Hope, Heartbreak & High Heels (HHH)

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Hope, Heartbreak & High Heels (HHH) Page 7

by Sheryl

  I really hoped I was dressed ok and didn’t look out of place. We had spent all of Saturday going through outfits, with the girls rejecting all my sparkles. Under Aimee’s supervision, I was dolled up in a light grey shift dress that went up to my knees, a white cashmere cardigan and Latisha’s white leather pumps. I wore a matching light grey headband to hold my curls in place, a sterling silver pendant around my neck and a delicate charm bracelet around my wrist.

  I took in the surroundings as we walked through the club and to the restaurant. It was beautiful; full of old glamour and wealth. And there were some good looking men around in their casual Sunday best – tennis clothes, polo uniforms, khakis and knit sweaters. I swallowed hard. I felt like I was out of my league and one glance at Aimee’s face told me she felt the same.

  Ezra seemed to know a lot of the members. He was greeted by almost everyone as we walked through. Aimee stayed unusually quiet with a small fake smile pasted on her face. It was clear she was very uncomfortable. I kept looking around, wondering whether this was the right place for me to meet the right man.

  But before I could back out, Ezra made his move, “Barton! How have you been?”

  My heartbeat started beating wildly in anticipation as I heard footsteps approach us. Slowly I glanced at the guy walking towards us from the corner of my eye. My jaw dropped open.

  Dressed in beige riding pants, a bright blue polo and a black riding jacket, a blond-haired, light blue-eyed hunk sauntered over to us. He had the perfect physique and perfect lopsided smile to go with it.

  “Oh hey Ezra, how’s it going?” His low voice sounded like crushed ice over a yummy margarita.

  “Good good. Let me introduce you to my girlfriend Aimee and her friend Anya,” he pointed towards us. Aimee looked up with a genuine grin for the first time that day while I tried my best not to stare.

  Andrew gave us a dazzling smile. I was about to faint.

  “What are you up to now? Want to join us for some lunch?” Ezra offered. I felt my heart pause in anticipation.

  “Sure why not?” he answered after what seemed like an eternity.

  We walked towards our table. I sat down next to Aimee. He pulled up the empty seat next to Ezra, the one right across from me. I started picking at my nails in my lap, unable to look into his face.

  Ezra and Andrew talked shop. I studied Andrew from under my lashes. He had the most perfect facial features. The sound of his voice was soothing and lulled me into a daydream. I was jerked awake by the sound of my name and Aimee nudging me in my ribs.

  “Anya?” Ezra’s voice came through. I looked up. Everyone was looking at me curiously.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking about work,” I lied.

  “Ouch. Didn’t realise we were boring you. What do you do?” Andrew asked me with an amused look on his face.

  I started mumbling. “Counsellor…kids…”

  Ohmygod. Get a grip Anya!

  “She used to be a lawyer but now she’s a children’s counsellor in the city,” Aim came to my rescue. “She often helps out with Domestic Violence cases at the DA’s office.” I gave her a small smile.

  “Interesting. Wouldn’t have guessed that a little girl like you could take on the big bad world,” Andrew teased.

  “Little? Oh no, you should see Anya at work, she ‘s good,” Aimee continued. “She can conquer anyone’s demons.”

  “I might just have to,” Andrew said with a smile before taking a sip of his wine.

  I was entranced by the way his perfectly sized hands handled the delicate stem of the wineglass and I wished from the bottom of my heart I was that sweet, dark liquid meeting his chiselled lips.

  “Anya’s actually interested in riding. Anya, this is the man to talk to. Andrew is quite the celebrated equestrian at our club,” Ezra praised.

  Ezra’s little lie made sense. I guess it wasn’t riding but the riders I had come here for.

  “Oh really?” Andrew raised an eyebrow. “Want a tour of the stables?”

  “Umm…I guess…I mean if…” I stammered.

  “She would love to thanks,” Aimee finished for me.

  “Does anyone want to join us?” Andrew asked.

  “You guys carry on, we’re hungry so we’ll order some food,” Ezra replied with a wink.

  Andrew rose gracefully from his seat and held out his hand. Mine trembled slightly as I took it. His grip felt firm and strong and sent little jolts of electricity down my spine.

  He led the way to the stables as I followed behind, concentrating on not tripping over myself. As we stepped out onto the lawn, my heels starting sinking into the soft grass. I reached down to remove them. As I straightened, I found Andrew looking at me with a funny smile.

  “Wouldn’t want to ruin your designer stilettos now would you?” he smirked.

  I was shocked he recognized the brand and wasn’t sure whether to applaud him or be worried that he might be gay till I remembered something. “You would know... You own boutiques.”

  “Or I just have good taste?” he winked.

  I blushed. “So have you been riding long?”

  “Ever since I was eight. I love horses. Smart animals.” He went on to describe his riding history. I could see that he was passionate about it and it made me smile. I liked a guy with a bit of personality.

  “So why DV crimes?” he flipped the conversation to me.

  “I grew up seeing the effects of it on families. I guess I just wanted to make a difference. That’s why I went to law school but I grew frustrated with the system. So right now I’m working at schools and volunteering while applying for my Ph.D. in the field. Either way I find this more fulfilling than earning tons of money,” I explained.

  He nodded. “That’s quite noble of you. My family’s involved in a bunch of charities here but I don’t think they personally care about any particular one.”

  “Do you have a favourite?”

  He thought for a second, “I guess I’m partial towards those that fight for animal welfare. Comes from my riding I think. Someone needs to step in for them.”

  “Speak for those that can’t speak for themselves,” I added quietly.

  He nodded in agreement. “Exactly.” And then he gave me another heart-stopping smile.

  I felt myself blush.

  “Well here we are, the stables,” he announced proudly.

  17 – AIMEE

  I watched Anya and Andrew walk off. They seemed to be hitting it off. From the way Anya had tripped over her own words at the table, she was definitely attracted to him. I just hoped that he was a good guy.

  I smiled at Ezra. It was nice being alone with him again, I felt like I never saw him enough. Ideally I would have picked anywhere else but here, but I knew how badly Anya wanted, and needed, this.

  It wasn’t that the club wasn’t beautiful. It was and I loved how relaxed and at ease Ezra felt here. But I always felt like a polar bear in the desert. I mean I never even wore my own clothes when I came here; I borrowed the other girls’ stuff! I so wasn’t a floral, pastel and pearls type of girl. Although everyone was polite to me, I felt like Ezra’s trophy girlfriend; no one spoke to me directly. Including Ezra’s parents whose disdain was visible from the moment they set eyes upon me.

  As if on cue, they materialised out of thin air and walked towards us. Merde! I groaned inwardly. I thought after meeting Ezra for lunch yesterday they might have spared us their presence today. Clearly I was hoping for too much.

  The Worthingtons had lived in a palatial estate close to the city for years. Their main income came from investments and funds at this time. Generations of Worthingtons had been members of this elite country club and they commanded respect wherever they went.

  Ezra greeted his mother with a kiss on each cheek and his father with a hug. They turned to me with an icy smile and an even colder handshake.

  “Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Worthington. How are you doing?” I addressed them equally coldly, but politely. I was done trying to im
press them.

  “Hello Aimee. I hope you don’t mind us joining your lunch. We didn’t want to waste an opportunity to spend time with our son since he’s always so busy during the week,” Mrs. Worthington explained.

  Right at that moment Anya and Andrew returned from their little tour. I felt relieved. At least I’d have someone else in my corner.

  “Not at all. May I introduce you to my friend and roommate Anya Carmichael,” I indicated towards Anya.

  The Worthingtons greeted Andrew warmly and then turned to Anya. “How do you do? It’s such a pleasure to meet you both. I’ve heard such great things about you from Aimee,” Anya was nervous.

  Ezra’s parents looked at each other suspiciously while I shot Anya an appreciative smile.

  “Well well, we hope you’ll share these wonderful details,” Mr. Worthington replied. He reminded me of a skinnier, more dignified version of the Monopoly man.

  Ezra came to our rescue. “Why don’t we continue our conversation with some food; I’m sure everyone’s starving.”

  Mrs Worthington turned the conversation towards Anya. “Where are you from Anya? I noticed a slight accent.”

  “My parents own a dairy farm in a small town in Alabama. I grew up there and moved to the city after college,” she answered.

  “A dairy farm?” Mr. Worthington seemed intrigued. “Where do they supply to?”

  “All over the country. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but the products are called ‘Milkind’, short for kind milk. The processes used in the farm focus on humanity towards animals instead of splitting up calves from their mothers and treating them like literal cash cows,” Anya explained.

  Andrew seemed impressed. “So you’re into animals too huh?” he asked. I didn’t know what he meant but from the way Anya’s cheeks turned pink it looks like she did.

  “Why of course!” Mr. Worthington exclaimed. “That’s why your last name rang a bell. I’ve read about the innovative approaches used at the farm and markets have proclaimed it to be a new trendsetter.” He seemed impressed and I was confused.

  “So what brings you to our club my dear Anya?” Mrs. Worthington purred.

  “Anya had never been to this side of town and was interested in getting riding lessons. I told her she could find out more at our stables here and then decide,” Ezra intercepted.

  “Our stables are worth seeing. And if you have any questions or problems we can always help you out,” Mrs. Worthington gushed. “But I’m sure you’re in good hands if you’ve met Andrew here.”

  My eyes widened in surprise. This was a turn of events. I never thought they’d actually like Anya. I felt a jab of jealousy and all my prior light heartedness disappeared. Ezra’s parents hadn’t said one word to me.

  “What do you do in the city dear?” Mrs. Worthington asked Anya.

  “She’s a children’s counsellor,” Andrew piped up.

  “How endearing - that sounds so noble!” praised Ezra’s mother.

  “Thank you very much,” Anya answered before exchanging another secret look with Andrew. I was definitely going to have to grill her for details later.

  Another couple came up to the table to greet the Worthingtons. Ezra and Andrew stood up in their seats to shake hands with them. Mrs. Worthington turned to us, “And this is Anya. Her family owns Milkind and she’s a children’s counselor in the city working,” she gushed.

  The couple looked impressed. I was shocked. She was treating Anya like her own guest whilst blatantly ignoring me!

  “You should involve her in our women’s charity here,” the woman said. “I’m sure she’d be a great asset.”

  Mrs. Worthington bobbed her head up and down, ”Yes of course. Anya dear you must help out. It’s a great cause.”

  The two women started bombarding Anya with details. I had never felt more invisible.

  “And this is my girlfriend Aimee. She’s a geneticist doing research in the city as well,” Ezra turned towards me. His parents frowned. I smiled. Well at least he had remembered me.

  “Hello Aimee. Pleased to meet you,” the gentlemen smiled at me. “Well done boy, not only is she smart but she’s stunning! The human genome is the key to the future of medicine.”

  I smiled. This was the nicest anyone had been to me here.

  “Well, we’ll let you get back to your lunch. It was a pleasure meeting both you girls. Ezra, be sure to bring them round again,” and with that they walked off.

  We settled back down in our seats.

  “A geneticist? That sounds impressive,” Andrew said with a whistle.

  “It is. She makes me look good on all fronts,” Ezra winked at me.

  “Not that you need much help,” Mrs. Worthington argued.

  “Maybe,” Ezra conceded, “But it doesn’t hurt.”

  I smiled. Maybe the visit to the club hadn’t been such a bad idea after all. Not only did Anya look smitten, but Ezra had stepped up for me in front of his parents.

  18 – EVA

  I watched as the rain trickled down my office window. I sighed. What a way to start the week. Thankfully I had checked the weather before leaving the loft and worn my galoshes and trench coat.

  I had a pile of cases to work on and thankfully no court hearings today. Better get started.

  It was near lunch when my phone buzzed. It was the reception.

  “Yes?” I answered irritably. I didn’t like being disturbed.

  “Eva I have Mr. Hartman here for you,” was the reply.

  WHAT? Again?

  “Umm…send him up,” I answered shakily.

  I straightened my papers. Thankfully I had changed into my spare pair of black leather pumps that I kept in my office. They were simple yet ideal for any outfit; very practical for days like these. I could feel my heart racing.

  What was he doing here?

  Before I could come up with possible answers, there was a knock on my door.

  “Come in,” I croaked.

  The door opened and there he stood, immaculately dressed as always with his coat and umbrella slung over the crook of his arm and smiling that heart stopping smile that went all the way up to his impish green eyes.

  “Hey,” he greeted.

  “Hi. What a surprise,” I managed.

  “I was here for work. Just finished,” he explained.

  “Oh okay…” that still didn’t explain what he was doing in my office.

  He cleared his throat. “I was wondering if you wanted to grab some lunch. I mean if you’re not too busy,” he added quickly.

  I was stumped. I looked around at the papers piled on my desk.

  “I have a lot of work to do…” I started.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You do have to eat at some point right?”

  “Why?” I couldn’t stop the word from falling out of my mouth.

  He stopped smiling. “Why what?”

  “Why do you want to have lunch with me?”

  “Ummm…because I’m here. And I’m hungry. And I don’t want to eat alone,” he listed.

  There were a million things going through my mind. I had a ton of work. It was raining. I didn’t want to go with him. He was cute. He smelt good.

  “Fine. But somewhere quick and somewhere close by,” I decided.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Fine by me.”

  I got up and put on my coat. I was about to leave the office when I remembered my shoes. I wasn’t going to get them wet. I quickly slipped out of my pumps and back into my galoshes. Daniel was watching me with an amused glint in his eyes. Damn those eyes.

  “All set? Or is there anything left for you to change?” he teased.

  “In case you haven’t noticed; its raining,” I retorted.

  “I was just kidding. Good call on the boots. Gotta appreciate a girl that can appreciate the difference between style and stupidity,” he answered.

  We walked out of the office and down the hall. I noticed a few raised eyebrows as we passed the other offices. I hardly go out for l
unch and almost never with a cute guy.


  As we hit the lobby I turned to him. “Where to?”

  “Wherever you want. You’re the one with limits and boundaries,” he replied.

  “Any particular dietary restrictions?” I asked.

  “I’m not strictly kosher if that’s what you’re asking. I mean I avoid certain foods but that’s about it,” he read my mind.

  “Me too,” I was relieved. We both knew our families were kosher and it was difficult explaining to a fellow Jewish person that we weren’t. “There’s a Café Metro around the corner. Does that work for you?”

  “Sure. Let’s go”

  I held up my umbrella over both our heads as we left the building. He walked close to me. Too close. I could smell his cool cologne and aftershave.

  When we got to the café, it was full and busy. We stood in line and ordered our food. I got a Thai salad while Daniel picked up a veggie wrap. With our trays in our hands we scanned the room for an empty table.

  “There’s a spot there.” Daniel pointed to a small table in a corner.

  We hurried over, set our food down and peeled off our wet outerwear. As we took our seats, I realised we were sitting so close that our knees were touching and our hands kept brushing each other. I felt goosebumps all over while Daniel seemed totally unaffected as he bit into his wrap. I started eating.

  “Mmmm…good. How’s yours?” he asked through bites.

  “Fresh. I hate stale salads,” I replied.

  “You seem to hate a lot of things,” he grinned.

  I looked up. “Excuse me?”

  “You hate stereotypes about women. Criminals in jail. Married couples with kids. Getting your shoes wet. Stale salads.”

  I glared at him. “Not everyone can be as easy going and comfortable as you.”


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