Hope, Heartbreak & High Heels (HHH)

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Hope, Heartbreak & High Heels (HHH) Page 8

by Sheryl

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re as comfortable chatting to strangers as you are to adults. You’re as comfortable dropping in at offices as you are asking out girls you hardly know,” I elaborated.

  “True. Except I do know you,” he flashed me another smile. “You’re Becky’s sister. Mr. Goldstein’s daughter. This is the fourth time we’ve met. Hardly makes us strangers. And if you feel this way, why did you agree to have lunch with me?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Like you said. You’re Becky’s neighbour and our families are friends. You’d probably run home and tell on me next weekend.”

  He smiled. It felt good to tease him back. Despite my reservations and initial misgivings, Daniel seemed like a nice guy. And we had a lot in common.

  “So does that mean I can blackmail you into anything I want?”

  I laughed. “Within reason I guess.”

  “So what else do you do for fun besides go out with guys that corner you?”

  “I have a lot of friends in the city from college, law school and work. If I’m not cooped up in the office I often meet up with them during weeknights.”

  “Do you live alone?”

  “Well, I live with three friends. We spend a lot of time hanging out over the weekends since our jobs keep us busy,” I shared.

  “Must be nice. I live alone – my hours are too crazy. I can’t deal with messy guys or their random girls walking through my apartment at odd hours.”

  “Neat freak much?” I joked.

  He nodded, “I believe in maintaining high standards.” I must have looked confused because he pointed towards my shoes. I smiled awkwardly.

  “You into any sports?” Daniel continued.

  “I enjoy playing basketball at the gym. Been playing for years now.”

  “Basketball huh? Are you any good?”

  I rose to the challenge. “Could probably kick your butt!”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? That confident?”

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Put your money where your mouth is. Let’s play this weekend.”

  My face fell. This weekend? “I can’t…I’m sorry.”

  He stopped smiling too. “Oh ok, I understand…I mean it was just in the moment…”

  “No its nothing like that. It’s just that this weekend is Latisha’s birthday. She’s one of my flatmates.” I explained hastily.

  “Oh. Ok,” he still seemed suspicious.

  “We’ve planned a birthday weekend for her since it could be her last birthday as a single woman; she’s engaged and probably getting married soon. We’re throwing her a party at the loft so there’s a ton to do” I really didn’t want to accept his invite as tempting as it was. The girls would make too big a deal out of it and my parents would start jumping to conclusions if they ever found out.

  His smile was back. “Don’t worry about it. I can always blackmail you into hanging out with me later.” He winked.

  19 – LATISHA

  I pulled off my scrub cap and slumped against the wall. Tears welled up in my eyes. I can’t believe he was gone. After months of watching over Steven in the ICU ward, three open heart surgeries and around the clock care; his heart had failed him the fourth time around. There was nothing anyone could have done; yet the loss had hit close to my own heart. Steven had been one of my first patients and I couldn’t believe he was gone.

  Chris walked into the scrub room and started washing his hands. My sniffles caught his attention and he turned around.

  “Taking a break are we? Won’t you be late for something?” He taunted.

  I didn’t look up. Or answer. He walked towards me. He caught sight of my tears and his eyes widened with realisation.

  “Oh my God! What’s wrong Latisha?” He reached out and placed a hand on either shoulder. “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah…Steven…Can’t believe…” A lump so big had formed in my throat that I couldn’t get the words out.

  “Ssh…ssshhhhh” Chris put his arm around me and pulled my head towards him so that it rested on his chest. “I know it’s tough. But he put up a fight.”

  We stood there with me weeping against his chest for what seemed like eternity. He stroked my head and kept whispering to me. Eventually my breathing came under control again. As my tears stopped, my head cleared and I became aware of my surroundings.

  Chris’s chest felt sculpted to perfection as I nuzzled my cheek against it. I could smell hospital disinfectant mixed with his spicy scent from his scrubs. His arms felt warm and comforting. Like a spiced chai and duvet on a winter night.

  Oh God.

  I moved away and wiped the tears off my face. Chris backed off but his hand remained on my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry,” I sniffed as I blew my nose into a tissue.

  He waved his hand in front of his face. “Don’t worry about it. You ok?”

  “I’m fine,” I answered.

  “Never lost a patient before?” he asked gently.

  “It’s not that. Steven was one of my first patients here and we’d grown close. He was so young, I can’t believe we couldn’t help him,” I explained.

  “He tried. But it was all too much for him,” Chris consoled.

  “I know. You must probably think I’m going to make a pathetic surgeon now,” I joked weakly.

  “Not at all. Just glad to see you’re not always perfect and have some weaknesses,” he smiled. “Though caring about your patients isn’t a weakness you know.”

  “Thanks. For everything,” I blew my nose.

  “Anytime.” He took his hand off my shoulder and for a moment it felt cold.

  We washed up and headed outside.

  “So…how long have you been engaged?” he asked awkwardly.

  “It’s been a while. We’ve been dating forever. Probably getting married by next summer,” I shared.

  He let out a whistle. “Wow. No ring?”

  I looked down at my naked fingers. “Seems inconvenient at a hospital. Plus it creeps me out.”

  He looked at me funny. “How? Any other girl I know would love to flaunt their rock.”

  I didn’t answer. He looked at my expectantly and raised an eyebrow. I caved.

  “Well, it feels like someone’s branded me. Kinda takes away the romance,” I said sheepishly.

  Chris laughed. “Never heard that before! Then why get engaged?”

  “It’s a long story. Involving blackmail, childhood romance and cultural norms. Maybe another time,” I replied.

  “Maybe…” Chris gazed at me through his hazel eyes. I felt frozen by the flecks of gold dancing under the light.

  “Hey Latisha! Excited about the weekend?” Sally tapped me on my shoulder. Sally was another resident in our year. We’d worked together all of last year too.

  “Hey Sally. You bet! You’re coming right?” I asked.

  “Course! Wouldn’t miss it for the world! Besides, who else is going to pour shots down your throat and help you dance on top of tables?” she laughed.

  “Hush! That was a one-time thing! You promised you would never bring that up,” I scolded.

  She quieted down. “Sorry! I got excited.” She grinned.

  “That’s fine,” I smiled. Who can stay mad at this bouncing ball of energy?

  “So yes to the shots?” she winked.

  “Twenty seven is classy.” I disagreed.

  “Hmm… we’ll see!” she winked back.

  I laughed and turned around. Sally was crazy. She and I were like oil and vinegar. She was as crazy as I was conservative. But that’s why we got along great – we always had interesting stories to share.

  Chris looked at me with a funny look. “And what was that about?”

  Oops. I hadn’t invited him. I mean, he had just joined and we hardly knew each other. Besides he wasn’t really on my ‘like’ list…not totally…

  “It’s my birthday this weekend and my flatmates are throwing me a party…”

  His face h
ardened. “Oh ok. Happy Birthday...”

  I felt bad. Especially after how nice he’d been.

  “Why don’t you come too? I mean I know it’s short notice but things have been crazy. And we only just decided,” I lied.

  A cold look passed over his face. “Don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t want to impose.” He turned to walk away.

  I reached out and put my hand on this arm to stop him. I could feel his warmth from his skin. He turned back to face me.

  “I insist. I know we hardly know each other but after… come on, it’ll be fun,” I forced.

  He looked at my hand on his arm then at me. His eyes tore past the lies and I felt like he could see deep into me. Slowly his mouth curved into a small smile.

  “Ok fine. But only if you have those vodka shots with me.”

  The expression on my face must have been horrific because he broke out into laughter.

  “Just kidding. About the shots I mean,” he smirked as he walked away, “or maybe not.”

  20 – ANYA

  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my stupid face. Even the judge in the courtroom had looked at me funny.

  It had been three days since I met Andrew at the club and my feet hadn’t touched the ground since. Not only was he gorgeous and successful; but there had been definite sparks between us. We had talked all afternoon and had then exchanged numbers before heading back to the city.

  Things had gone smoothly. Better than I ever imagined. Too smoothly maybe? Was it ever this easy? Or was this a sign of a huge obstacle looming overhead? I shook my head to get the thoughts out. This was the problem. Every time things went well, I psyched myself out. Its what all the magazines, movies and novels taught us to do. But I was determined to prove that love can be simple and easy – it doesn’t always need drama.

  I checked my phone for the millionth time;

  From: Andrew B.

  Time: 12:05 P.M.

  So how’s the day going?

  I quickly typed out a reply.

  To: Andrew B.

  Time: 12:25 P.M.

  Long morning in court. Large docket.

  How are clothes and shoes?

  I stepped outside and walked to the deli to grab some grub. I was due back soon to speak to more complainants. As I paid for my everything bagel, I felt my phone buzz again.

  From: Andrew B.

  Time: 12:39 P.M.

  Clothes and shoes are fun… They keep me updated on latest trends, which always helps out when I’m chatting to cute girls ;)

  Checking up on the new winter collection now. What are you doing this weekend?

  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  To: Andrew B.

  Time: 12:42 P.M.

  Asking me out already?

  Wow. That was direct. I was used to the mind games and cat and mouse hunt; I wasn’t used to such directness. I received a reply almost immediately.

  From: Andrew B.

  Time: 12:45PM

  I don’t believe in playing games. When I know what I want I go for it…

  So what will it be?


  This weekend was Latisha’s birthday weekend. We had plans everyday and then people were coming over Saturday night. There was no way I was going to be able to skip out. Unless…

  To: Andrew B.

  Time: 12:49 P.M.

  It’s a friend’s birthday Saturday night so we’re having a small party at our loft… Wanna join? Only if it’s not too awkward for you.

  I hit send. I had no idea what he was going to say. After ten minutes of nothing, I figured he didn’t know how to let me down. Disheartened, I put away my phone and walked back to court.

  The rest of the afternoon passed by in a blur thankfully. The case on hand didn’t give me a moment’s time to think about anything else.

  I was working on a case where a woman had a restraining order against her separated husband, soon to be ex-husband. He was obligated by court order to maintain a minimum distance from her. However, she had now brought charges of trespassing, intimidation and violating the court order against him. He had been around her apartment building because he claimed he wanted to see his son. Working with families was not only exhausting but also emotionally draining. There were relations at stake and as much as I believed in justice, I hated seeing families split up.

  As the afternoon docket drew to a close, I stole a peek at my phone. I had managed to refrain so far mainly because my victim had been going crazy and cell phones were frowned upon in court.

  My heart leaped as I saw I had one new message. I hit open.

  From: Andrew B.

  Time: 1:53 P.M.

  Sorry – got stuck in a lunch meeting.

  Sure, Saturday night sounds great. But are you sure your friend won’t mind?

  He had replied!

  I looked up to see the court officer glaring at me. I quickly grabbed my phone and snuck out of the courtroom. I couldn’t wait to reply.

  To: Andrew B.

  Time: 3:50 P.M.

  I’m sure.

  It’s loft F8, 30 E 10th St on the corner 5th Ave. Come around 9PM?

  My phone buzzed almost immediately with a reply.

  From: Andrew B.

  Time: 3:51 P.M.

  Sounds great.

  Can’t wait

  Me neither!

  21 – AIMEE

  Saturday rolled around in a whirl bringing with it excitement and festivities throughout the loft.

  We had been making plans and deciding outfits all week long. Last night we went out to eat at a French restaurant – just the four of us – and then a karaoke bar downtown. The usually cautious Latisha had thrown back a few shots too; I’m guessing because she realised this was her last care free birthday where she didn’t have to play the part of a good wife and good daughter-in-law. She had made a hilarious drunk, running around and screaming along to every teen pop song. We had sung our hearts out in between tequila shots and had needed four rounds of tea to find our voices back this morning.

  Today was the loft party. Around fifteen or twenty people were coming over, mostly Vivek and Latisha’s close friends from work and some who lived in the city. Latisha claimed she wasn’t drinking today, and it was supposed to be a slightly more ‘sophisticated’ event overall.

  I finished brushing my hair and applied a fresh layer of lipstick. I took one step back to take one final look in the mirror. I was pleased with the results.

  I was dressed in a strappy, full-length maroon jumpsuit. I had on my gold studded pointy flats, a chunky gold collar piece around my neck and a thick gold cuff around my wrist. Very me – fun and edgy; I couldn’t do florals or frills. I had on dark eye makeup and just the right about of bronzer. I sprayed on a whiff of perfume and walked out the bathroom to check up on the rest.

  Anya was just slipping on her silver crystal studded slingbacks when I found her in the living room. She looked like a Barbie doll in her strapless hot pink short dress with a netted balloon skirt and perfectly coiled blonde curls. A trés sexy Barbie doll.

  “Are they ready?” I asked indicating towards the other door.

  “Dunno. Let me knock and check.” Anya knocked on the door.

  “We need help!” came Eva’s voice. She stepped out. She looked amazing in a one-shoulder short yellow lace dress and her colourful, pointy-toed stilettos. Eva’s choice in colours was as bold as her personality. Her reddish brown hair was loose and slightly wavy around her face while black kohl brightened her blue eyes.

  The door swung open and my mouth fell open. The usually prim and proper room looked like it had been invaded by… me. Clothes were scattered everywhere and Latisha was perched on her bed in her bra and pyjama shorts, with her head between her hands.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “She has nothing to wear,” answered Eva matter-of-factly.

  “I do. But Eva just made me take it all off,” Latisha complained.

  “She wants to wear this,” Eva held up a
pair of denim jeans and a silky sleeveless blouse.

  I gasped. “Tu blagues! Tish, this is your night!”

  Latisha looked up, her eyes big, hazel and puppy like. I sighed. Everyone would be arriving in an hour and things were a mess.

  Someone had to take charge. “Alright. I’ll take Tish. Eva, fix the room. Anya, make sure everything is ready outside,” I instructed. Before she had a chance to protest, I took Latisha by the hand and dragged her into my room.

  I pulled out a short shimmery dress with sleeves. Latisha shook her head.

  I put it back and pulled out a black fitted bandage dress with a deep v-cut neckline. She raised her eyebrows.

  “Why does my skin need to be on display in order for me to look good?” she asked.

  I sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought. I shifted through the clothes trying to find something that would suit her sensibilities but not make her look like a total bore.

  “Ah hah! Found it!” I declared triumphantly. I held out a floor length, chiffon, strapless gown. It was flowy with a fitted bust, a colourful print and a side slit that showed occasional glimpses of skin.

  Latisha looked up, unsure.

  “This is IT. Now vite vite! Don’t waste my time, we still have your hair and makeup to do.” I put my free hand on my hip and my sternest look. It must have been pretty fierce because she silently did as told.

  I plugged in my curling iron and waited as Latisha changed. When she emerged from the bathroom, the gown was trailing behind her and way too long since she was shorter than me.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll get you a pair of heels,” I comforted. “Now come sit.”

  Latisha shuffled across the room and settled onto the stool in front of my dresser. I worked fast; we didn’t have much time left.

  When I was done, Latisha looked stunning. She must have thought so too because a slow smile crept across her face. She turned her hazel eyes to meet mine in the mirror.

  “Thanks,” she said softy.

  “Don’t be silly. You’ve played fairy godmother to me many a times when I’ve had to go out. Now come on, lets make this night perfect,” I gave her a hug. It was true. Latisha had thankfully talked me out of many a low necklines and short shorts.

  She slipped into her room and emerged with a pair of delicate pearl drops hanging from her earlobes and a single pearl pendant around her neck; all birthday presents from Vivek that he’d given her at lunch today. She had on her signature watch and ginormous engagement ring; all to please him.


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