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Mylomon: Warlord Brides (Warriors of Sangrin Book 3)

Page 12

by Nancey Cummings

  “The food is finished. Eat. You will need your strength tomorrow.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  He woke with his cock rock hard, nestled between the checks of Daisy’s ass. With her back pressed against his chest, he completely forgot about his moral stance on claiming his mate the correct way. The situation was both torturous and perfect. He could roll her over onto her stomach and sink into her warm, hot core. She pleaded with him to do just that last night. His big mouth talked him out of claiming his perfectly formed mate.

  He moaned with frustration, lifting his hips ever so slightly. Nothing about their situation had changed and waking up with an erection wasn’t leave to disrespect his female.

  Daisy deserved to be claimed the proper way. Or as proper a way as he could manage and he could manage a hell of a lot more than the cold floor of a dark cave on a forsaken planet.

  He was disappointed at his own sense of right and wrong.

  Daisy stretched, rubbing against him. Gritting his teeth, he rolled away and climbed to his feet. There was no point in torturing himself when there was work to be done.

  “Good morning, sweetie,” she said with a yawn. Then she caught sight of his massive erection. “Oh.”

  “It is nothing,” he grumbled. If he ignored it, the throbbing would diminish.

  “I’d hardly call that nothing. Come here.” She reached for him and licked her lips. She couldn’t be serious.


  “Daisy,” she said. “If I’m putting your dick in my mouth, you can call me by my name.”

  He swallowed. Hard. She was so bold. “That is not necessary.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that. As I recall, you took care of me last night and I kind of ignored you like a bitch.”

  He growled. He did not like to hear her speak about herself in derogatory terms.

  “Right, right,” she said. “Forget I said that but I do want to give you something.”

  She knelt before of him, hands on his hips. The dark head of his cock rested against her plump lips. The tip glistened with pre-cum. Her little pink tongue darted out and licked up the moisture. His knees nearly buckled from the sensation. She hummed happily. “You taste really nice, husband. Why haven’t I tried this before?” One hand cupped his balls and the other gripped the base of his member. Her tongued dragged up and down the sensitive underside.

  “We have been busy,” he gritted out.

  “Seems like this is something we should always make time for,” she said, looking up at him through the fringe of her messy golden hair. “Don’t you think?”

  “I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  With a smile, she took him into her mouth. Wet, searing heat surrounded him. She opened wide and took him deep, swallowing and breathing through her nose. Mylomon growled in satisfaction, pumping into her. His length dragged across her tongue and lips and pushed back in again. There was nothing as sweet and good as his wife.

  He came with a roar, hands holding her in place, gushing into her. She drank every last drop. Finished, she pulled away and licked her lips. A satisfied smile lingered.

  Mylomon lifted his wife to her feet. “You are my heart, wife.” His arms wrapped around her and he pulled her in for a kiss. Salty flavors lingered on her tongue. Himself, he realized with a start. Underneath that was her giving sweetness. He drank her in.

  “You big softie,” Daisy said, patting him on the chest. She repeated that motion often, a casual display of affection. He enjoyed it and growled to let her know. Her eyes widened. “What was that for?”

  “That was for my wife.”

  She shook her head with a laugh. “Aliens.”

  “Come, eat. I will fashion a crutch for your ankle.”


  “We are being watched,” Mylomon said. He stood at the entrance to the cave. Daisy squeezed around him to get a better view. She scanned the empty horizon and saw nothing but the little hairs on the back of her neck stood up.

  “Yup. Something’s going down,” she said.

  Mylomon went out shortly after dawn and returned an hour later with a sizable tree branch. Where he managed to find a tree, she didn’t know. He peeled off the rough bark and rounded the end with a knife and carved it down to the right size to fit in her hand.

  She leaned on the walking stick, letting it take the weight off her ankle. Today the ankle in question was swollen and tender but she could walk. Well, hobble.

  Something metallic gleamed, catching her attention. “There really is someone out there. Is it our clan?”


  Verbose as always.

  Still, there was sunlight and clear skies. The weather had changed overnight. The cold, grey misery that kept the gas trapped below in the canyon had cleared out. “How’s it looking down in the canyon?”

  “Gone,” her husband replied.

  “So we can go home? Get in our shuttle and leave? Have a real bath and food.” And make love in their bed like he promised.

  Gah. Daisy shook her head to clear her thoughts. Wound tight, her mind kept circling back to Mylomon: his perfectly sculpted chest, broad shoulders, and thick cock—he had stuffed his entire length down her mouth and she would never believe could take it all, but she did. How would it feel to have that inside her aching pussy?

  She was so doing it again. As often as possible, preferably.

  “Life Support was damaged. We cannot take the craft back to the Judgment.”

  “So we wait for rescue.” Another gleam. “Seriously, what is that?”

  “A Suhlik scout,” he said.

  “Do they want us to notice them?”

  “Yes. They wish to draw us out.” The communication unit on his wrist beeped.

  Excitement flared in Daisy. “Is that the warlord? How long have we been able to talk to the ship?”

  “Only recently and text only. Voice is not supported at this distance.” He read the message, a frown on his face. Not good news, then.

  “What does it say?”

  “I am to leave you and pursue the Suhlik.”

  “No!” She didn’t even have to think about it. Beyond being by herself on a planet full of mutant bunnies, armadillo-bears and now Suhlik, she wanted to stay with Mylomon. “I’m going with you.”

  “You cannot.” A frown crossed his face as he gave her a critical look.

  “Why? Because I’m Terran? Or because I’m a woman?” She squared her shoulders, preparing for a fight. If that big purple idiot thought he could treat her like a dainty little thing made of spun glass, he had another thing coming.

  “Because you can barely stand. How will you hike a great distance? Climb? Run?”

  Her shoulders sagged. “Don’t leave me alone. What if they want to separate us?” Why would the Suhlik even care about her? It was best he didn’t look too closely at her argument.

  He studied her and rubbed his chin. “Fine,” he said. She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. “But only because I know that even if I command you to stay, you will follow me.”

  “See, we’re learning so much about each other, sweetie. Now you know I’m stubborn and I know you can’t resist my puppy-dog eyes.”


  For-fucking-ever later.

  Actually, only an hour later but it felt like forever with her ankle. It whinged with every step on an uneven surface and considering how they were hiking across the tundra, that was nearly every step. Mylomon had been right, as much as it pained her to admit. She should have stayed in the cave and waited for the clan to send a shuttle. Probably Vox. With Meridan because Daisy was absolutely certain that her sister would insist on being part of the rescue party.

  Daisy wasn’t the only stubborn one in the family, after all.

  Still, she didn’t like the idea of being separated. It made her nervous. The safest spot on this planet was right next to her big, scary monster. Well, in his arms was the safest. Ne
xt to him was pretty darn secure.

  “You are smiling, female.”

  “What? This? It’s nothing. I’m just practicing my expression of placid tranquility when you go on about how you were right about my ankle and staying behind in the cave.”

  He stopped in his tracks. “Are you in pain? Do you require me to carry you?”

  Actually… Being carried in his arms sounded really, really good. Excitement coiled in her belly and warmth spread throughout her. Too good. Better to not be all snuggled up in Mylo’s massive arms. Even if it was the safest, snuggliest spot on the planet. “Not yet. I’ve got a little more steam in me.”

  They journeyed in silence until Mylomon crouched down. Daisy followed. “What is it?”

  He pointed to the distance. “A disabled Suhlik fighter. It must have crashed when the clan cleared the planet.” And the misty, cloudy weather had kept it hidden.

  “Is it occupied?” She shifted her weight, favoring her ankle.

  Mylomon noticed. “Stay here.”

  He took out his knife and crouched into a sprinting position. In a blur, he was gone.

  Daisy couldn’t help herself. She stood up, leaning on the walking stick. Her husband pulled a Suhlik male out of the cockpit of the fighter. The fight was either over that fast, or it had never even started. She limped over.

  The Suhlik was in rough shape. A fresh wound in his shoulder bled freely. Mylomon had the knife to the male’s throat and his other hand pressing into wound. The Suhlik barred his teeth and snapped.

  She would never get use to the Suhlik’s contradictory appearance. They had a sublime, golden beauty Earth culture considered ethereal. Angelic. Paired with two rows of razor sharp teeth, two sets of oddly blinking eyelids and retractable claws, their entire visage changed to terrifying when aggressive. And they were always aggressive.

  “Female,” Mylomon snarled. “I told you to stay back.”

  “And I told you I don’t listen.”

  He grunted but returned his attention to the Suhlik. “My friend, we need to have a conversation.”

  The Suhlik spat a string of curses at Mylomon. Her translator was slow to render but the gist was mostly “freak” and “atrocity.” Outrage boiled inside her. If anyone was the atrocity, it was the Suhlik, whose people had committed genuine atrocities on her planet, this planet and countless other.

  Without hesitation, Daisy picked up a fair sized rock from the ground and pelted it at the male. “How dare you, after what your people did to my man!”

  Another hiss, this one directed at her. “Control your female, freak.”

  Daisy threw another rock, this one landing directly between its eyes.

  “Female, cease!” Mylomon snapped.

  Her skinned chilled at his harsh tone. “I’m sorry,” she said in a quiet voice.

  Mylomon’s eyes flashed. Perhaps he regretted his sharp tone. It was hard for her to say. He returned his attention to the Suhlik under his knife.

  “Let me explain how this is going to work, friend. You will give me the access codes. You will tell me the correct code and not the decoy code. I can tell when you are lying. Like right now. You’re snarling and snapping at me but I literally have my finger on your pulse. Can you feel it?” Mylomon paused. His hand sank into the male’s shoulder. More than just into the wound. Into the shoulder, like up to his wrist, much like how he moved through walls. Flesh was another solid object, after all.

  As fascinated as she was, she felt as if she would pass out. She focused on her breathing to stay conscious. She could do this. She’d been elbow deep in bloody soldier’s chests before. This was no different. Mostly.

  “I will give you nothing, freak.”

  Mylomon’s hand sank in farther. The Suhlik passed out.

  “What did you do?” Daisy asked. She crouched down next to the unconscious male, searching for a pulse. There, weak but alive. Mylomon pulled her back.

  “I applied pressure to an artery. He will wake soon.”

  “How did you know to do that?” As soon as the question left her mouth, she wanted to take it back. It was a useless question. She knew how he knew. He was an assassin. Murder was his business. “Forget I mentioned it,” she muttered as she scooted away.

  “I am the tool the Suhlik made me,” he said.

  The Suhlik stirred.

  “Good of you to join us,” Mylomon said. His voice, normally deep and soothing turned dark. Threatening. Daisy shivered. “Now, about those codes.”

  The Suhlik spat at him. Mylomon shook his head as if disappointed. “I forgot to mention what would happen if you failed to cooperate.” The knife moved downward, too quick to follow and there was the sound of flesh being torn and then the shriek of the Suhlik.

  Mylomon held up the severed finger. “I find cooperation to be so helpful. You’ve got nine more opportunities to be cooperative or you can continue to be a dick. What are the access codes?”

  The Suhlik opened his mouth wide and lunged, snapping like he wanted to bite Mylomon’s face.

  Mylomon pinned his back to the hull of the ship with one hand. Correction, not pinned exactly. The palm of his hand sank into the male and vanished. “Shall we try again?”

  The Suhlik’s eyes grew wide and he coughed.

  “What did you do?” Daisy asked.

  “I gave him his finger back. His lung seemed a good place to hold it.” The male started to shake and tremble. “Don’t worry. It won’t kill you. It just hurts like the nine hells.”

  Daisy could not turn away while her husband worked. He was a butcher. He carved information out of the Suhlik. It was not graceful or clean. It was not even the task he was designed to do. He was the wrong tool for the job, a hammer trying to drive in a screw. It was monstrous.

  This was him. This was the work he did for the good of his clan. His clan had every reason to shy away from him. He worked in shadows and did not follow their rules. He tortured. He killed. He was a monster.

  He was her monster.

  Daisy knew with absolute certainty that Mylomon would never, ever harm her. He would tear apart the universe to reach her.

  Satisfied he extracted the correct information, Mylomon worked the knife across the Sulik's throat. In the end he brought swift, merciful death.

  He spun toward Daisy. A blank, stoic expression settled over his face but she could see the uncertainty in his eyes. He feared her rejection and she had every reason to turn away in disgust. Her husband was not a proud, noble Mahdfel warrior. He was something else. Something darker.

  She wanted a big, strong alien warrior. She got that and so much more. Big, strong, dangerous, dark and completely devoted to her. She knew that in her bones. Now that she saw him for who he was, finally, she wasn’t going to let him go. “When we met… Why were you on the moon?” she asked.

  “I cannot say.”

  “I think you better say.”

  He cleaned the blade on the grass before sheathing it. “I was on a mission. Am still on a mission. There is a traitor.”

  “Go on.”

  “Someone has been transmitting information to the Suhlik.”

  “What kind of information?”

  “Locations of our children.”

  Daisy let the information work its way through her brain. There was traitor selling information to the Suhlik. The shield at SCLB fell suspiciously fast. The Suhlik were always raiding and snatching children, like what had happened to Mylomon. “Someone is selling Mahdfel sons to the Suhlik?”

  He nodded. “Two, I believe. One must be Terran. I came very close to finding the traitor but—”

  “The raid happened,” Daisy said with a nod.

  “I found you.”


  “At the Harvest Ball. I was in the same room as the traitor, hunting, but I could not locate the signal with so many people. He was hiding in plain sight.”

  “The Purloined Letter,” she said.


  “It’s an old story
about hiding a letter with other letters so it blends in. Camouflage.”

  “Yes. The traitor used the event to hide from me. Then you walked by in that dress and your scent hit me and there was nothing else for me.”

  It should not have been sexy the way he stared at her with such intensity. He had another man’s blood on his hands. There was a dead body less than two feet from them and all Daisy could think about was how she needed her husband to kiss her.

  Mylomon broke eye contact. “We traced the signal to this planet, where we found a research facility in the canyon. But there was a second signal.”

  “Also on this planet?”

  He pointed to the mountains in the distance. “There. We are going to infiltrate that base.”


  A smile flickered across his face. “I know if I command you to stay, you will follow. And now we have transportation.” He motioned to the fighter jet.

  “Can you fly that thing?”


  Chapter Sixteen


  The fighter barely had room for the two of them. The narrow craft was a two-seater but it was not designed for Mylomon’s bulk. He jammed himself into the cockpit. Daisy squeezed into the backseat.

  Under protest and with a few false starts, he got the bird into the air.

  Two hours into the flight and the mountains seemed no closer. Her legs and butt were numb from sitting. She shifted in the seat but it was not designed for comfort.

  An alarm sounded. Daisy examined the monitors but the written Suhlik language looked like gibberish to her. “I think that’s trouble.”

  “They know we are here,” he said.

  Another alarm, this one higher pitched. “That sounds bad.”

  “Have they locked target on us?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. There’s a bunch of green lines and red dots on this screen.”

  “That’s bad,” he confirmed. Fantastic. “Hold on.”

  The fighter banked hard. Blasts peppered the belly of the ship, rattling the shields but holding.


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