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Captured by the Count: An Abduction and Breeding Fantasy

Page 9

by Carolyn Faulkner

  Worse was to come, though, when Jurek again presented the head of her cock to an entrance of her body, and it wasn’t her quim. He was quite generous with her, though, he thought, because he had put a bit of lube on the head, but not anywhere else.

  He wanted her to feel every inch of him taking her in the bottom.

  She wanted to scream at him, to beg him, at least to cry out “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” even though nothing like that had ever stopped him from doing exactly what he wanted to her body. But it would have been a bit of a release. She was denied even that, and had to content herself – as he bore down on her, never letting up, never backing off one bit, pushing and pressing and making her body open for him, making it accommodate him even as Cassie felt she was being cleaved in two.

  She cried and screamed through every long horrible moment of it, feeling him possessing her very slowly because he had used so little lubrication. He practically scraped along inside her bowels rocking and thrusting continually, not stopping when he had filled her to the hilt, but removing himself entirely and repeating the process, which was only a bit less painful the second time around.

  But he repeated exactly that action several more times before settling into a hard, hip-snapping rhythm that had her catching her breath and groaning with each plunge.

  He reached his end not long afterwards, jerking her hair hard and forcing her hips back against him, as if she greeted his invasion as he spilled his seed within her. After a few minutes of recovery, his gloved hand was back stimulating that little bud of hers, which seemed quite swollen.

  “Ahhhh, Cassie, what have we here?” he asked no one in particular. “I think you like this process a whole lot more than your protestations would lend me to believe. Who could blame you? You’re being held securely in your rightful place and position, so you know you’re safe and doing what you’re supposed to be doing. You’re fulfilling your destiny as a woman, multiplying as many times I as can make you and providing milk for those less fortunate babies around here whose mama’s diets aren’t quite as good as yours. Your titties are being emptied as Bull and Gere here stretch out your nipples nice and hard, your bottom is a bit warm, I bet, from being lathered recently, which is just exactly what you deserve and what you need. You’ve had a good ass fucking, which I firmly believe you quite enjoy, regardless of your severe reluctance, and now you’re going to be brought off in front of a lot of very eager – and I might add envious – girls. This is a much better existence for you than all of that stupid travelling and socializing and trying to catch a man you used to do – to say nothing of being a part of an establishment that was quite a bit like this.”

  He had put something in the lube he was using this time. It made her privates swell and ache even more than they had before he had begun touching her again, and touch her he did. “I want you to cum, Cassie. Cum hard – lots of the women in this room aren’t going to get to cum. You have to cum for them.”

  She didn’t want to lose control like that in front of all of these people, and when she orgasmed, it was always terribly hard and loud, and there was no way she would be able to hide what was happening to her. Jurek was rapidly driving her towards her end, not letting up, using just the right amount of pressure and every trick he knew to force ecstasy on her that he knew she didn’t want.

  That was the whole point of this exercise – besides relieving her of her milk. He could very easily have had this all set up and done in his room, so that she would have had almost complete privacy. But he had told Victor that he wanted this to be done to her in the common milking room, so that she would see a bit of what her life could be life – how much worse it could be – but also to show her how much better she was treated than the average female in a breeding facility.

  When it hit her, she emitted a full blooded scream that echoed through the place, panting and heaving and trying to rock her privates against his fingers in case he might decide to kill her by stopping. But instead Jurek took every ounce of pleasure she could manage, leaving her breathless and wrung out, and still being milked by the two stoic giants, only it seemed the sprays were much harder than they had been. Orgasming helped tremendously in the milking process, as everyone here knew.

  When they had taken as much as she could give, she was brought back to Jurek’s room, bound again head and foot and left alone in the dark to rest and recover.

  Chapter Eight

  Although he did end up waiting the full two weeks before fucking her again, Jurek wasn’t idle – and he wouldn’t let her be, either. If he wasn’t burying his face between her legs, or fingering her furiously towards innumerable orgasms, then he had her on her knees in front of him, preferably bound in some exotic way, taking her mouth as if it was her pussy.

  Once that limit was up, he became even more insatiable than he had before, driven by desire, yes, but also by the enormous amount of money they were able to sell her first baby for. He hadn’t been kidding when he’d told her that he intended to keep her pregnant for as much of her life as he could. Being milked – or suckled – regularly acted as a form of birth control in a lot of women, but Jurek was betting that it wouldn’t in her case. He intended to have her breeding again within the next month, and never missed an opportunity to fuck her, no matter where they were or who they were with.

  As a result, she had to get used to being humiliated in yet another way. He had taken to bringing her along with him to the frequent dinners he shared with Victor. Not that she was given a seat at the table. Quite the contrary – Cassie was forced to kneel at his feet, so that, during dinner, he could fondle her breasts, tugging on nipples that were very sore from the constant milking, often deliberately squirting some over the squeamish Count.

  “Her milk’s the best. Rich than any other female’s we’ve seen. We’re using it on some of the bastards that were bred by other women whose milk is less rich than hers, to plump them up before auction.”

  “Good idea,” Victor mused.

  Cassie was – as always – thoroughly appalled at what she heard said at these meetings, but she had learned the very hard way that she was expected to keep her mouth shut unless a question was aimed directly at her, and that almost never happened.

  Often, right after diner was finished and the dishes had been cleared away, just before the men would retired to Victor’s study to smoke very expensive cigars, Jurek would signal for her to stand up, and stand up himself, then place her on the edge of the table and fuck her, right in front of the Count, making her spread her legs wide and thrusting himself into her with one quick, hard snap of his hips.

  Cassie didn’t know why this was so much more embarrassing to her than even being taken in the milking room, which he almost always did because he knew it mortified her, and she bet he knew how humiliated she was to be used in such a way in front of Victor. Perhaps it was because she had known him first, and he was the only person here that had seen her when she was in her element and at her best, instead of being forced to perform such obscene acts for Jurek’s amusement.

  At least she thought he was the only person here who knew her from her past.

  Even when he was only out for his own satisfaction, though, Jurek never forgot how responsive she was, and knew that it would add yet another layer of shame if she was forced to experience the ultimate in pleasure while they both watched, so he often did that, also, once he was through, or sometimes even before, making sure each and every time that she was thoroughly and completely out of control before he allowed her completion.

  Victor, like all of the men in the complex, always eyed her lustily, but had never done anything towards taking her for himself, probably because he didn’t want to risk getting her with a child that wouldn’t have as good a chance of inheriting her coloring. But, especially while Jurek was pleasuring her, he always leaned forward in his chair, well over the table, almost within reach of her, studying her as his partner deliberately drove her out of her mind with ecstasy, and complimenting Jurek extravagantly on
how well he played her.

  Her days became more routine and mostly spent either in the milking room or his bedroom. Jurek, having really nothing else to do – and not wanting to do anything else – rarely let her alone. It seemed to Cassie that he was inside her more than he was out these days. Breakfast was early, because he liked to rise relatively early, and fed to her by him, usually after he’d already taken her at least once, and then she would be expected to receive him several more times before he brought her down to have her milk expressed.

  Jurek made her wait when he really should have brought her down first thing in the morning for her first milking, but he liked the desperate look she got on her face and in her eyes as her breasts filled to the point of great discomfort before he allowed her any relief. In fact he enjoyed torturing her breasts more when they were completely full, because that seemed to make them even more ultra sensitive to his attentions.

  Very often she appeared in the milking room with breasts so red striped that you couldn’t tell where one stroke began and the other ended, and with nipples that had already been clamped and bitten, pulled and twisted.

  And he always told Bull and Gere to make sure they got everything they could out of her as he patted her now prominent bottom, assuring them that they could be as hard on her as they needed to to accomplish the task of draining her completely.

  Only he never actually allowed that to happen, always rushing her out when her breasts were still relatively full and definitely still aching uncomfortably. She was only milked completely when he was gone during the day, which was once or twice a week, and Cassie wasn’t sure which was worse, really. The two guards who doubled as milkers weren’t easy on her regardless of whether Jurek was there, and emptying her took so long and was very painful the way they did it.

  Not that anyone cared. All of the other women around here were being just as miserably treated.

  One day, though, as she was being lead to the only empty table, which happened to be in the back of the room, she got a better look her fellow sufferers. Most of them looked to be about her age, some of them younger, some slightly older, but the only middle aged women there were the matrons. Cassie wondered if they were all brought in to work at this place, or were they former brood mares themselves? She shuddered at the thought.

  She would find a way out of this place – she had to! At night she wept for the child she would never see again, and she knew they intended her to birth as many more as her body would supply. And she knew several women – mostly of a lower class than she had been – who had upwards of twelve children! If her body turned out to be only somewhat fertile, she would probably pass that record easily!

  This was a day that Jurek was gone. She never knew were – and he would never even think of telling her. He never discussed anything with her – she was no more than a means to an end to him – unless it was telling her about something horrible he intended to subject her to, just so that he could watch her face as he did so.

  So it was the two maidens who had escorted her from his room, leashed, as always, and this time was the first time she had had to make her way past all of the other women before she got to a table. What she saw frightened her to her very core.

  She stopped short in front of one woman that she was appalled to realize looked hauntingly familiar.


  The woman’s head was in that awful position she knew only too well, her leash attached high up the pole so that she couldn’t lower her head, but she didn’t seem to recognize Cassie, her tired eyes closing as if she just wanted to blot everything that her life had become out.

  “Savannah, is that you?”

  Just as her accompanying matrons jerked rudely on her arm, those eyes opened, and Cassie knew she had seen a spark of recognition there. As she was hauled away to her own equally mortifying fate, she knew that that was Savannah St. George.

  While she was being secured in place, moved up or down a bit for the comfort of those around her, Cassie remembered what she knew about poor Savannah, who seemed to be having a much harder time around here than she was – not that Cassie’s life, as constricted and controlled as it was was any wonderful prize, but Savannah looked totally exhausted and underfed for what Cassie knew they were putting her through.

  She had been the daughter of a neighbor, probably the closest thing to a friend she’d had as a kid, although her mother hadn’t liked how tom boyish Cassie was, so she wasn’t allowed to come around all that often. They had debuted at the same time, and Savannah found a beau right off who wanted her to come to England to meet his family. He had a title and everything, if Cassie remembered correctly.

  She wondered suddenly if it was Victor?

  Savannah was allowed to go, with an older aunt acting as duenna, but the family never heard anything more from either of them from that point forward. Not a word. She disappeared without a trace, and now Cassie knew the reason why.

  Her family had probably gone through much the same thing about her, Cassie realized, tears filling her eyes.

  But there was little time to dwell on either of their misfortunes as those ham handed men each grabbed a hold of a teat and began squeezing, which always caused Cassie to groan down low in the throat at the combination of pain along with the exquisite relief she felt when all of that fluid was being drained out of her.

  Unfortunately, one of the matrons always hung around, in the same position that Jurek assumed, and, to her absolute horror the first time it had happened, they did much the same things to her. Cassie was aghast at the idea that a woman would touch her so intimately, but they did, even eschewing the usual glove and actually handing her privates with no barrier, just a layer of thick lube that allowed those smaller fingers to glide over her and poke into every nook and cranny she owned.

  She didn’t know if it was because they were women, too, or what, but whenever one of them did this to her, she could feel her own pussy swelling, even more so than it did with Jurek. They weren’t really a lot gentler with her – their goal was to bring her to pleasure so that it would be easier to milk her, so they didn’t tease her like Jurek did, and perhaps that was the difference. When those much more delicate fingers cupped her, she knew exactly what they intended to do. There was no begging for her release, no starting or stopping, no nothing like that. She knew that the woman standing directly behind her – who was usually Matushka - with her hand between her legs simply wanted to bring her off as many times as she could during this process.

  As a result, her body began to anticipation the molestation that she knew was going to result in several long, hard orgasms. Cassie often wished she was alone during this; the sounds of the other women – who were either also being brought to orgasm or being punished, and sometimes, as they weren’t allowed to use words in this room, it was darned hard to determine which it was merely by their vocalizations – made her very uneasy, especially if anyone near her was being punished. She found herself listening to the sounds of the other woman’s misery – the slap-crack of something leather hitting tender flesh with the one and only goal of inflicting as much torment to that one poor individual as possible and the resultant screams and cries of agony. Somehow neither of them ever seemed to end.

  And they made her hotter than she would ever admit to.

  Unfortunately, someone was right next to her now being “seen to” by a man Cassie assumed was the one she was being bred to, and he had a long, thin length of leather that had several good sized knots tied into it. It looked – and sounded – extremely painful, and she was glad that Jurek had never used such a thing on her, not that the ones he did use were really any better.

  But this time it was happening to someone else, and she was horrified to realize that that might well be a big part of her attraction.

  In the beginning of every session, she did her best to resist what they were forcing her to do. She resisted with all her might. But that only lasted for a few minutes – never any longer at all. Her body cr
aved every bit of what was being done to her here, and her mind rebelled just as strongly against it. But her body easily overruled her mind every single time.

  She didn’t want to be brought to such an intimate end by a woman who was old enough to be her mother, while she was bound to a table in a room full of women who were in the same position as she was, while two men took from her what was meant to nourish her baby.

  But her flesh did. It reveled in it.

  Matushka decided to hurry her along a bit, which was something that Cassie dreaded. She donned a glove, and Cassie knew exactly what was coming. The next thing she knew, one of Matushka’s rubber covered fingers was trying to work its way into her bottom, while the other continued to swirl and rub and flick her clit.

  In the older nurse’s opinion, most females enjoyed having something inside their bottom. Its judicious application usually shaved several minutes off the time it took for most females to have their first spasms, and made it that much easier to give them many more.

  So she ignored Cassie’s useless attempts at protest – the keening and whining that she knew was a lie – and pressed her finger home, making Cassie groan as she sank all inside her to the last knuckle. Without missing a beat, she kept that finger where it was and began to insinuate the other in next to it, stretching her bottom hole around them and frigging her very light and quickly as she did so.

  She knew that combination would send Cassie through the roof, and it did.

  Other than an occasional change of personnel, and the requisite trips to the doctor to be checked to see if she was again pregnant – which became more and more frequent the closer it got to the end of the first month after she had given birth. Jurek redoubled his efforts. He really wanted her knocked again before the first of the next month. In fact, he and Victor had a bit of a wager riding on it. Victor was of a mind that she shouldn’t be milked at all – despite how the whole place had benefited from it – because he was worried that it would make her harder to impregnate.


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