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Obsession (Forbidden #2)

Page 16

by Michelle Betham

  She opens her legs just a touch wider and I press my hand against her, plunging my fingers deeper, and I’m rubbing her clit and kissing her hard until she comes in a barrage of self-controlled waves and tiny sighs, her teeth biting down on my lip as she climaxes. And when I pull my hand away from her its soaking, but she’s ready with a wet wipe she’s pulled out of her purse, and as I hand it back to her I watch as she reaches up under her dress and wipes herself, much to the surprise of the taxi driver. But she knew he was watching. That’s why she did it. And she has no idea how fucking sexy that was. Two seconds, that’s all it took for her to make me need her again. Two fucking seconds.

  We finally pull up outside Barry’s apartment housed within an imposing, almost office-style building on Chrystie Street. And as I pay the driver, making sure he gets a bigger than usual tip, she stands on the sidewalk and looks up at the sky, shielding her eyes as though the sun’s hitting her. But it’s dark now. There’s nothing up there but stars punctuating the blackness.

  ‘It’s different, out here.’

  She turns to look me, and she smiles, and she looks so young. So beautiful. And there’s a child-like excitement on her face, such a contrast to the almost troubled look she’d carried with her when we’d left the penthouse.

  ‘To back home, I mean. In Newcastle.’

  She still thinks of Newcastle as home? I’ve gotta change that. She needs to think of Manhattan as home. This is where she belongs now. Here. With me.

  ‘When I used to live in…’

  She stops talking and bows her head, staring at the ground. I get the feeling she was about to say something she doesn’t really want to share with me, and it feels like a kick to the stomach, that there are still things she keeps from me. But I don’t want to push her on her past. I don’t want her to go there again, but if she ever needs to talk I’ll be here. I hope she knows that.

  I rest my hand gently on her hip and she looks up at me, a small smile on her beautiful face and I pull her closer, wrapping her in my arms because, suddenly, all I want to do is protect her. From what? From a part of her past that’s still affecting her future? I kiss her forehead and she snuggles against me, and for a moment that rare wave of normality washes over us. For a few, brief seconds we’re just an ordinary couple on an ordinary street. But that’s not what we really are; not who we really are, or ever will be.

  I tuck a finger under her chin and tilt up her head, and I kiss her again, and she holds on to me so tight, man, I fucking love that feeling!

  ‘We don’t have to do this, Kira. Not if you really don’t want to.’

  She smiles, and it’s a wider smile now. Whatever was on her mind a second ago, it’s gone now. ‘Yeah. We do, handsome. You’re right – he’s your brother, and me and him, we need to stop acting like kids and start acting like grown-ups.’

  I smile too, because she makes me want to. I didn’t have much of a reason to smile, until she sashayed into my messed-up world, all hot-as-hell hips with a mouth that grips my cock like a vice and can make me come within seconds, Jesus! How I get through each freaking day now is a miracle. ‘I kinda like it when you do grown-up things,’ I murmur, leaving my mouth close to hers, and she laughs, and I feel it, right there on my lips – her laugh. A sexy, soulful sound that has me aching for her. Yeah. Like I said, that wave of normality was a rare thing.

  ‘Want to do some grown-up things in Barry’s bathroom, Mr Cannon?’

  ‘You bet your beautiful ass I do, Ms Blu.’

  I slide a hand down to cup that beautiful ass, squeezing it hard and she moans against me, and I remember she’s not wearing any panties… man, I am dying here!

  ‘Come on, baby.’

  I take her hand and we practically run into the building, and my heart is beating so fast I’m finding it hard to breathe, but the feeling being with this woman gives me is something I don’t ever want to give up. I never want to lose this.

  As we wait for the elevator I slide my hand back down on to her ass, her fingers playing with the hair at the back of my neck, and as soon as the elevator doors open we’re inside, alone, and I throw her back against the wall and kiss her like crazy before the doors have even had a chance to close. But I need to taste her. I need to take her. I just fucking need her…


  Barry’s apartment is much smaller and a lot more cluttered than Neal’s. I want to say more lived-in, but that wouldn’t be entirely true. That kind of conjures up images of mess, and this place is anything but messy. It’s just more full of things than Neal’s penthouse. Things. I can’t help smiling to myself. That’s what I call the paintings and pieces of art Neal’s collected over the years. Things.

  ‘Something funny?’

  I turn and catch his mouth in a quick kiss, and even that sends my stomach into overdrive. ‘Just thinking about something, that’s all.’

  He doesn’t ask what, exactly, but that’s because he’s got something else on his mind, I can tell. And I know what that is. We both do.

  He drops a hand to my thigh and nudges me closer, his mouth touching mine as he speaks. ‘Don’t you need to pee or something?’

  ‘Mr Cannon,’ I mock gasp, ‘we’re not in the playroom now.’

  ‘No, I don’t… well, I do, I mean, if you do need to pee…’

  ‘I don’t need to pee. Well, not unless you want me to.’ I smile, and I know I’m teasing him now but I like it. I like teasing him. I know what it does to him. ‘It’s OK, handsome. I’m just playing with you.’

  ‘Oh, baby, I wish you were.’ He takes my hand and pulls me towards the door, where Barry’s standing nervously checking his watch. He’s barely said two words to me since we got here, but that’s because he’s got something else on his mind, too. His new girlfriend hasn’t arrived yet, and even though he’s assured us she’s just running late, I’m almost certain it’s himself he’s trying to convince rather than me and Neal. ‘I’m gonna give Kira a guided tour of the apartment,’ Neal says as we pass Barry in the doorway.

  He glances up, but I can tell he’s slightly distracted. ‘Huh?’

  ‘I’m gonna show her around.’ Neal stands still and looks at his brother. ‘We’ll only be five minutes. Possibly ten.’ And then he squeezes my hand and continues to pull me along the hallway until we reach the bathroom at the far end, not stopping until we’re inside and the door’s firmly locked behind us.

  ‘Guided tour?’ I can’t stop the corner of my mouth twisting up into a smile. He throws me one of his super-sexy grins and I back up against the door as he comes closer. ‘Subtle, Cannon. Very subtle.’

  He kisses me, and once again I feel myself being pulled under; feel that control slipping further and further away from me and it’s a feeling I love. I like it. He’s dragging me down, making me crazy and I never want him to stop. He can take me and make me anything he wants me to be, I don’t care. As long as he’s with me I’ll be whatever he wants; whoever he wants. As long as he’s with me.

  ‘Five minutes, huh?’

  He leans in closer, his palm pressed against the door up by head. ‘Possibly ten. I did say that, remember?’

  ‘Ten minutes… You’re planning a long session then, Mr Cannon?’

  He laughs. ‘Bitch.’

  ‘Oh, you wish, handsome.’

  I keep my eyes locked with his as I slide my dress up over my thighs, and all I can feel, all I can hear is my heart beating so fast I can barely breathe. I want him to take me rough. And then I want him to hold me and tell me he loves me.

  He drops his gaze, his eyes following the hem of my dress as I raise it higher, and the heat between us – it’s real, it’s burning! He touches me, and my skin prickles, a shot of electricity firing through me so fast it takes my breath away and I look at him, the intensity in his eyes almost scaring me it’s so strong. And then I reach out and slide a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down until his mouth is on mine, until I’m kissing him, and he’s kissing me, and he’s inside me. He�
�s inside me, and his hands are holding on to my hips as he thrusts slowly at first, building up to harder, rougher thrusts that slam me back against the bathroom door and I cry out as a rush of something both painful and beautiful washes over me. Hips crash against hips, and I feel him gently nip my shoulder with his teeth as he tenses up, and then he’s coming, and I cling on to him as he bucks and jerks against me and I take him, all of him; feel his warmth spreading through me, filling me with his addiction.

  And then he smiles, and I smile, too, which is all he needs from me before he pulls out of me and lowers his hand, his magical fingers getting to work on my aching clit as he rubs and touches and I’m there – I’m almost there. It takes just one more touch and the feel of his hand against me to bring me off. And I’m crying out again – long, low, drawn-out moans. I throw my head back as his mouth brushes the base of my neck, and I’m coming, pushing down on his hand as he slides two fingers inside me, which only serves to make me cry out louder. And he laughs, that fucking sexy-as-hell laugh that twists my insides into a knot so tight I almost can’t breathe.

  ‘I could’ve done that on my own,’ I whisper, our eyes locked, and his fingers are still inside me, still moving around, still touching me.

  ‘Yeah, you could’ve. But it’s so much better when I do it,’ he drawls, and I fall against him; let his kisses drag me further into his beautiful world. ‘Don’t you think?’

  ‘Yes,’ I breathe, my mouth not leaving his. ‘Oh, God, yes.’

  He finally pulls his fingers out of me, and just as I’d wanted him to do he wraps his arms around me and holds me close, kissing the top of my head and I cling on to his waist, listening to his heartbeat slowly start to calm down, his chest still rising and falling against me. And it’s nice, that moment of peace, of saying nothing, the sound of our breathing the only thing we can hear. It’s nice. It’s what I need, sometimes – a little bit of peace amidst all the crazy shit we experience. But it’s crazy shit I can’t live without. Not now. Not anymore.

  He rubs my back and tucks a finger under my chin, tilting my head up so he’s looking at me, and the smile he gives me is enough to make my stomach contract a hundred times over. ‘I love you, Kira Blu.’

  I reach up to touch his face, letting my fingers run gently over his rough chin. ‘Yeah. I love you too, Mr Cannon.’

  And he kisses me, so beautifully, so softly, so different to the rough, harsh kisses we shared just minutes earlier. And I love the contradictions we give out. I love that we can change it up, set our own mood. I love that.

  I pull away and wriggle my dress back down over my thighs.

  ‘Do you think he actually has a girlfriend?’ Neal asks, leaning back against the door and folding his arms.

  ‘Why would he lie about something like that? And then invite us over for dinner?’ I quickly check my reflection in the mirror above the sink before turning back to look at him. ‘It doesn’t make sense.’

  He shrugs, and pushes a hand through his hair. ‘He’s been acting a bit weird all night, is all.’

  I hitch my dress back up and sit down on the toilet because, actually, I do need to pee. ‘I still don’t get why he’d make up a girlfriend when he’s invited us over.’

  ‘I think something’s up.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘I have no idea.’

  He moves away from the door and comes a little closer, stopping right in front of me, his hands in his pockets, his feet set slightly apart. He looks so handsome, so unbelievably beautiful that I still can’t believe he’s real. But he is. And he’s mine. Because I know how to keep him. I know how to make sure he’ll never need anyone else ever again.

  ‘It just all feels a bit weird. Don’t you think?’

  He holds my gaze, and I know what he wants.

  He inclines his head, just a touch, and I slowly open my legs, his gaze dropping. We’ve just had sex, and now I want it again, and he does, too, I can tell. His cock’s straining to be set free, and I breathe out slowly as I watch him watching me.

  He raises his gaze briefly, our eyes locking for a beat or two but as I reach down to wipe myself his gaze drops again, and the fact that this is a turn-on for him has my stomach in almost painful knots of excitement because I know what’s coming now.

  He holds out a hand and pulls me up, throwing me back against the sink, turning me around so I’ve got my back to him and I grip the edge of the sink tight as I hear him unzip himself.

  His hands on my hips pull me against him, and I close my eyes as he enters me, slowly at first, but then he’s fucking me hard and taking me like he owns me and with every thrust he gives I push my bottom back into him, forcing him deeper.

  He’s taking me like he owns me.

  And that’s allowed.

  He does own me.

  I belong to him now.

  He belongs to me.

  And God help anyone who gets in the way.



  Barry grabs my arm as I try to fill my empty wine glass, causing me to spill a few drops on to the white marble countertop and I slowly turn my head to look at him. ‘Problem?’

  ‘You can’t go five fucking minutes? How old are you, Neal? Jesus…’

  He lets go of my arm, but I’m still staring at him. I know he’s my brother, and despite the fact he’s being a major pain in the ass lately I still love him. But I can feel a distance growing between us that wasn’t there before. And maybe I should be trying to close that gap, fix our relationship, but if that means losing that crazy connection I have with Kira – I’m just not willing to do that. She comes first now. She comes before anything or anyone. She comes first.

  ‘In my bathroom, Neal, for Christ’s sake… You fucked her in my bathroom.’

  I look back down at the small pool of red wine that surrounds the bottom of my glass, and I carefully tear off a piece of kitchen paper and begin to clean it up. ‘Would you rather we’d used your bed?’

  He laughs, but it’s a hollow, humourless laugh. ‘I’d rather you grew up and stopped acting like some horny adolescent who’s just discovered sex. What the hell is wrong with you? I could hear everything, what the fuck were you doing in there?’

  I continue to clean up the spilt wine before scrunching the damp piece of kitchen paper into a ball and tossing it into the trash can by my feet. ‘She here yet?’


  I finally turn to look back at him. ‘This mystery girlfriend of yours.’

  I narrow my eyes as he nervously drags a hand through his hair and shifts his gaze. ‘She’s no mystery. And you’re changing the subject.’

  ‘What do you mean, she’s no mystery?’

  He raises his head and his eyes try to meet mine, but he can’t stop them from flicking back and forth, and I narrow mine further.


  He sighs and rakes a hand through his hair again as he leans back against the counter. ‘It’s Helen.’

  ‘Helen…?’ It takes a few seconds for me to remember who he’s talking about, but then the realisation sinks in and I start to feel the anger rise. ‘Jesus, Barry, please tell me you aren’t playing some kind of stupid game here.’

  His expression hardens as he stares at me. ‘She wanted you, she couldn’t have you.’ He shrugs. ‘She took the next best thing.’

  I don’t say anything, because I can’t believe he’s doing this; that he’s still doing this. But at least it proves I was right to think that something was going on; that he was looking shifty for a reason.

  ‘But she’d still have you, Neal. Do you understand? So many women out there want you, and now it’s obvious you’re back on the market…’

  ‘Back on the market? What the fuck…?’

  ‘You give her the sign, bro, she’ll drop me in a heartbeat and come running to you. All you have to do is let her know… I’m doing you a favour here…’

  ‘Are you seriously pimping me out? I’m with Kira… Jesus! What the fuck is
wrong with you?’

  He pulls away from the counter and steps in front of me, leaning right in to me, his voice low and steady. ‘Your girlfriend is an ex-whore, Neal.’

  I grab his arm and twist him around, slamming him back against the counter. ‘Fuck you!’ I drop his arm like it’s burning hot, and I need to walk away from this because I’m angry; so fucking angry I could hurt him real bad.

  ‘I’m just trying to save you from something you’re gonna live to regret, Neal.’

  I turn around and stride back over to him. I’m not even thinking now, I’m just working on some dangerous kind of auto-pilot.


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