I told you yesterday that to allow anything horrible to happen to you would reflect poorly on me. That especially includes killing you."

  "The words seem less true when you have a knife to my throat."

  "That's only because you understand nothing about our goddess. But you will learn."

  "Can I learn while standing on my own two feet? All the blood is rushing to my head, and I'm starting to get a little woozy."

  Shayua gripped something at her side and pulled. The tension of the rope holding her up disappeared and Ezzy dropped to the ground. She barely tucked in time to avoid landing on her head, her back taking the brunt of the fall instead. An exposed root dug into her ribs, making her grunt as she tried to sit up. Keeping her discomf
ort to herself, she instead focused on removing the rope from around her ankles. When she finished, Shayua motioned for her to move closer. Ezzy crawled over and took a seat directly in front of her. To her credit, when Shayua then held out a knife, Ezzy did not shy away.

  "This is my Korin. Hold it."

  Ezzy did as she was told, taking the blade in her hand. The handle felt awkward, brown leather wrapped around whatever material made up the grip, and it was clearly meant for someone with a larger hand than her own. It had no hand guard or fancy decorations. The most interesting part about it was the blade. The dark gray color of it threw her off for a moment, but she guessed it was made of bone. Her own blood still adorned the tip. Overall it was an unimpressive weapon and certainly not something she would have thought had special meaning.

  "I don't understand. Is there something I'm missing? It seems like a something put together with scraps."

  "You are not far off. I made it solely from what I harvested from my very first hunt and kill."

  Ezzy quickly handed it back.

  "You mean, it's made from the parts of a person?" To think the bone came from a human was gross enough, but to think of how she had made the leather of the handle...

  "No, no, no. My first kill was a boar in these very woods."

  "Oh well, that's a relief."

  "Do not think that it has not been done before. My mentor's first kill in Avien'zia's name was a man. The target was a murderer of women and children, and my mentor took great joy in ridding him from the world. Having been born a weapon-smith's son, my mentor's blade was expertly made from the pieces of the man. If your first kill is a human, I will expect you to do the same."

  "Really? That's horrendous!"

  "So you would not do it?" The tone of Shayua's voice made her words more of an accusation than a question.

  "I...will just make sure my first kill is an animal. Then it won't be an issue."

  "We will see. Sometimes the decision to kill is made for you." Rising, Shayua sheathed her Korin. "Congratulations, my apprentice. You have taken your first steps in truly knowing your goddess."


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