Kennedy, John F., 19–20
Nixon, Richard M., 20–22
Obama, Barack, 38–40
Reagan, Ronald W., 25–28
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 15–16
Truman, Harry S., 16–18
Wilson, Woodrow, 13–14
World War I, aftermath, 13–16
US-Islamic World Forum, Qatar, 38
U.S. News & World Report, 55
value-added tax (VAT), 179
Vance, Cyrus, 24
Voice of Palestine radio, 98
WAFA. See Palestine News and Information Agency (WAFA)
Wailing Wall riots, 15
Walker, Tony, 42
Wallach, Janet and John, 55, 99
Wall Street Journal, 46–47, 132
Ward, William “Kip,” 108
Washington Post, 39, 112, 186–87
Waters, Roger, 4
West Bank
Fayyad, Salam and, 158–59
governance of, 5
Jewish settlements, 175
policies, 9
quashing of media and protesters in, 166–67
statehood recognition and, 1
torture, cases of, 199
Wilson, Woodrow, 13–14, 195
World Bank, 68
World War I, aftermath, 13–16
Wye River Memorandum, 30
Yassin, Ahmed, 115, 118–19
Ynet News, 185
Yom Kippur War (1973), 22
Zionism, 14, 91
Nazis, thesis on connection with Zionism (Abbas), 96–97
Zubeidi, Zacharia, 86
State of Failure Page 29