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Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance

Page 34

by Tia Siren

  I brought her close to me for a slow, deep, sensual kiss.

  Chapter 19


  I went outside because I’d left my phone charger in my car. I saw Mrs. Marx talking to Kason in their driveway. I went over to my car, but when Mrs. Marx called me over, I knew I was in trouble. I could hardly look at Kason since our encounter, much less be around him, and my blood was already pumping through my veins as I walked over without even stopping at my car.

  I didn’t even know what Mrs. Marx was asking me or saying, so if she wanted me to answer questions, I was sure I looked like an idiot. I was painfully aware of how close Kason was standing next to me, and his body heat warmed the top of my skin. He smelled so good. He had on this cologne that I wanted to lick off him. It took effort not to look over at him and grab his hand. His mom kept droning on about the city and Kason’s plans to go home or some shit, but all I could think about was that cock of his shoved down my throat. It had been hard to adjust at first, but I’d found out two things about myself that day.

  One, I liked Kason telling me what to do, and two, I would do anything he wanted at least once.

  “Well, I need to go ahead and get to work. Pies won’t bake themselves, and I wanted to take one over to Stacey and Brad,” Mrs. Marx said.

  “If you want to make a specific one, Stacey’s favorite is apple,” I said.

  “Do you know how they’re doing, Hanna?” Kason asked.

  I turned to look at him and became rooted to the floor by his mesmerizing eyes. He looked absolutely gorgeous in the afternoon sunlight, and I suddenly felt my knees grow weak.

  “The last time I talked to her, she seemed in higher spirits, but it’ll take a while before she’s back to normal.”

  “I would assume. Is she at least laughing a bit?” he asked.

  “I cracked a little joke on the phone and she giggled. It’s better than nothing.” I said.

  “Does Brad have a favorite? I could make them each a pie just for them,” Mrs. Marx said.

  “Blackberry.” I smiled. “And that’s really kind of you. Thank you.”

  “It’s the absolute least I can do.”

  Kason and I watched his mother go back into their home, and a part of me wanted to dash into my own house. I felt vulnerable and exposed standing next to Kason with his eyes on me, but I loved the attention. I couldn’t stop thinking about how his body felt diving into the depths of mine, and my thighs started to warm while his eyes cascaded up and down my body.

  “What were you concentrating so hard on, Hanna?” he asked softly.

  “Honestly? I was trying not to think about yesterday.” I smirked and shot him a side glance, and he licked his lips. A smirk appeared on his face, and he chuckled to himself but then said something that rocked me to my core.

  “I can understand that feeling.”

  I decided to be a little brave. I turned my body toward him and hooked my eyes onto his smile. Then I leaned forward and placed my hand lightly on his arm.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” I murmured softly.

  Kason grabbed my arm and wouldn’t let me go. His stare grew dark when the words flew from his mouth.

  “When and where?”

  “Midnight. My mother’s greenhouse out back,” I whispered.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about the possible encounter all day. There was something primal about seeing Kason’s body covered in sweat because of the humidity of the greenhouse, and I thought about how his sleeve tattoo would glisten in the moonlight. I thought about our bodies dripping while he pinned me to the ground, and I thought about the shower I was going to beg for by the time he was done with my body.

  Once I knew everyone was asleep, at around eleven that night, I took off all my clothes and slipped on a large shirt. I put on a pair of socks so my flip-flops wouldn’t make any noise across the floor, and then I slowly slipped out the back and headed for the greenhouse. I walked in and left the door cracked open behind me. I started lightly calling out for Kason. I walked the rows and checked the back corners, and then I started to get worried.

  What if he forgot? What if our encounter yesterday had been just a fluke? What if he didn’t really plan on coming or was snapping pictures of how idiotic I looked walking around a greenhouse, sweating and waiting for him?

  I could already feel beads of sweat rolling down my back, and I was about to give up and go inside. With every passing minute, my stomach sank to my toes, but I soon felt a pair of arms around me that pulled me close before a rumbling voice sounded low in my ear.

  “You know I could smell you the moment I walked in, right?”

  His fingers reached between my bare legs and slowly swiped up my slit. I moaned into him as he peppered my skin with kisses. When he brought his fingers to his lips to suck me off him, I grew weak. He caught me and lowered me to the ground, the sweat from his brow already dripping onto mine.

  “You look beautiful, Hanna.” He smiled.

  I ran my hand through his hair before bringing his lips to mine, and he tasted just like I had thought he would: salty and manly with a hint of coffee and mint. My legs parted as wide as they would go to accept the beautiful body sinking between them. His tongue slowly made its way between my lips while his hands caressed my body. My body heated up even with the greenhouse soaking our clothes in sweat.

  I ran my fuzzy socks up the backs of his bare legs and realized he was only wearing boxers. His bare chest glistened in the moonlight from the sheen of sweat wrapped around it, and I couldn’t help but run my fingernails down the front of his body. He groaned against my lips and tugged lightly on my hair. When my head fell to the side, he lightly assaulted my skin. He lapped up my sweat and kissed all the way down to my breasts. Soon, he rid me of my shirt altogether before he took in my glistening skin in the moonlight of the greenhouse.

  “Fuck, Hanna,” he said. “You look incredible.”

  I couldn’t stop staring at him. His thick dick protruded from his boxers, and his rippling body heaved for air. I knew the moment he descended on me, we wouldn’t be able to contain ourselves any longer.

  “Take me, Kason, and never look back,” I said.

  He dipped down to my breasts and drew one of my nipples between his teeth. My body undulated into his while my juices poured from my slit. His hands wandered everywhere before they landed on my pussy. He slid two fingers in before the pad of his thumb found my swollen clit. I panted and whimpered beneath him as he switched to my other nipple. My hands raced to his shoulders as I pushed against him desperately.

  But all he did was chuckle around my nipple, causing my skin to pucker even more.

  “I’m going to take you the way I want tonight,” he said.

  He rose and grabbed my hips. Before I knew it, he had flipped me over. He raised my hips up to his, my head situated in the crook of my arm. His hand cracked down on my ass cheek as my juices slowly dripped down the inside of my thigh.

  “Oh, yes,” Kason murmured.

  He cracked my other ass cheek before he kneed himself between my legs. My back arched with his presence when the head of his cock teased my entrance. We were under the stars above the greenhouse, feet from my parents’ back door, and my body shivered in anticipation at the idea of Kason taking me so treacherously close to where they could spot us at any moment.

  “Oh, Kason,” I whimpered. “Please.”

  He slowly pushed into me, and I bit down on my arm. He filled me unlike any other person I’d ever come across, and as my pussy expanded to accept him, I felt his body shake. He slid in until he was balls deep in my body. Then he bent over and licked a thick stripe all the way up my spine. The sensation touched me to my core, and when he planted his chest firmly against my back, he leaned in and whispered into my ear.

  “Hold on.”

  Then he began to pound. He pounded me until my tits shook against the ground and my body physically wavered from his assault. The slapping together of our skin echoed off the corners of the
greenhouse. It felt like people could hear us for miles. His teeth dug into my shoulder and my body bucked back into his. Every time he slammed into me, his balls smacked against my swollen clit.

  My body was on fire, and every time his dick stroked that beautiful spot in my body, it reignited a flame I’d thought had been dead for such a long time.

  “Kason, fuck me. Yes, fuck... Just like that.”

  “You like that?” he asked. “You like how I can give it to you?”

  “Yes. Just like you can.” I panted. “Only like you can.”

  He reared up and grabbed my hips for leverage. I knew I was done for. He picked up his pace, and his dick twitched inside me. I slid my fingertips down my body and circled my painfully swollen bud. Pretty soon, my walls began to flutter around his dick in ways that made his groans turn to whimpers. Kason’s hips stuttered and his legs began to tremble. All at once, my body shook with an electric sensation that shot to the appendages of my body.

  “Yes. Yes, Kason. Fuck. Oh, shit. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  “Never,” he groaned. “Absolutely never.”

  I pressed hard against that little swollen nub of mine, and my body released itself. Juices dripped down his balls as they smacked against my body, and my face fell to the ground. All at once, my pussy convulsed around his dick. He planted his hands firmly against the small of my back and shoved his dick in as deep as it would go. I felt him paint the inside of my body with his colors. I trembled and whimpered while my body lost all control. When I was finally done, I plummeted to the greenhouse floor in a fit of sweat and panting.

  Kason fell next to me and instinctively pulled me close.

  I turned around and curled into him while we both rode out the trembles of the aftershock of our orgasms. When he kissed my forehead, I looked up at him and smiled.

  “Who knows? Maybe my birth control will fail and this’ll be the time it happens.”

  “Hanna…” he said harshly.

  I pouted. “I’m just kidding. I heard you when we talked.” He chuckled softly and kissed the tip of my nose. Just like every other time, he began to slowly run his fingers through my hair. Our bodies sparkled in the moonlight as beads of sweat ran down our bodies and to the ground. We both lay there silently, and my mind began to churn.

  All I could think about was having Kason’s child.

  But this time, I saw him holding his child, too.

  Chapter 20


  “Seriously, dude? Hiking right after lunch?”

  “I didn’t tell you to eat lunch. I packed us food for the top!”

  Marcus pointed to his pack and rolled his eyes. He’d always been an outdoor person—hiking, camping, going to the beach, lounging around in the sun. Me? I preferred indoor activities.

  Especially when they included Hanna.

  “Well, I’ll need that food again when we get to the top.”

  “Come on, we’ve got five miles ahead of us.”

  “Five miles?!” I exclaimed.

  Marcus chuckled. “You sound like Hanna.”

  “Speaking of, why isn’t she here for this torture as well? You usually go out of your way to make her life miserable, not mine.”

  “I’m not my sister’s keeper, dude. She’s about to graduate college. Why do you care where she is?”

  “Well, I figured she might have liked it. Or you would’ve liked watching her suffer. Isn’t that what siblings do? Take pride in the other’s pain?” I asked, keeping my voice lighthearted.

  Marcus eyed me as we started walking up the hill, and I could tell he was getting more and more suspicious. I knew Hanna was shit at keeping secrets, so god only knew the things she’d had to cover up on her end. Hanna and Marcus had many things in common, but one of them was their determination to get to the bottom of something. When the two of them got an idea in their heads, they rode it all the way through to the end. I saw Marcus’s head spinning with questions, and I knew he suspected something was going on between me and his sister.

  And he’d ride that shit all the way to the end.

  I needed to be careful. I was about to spend the entire afternoon with him, and I had to make sure I concealed my disappointment. Now whenever Marcus invited me to do something, I secretly hoped Hanna would tag along. Her outfits were getting more and more enticing, and after our little greenhouse escapade, I felt a voyeuristic side of me starting to emerge.

  But I couldn’t think about her while I was with Marcus. He knew me too well and would start bombarding me with questions. And this time we were hiking to the top of a fucking hill so I couldn’t just walk into another room.

  We hiked five miles, and I wanted to die. Then we sat down and enjoyed the heavy breeze while we ate the food Marcus had packed: fruits and water and a couple sandwiches. It wasn’t half bad to spend time with my best friend. Lately—ever since I’d hired him—our time together had been all about work, which was fine because I was usually all about business, but he was really getting into it. I loved his enthusiasm, but I couldn’t care less about the website.

  Which was why I had hired someone else to give a shit about it.

  But today wasn’t about any of that shit. We just talked, and Marcus gossiped like the old woman he was at heart. He even talked about his new girl a bit. His face lit up whenever he talked about her, and it made me happy to see my best friend that way. I’d seen him date many women and hop from girl to girl, never really taking any of them home or considering his future. But I could tell he was doing exactly that with this one. I was really excited for him.

  Still, I had to admit that a part of me was a little jealous.

  We finished our food and hiked back down. By the time we got back to the car, my shins were ready to spring from my body and run for the hills. I was ready for a fucking shower, and Marcus was teasing me about how out of shape I supposedly was. The only thing I told him was that my muscles didn’t do this bullshit cardio.

  My phone rang just as Marcus and I hit the main road, and I put her on speaker in the car.

  “Mom! It’s Marcus and me,” I said.

  “Hey, Marcus! Listen, honey, Lisa’s invited us over for dinner tonight. So, get home and shower whenever you can. I’m sure Marcus wore you out.”

  “You can say that again!” Marcus called out.

  “I’ll get us home soon,” I said as I stepped on the gas.

  “But don’t speed! Be careful!” my mom called out.

  “Always!” I shouted at her. I hung up and Marcus hung on while I bobbed and weaved through traffic. We cranked up the radio and cruised down the highway, but the only thing I could think about was seeing Hanna tonight. I’d have to keep myself under control given how suspicious Marcus was getting, but I couldn’t contain my excitement. I knew she was going to look drop-dead sexy in whatever she decided to wear, and I wanted to put something on that would make her squirm in her seat.

  So, once I dropped Marcus off and got myself cleaned up, I threw on a pair of tailored suit pants and a tailored silk top with a collar before I rolled the sleeves up. When mom questioned why I looked so nice, I just told her I wanted to be prepared if Marcus wanted to talk shop at all. Then I told her we’d probably go out afterward and I didn’t want to change again. It was easy to divert my mom and dad, but I knew it wouldn’t be easy to do the same with Marcus.

  And I was right.

  From the moment I walked into their house, he was curious about why I was dressed up. He kept glancing at me whenever I spoke to Hanna, and of course Hanna had to have on this tight little number for dinner: leggings, a tight-ass tank top with a little fluttering overlay, and sparkling jewelry that enhanced how big her tits were and how long her neck was. Holy hell, she looked incredible, and I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off her.

  Every time my eyes lingered a little too long, I could feel Marcus’s suspicion growing stronger.

  Hanna kept taking risks that both thrilled and scared m
e. She ran her toes up my leg and tried to run her hand along the inside of my thigh. She raked her eyes up and down me whenever Marcus left the table to do something, and sometimes she snuck little innuendos into the comments she made during dinner. She was killing me and she knew it, and there was nothing I could do to stop her without alerting Marcus, who was more focused on my moves than hers.


  But when I tuned into the conversation, my ears perked up.

  “You know, Joy, I started my family young,” Lisa said.

  “Oh, so did I. That was just the thing when we were growing up, I suppose.” My mom giggled.

  “I was so lucky to be such a young mother. I had energy to run with my kids, I still had patience to deal with their tantrums, and I knew once they got through high school I could still enjoy my life without technically being middle-aged. It was the best decision Roger and I ever made!”

  “Oh, I know. David and I had Kason when we were pretty young, and it kills me that he hasn’t started a family yet,” my mom said.

  “Seriously, Mom?” I asked.

  “Mom…” Hanna warned.

  “And I just want the same thing for my daughter! For her to be fulfilled in every aspect of her life and then still be able to enjoy it when she’s in her forties. I don’t want her looking back when she’s thirty-six and pregnant, wishing she’d had her children ten years earlier,” Lisa said.

  I shot my eyes over to Hanna, and I saw the light of hope sparkle in her eyes. She’d made a comment to me in the greenhouse that I had thought was just a joke, but I was starting to realize that maybe it wasn’t. Maybe, in the back of Hanna’s mind, she was hoping her birth control would fail. The light shining in her eyes while her mother continued to talk about having children caused me to slowly scoot away from her at the table.

  “God, I hope to be a grandmother someday, but Kason simply won’t settle down. So many beautiful women on his arm and not one of them with a ring,” my mother said.

  “At least Kason’s trying. Hanna hasn’t brought a single man home to meet us. Not one! No dates, no girl talk, no nothing!” Lisa huffed.


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