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Witchy Woes Book 1: Tamara

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by Michelle Hasker

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  Whiskey Creek Press

  Copyright ©2008 by WHISKEY CREEK PRESS

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Michelle Hasker


  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052

  Copyright © 2007 by Michelle Hasker

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 978-1-60313-177-3


  Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

  Editor: Chere Gruver

  Printed in the United States of America




  "Morgan's Magick by Michelle Hasker is a tantalizing story that will have you begging for more. The characters are well detailed and enjoyable; the plot is appealing and extremely sensual. I loved the passion and electricity that flowed between Morgan and Jack and thought the author did a fantastic job of grabbing the reader's attention from the first page and holding it until the last."

  Recommended Read


  Fallen Angels Reviews

  5 Angels

  "Morgan's Magick is spell binding and truly captivating. Michelle Hasker has an incredible talent to bring you into the world of magic. I truly enjoyed this story and I am sure you will as well."


  Sensual Reads

  Other Books by Author Available at Whiskey Creek Press:

  Taking A Chance in the Christmas Candy Anthology

  Morgan's Magick in Celtic Love Knots Volume One

  Sheila's Surrender in Celtic Love Knots Volume Two

  Tarot Anthology: Synchronicity Volume One

  Tarot Anthology: Synchronicity Volume Two



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  About the Author

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  Thanks, Chere, for your belief and support.

  You are a fabulous editor, nice woman, and a good friend.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 1

  Tamara shivered and rubbed her arms as Sandra helped Camryn set her tools in the center of the circle. Camryn not only looked very nervous, but also gave off bad vibes. Although Tamara preferred not to use her Sight, she was highly tempted. It had to be obvious to everyone that something really, really bad was going to happen.

  A strong wind began to blow, and she wondered, not for the first time, if the beach had been the best idea. It was a waning moon, and the intensity and number of spells was going to be high, but one of their homes would have been sufficient. Then again Camryn was casting tonight.

  As soon as Camryn finished laying out the altar items, Sandra handed her the broom. Usually Sandra was the one to sweep, since she was their High Priestess, but tonight was Camryn's turn since she was casting the spells.

  Why did we all have to come?

  Tamara sighed and rubbed the tattoo on the inside of her right wrist. The flames were burning as her power yearned to be free. Judging by how restless the others were, their power begged for the same thing. While her power was fire, and Sandra was their High Priestess, Allison had the power of air, Candace had earth, and Macy's was water. Camryn had yet to discover her talent. It wouldn't be a surprise if Camryn lost her powers because of misuse. It had been known to happen to some. Everything came back times three, good or bad. A lesson Tamara would never forget.

  "As I sweep, may the Besom..."

  Tamara tuned Camryn out as she focused on her power. Tonight it really struggled to free itself. Usually she had better control than this. A stray leaf at her feet burst into flames and she quickly stomped it out.

  "I call upon light and earth at the north to illuminate and strengthen the circle.” Candace's voice rang out loud and clear, bringing Tamara's focus back on the task at hand.

  The sand beneath her bare feet sent a surge of strength to her, which she gratefully received. She needed it tonight.

  "I call upon light and air at the east to illuminate and enliven the circle,” Allison said as a gust of wind blew around the circle.

  "I call upon light and fire at the south to illuminate and warm the circle,” Tamara said as a burst of warmth filled her.

  "I call upon light and water at the west to illuminate and cleanse the circle,” Macy said.

  As the next wave crashed on the shore, Tamara felt her negativity lift, and her mind clear.

  Sandra lifted her athame and stepped forward. She stopped in front of the altar and said, “I draw this circle in the presence of the Lady and the Lord, that They may aid and bless us in our work."

  As Sandra walked around the circle, Tamara watched flames dance along the line Sandra made. They weren't normally this bright. She never knew if the others saw them, but tonight they were bright enough they could have been seen from the highway. I wonder why.

  She continued with the ritual, saying the words Tamara knew by heart, words designed to protect them while they cast tonight's spells. Sandra moved back to the altar and blessed the salt which she then sprinkled in a circle around them. As it touched the flames, the color turned bright white, and rose, wrapping over them until they were sealed inside the circle.

  Again, they went around the circle, starting with Candace. “I call upon you, Guardians of the North, Element Earth, to guard this circle. By the body and strength that is ours, we ask you to attend this rite."

  Before she finished speaking, a loud rumble sounded underneath them. Candace smiled and looked at Allison.

  "I call upon you, Guardians of the East, Element Air, to guard this circle. By our breath and thoughts, we ask you to attend this rite.” Another strong gust of wind whirled around the outside of the circle. With a smile, Allison turned to Tamara.

  "I call upon you, Guardians of the South, Element Fire, to guard this circle. By our energy and consumption of life, we ask you attend this rite.” As Tamara finished, flames leapt up surrounding the circle, reaching high and wide, like a protective shield. Tamara turned to Macy with a smile.

  "I call upon you, Guardians of the West, Element Water, t
o guard this circle. By our emotions and blood in our veins, we ask you to attend this rite,” Macy said.

  A light rain drizzled down upon them, then ceased as Sandra lifted her arms up in the air, holding her athame up high. “Hail to the elements! Welcome to the Lady and Lord! We stand between the worlds surrounded by light, love and power."

  Sandra poured wine onto the ground for the Lady and Lord, and turned to face Camryn.

  "I know we've done spells before, but the power you five hold is amazing.” Camryn looked around the circle with a smile.

  Tamara winced and shook her head. The woman would never learn.

  "Are you ready to begin, Camryn?” Sandra asked gently.

  "I'm not sure where to start. I did spells for love, money, health, a job and looks."

  "Did you follow my instructions?"

  "Yes, I did. But—"

  "No buts. Get your spells in order, dear. Job, looks, health, love, money. Please start when you are ready."

  Camryn nodded, but looked nervously around the circle. Tamara fought to keep her impatience in check. Once she was no longer in the coven they would need someone to take her place. At least with Camryn she didn't have to worry that they'd be missing a corner.

  Sandra piled some small oak twigs inside the cast iron cauldron. Tamara held her breath while Camryn rifled through her papers until she produced the one she wanted. After Camryn read the paper, she reached for the frankincense candle and lit it as she said, “Please cleanse me, as I reverse the spells I cast in ignorance."

  The flame flickered, but held strong, and Tamara bit back a sigh of relief. Camryn looked down at the sheet and repeated the spell, hopefully word for word. The flame stayed strong and true. When she finished, she dropped the paper in the cauldron. It burned with a brilliant flash of light.

  Camryn moved onto the next spells with more confidence, and was finished in no time. She dropped the last paper into the cauldron and a huge flame leapt out of the cauldron and split into five separate flames. One shot at each corner, and the last at Sandra as she stood next to the altar.

  Red hot pain seared Tamara's chest and she cried out as she clawed at her shirt. Cries from her sisters filled her ears, but she couldn't see them through the blinding flames licking at her chest.

  "Shit, shit, shit!” She howled as tears ran down her face. The pain from the flames sent her to her knees before she thought to stop, drop and roll. As she fell on her back and rolled over to smother the flames, she tried to focus on them and draw their power into her so they would shrink. But unlike real flames, the magical ones stayed steady and strong.

  "My Lady!” Tamara begged through gasps for air. “Please help your daughters."

  As if in answer to her prayer, a beckoning darkness yawned before her, and she stumbled into it with open arms.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 2

  Tamara winced as a high-pitched squeal sounded next to her head.

  "No, Sunny, we have to keep it down. Some of the people in here aren't as healthy as we are.” The deep tones of the man's voice stirred something deep inside Tamara. Something even the pain in her chest couldn't dampen completely.

  Cautiously, she opened her eyes, squinting at the harsh glare from the bright lights and sterile white walls. Yep. She was in the hospital. Again. But the reason why was a little fuzzy. Who is the owner of that sensual voice?

  She licked dry lips and peeked through her eyelashes. A tall dark-haired man in blue jeans and a sweatshirt with a cartoon character on it stood near the door next to a little girl in a hospital gown. Both of them had curious looks on their faces. Looks she wasn't sure how to interpret.

  "Wh-where am I?"

  "Mansfield General Hospital. Let me get a nurse."

  "Wait!” she called out as he turned to leave. “Who are you?"

  "I'm just a regular visitor here. Sunny noticed you didn't have any visitors, and she didn't want you to wake up alone."

  "Thanks, Sunny. It would have been rather depressing to wake up here alone.” Tamara smiled at the girl and turned to the handsome man with her. “Do you know what happened? Where are my friends?"

  "I really don't know, Miss. Let me get a nurse. I'm sure she can answer all of your questions."

  Tamara watched him leave with a pang of regret. She'd never see him again. But what did it matter? In a short period of time, she'd be dead. It was something she feared, but had come to terms with. When she'd found the lump and her doctor danced around the C word, she knew it was inevitable. Losing her grandmother and great-grandmother to cancer made her more realistic than most people. She firmly believed that if her mom had lived past forty, she too, would have succumbed to the disease. It was only a freak accident while on a skiing vacation that prevented her from dying of the impending cancer.

  "Penny for your thoughts?"

  He was back! She looked up and then away quickly, hoping he didn't see how happy she was he'd returned.

  "Were you remembering what happened to you?” he asked as he pulled a chair over to the bed and sat next to her. “Whatever it was, your thoughts didn't look pleasant."

  Tamara shook her head and smiled at him. “I was wondering if they were giving me anything for the pain."

  "I can give you something for the pain.” A new voice came from the door. A young nurse stood there looking down at her chart. “But until you woke, we wanted to keep your medication minimal."

  Tamara closed her eyes and tried to remember what had happened. Her pain doubled as scenes flashed before her eyes. Casting the circle on the beach, how her power strained under her control, and how Camryn had messed up. Again. And this time it was going to cost them all.

  "Are you okay?” Mr. Delicious asked.

  A cool hand brushed her hair back from her forehead, and somehow she knew it was him, not the nurse. With a beautiful woman like the nurse in the room, she wondered why he was paying so much attention to her. She wasn't a petite blonde with curves in all the right places. She had curves in places all right. Every place.

  "Is everyone else okay? Where are they?” Tamara tried to sit up as the need to check on her sisters raced through her.

  "Shhh,” his voice soothed her, even as she tried to get out of bed. Her panic lessened as he continued to stroke her forehead.

  "If you mean the others in your coven, they're fine."

  Tamara winced. The disgust in the nurse's voice was evident.

  "I don't know what you have against Wiccans, but I'm not a devil worshipper, so get that thought out of your head now."

  The nurse looked at her, stunned. Tamara shook her head and looked at Mr. Delicious. What did he think about her now that he knew she was Wiccan?

  "For those who don't understand the ways or the Rede, it's easy to be misled by movies."

  "Are you Wiccan?” she asked, holding her breath as she waited for his answer.

  "No.” He laughed and looked back at the nurse. “But I studied religion in college and I know that even though people say times have changed, they haven't."

  "Look, I'm sorry.” The nurse stared at her as if she had three heads. “I didn't mean to offend you. I do need to ask you a few questions before I can give you anything. How would you rate your pain on a scale of one to ten?"

  "Are you kidding me? I hurt. All over. How can I rate it?"

  "But on a scale of one to ten—"


  "Okay, what—"

  "Not to be rude, Nurse, but I'm hurting here. Can you please get me something for the pain and ask me the mandatory questions later? I promise not to put a hex on you."

  Mr. Delicious chuckled as the nurse left the room at almost a run. The sound rumbled through her, sending desire straight to her belly. How could she feel lust when she was lying in a hospital bed in pain?

  "My name is Dante Sullivan. I'm a fireman with the local company. I come in several times a week to visit the children in the burn ward."

  "But what am I doing here?"r />
  "You were unconscious when they brought you in,” the nurse said as she reentered the room. She walked over to the bed and handed Tamara a pill and a cup of water. “Let's start over, okay? I'm Shelly and I'll be your nurse until three o'clock this afternoon."

  Grateful for the medication and willing to start over with her biased nurse, Tamara accepted the pill and the water. Dante stopped caressing her forehead while she took the medication, and she missed his touch almost desperately. This was not a good thing. A man she couldn't—no, didn't want to resist.

  "Oh, good. You're awake."

  Tamara looked toward the door and smiled as a portly doctor entered the room. He had graying hair, green eyes and reminded her of her grandfather.

  "I think this is my exit cue,” Dante said as he stood up.

  Tamara fought the feeling of disappointment that sank like a cement block in her stomach. While he'd been here she'd felt peace and a contentment she'd never known before. If her days weren't numbered she'd have pursued him. But as things stood now, how could she ask someone to be with her? What would it do to her to find love, only to die and leave him alone?

  No. She'd seen what her grandmother's death had done to her grandfather, and her father still grieved for her mother. There was no way she would intentionally do something like that to another man.

  "I wish you a speedy recovery.” Dante smiled as he moved the chair back to its original position. He hesitated halfway to the door and looked back with a regretful smile. She wondered if he regretted visiting her or leaving. But then he turned and left, closing the door behind him.

  "I've never seen a burn quite like yours before.” The doctor frowned as he opened her chart and looked at it. “How did it happen?"

  As she explained the spell and the results to the doctor, her thoughts kept drifting back to the handsome hunk Dante. Would she see him again? Did she want to?

  * * * *

  Tamara sighed as she lay back in the hospital bed. Her burns had almost completely healed, but there was still a matter of that lump in her breast. Had the fire done anything to make it worse? Is that even possible? Her tattoo began to burn again, and she wondered what had triggered her magic.


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