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Axton (Four Kings Empire Book 1)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Not just any dick. Easton’s.”

  “I don’t like this, Taylor. They’re a big company. Axton, all of them, they know what they’re doing.”

  “I know. I’m going to be careful. Please, just find out everything you can.”

  “On it. I better go.”

  He hung up before she could even say anything else. Rolling her eyes, she dropped her cell phone to the bed, picking up the envelope that had been waiting for her. Inside was a USB key.

  No note.

  No way of knowing where it came from.

  Just a key.

  This had to be one of their tests.

  Tests to prove loyalty to the company, to him.

  She wasn’t loyal to Axton.

  She wasn’t loyal to the Four Kings’ Empire.

  Her plan was to bring them down to the ground.

  Sliding the key into her laptop, she waited.

  Sure enough, there were files, some of them letters, and some were clearly fake.

  Scrolling through the details, she knew without a doubt that one of the four had given this to her.

  Clicking through all the details, she made a note of the companies she recognized, the details that concerned her. She couldn’t copy or paste any of the information. She didn’t know how thorough Axton was with his little tests.

  Once she’d spent an hour going through the key, she disconnected it and pulled it out. She’d let them all know she didn’t take kindly to this kind of shit. No, she couldn’t do that at all. She had to remember to keep her cool, and that didn’t mean losing her temper. She could do that without them knowing.

  Leaning back in her bed, she pulled out the diary that after ten years showed significant signs of wear and tear. She’d tried to keep it in the best possible condition. This was all she had left of Carla before she’d gone.

  Opening the book, she stared at the picture of the three of them together. Her, Carla, and Paul. The heading read “Big Plans for Our Future.”

  Tears filled her eyes, recalling the day it was taken. There had been a career day at school. After spending all morning listening to people talk about their work, doing tests to see where they’d be most suited and just doing all the boring stuff, they’d decided to finish the day having a bit of a picnic, laughing, joking, teasing.

  So long ago and yet not long enough.

  Rubbing at her chest, she put it aside and flicked open the first page.

  Dear diary, or imaginary person reading my diary,

  Taylor totally got another rose and love letter in her locker today. It was such a cute note. Each one telling her that she’s beautiful and if they could, they’d tell her to her face every single day. I know she’s not sending them. Taylor wouldn’t have the time nor would have that big of an ego to send herself shit. I don’t even know if she likes them. When I see her, her face lights up like it’s Christmas or something. Then when I talk about it, she’s like, it doesn’t matter.

  How can it not matter? Someone cares enough to send her a rose and love letters. I think that’s sweet.

  In other news, I talked to him again today. We had to do it in secret, and he knows my number now. He’s always texting. It doesn’t matter what time of day or night, and each time I see his number, I can help but feel so fucking happy. He’s so amazing. Of course, we have to keep everything secret. It always has to be secret. I hate that. It’s like he’s ashamed of me. He says not. If Taylor was to know, she’d tell me to cut him out. I don’t know. Anyway, I hear Mom calling that dinner’s ready. Bye.

  Carla always kept her diaries. Each year she had a new one. Her parents still had the old ones, and Taylor had even taken the time to read through them all. It was this last diary that had the pregnancy, one of the four kings, and other little details.

  The final moments before her death.

  Putting the book down, Taylor stared up at the ceiling.

  Closing her eyes, she slowly drifted off to sleep.

  The sound of banging made her jump though. Rolling over, she saw it was a little after three in the morning.

  The banging was getting louder, and she frowned. Climbing out of bed, she rushed through her apartment, freaking out.

  Walking to the door, she jumped back as the banging started up again. Pressing her hands to the door, she saw Axton through the peephole. Rubbing the back of her head, she quickly ran back to her room and placed the diary in her closet out of the way before rushing back.

  She opened the door, and he looked fucking pissed.

  “What took you so long?” Axton asked, storming into the room.

  “Hello, this is my apartment, and it’s, like, three in the morning. What the hell?”

  He grabbed her around the throat and pinned her up against the wall, shocking her with the sudden change inside him. He wasn’t holding her too tightly, but the threat was there.

  “What the fuck are you doing working for me?” he asked.

  “I’ve told you, Axton. I’m there because I want to learn.”

  “Bullshit. I know you’ve got a reason. I will find out why, but it will end better for you if you tell me now and cut out all the crap.” He stepped up close. “Or do you think you can take me on, is that it?”

  “Paranoid much?”

  “Tell me.”

  “What happened to you?” she asked. “This is my apartment, and you’re here threatening me.”

  She held onto his wrist and arm, not that it would stop him from hurting her if he so wished. She felt the strength inside him.

  Axton was the one in control right now.

  He could hurt her.

  “I want to know the truth. You think I don’t know what is going on here? How you magically turn up when I need a PA.”

  “You didn’t have to hire me.” Deception wasn’t something she was good at. In fact, she sucked. David had warned her trying to lie her way out of shit would only make things worse for herself. She didn’t want to make things worse. It’s why she’d decided to be herself, Just a more confident and sure version of herself. “You were the one that said yes to me. I don’t know who you’re talking about or what is going on here, but you’ve got to let me go.”

  He glared at her, his gaze moving once again down her body.

  Her nipples tightened at that look.

  The tension in the air changed. He stepped right up close to her, his body against hers, letting her know exactly how much he liked it.

  “I will find out the truth.”

  “There is nothing to find out,” she said, trying her best to lie. Staring at him, she remembered what Easton had told her. “Why did you help me out of the lake?”

  He jerked back, his hand releasing her neck.

  She didn’t touch where he had, but she wanted to.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Easton told me what happened. What you did.”

  “You shouldn’t be talking to him.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s not the most stable guy. He’ll say anything to get into your pants.”

  She laughed. “Then why was he talking about you and not himself? He wants in my pants, he’s got to be the one doing all the stuff. Wooing me?”

  “Don’t overthink shit, and if I were you, I’d forget about what happened tonight.”

  “You can wait right there.”

  She stormed away from him, grabbing the USB key. The shorts she wore were small and with the way he’d been touching her, were riding right up her ass, making it uncomfortable to move.

  Slamming the key against his chest, she glared at him. “I will say it over and over again if I have to. I don’t take kindly to being manipulated. I’m there because I want the job.”

  He took the key from her.

  “You can leave now.”

  She wasn’t about to stop him.

  He took the key and, without a word, left her apartment. Leaning up against the door, she felt her heart pounding. Her body was on fire.

  Whenever he touched her, she went up in flames.

  This was the complete opposite of her feelings for David. When he touched her, she’d cringed at first. It had taken so long for her to get used to him touching her.

  Placing a hand around her neck, she touched where Axton’s fingers had been. He could have dug his fingers in, but he didn’t. He’d slammed her against the wall, but rather than be angry with him, she’d liked it.

  Slowly, she ran her hand down her body, cupping one of her tits.

  Opening her eyes, she realized there was a camera in the apartment. A man or a woman watching her. If she stopped now, covered herself, he’d know. Axton would know that she did.

  She was so close to winning their trust.

  Easton, Romeo, and Karson seemed to trust her. They were happy with talking about anything.

  Axton was proving to be the most difficult.

  Closing her eyes, she ignored the possible camera watching her and everything else. Cupping her tit, she pinched the nipple, feeling the ache deep in her pussy.




  Ready for a nice fat cock.

  Not just anyone’s.


  She’d felt it for a few seconds as he pressed his body against hers. The pleasure had consumed her. She’d not wanted him to stop.

  To keep on taking.

  What would it feel like to be held captive beneath his touch?

  Would Axton take what he wanted, or ask?

  She didn’t want him to ask.

  No, she’d love for him to take.

  Pulling her shirt down, she exposed her tits, ignoring that nagging feeling that someone was watching.

  Let them.

  Let them watch.

  Let them show Axton what she did when he left her alone.

  She let go of her tits, moving down to slide a hand beneath her low shorts. She now had one hand on her tit and another in her shorts. Finding her wet slit, she plunged a finger down, touching her cunt.

  Wriggling out of her shorts, she spread her legs, still leaning against the door, playing with her pussy.

  Her apprehension disappeared at the thought of Axton discovering what she was doing. He kept looking at her like he wanted to fuck her.

  She couldn’t deny her own feelings anymore either.

  She wanted him.

  Her body was ready for him.

  Plunging two fingers inside her, she rubbed her thumb against her clit. Keeping her eyes closed, she imagined him here, holding her, spreading her wide as he took her. She’d be nothing more than a hole for him to take, to fuck, to use.

  He’d make her dirty and fuck her so hard because that was what he liked.

  There would be no pretending with him.

  Just accepting, experimenting, playing.

  He’d take, and she’d give with equal measure.

  The two of them, riding toward that crest of pleasure.

  Fucking, consuming each other.

  She wanted him so badly. Her fingers were not enough, but they had to do. She rubbed her clit and fingered her tits, finding her release.

  She moaned his name, and when it was all over, she slumped against the door.

  Losing control wasn’t part of the plan. Nor was it part of what she wanted to do.

  Working her way into their lives, becoming necessary, gaining access to everything, she was willing to do whatever it took.

  Opening her eyes, she stood up, bending down to gather her shorts in her hand.

  Her heart raced as she walked away without giving a single glance to the window.

  Entering her shower, she turned it on, and stepped beneath the spray. Resting her head against the cool tile, she took several deep breaths, feeling … terrible.

  She knew the rumors about the four kings. What they were capable of.

  Even in high school she’d been in the bathroom when girls whispered what was going on. How they’d shared all four of them. That they all liked to watch each other fuck and to take. How hot it was to be the center of their little gangbang.

  David was aware of the rumors. He couldn’t confirm if they were true or not. Only what he knew, which wasn’t all that much.

  She’d seen the video today of Catherine between them. Axton had to have been the one holding the camera.

  “You’ve got to be willing to bend to their rules. They will test you. You want to go in deep with these guys, you’ve got to be willing to go all the way. Even if that means them filming you, or taking you, one after the other,” David said.

  “That’s fucking crazy. This is all just … it’s getting too much, Taylor,” Paul said.

  “I can do it.”

  Everything she was doing was for Carla.

  For many decades the four kings had ruled, but no more.

  No matter what she had to do, no matter how hard she hated it, she would do it.

  She’d come this far.

  Once it was all over, she’d deal with herself then.

  Chapter Seven

  Ten years ago

  “He can’t tell me what to do,” Easton said. “I won’t fucking allow it.”

  “What are you going to do, report him for abuse?” Karson asked with a laugh.

  “That would be so fucking funny. Could you imagine the child protection workers turning up to his house? Seeing the car that is the cost of twice their salary. Yeah, Easton, that would be fucking classic. Spoiled rich boy claims abuse.”

  “Fuck you, Romeo.”

  “You do what you’ve got to do,” Axton said, writing in his notepad. They were all in the library for English as their teacher had been suspended, pending an investigation for fucking a student.


  Axton was bored.

  He was always bored.

  School didn’t do anything for him.

  The teachers were all afraid of him.

  Apart from a couple of the chicks, he was so over it all.

  “I’m going to fuck whoever I want, and I don’t care what he says.”

  “Please, your dad will not care where you screw, Easton. You’re being petty,” Axton said.

  “What if I fuck Taylor Keane or Carla Smith?”

  Axton tensed up. Easton pointed across the library, and Axton didn’t need to look to see the two in question sitting with Paul.

  They were always together.

  “Seriously, Taylor’s fine,” Karson said. “Dad wouldn’t have that much of a problem but Carla? She’s, like, poor.”

  “Then that is what I’m going to do. I’m going to fuck Carla Smith. Maybe even knock her up. Let him tell me then what to do.”

  “Don’t,” Axton said.

  “Why the fuck not?”

  “You think that will end well? You think your dad, our dads, would allow that? We’ve all gotten the speech about bagging our shit up and being careful. They don’t want any brats until it’s the right time,” Axton said. “We don’t have time for your playing these games.”

  “Please, Axton, we’ve got all the time in the world. We’re seniors.”

  “And if you knock Carla up? What then?”

  “Not my problem. She’ll be putty in my hands.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Romeo said. “I’m bored now, and this class blows. I’m out of here.”

  Getting to his feet, Axton left the library, along with Karson and Romeo. Glancing through the windows, he saw Easton approach Carla’s table.

  Taylor and Carla stopped laughing.

  Axton knew Easton was making a mistake, a damn big one. He only hoped it didn’t cost Carla or Taylor anything in the long run.


  Present day

  “I’m sorry about him,” Easton said.

  Taylor finished writing up her notes on all of his requests and glanced up. “Sorry?” She was a little distracted by the work she’d been doing. Today Easton had asked for her note-taking services while he’d been on
a phone call. This wasn’t all she did. Her job description ranged all over the place. From coffee lady, to lunch collector, note-taker, contract typist or whatnot. They were constantly working, constantly signing contracts, making new deals, building their empire.

  She actually loved the work she did so much. One of the things she hated when it came to work was to become bored. Boredom was a curse, at least it was to her.

  When she was at work, she didn’t want to think of anyone else. The only problem she faced: as time went on, she’d need to get her shit together because she wasn’t here to socialize. She’d currently been working for Four Kings’ Empire for nearly two months. Axton hadn’t made any more impromptu visits, nor had he given any sign of seeing her masturbate against the door either. Not that she anticipated him actually telling her he did that. Of course not.

  At the moment she didn’t have time to think as the company was currently in the process of two takeover bids of two different companies, both of which held varying interests. One was a media house that made and distributed things like DVDs, music and other means. They hadn’t delved into the market of digital and so in recent years had been suffering with the change of how people watched and listened to movies and music. The other was an organic retail outlet that had seen a massive decline since several supermarket chains had opened, offering the same food at bargain prices.

  Two bids, at the same time, work was ’round the clock. No time to investigate or even sleep. When she got to work, all four men were here, working hard. If she was even a second late, Axton was on her case.

  They didn’t have time for sloppy work, and he could find anyone to replace her. So, her gathering of information had stalled out completely.

  “Axton. He told us what he did. The late-night visit and stuff.”

  “Do you guys tell each other everything you do?”

  “We tell each other enough. We have to.”

  “Yeah, you’ve always been close.”

  “I remember you in high school,” Easton said. “Always with … Carla.”

  She’d noticed whenever he said her name, pain flashed behind her eyes.

  “We were more like sisters, actually.” She looked down at the notepad. The truth was, she wanted to tie him to a chair, all of them, and demand to know her answers. Instead, she was having to take time.


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