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Life Ain't A Fairy Tale

Page 13

by Miguel Rivera

  "Yes. I am now." I say after swallowing a chunk of chicken after chewing and savoring it.

  "Well, I have to leave again to do a presentation about the biotechnology we use at Biopharm. This time, it is in Nevada. I will leave early in the morning tomorrow and come back in two days."

  "Really? You didn't get to rest from the airplane drive."

  "Don't worry. I will be fine, Jimmy. Jessica will be here to keep you company. She won't be living with us for long, but she will be with you these two days."


  "Good, then." We eat peacefully quiet. The food she ordered tastes really good. I love to wash all the salt down with ginger ale.

  Sara and Jessica sleep in her room while I sleep in mines. My computer was still on. I turn it off. I change into my pajamas to go to bed. This could be the last few days that I will sleep in Sara's house.

  The next day, I wake up late to eat because I don't have tutoring. When I go downstairs, the cereal and milk is ready in the dining room. I love waking up to this meal. I haven't been served breakfast since I was a teenager. I decided that it was too easy not to serve myself. My mother won't last forever. When someone serves the food for you, it tastes more delicious.

  As I sit down on the sofa and watch TV in the living room, I see Jessica going upstairs with a broom. She wears a sleeveless green shirt and blue hot pants. This is the biggest butt I have ever seen. Her thighs look sexy as well. How can something so little have something so big?

  "Jessica. That is my job. Give me the broom."

  "No. I'm fine. I did this for a living in Mexico."

  "I don't care. Give it to me." As I sit up from the sofa, Jessica leaves the broom on the second floor to walk down the stairs towards me.

  "Sit back down, Jimmy."

  "It's my job. It is what I do."

  "Not today. You relax and watch some TV." She puts a cushion on my back.

  "No. Don't worry. I don't need the cushion now." I place the cushion to my side.

  "Okay. Don't do anything? Just sit there." Looks like today is my lucky day.

  The video game console already has the basketball game in it. I play the game. Basketball games get old quickly because from one year to the next, players change to different teams. The first thing I like to do is update the teams' rosters to match them in the present as much as you can. You can't add new players that didn't exist the year before. I enjoy having the players pass the ball around and pretending to be the greatest coach ever.

  After playing for a while, Jessica sits down with me.

  "I want to play, too." I love her Spanish accent.

  "You like playing video games?"

  "Yeah. Why not?" I like the way she looks at me, as if I am an interesting and attractive man, which I am not.

  "Girls don't play video games." I tease her with the stereotype of women not playing video games. I know stereotyping people is meaningless and ignorant. It is one of society's ways of inhibiting people to act the way they want and feeding more ignorance to people who believe the stereotypes to be true.

  "Yeah. We can."

  "You don't know anything about video games." Jessica tightens her lips when I say this.

  "If you don't let me play with you, I never will."

  We play basketball against each other in the video game. It feel hot sitting next to her. Her Japanese eyes are sexy. She has a wonderful smile too. I adore long, black hair. I tell her how to pass and how shoot. On purpose, I play badly to keep the game's score interesting. I feel sorry for her. I let her win.

  In the dining room, I will prepare soup after playing the basketball game. When I mention this, she tells me that it will be ready in a few minutes because she made it earlier. I like to eat the soup cold, I tell her not to heat it because I will eat it now. It tastes very good. It has chicken drumsticks.

  "Jimmy, I heard you work as a tutor." We sit in front of each other at the dining room table.

  "Yes. I do."

  "It must be fun helping other people with their homework." Jessica flashes her eyes very coquettishly.

  "Yes. It is."

  "How long have you been working as a tutor?" Jessica pushes back her long hair that covers her front shoulders. She looks very sexy when she manages her long, black hair.

  "A few years."

  "You know something. I also believe love isn't real." Jessica only says this to get on my good side. I will tell her what I think.

  "Yes. Love is a fantasy. There is no way that two people can love each other for so long. That is impossible."

  "You are right, Jimmy. People who believe in love are fools. I am a more practical person like you are. I look for what is in my best interest."

  "Yes. That is the way it should be. It should be a cold, objective, and calculated decision. It shouldn't be based on emotion. It is about getting along and tolerating each other, not love."

  "Yeah. It is always good to use reason instead of following your heart." It seems we are in agreement, or she pretends to agree with me. I will change the subject randomly.

  "Sara tells me that she really cares about you."

  "What? No, she doesn't."

  "What do you mean? She keeps telling me you are the best cousin ever." Her demeanor changes from being cheerful to bitter. She doesn't like Sara very much, but she did a very good job pretending to like her in Sara's presence.

  "Yeah. I am the best cousin to her. She always takes center stage over me. That is why she likes me." I see that she is good at being a phony and talking behind other people's back.

  "Say it isn't so?"

  "Yeah. Since I was a little girl, when Sara visited Mexico, she was the American girl. She was treated like royalty. Everyone in the family ran to serve her and adore her. One time, my mom took a doll from me and gave it to Sara. I was punished for getting mad at her. When she visited Mexico as a teenager, I knew what I had to do. I pretended to adore her and joined everybody in worshiping the ground she walked on. For Sara, everything she ate and every gift she received had to be the best. When I asked for something, my parents said no to me because our budget was tight. At least, my sacrifice was worth it. Finally, I am here in the United States, my biggest dream." Jessica is a bitter and jealous woman. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

  "Why do you pretend to like Sara?"

  "I need to have someone looking out for me. I am here on a work visa. Sara promised me to find me a husband to make my American citizenship possible." I feel sorry for Sara because she believes Jessica is her best cousin.

  At night, Jessica and I watch prowrestling on TV. Jessica accompanies me in everything that I don't expect a woman to like doing. Jessica is only trying to please me. I don't know what her ulterior motives are. As long as she doesn't plan to hurt me, it doesn't matter. Besides breaking up Sara and I. She pulled really hard for Sara to dump me. There are many good wrestling matches tonight. Jessica is under the impression that the wrestlers are hitting each other for real. Not all of prowrestling is make believe. When you fall down on the mat; your back hits the canvas hard and with intensity.

  "Jessica, do you really like to watch prowrestling?"

  "Yeah. Why can't I like it?"

  "It is possible, but I doubt it."

  "What is not to like? Muscular guys in their underwear." At least, that is a believable lie from Jessica.

  "You know that they are not really hitting each other."

  "They are not?" Jessica is shocked to hear this.

  "They pretend to punch each other and kick each other. When one wrestler lifts the other, the wrestler being lifted helps himself to make the body slam easier."

  "Really? It looks very real."

  "They do punch, kick, and elbow each other, but not with complete force. If prowrestling were real, the matches would be really short. A real kick to the back of the head will send a guy to the hospital quickly. Yet, the wrestler, as you can see, recovers and fights back to win the match."

  "Why do you watch s
omething that is fake?" Jessica flashes her pretty eyes coquettishly again. She moves her hair to the left side of her shoulder.

  "It is fun. It is a break from reality. You see how rudely they talk to each other. You can't do that in real life without looking like a jerk. There is something about a guy being confident and powerful that appeals to me. It is the pride of acting like a jerk that I find fascinating. They act as if they are doing the right thing too. The bad guys receive the "boos" from the crowd with pride. It is funny to watch." Jessica laughs at this explanation.

  After prowrestling is over, Jessica tries to make a move on me. She is sitting down next to me. She moves her body close to mines, leans her head on my shoulder, and grabs my inner thigh. As much as I desire her and want passionate sex with her, I am taken aback. Her ulterior motive is to steal me away from Sara.

  "What are you doing, Jessica?" I softly push her away from me, and I sit up.

  "I know you want me, I can see it in your eyes." I imagine my eyes are showing what she claims.

  "Well, you are mistaken. I don't want you."

  "Don't play hard to get. I know you and Sara haven't had sex in a very long time."

  "So? That doesn't mean I want to have sex now." Having sex sounds like a pretty good idea. I can't tell her that.

  "You know you want all of this." Jessica points to herself, crosses her legs and gives me a lustful stare. I feel sex-crazed.

  "No. I am not a sexaholic."

  "Oh, really? All men want sex."

  "I am not a man." Jessica opens her eyes widely.

  "What do you mean you're not a man?"

  "I am a being that was born in the wrong body and the wrong culture. I have nothing in common with anyone." Jessica is baffled.

  "Don't change the subject, mister. I saw your wet underwear hidden in your bed. That smell didn't come from food or water. The stain was yellow." She looked underneath the mattress. Jessica is very nosy.

  "So? I had a wet dream. Many men have this experience. I don't see how having a wet dream makes me a sexaholic." Jessica is beginning to get upset.

  "I saw the story you wrote."

  "What story?" I know that she is talking about my fictional story. She didn't waste time when I went downstairs to talk to Sara.

  "The story about the masked hero."

  "What about that story? There are a lot of pages."

  "I read your hot and steamy sex scene with the bald woman and the hero."

  "What about it?"

  "I know you want a woman to dominate you and give you hot, passionate sex. I am the woman that can give you this." Jessica pushes me down to the sofa. She sits on my lap, facing me with her hands running through my hair. Jessica continues to speak very sensually to me. "All this can be yours tonight. Don't fight what you feel for me? I know you want to be inside me." I grab her by the shoulders and push her to the side. I sit back up, fighting the desire to rip her clothes off and have hot, passionate sex on the sofa.

  "No. I don't care about you. I don't want to be with you. I would only sleep with you for the sex."

  "Don't worry? I only want to have sex with you too. I don't believe in that love crap either. Let me have you."

  "No. I don't want to." Jessica is angry that I am turning her down.

  "What is wrong with you? Why do you cling to Sara? She doesn't love you."

  "Love isn't real. Of course, she doesn't love me."

  "No. I mean she doesn't care about you. She is thinking about dumping you. You don't even have sex with her anymore. You are not a couple anymore. Why are you so stubborn?"

  "I don't care. Can't you take no for an answer?"

  "She is an obnoxious bitch that feels entitled to everything."

  "I don't care."

  "She is thinking about dating Chad. She will dump you for Chad. It is only a matter of time."

  "So? In the meantime, I am still her boyfriend." Jessica is very frustrated.

  "Have some dignity. She doesn't deserve you. She is cocky, arrogant, and selfish. She thinks she is the best thing alive. It is all about her. She won't think twice about you when she is fucking Chad."

  "You know what you are. You are an ingrate. She brings you to the United States and makes your dream come true. The way you thank her is by bad mouthing her every chance you get. I don't like it when people talk bad about Sara. The only person who needs to have dignity and self-respect is you. Instead of bad mouthing your cousin, you should work at being a better person like Sara. I don't want you to talk bad about Sara ever again. Don't you dare follow me to the bedroom. You are not welcome."

  "No. I am so sorry. I am really, really sorry. I didn't mean to say those things about Sara." I walk up the stairs. She continues to apologize, but I ignore her. When I get to my room, I shut the door and lock it, leaving Jessica outside. "I am so sorry, Jimmy. I know you care about her. This is my mistake. I am so sorry. I promise not to do it again. I just want to have sex with you. You are so hot. I am sorry. I will never upset you again. Please, forgive me." I ignore her, and she stops insisting for the night.

  Chapter 10

  I am torn inside by my sexual desire for Jessica. I hate her as a person, but I desire her physically. She is a false person who will tear you apart behind your back. She is selfish and an ingrate. It really is all about her. She is the kind of person that I don't want to have as a friend. However, she is so titillating. I want her body. Her hips and big butt enthrall me. I want to have her naked on top of me. I want to look into her seductive Japanese eyes. Feeling her long hair caress my face and body is what dreams are made of. I lie in bed wishing she would knock down that door, jump on top of me, rip my clothes off, and give me unrestrained passionate sex. I spend the entire night, one erotic fantasy after the other with Jessica. Just the thought of her gives me an erection.

  Sara is going to dump me when she comes back. Not because Jessica says it's true, but because I heard Sara telling Jessica that she is thinking about it. If Sara had not been a social creature, the peer pressure from Jessica and Chad to dump me wouldn't convince her. Unfortunately, she is one of the most social people on Earth. She already wanted to dump me before, but her mother, Paula, convinced her otherwise.

  Foolishly, I act like someone who has a lot of choices. Sara is the only woman in the world that has given me a chance. Now, Jessica comes along, and I turn her down. She will probably be the last person to give me a chance like this. I have spent so much time in the social world that I am starting to think like a man does. If the opportunity presents itself, take it. It is a crime to say no to a woman that hot and sexy. Sara is going to dump me anyway. At least, I will be giving her a good reason to dump me. Instead of dumping me for being myself, I will be dumped for being unfaithful.

  The next day, I wake up to have my breakfast already served again by Jessica. She is insistent, but I will not propose her to have sex with me; she will have to initiate everything. It is just as delicious, the food.

  Jessica sits down with me at the dining room table. She is very sorry. "Jimmy, I am so sorry for what I did yesterday. Please forgive me. I really enjoy being with you. I like you. You are a good man. I rarely say that to anybody. I will not talk bad about Sara ever again. You are right. She is helping me out. I need to be more grateful to her."

  I interrupt her, "It is okay. I forgive you. Everything is fine." Jessica is very cheerful after hearing me say this. She is imperfect, but she cooks and cleans the house. That should make her worth something.

  After I take a bath, we play racing games on the video game console. It is the kind of fun that reminds me of my childhood. Again, I drive slowly to make the racing competitive. I wished I had a girl to play video games with during my childhood. My wish is coming true a couple of years too late.

  After eating every meal, I watch TV at night. There is a soccer game going on. I enjoy watching the soccer players run from side to side. It is a fun sport. It is very strategic. This is something that is not obvious to the casual viewer.
If you put a line of three defenders against a really good team, you will lose. Their offense will score many goals on you.

  There was a time when I played soccer like the guys I watch on TV. When I was really young, before I lost my self-esteem, there was a time when I was prideful and arrogant. I joined a soccer team with Luis. It upset me that the coach placed me as a defender because I liked scoring goals. I wanted to be the kid making the important plays in the game. After weeks of being placed as a defender, I quit the soccer team. Only now that I am older and mature is that I realize the importance of every position on the soccer field.

  Jessica comes down after taking a bath to watch TV with me. She wears a red baby doll. It covers her body, but leaves exposed her legs, her arms and part of her chest. She looks very attractive. I want to have sex with her so bad. I can't stop looking at her. Probably, I am making the dumb face guys make when they are watching strippers. I have become one of them, another horny man that can't keep it in his pants. Part of me is sickened by how sex-crazed I have become. I don't even know what is on the TV when she sits down next to me. Her appetizing legs crossed trigger an erotic fantasy in my mind. That sexy and lustful stare she gives me makes me feel like the most attractive man in the world.

  "Jimmy, I know you want me. I am not forcing you to do anything. Only enjoy me." Jessica pleases me. She takes off her baby doll and reveals her body with black lingerie to showcase her beauty. She dances sensually for me. She puts her head down so her hair goes to the front of her body. She whips her head back to have her long hair behind her back again. Her hips shake rapidly from side to side and rotate circularly. What a woman! I want to have sex. My erection is fully stretching my briefs. Those hips and thighs drive me wild. Her Japanese eyes filled with lust. When she looks deeply into my eyes, I go crazy. I was stupid for turning her down yesterday. I am never going to have the chance to have another woman this close to me again.

  We begin to make out. She sits sideways on my lap on the right side of the sofa with her legs stretched out on the left side of the sofa. Our lips lock each other. She aggressive sucks on my lower lips. She shoves her tongue in my mouth. Her tongue pets my tongue horizontally, vertically, and in circular motions. It feels weird to feel her tongue touch mine. My lips separate from hers. With my face covered by her long black hair, I lick her neck and throat. Continuously, I suck her neck as she caresses my upper back. I hold her tightly against me. My hands caress her thighs and knees as her head rests on my right shoulder.


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