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Sunny and 75 (Volume 1)

Page 9

by Metal, Scarlett

  “Things were okay for a bit. I missed her, but we talked on the phone, talking about the life we would build together when I was out. About a year after I left, she was killed. Her father’s rival had someone attack them on their way home from church one Sunday morning.” His voice broke and I squeezed him tighter. “They were stopped in the road and shot – all of them.”

  “I’m so sorry, Aiden,” I whispered, feeling his body shake slightly while he cried softly.

  “I went crazy when I got word. I was in San Diego and they wouldn’t let me leave because she wasn’t family. I had to get out of there but I was trapped. I was starting fights and being in subordinate. Eventually I was dishonorably discharged, much to my father’s disappointment. I had no desire to go back to Chicago. A fellow Marine mentioned coming here with his wife for their honeymoon. When I remembered that, I took the first plane here. I came with nothing, but I met Jason and he gave me the bartender job. I’ve been here ever since.”

  His shoulders sagged, almost in relief that his story was done. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I sat in silence with him, still holding him close.

  “It’s not your fault,” I finally said.

  “If we had left when I wanted to, she would still be alive today,” he whispered, putting his hand on my arm.

  “Maybe, but you don’t know that.”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything. I had a feeling he would continue to blame himself for Becca’s death for a long time to come, if not forever.

  “No one here knows this about me. I haven’t ever told anyone that story out loud,” he admitted.

  “Thank you for sharing it,” I said, letting go of him. I moved so I was straddling him, my legs around his waist. I was still naked and it wasn’t long before I could feel his hard cock through his shorts. I put my hands on his face and pressed my naked breasts against his bare chest. “I can’t take away your pain, but maybe I can make it hurt a little less.” I kissed his lips softly. “Make love to me, Aiden. Lose yourself in me.”

  He moaned and stood up with me in his arms before flipping me over onto my back. He quickly shed his shorts and covered my body with his. For the next couple of hours, he did just as I asked. He made love to me slowly, not leaving a spot on my body untouched. He lost himself between my legs, pleasuring me until my body was trembling with need.

  When he finally slid inside of me, our bodies dripping with sweat, his eyes never left mine. He thrust slowly at first until I begged for him to move faster. He took my hands and threaded his fingers with mine while holding them above my head. I arched beneath him as another orgasm tore through me, calling out his name. He swallowed my cries with his mouth before releasing deep inside me. He shuddered with pleasure and collapsed on top of me. We were a tangled mess of body parts and it was hard to see where each of us began and ended. It was the most intense lovemaking session I had ever experienced.

  We didn’t say a word after and soon I heard his even breathing. Telling me about his past was probably emotionally draining. I was exhausted as well and after a glance over at the clock beside the bed, I realized it was almost time for the sun to come up. I finally admitted to myself that this was more than a simple vacation fling and I was head over heels for him. After tonight, I was pretty sure he liked me as much as I liked him despite the flirting I'd seen him doing. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep in Aiden’s arms.

  I woke up later to the sun shining bright in my face. I shaded my eyes from the light and saw Aiden standing by the open window with a smile on his face and a coffee cup in hand.

  “Time to get up, princess. I don’t have to work until later tonight so we are going to go explore.” He came over to the bed and playfully smacked me on the ass. I sat up with a soft groan, my body sore and stiff from our long lovemaking session. He handed me the mug and I took a long sip, grateful for the caffeine.

  “You have thirty minutes to go back to your villa to shower and grab your camera. Put on sensible shoes, because we are going to do some walking.”

  I made a face at him but he really was adorable, even if I was still tired. He handed me my dress from the night before and watched as I slipped it on.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you.” He had my sandals in one hand and offered me his other hand. I picked up the coffee mug I had set down to get dressed and took another sip. I clutched it for dear life as we left his villa and walked over to mine.

  We stopped at the door where he handed me my shoes and leaned down to kiss my forehead tenderly. I nearly swooned at the simple gesture.

  “See you in a bit.” I watched him walk away, admiring the way his ass looked in his shorts. He turned around and caught me staring.

  “I will be back in thirty and if you aren’t ready, I will drag you out as is. I suggest you get inside before I have to punish you.” He winked and I laughed.

  “How do you think you are going to punish me?” I teased back.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Let’s just say I would deny you certain pleasures later.” A smug smile spread across his tan face, covered with a couple days worth of stubble.

  I turned around quickly and unlocked my door, careful to not spill my coffee. I had no plans to find out what he meant by that. I would make sure to be ready in time.

  I heard him laughing as I shut the door behind me. I headed for my bathroom and put the coffee down on the counter. I took a shower in record time, noticing the little marks Aiden had left all over my body while we had sex. It was almost as if he had marked me as his.

  I got dressed in a tank top and running shorts, throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I slipped on my tennis shoes with five minutes to spare. I reheated the coffee that had now grown cold in the microwave and opened my computer to check my email.

  I noticed an email from my aunt from late last night that was marked urgent but a knock on the door stopped me from opening it. I shut my laptop and went to open the door. Aiden greeted me with a smile.

  “You did it. I’m impressed,” he said coming inside while I grabbed my camera and room key.

  “Disappointed?” I asked as he pulled me close to him.

  “A little,” he confessed. “I’ve been rock hard thinking about how I would punish you.”

  “Maybe you can show me later,” I whispered, pressing my body against him and finding the evidence of what he was talking about.

  “Maybe,” he replied, his eyes suddenly hooded with desire.

  “But for now, let’s go!” I pulled away from him and walked out the door. I turned around and found him standing in the middle of the room. “Are you coming or what?”

  “You’re so naughty, princess,” he chuckled and followed behind me. He followed behind me and we got into the golf cart he had parked nearby.

  “Where are we going?” I asked when I noticed it appeared we were nearing the edge of the resort.

  “We’re going to explore off of the resort for a bit. I know of some great places you can take some pictures. We can do a little hiking and I have food and water in the back.” He gestured to the back of the cart and I noticed a small cooler.

  I nodded and smiled. It was a beautiful day on the island. The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was warm, but the humidity that seemed to be so heavy in the air almost every day wasn’t there. It was the perfect day to spend outside. I loved the fact that Aiden wanted to do more than spend time in bed with me.

  We parked the cart by some others in the parking lot and Aiden led me over to a yellow Jeep with the top and sides down. He opened the door on the passenger side and motioned for me to get in. “Your chariot, my lady.” He bowed slightly and I giggled as I climbed in. He shut the door behind me and leaned in for a quick kiss before going around to the driver’s side.

  “This is amazing. Is this yours?” I asked as we drove off the resort.

  He nodded. “I don’t have a lot of expenses here so I bought it a couple of years ago. I don’t drive it as much as I would lik
e to though since I spend most of my time sleeping or working.” He grinned widely and gripped the steering wheel. “Once in a while Jason and I take it off the resort and mess around off roading.”

  He stepped on the gas and I squealed. “Hold on!” he urged, pointing to the handles on the ceiling near the passenger door. I had no sooner reached for one when he turned the corner sharply onto a dirt road.

  I giggled as we bounced down the path. I had never done anything like this in my sheltered life and I was a tiny bit scared he would lose control and we would end up turned over in the middle of nowhere. I trusted Aiden though; he would never put me in any harm.

  Eventually he slowed down so I could enjoy the scenery a little bit. I reached up and tucked the stray strands of hair that had escaped during the earlier part of our trip and took in the flowers and wildlife I would never see back in Chicago. I even made him stop a few times so I could snap a few pictures.

  We finally arrived at our destination. It was a little alcove in the woods. Aiden parked the Jeep and quickly came over to my side to help me out. I was perfectly capable of stepping down from the vehicle myself, but I had to admit the extra attention and care he took with me was nice. I didn’t get that back home, even from the man who supposedly had wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

  “What is this place?” I asked, looking around. I noticed a small trail near the Jeep, but that was it.

  “You’ll see,” he replied with a grin so big, it was like a little boy on Christmas morning. His excitement was infectious. He took my hand and started leading me down the path. I put the strap of my camera around my neck so I wouldn’t lose it and followed him.

  “I would imagine a city girl like you hasn’t seen a whole lot of nature. I know what it’s like to grow up in the concrete jungle of Chicago,” he said as we followed the narrow path. The further we got, the more humid it was and I was glad I had worn my hair up. I hoped he would be able to find his way back to the Jeep.

  We were walking slowly and I paused to scream and jump when I felt something crawl across my foot. “What the heck was that?” I cried out, picking my foot up off the ground. I tried to inspect it but I didn’t see anything. “Something little and slimy just crawled across my foot.” I shuddered and he laughed.

  “It was probably just a little lizard or a bug.” He took my hand to pull me forward and continue our walk. “He was probably more scared of you than you were of it.”

  “Whatever,” I mumbled. I had admired the lizards and other wild life on the resort from afar. I wasn’t too keen touching one.

  “Come on,” he urged. “We are almost there.”

  We finally stopped at a clearing where he turned around to face me. “I’ve never taken anyone here before. It’s a special place I discovered on a walk one day.” He glanced away from me for a moment, lost in his own thoughts. “I was having a particularly bad day and needed to get as far away from civilization as I could. I’ve come back a few times, but never with someone.” He cupped my face in his hands and looked down at me. He leaned down for a soft kiss. “You’re different though, Julia. With you, I want to share every experience with you.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond to him. I loved that he wanted to share these things with me but it made it harder to deny my feelings for him. I wanted to talk to him about it, but I also didn’t want to make this fling between us seem like a bigger deal than it was and scare him off. I wanted him as long as he would have me and I had no plans to do something stupid to end it.

  “Now let’s go!” He let go of my face and grabbed my hand, ending the moment. I couldn’t help but laugh at his eagerness and when we reached the small clearing, I could see immediately what he found so special about this place.

  In front of us was a small lagoon with a small waterfall on one side and flowers of every color surrounded the water. The air was filled with the scent of exotic flowers. The only sounds you could hear were the splash of the waterfall and some birds chirping. There was an opening in the canopy of the trees, allowing some sunlight to come in. It was the most peaceful and beautiful place I had ever seen. I was touched that he wanted to share it with me.

  He let go of my hand and started to take off his shirt. “Let’s go swimming.” He winked at me and pushed his shorts down his hips. I watched as he walked to the water, admiring his naked ass.

  He paused before getting in and turned to me. “What are you waiting for, princess? Get naked and join me.”

  I laughed and set my camera gently down on the ground by his clothes. He was watching me as I pulled my tank top over my head. I made sure to move agonizingly slow to tease him. His eyes never left me until I was completely naked. He grinned from ear to ear as I approached the water.

  Every day with Aiden was a new adventure it seemed. It made the thought of going home less and less appealing.

  Chapter Twelve ~ Aiden

  The cool water felt good after the walk through the woods. My blood was on fire with desire for her though as I held out my hand to help her into the water. If she glanced down at me, she would be sure to see my erection.

  It didn’t take much for her to excite me really. As soon as she started undressing, I was rock hard. That’s what she did to me though. With one look or one touch or one small action, I was ready to ravish her. It didn’t matter where we were. I had never walked around in such a state of arousal since I was a teenager.

  She got into the water and closed her eyes with a sigh. “This feels amazing.”

  I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against me. “You feel amazing.” I looked down into her dark eyes and swallowed hard. Her legs went around me and she tilted her hips so my cock was pressing against her pussy. I groaned and cupped her breast in my hand. I bent down and she leaned back in the water so I could take the taut peak into my mouth. I sucked gently, watching the flames of desire dance in her eyes.

  “Aiden,” she moaned softly. I loved the sound of my name on her lips, especially when I could make out a hint of begging in the tone of her voice.

  I released the nipple from my mouth and moved to the other breast. “What’s the matter, Julia?” I asked before covering it with my mouth. I bathed it with my tongue before and teased it with the edge of my teeth.

  She cried out and clasped her hands around the back of my head, holding me in place while she circled her hips against mine, teasing and probing her entrance. She finally found the angle she so desperately needed and I slid inside her.

  I cupped her ass cheeks in my hands and removed my mouth from her breast. I walked us over near the waterfall. This place was off the beaten path, but in case anyone found us, we would be hidden somewhat there.

  I found a small alcove where I could lean her up against some rocks. My hands were still on her ass and I teased the cleft with one hand, my finger pressing her back entrance slightly. She moaned and arched into me, rock hard nipples pressing into my chest.

  I buried my face into her neck and made love to here there against the rocks, the sound of the waterfall drowning out her whimpers of pleasure. Her hands were on my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin.

  I got so lost when I was inside of her. The feel of my skin on hers with no barriers between us, made it harder for me to maintain control.

  Julia was making me feel things I hadn’t since Becca. It scared the crap out of me and I fought it at first, telling myself this was only a fling. I was fooling myself to think she was like the other girls I had been with since coming here. She was so much more.

  I had no idea what the future held for us. She would go back to Chicago one day, but there was no way I could follow her back there. It seemed like too much to ask her to stay here with me to see where this went.

  I dug my nails into her ass, tilting them so my pubic bone could rub on her clit with each movement. I wanted to brand her all over as mine, so when she was with another man, all she would be able to think about was the way I felt inside of her.

My animal instinct took over at the thought of another man’s hands on her and I started to fuck her harder. She was breathless, her whimpers getting louder. I claimed her mouth with mine, moving my lips roughly over hers. My tongue played with hers as her nails raked down my back.

  The walls of her sex started to twitch around me and I knew she was getting close. I pulled my lips from hers and pressed my forehead against hers. “Come for me, princess,” I urged, my voice barely above a whisper.

  “God, yes, Aiden,” she moaned. “I’m going to come so hard.”

  I smiled at her. “Good girl.”

  She tensed for a second before tumbling over the edge of ecstasy. She cried out my name again and again while the waves of pleasure washed over her. She gripped my cock with her pussy, almost pulling me further into her. I wasn’t far behind her.

  “I love you, Julia,” I muttered as my balls started to tingle with my own orgasm. I released deep inside of her with an intensity I had never felt before. My body trembled and I held her tight against me until I came down from my high.

  I didn’t move for a bit, feeling her rapid heart beat against mine. I was afraid to say anything, realizing what I had just admitted to her. It wasn’t the best time to admit such feelings to a woman, but I was so overcome with emotion, I couldn’t help it. She didn’t say anything in return and I was afraid I had gone too far.

  She tilted her head to look at me, her eyes filled with tears. “Do you really love me?” She asked quietly as a tear escaped and slid down her cheek.

  I reached up and wiped it from her face with my thumb. “I do,” I replied softly. “I know we haven’t known each other very long, but you make me feel things I haven’t in a long time, if ever.”

  She nodded. “I love you, too.”

  I enveloped her in my arms and hugged her tight. Right now there was nothing else left to say. Despite our demons, we found something special together. We would figure out the future.

  There was more I wanted to say to her but I didn’t know how to put it into words. It had been so long since I had shared my feelings with someone; I wasn’t sure how to do it. Instead, I continued to hold her, stroking her back.


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