election, 126–27
financial transparency, lack of, 55
founding of, 6, 19
governance by, 42–44
Hamas and, 37, 113–14, 121–22, 125–33, 162–63
leadership, backsliding of, 136–37
Mashharawi, Samir and, 152–53
scandals, 138–39
terrorist attacks, 43
TWA flight, bombing of, 27
Fatah Revolutionary Council, 106–7, 153
Fateful Triangle (Chomsky), 26
Faurisson, Robert, 97
Fayyadism, 73–87, 108, 153–56, 196
Fayyad, Salam
Abbas, Mahmoud and, 158–59
Abed Rabbo, Yasser and, 152
as Arafat’s representative to the IMF, 73–74
as finance minister, 78–79
on freedom of the press, 171
Palestine Investment Fund (PIF), 80–82
on Palestinian Authority (PA), 178
resignation as finance minister, 111–12
rise of, 7–8
support for, 38
transparency and, 82–84
West Bank and, 158–59
financial crises, 66–67
Fisher, Stanley, 74
Ford, Gerald, 22–23
Foreign Affairs, 55
foreign aid, 198
“Fourteen Points” speech (Wilson), 13
France, non-member state status (UN) for Palestine and, 177, 182, 189
Frankfurter, Felix, 16
Frattini, Franco, 177
freedom of the press, lack of, 167–69, 171
free speech, violations of, 163–66
Friedman, Tom, 153
Frisch, Hillel, 56
Gaza Strip
Dahlan, Mohammed and, 144, 156–57
governance of, 5–6
Hamas and, 162–63
Hamas/Fatah conflict, 126–29, 131–32, 131–33
leadership, backsliding of, 135,
overrunning of PA government in, 8
policies, 9
terrorists, 119–20
Ginnosar, Yossi, 80
Globe and Mail, 100
Goebbels, Joseph, 15
Gore, Al, 60
governance, 41–51
Gowers, Andrew, 42
Great Depression, 15
Guardian, 60, 101
Gulf War, 1991, 28
Haaretz, 39, 188
Habash, Mahmoud, 150–51
Habib, Philip, 25
Hale, George, 161, 163, 170–71
Halevy, David, 47
Abbas, Mahmoud and, 11
Al-Aqsa Intifada, 65–68, 116–18
attacks against Israel, intensification, 114–16
bus bombings, 30, 118
car bombing (1994), 114
Dahlan, Mohammed and, 144–45, 156
elections, victory, 112–14
emergence of, 49–50
Fatah and, 113–14, 121–22, 125–33, 162–63
government, formation of, 5–6
isolation of, 35
Israel campaign to weaken, 118–20
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and, 113–14, 120
Palestinian Authority (PA) and, 59–60, 115–22
power, amassing of, 29
rise of, 111–23
Haniyeh, Ismail, 122, 129–30, 138
Harper, Stephen, 173
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 20–21
Himmler, Heinrich, 15
Hitler, Adolph, 15–16, 97
Hizbut-Tahrir, 171
Holocaust deniers, 97
human rights, 59–60, 80, 142, 162
Human Rights Watch, 169
Hussein, King, 44, 94
Hussein, Saddam, 28, 111
Ibish, Hussein, 9–10
Ibn Saud, King, 16
IMF. See International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Independent Commission for Human Rights, 164
InLight Press, 166–67
Inside Arafat’s Pocket (Lew), 80
Interim Agreement with Israel, 101
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), 165
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 62, 73–74, 82, 84–85
intifada, 27, 48, 179. See also Al-Aqsa Intifada
Israel. See also Arab-Israeli wars; Gaza Strip; West Bank
Lebanon, invasion of, 44, 96
Palestinian-Israeli security cooperation (1990s), 63
protests against, 168–69 state of, recognition, 99, 114 value-added tax (VAT), 179 violence against (See specific topic)
Israel Defense Forces (IDF), 67, 117
Israeli, Raphael, 44
“Israel lobby,” 13
Israel/US tensions, 39
Jerusalem Post
Al-Aqsa Intifada and, 69
corruption, allegations of, 138
Fatah and, 137
on Fayyad and Abbas differences, 154
Fayyadism and, 79–80
Hamas and, 157
media restrictions and, 164–65
nonmember state status for Palestine and, 186
Jewish homeland, 14
Jewish outreach portfolio, 98–99
Jimenez, Trinidad, 177
Johnson, Lyndon B., 19
Kaddoumi, Farouk, 101
Karine A Affair, 79
Kennedy, John F., 19–20
Kennedy, Robert F., 20
Kerry, John, 158
Khader, Hussam, 58–59, 138–39
Khalidi, Rashid
on Al-Aqsa Intifada, 63
Hamas and, 122
on Palestinian Authority (PA), 54, 56
on Palestinian independence, 17–18
Palestinian leadership and, 42, 45
Ki-moon, Ban, 180
King-Crane Commission, 14
King, Henry Churchill, 14
Kissinger, Henry, 22–23
Kramer, Martin, 126
Kuttab, Daoud, 148–49, 179
Latin America, non-member state status (UN) for Palestine, 174–75
Ledbury Global Inc., 80
Legrain, Jean-François, 102
Lew, Uzrad, 80, 85
Livingstone, Neil, 47
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 174
Ma’an News Agency
on Dahlan, Mohammed, 158
Fatah and, 136
on Fayyad and Abbas differences, 154
media restrictions and, 161, 165–69
non-member state status for Palestine, 183, 186
on Palestinian Authority (PA), 139, 192
Maariv, 80
Mashharawi, Samir, 146, 152–53
McGovern, George, 23
Mecca Agreement, 130
media, quashing of, 161–71
Meir, Golda, 21
Merkel, Angela, 177
Meshal, Khaled, 118, 129–30, 149, 162
Middle East Peace Summit, 102–4
Middle East Quarterly, 74–75
Middle East Quartet, 35, 118
Miller, Aaron David, 40, 53, 57, 135, 197
Mofaz, Shaul, 168, 180
Molho, Isaac, 183
The Monocle, 175
Moore, George Curtis, 21
Morgan, Ernest, 23
Munich Massacre (Olympic Games, 1972), 21, 44, 95
Muqata, Ramallah, 149
Muslim Brotherhood, 4, 49, 113
Mustafa, Mohammad, 140
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 18, 20, 43, 93
Nazis, 15–17
Zionism, thesis on connection with (Abbas), 96–97
Netanyahu, Benjamin
election of, 38
Fatah and, 152
Hamas and, 119
letter from U.S. officials, 30
non-member state status (UN) for Palestine, acquisition of, 173
release of prisoners, 185
visit to Washington, 38
Neutrality Acts, 15
New York Times
Abbas, Mahmoud and, 91, 104–6
Fayyadism and, 82–84
Hamas and, 119
on leadership issues, 194–95
nonmember state status for Palestine and, 186
on Palestinian Authority (PA), 62, 192
Nixon, Richard M., 20–22
Noel, Cleo Jr., 21
Non-Aligned Movement summit, 186
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 164
non-member state status (UN) for Palestine, acquisition of, 173–89
appeal to UN by Abbas, 180–81
Britain, 175–76, 189
diplomatic exchanges, 183–84
diplomatic missions, 176–77
Europe, 177, 182, 189
France, 177, 182, 189
Latin America and, 174–75
UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and, 181–84
U.S. opposition to, 187
Nuremberg Trials, 15–16
Obama administration, 157
Obama, Barack, 38–40, 173, 187, 194
oil concessions, 15
Olmert, Ehud, 3–4, 35
Operation Defensive Shield, 67, 69
Oslo Accords, 31, 53
Abbas, Mahmoud and, 99–100
attempt to save, 192, 200
collapse of, 63
criticisms of, 61
Hamas and, 114–15
process leading up to, 89
rejection of, 178
signing of, 147
Oslo II, 101
Oudeh, Mohammed Daoud, 95
PA. See Palestinian Authority (PA) Palestine 194, 1, 17, 179, 180 Palestine International Bank (PIB), 74 Palestine Investment Fund (PIF)
creation of, 7, 62–63, 148
independence of, 140–41
Palestinian Authority and, 191–92
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 1
Abbas, Mahmoud and, 99–101, 106–7
al-Aqsa Intifada, 116–17
attack, 1978, 24
Beirut, besieging of, 25
British Bank robbery, 45
control of, 93–94
donations to, 46–47
emergence of, 6
Fatah and, 44
Hamas and, 113–14
on institutions of, 199
leadership, 57
Negotiating Affairs Department, 101
non-member state status (UN) for Palestine, acquisition of, 184–87
Oslo years, 53–54
Palestine Investment Fund (PIF) and, 81
Rachid, Mohammed and, 147–48
self-governance, 48–51
UN, observer status, 22
Palestine Martyrs’ Work Society (SAMED), 47
Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA), 74–75, 175
Palestine National Fund (PNF), 47, 71
Palestine News and Information Agency (WAFA), 164–65, 181, 193
“Palestine Papers,” 164
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (Carter), 23
Palestine TV, 181
Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, 35
Palestinian Authority (PA)
Abbas, Mahmoud and, 107, 154
Arafat, Yasser and, 107, 115
and “Cairo Speech” (Obama), 38
censorship by, 170
crisis of, 191–94
Endowments Ministry, 139, 150
finances, 54–55, 57–59, 62, 66–67, 75–76, 83, 178, 192
free speech, violations of, 164–66
governance by, 5–8, 49, 51, 54
Hamas and, 59–60, 115–22
Hamas/Fatah conflict, 131–32
human rights and, 59–60, 80, 142
Israel, protests against and, 168–69
Ministry of Telecommunications, 167
reform program, 33
security, 53, 79, 138
terrorism, accusations of financing of, 85–86
Palestinian Basic Law, Articles 19 and 27, 161
Palestinian Capital Market, 154
Palestinian Center for Development and Media Information (MADA), 168–69
Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), 127, 128, 131–32, 168, 171
Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR)
Al-Aqsa Intifada and, 69, 71
Fayyadism and, 84
Hamas and, 123, 125–26
poll by, 63
Palestinian Center for Public Opinion,
Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PEDCAR), 82, 193
Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, 122
Palestinian-Israeli security cooperation (1990s), 63
Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, 165, 168–69
Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), 61, 70, 128, 144
Palestinian National Charter, 30
Palestinian National Council (PNC), 30
Palestinian reform plan, 76–78
Palestinian Telecommunications Company, 167
Palestinian Treasury, 81
pan-Arabism, 18
partition plan (UN), 16–17
PCHR. See Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR)
PCPSR. See Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR)
Peace Now, 98
Peres Peace Center, 62
Perlmutter, Amos, 55
Petroleum Authority, 84
PIF. See Palestine Investment Fund (PIF)
PLC. See Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC)
PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
political challengers, 143–59
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 23
Popular Resistance Committees, 122
Powell, Colin, 32, 105
The President (tv show), 143
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 75–76, 81
Prince, James, 73–75, 140–41
protesters, quashing of, 161–71
Public Resolution Number 73, 14
Qaddoumi, Abdul Latif, 168
Qassis, Nabil, 191
Qatari mission, 75–76
Qatari TV, 164
Quai d’Orsay, 182
Qurei, Ahmed, 106
Rabin, Yithak, 29–30, 51
Rachid, Mohammed, 68–69, 75, 103, 140, 147–51, 166
“Radio Palestine,” 116
Ramallah, 9–11
Ramat Shlomo, 39
Ramattan News Agency, 139, 162–63
Ratner, David, 58
Reagan, Ronald W., 25–28
Religious Endowments Ministry, 117
Rice, Condoleezza, 34–35
Rice, Susan, 187
“right of return,” 103
Rochard, Michel, 61
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 15–16
“Rose Garden Speech
” (Bush), 32
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, 181
Ross, Dennis, 55–57, 63, 79, 196, 198
Sabra and Shatila, 26
Sadat, Anwar, 23–25
Salaam, Khaled. See Rachid, Mohammed
Saudi Arabian Embassy, Khartoum, 21, 44
Sayigh, Yazid, 61
Sayyam, Said, 122, 127
security program, 53, 79, 138, 141–42
self-governance, PLO, 48–51
September 11, 2001, 32
Sha’ath, Nabil, 58, 75, 178, 183, 188
Sharon, Ariel, 34–35, 118–19
Shikaki, Khalil, 61, 125–26
Shtayyeh, Mohammad, 82, 188
Shultz, George P., 27, 99
Siegman, Henry, 61
Sinai Peninsula, 18
Singh, Michael, 199
Sirhan Sirhan, 20, 21
60 Minutes, 85
Smith, Charles D., 28
Soviet Union, 20, 95
statehood vs. collapse, 1–11
Statement of Twenty, 61
state status of Palestine. See non-member state status (UN) for Palestine, acquisition of
Suez War of 1956, 18
Tanzim, 85–86
Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministry, 167
terrorism. See also intifada
1972–1973, 21, 44
1983, 26
1986, 27
by Fatah, 43
financing of, 85–86
September 11, 2001, 32
Third Reich, 15
Third Way, 111
“Three No’s,” 20
Through Secret Channels (Abbas), 89, 102
Time, 87
Times of Israel, 185
transparency, 54–55, 62
Fayyadism and, 82–84
Truman, Harry S., 16–18
TWA flight, bombing of, 27
two-state solution, 4
UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), 184
UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 181–84
unilateralism, 173–89
United Arab Emirates, 150, 157
United Nations, 155–56, 163
non-member state status for Palestine, acquisition of, 173–89
partition plan, 16–17
Resolution 181, 50
Resolution 194, 1, 17, 179, 180
Resolution 242, 24, 27–28, 50, 99
Resolution 338, 50, 99
Security Council, 2–3, 180, 189
United Nations General Assembly, 2, 50, 179
United States, Palestine question and, 13–40
Bush, George H. W., 28–29, 78, 87, 97–98
Bush, George W., 31–37, 70–71, 105–8, 112
Carter, Jimmy, 23–25
Clinton, Bill, 29–31, 60, 77
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 18–19
Ford, Gerald, 22–23
“Israel lobby,” 13
Johnson, Lyndon B., 19
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