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Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance

Page 48

by Tia Siren

  I knew from Stacy that Ryan did his fair share of dating as well, and I sipped my soda slowly. I hadn’t dated anyone lately, not with school and Dad. I had always been working toward getting a scholarship for college, but I hadn’t been so lucky. Dad had been high maintenance enough. “Yeah, that’s true. They can decide what they want for themselves. He just seems like he’s into any woman who will give him attention.”

  “I liked the way you shot him down,” Ryan complimented, and I laughed.

  “Like I was going to fall for that!” I shook my head and we laughed together. Ryan was easily one of the most gorgeous men I’d ever seen, and I smiled slowly as I pushed myself back. There was no need to get lost in thought, thinking about a future where I’d end up with a guy like him. I didn’t want his wealth, but I was also painfully aware that it didn’t hurt. It would be nice not to sweat my upcoming loans, to just be carefree for one second of the day.

  A girl could dream.

  “So, where do you work? You mentioned a coffee shop. Is it one of the corner Starbucks?” Ryan asked me. I smiled.

  “I work at The Press,” I replied, and he nodded. “That was my college job, and it seems to be my real life one as well. Getting into film isn’t as easy as I’d hoped it would be, especially making any real money.” I shook my head. “Silly college dreams.”

  “Not silly at all. If that’s what you want to do, then go for it. I’m sure you can build a name for yourself soon enough,” Ryan said.

  I looked at him with a grateful smile.

  “What’s your dream?” I asked. A wicked smile crossed his full lips, making me lose my train of thought for a moment.

  “How about I tell you over dinner tomorrow night?” The invitation surprised me, and I smiled at him for a moment. “Anywhere you want.”

  “I know all about you and your fancy life. My friend at work stalks you.” That earned a laugh from him. “How about something around here? There are some good dives.”

  “I agree. Lucy makes me eat at them with her every time I stop by to visit,” he said. “That sounds great.”

  “Good,” I said as we shared a smile.

  We hung out for the rest of the party and were still together when Lucy and Lewis reappeared. They were both a little messy, and I saw the blush on Lucy’s cheeks as she glanced at me. The party was intimate, but fun with good music playing and lots of laughter. I felt like a human being again. I hadn’t relaxed in a long time, and I let Lucy lead me around the room, meeting new friends of hers as she planned her upcoming gallery showing. It was going to be small, but I was so proud of her.

  Lucy had been drinking since she’d started getting ready for the party, and by now she was giddy. I glanced at Ryan, who shook his head before looking back at her with a warm gaze. He cared about his cousin and her well-being. I couldn’t say the same about Lewis. I glanced around, seeing him in the kitchen at the makeshift bar. Lucy danced to the new song that played, and everyone started to join in as Ryan placed a hand on the small of my back.

  He was a good dancer, and I watched his muscles flex underneath his fitted gray T-shirt and worn jeans. I didn’t need to be drunk to appreciate them, though I suspected he might have had some drinks before coming here. I didn’t know what I did to make him pass on it upon arriving here, but I appreciated it. I couldn’t be with anyone who drank heavily after all the pain surrounding my father’s death. I dropped my head back and felt his arms around me, securing me to him as I shook my generous hips.

  I liked this feeling. It made me want to let some of my walls down and just have fun the way I’d watched friends do throughout their twenties. I wanted to stop worrying about my responsibilities and just be free. I swore that the music got louder as we moved together and I felt his breath on my ear. “I’d really like your number so I can call you about tomorrow.”

  Oh, yes. I looked up at him and found my phone in my purse to hand to him. Ryan quickly punched something into it and handed it back as our eyes locked. He might be a perfect distraction as I tried to sort out the mess that was my life. I pushed the phone back into my small purse and secured it as I glanced over to see Lucy grinning at me. She was dancing with Lewis, and I had to admit, they did have chemistry.

  The party ended late that night with Lucy’s announcement of the gallery where she’d be having her show. Then we all got ready to leave. Lucy held my hand to keep me there while she kissed and hugged people good-bye. Ryan was the last to leave, and he gave me a look of longing as Lucy kissed his cheek and told him to get home safely.

  I was surprised that she kicked Lewis out as well before locking the door and dragging me to the couch to sit down. “Stay here.” Her voice was firm as she walked into the kitchen and came back with waters and two pieces of cake. “I saved these for us in the fridge. I can’t allow anyone else but me and my best friend to enjoy anything Felicia makes.”

  “Thank you,” I told her as she sat close to me and handed me a fork.

  “So, what’s up with Ryan?” she asked as I took a bite of the moist cake with a low moan. It was delicious.

  “He’s taking me to dinner tomorrow,” I responded. She grinned at me. “My terms. I know who the guy is, and I don’t want all that rich boy nonsense. I’m a simple girl.”

  “He’s definitely a rich kid, but he’s different than the others. Ryan has a good heart,” Lucy told me as I looked at her.

  “He’s not the least bit alpha male?” I asked, and she laughed softly.

  “I’m not going to lie about that. He is, but in a sexy way, if that makes sense.” I stared at her for a second as she shrugged. “I think that once he gets away from his parents, he’ll be a good adult.”

  “He mentioned a bit about them,” I murmured. She shot me a long look.

  “Ryan doesn’t tell anybody anything about his family. I wonder what made him do that.” She searched my face, and I shrugged.

  “I went a little over the edge talking about Dad when we were talking about drinking. I sounded like a fool, Lucy. I just want to be a normal girl with a regular life that isn’t so foreboding. I want to move on from that.” I sighed, and she smiled at me. “Tell me about Lewis.”

  “Not much to tell. We just hook up a lot. I like him enough to keep sleeping with him and maybe more, but you know how much I hate the idea of getting too serious.” Lucy stared at me with concern in her eyes. “So far, he seems to be good with casual.”

  “He’s a big flirt. You know that, right?” I asked her. She just laughed.

  “How do you think we first started?” I took another bite of the cake and shook my head. “I know that he’s like that. I know that I can be like that too. So, we’re safe and nothing bad will happen. It’s just a little fun for a moment in time. He’s pretty good in bed.”

  “I don’t need to hear that,” I said quickly, and she laughed. “I don’t want to hear that.”

  We finished our cake and she looked around. “Molly is out of town. Want to stay here tonight? You have tomorrow off, right?” Lucy asked as I closed my eyes wearily. I loved this soft couch so much, and getting home felt like too much effort.

  “Sure. Maybe we can grab breakfast in the morning,” I said as she opened her water bottle.

  “We can also plan for your date. Maybe I can help you get ready.” Lucy sounded excited, and I groaned.

  “It’s a date, not the prom.”



  I couldn’t stop thinking about Brea all night. I took a cab home to my place and pictured her emotional eyes as she talked about her dad. She had some baggage, but who didn’t? I had my own experience with alcoholism, so I understood her. I understood the pain of growing up with that, though she had a definite edge with the death of a parent.

  There were days when I wished mine would die, but seeing her sadness had made me take all that back last night. My parents frustrated me so badly, but I didn’t want anything to happen to them. I just had to extricate myself from them and get marrie

  I thought about Brea and how I’d love to be married to her, even if it was fake. I could laugh and talk with her more than with other women.

  I laughed as I opened my eyes and looked around my large bedroom. My penthouse was at the top of a building in Manhattan and had a stellar view and three bedrooms. I thought about how I could fit Lucy’s entire apartment into my living room as I played the party back through my mind. I could still see Brea, and I glanced down at the tent in my sheets. “She’s pretty, and I know you’re there for more than just your morning greeting. You want her too, don’t you?”

  I pushed the sheets back and walked to the bathroom, kicking off the boxers that I’d worn to bed. I took care of business and looked around for some sweats to wear, even though nobody could see me in here. I had surprised a maid a time or two, though, so I tried to always have clothes on now.

  I made some coffee and looked over the city as I thought about my date later. I was looking forward to it. Brea made me feel so comfortable. I was hoping for a kiss at the very least, and I grinned at the thought of her lips against mine. Her body had felt good when we’d been dancing, and I felt something stir deep inside me. It was like I was coming to life.

  I enjoyed another cup of coffee and checked my emails from the bank out of obligation. Dad was such an asshole that he kept pushing me and I did shit like this. I didn’t want to work to make money. I wanted to help people somehow. I ran a hand through my hair as I sucked in my breath.

  Brea could help me fix all of that. Maybe I could fix whatever was broken in her too.

  Jesus, I was losing my mind. I turned to wash my cup and make some breakfast, hoping to distract myself from these thoughts. I knew it was the age issue that had me freaked out. There was no reason to think about any of this with Brea. Tonight was just a date with a pretty girl.

  I sent her a text at noon to get her address and feel her out about later. It took her some time, but she sent it to me and I realized that she lived very close to Lucy. I thought about her walking home last night alone and had to fight the urge to ask her if she had or not. Lucy wouldn’t make her do that if Molly was out of town. She wouldn’t do that even if her roommate was home since there was a nice couch to sleep on.

  I sensed surprise in her return text. Maybe she’d thought I’d blow her off, but there was no way that was going to happen. I wanted to go on this date more than I had any before. Something about her stuck with me, and I imagined the way she had felt against me as we’d danced. My body hardened in response. I was going to play by this girl’s rules and peek into her world. Who knew? Maybe I’d like what I saw.

  I took my time showering and glanced down at my hard cock as I shook my head. If this was how it was going to be around Brea, then I was in for some pain. I slept with a lot of girls, but they were all willing to do so without an official date. I felt like Brea needed a little more effort. No. She deserved a lot more effort. She wasn’t one of the empty socialites who hung around with Lewis and my other friends. She wouldn’t do anything we wanted just because we wanted it. I had known Brea was different from the start, though my erection told me I was attracted to her. I reached down to grip it, groaning at the feeling. I’d been aroused since last night and hadn’t jerked off yet, so fuck it. I would now as I imagined the feeling of her body pressed against mine. She was curvy, but it was sexy. I remembered how her perfect tits had moved under that long shirt she’d worn, held in only by what had looked like a cotton tank top. God, I had wanted to rip it off and suck her between my teeth. I hardened in my hand as I jerked harder.

  I’d gotten bored with easy women a couple of years ago. They did nothing for me, and in part, that was why I didn’t even want a fake fiancée. The girls I knew would want the huge ring, the announcement in the paper, a wedding to top any celebrity’s ceremony, and maybe even forever. They might not let me go, and if they did, they would go for every cent of my money when they did. That was probably what Dad wanted: another perfect couple to run the bank.

  I jerked harder as I remembered Brea smiling and swaying before me. God, my cock was throbbing with need, and I groaned her name as I shot my cum all over the shower tiles, feeling it leave me with a rush I’d never experienced. I wonder what it would be like to feel her wrapped tightly around me when I came. I leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath before rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. I had agreed to pick her up at seven, and I considered my closet before getting dressed.

  Any of the socialites would want to go to a five-star restaurant where we’d be photographed. I’d get in on my name alone because everyone wanted to please the banking heir. I could do anything I wanted, but Brea wanted to go to a place in Brooklyn. It was mind-blowing to me.

  I picked a pair of black slacks and a button-up shirt in a light gray. Lucy always told me that color brought out my deep blue eyes, and I wanted to impress Brea without looking like I was trying too hard. This was a classy look, and I wondered what she was going to wear. I styled my wavy hair into the mess that it always was since Lucy had told me to keep working that look.

  I wondered if she knew about the date tonight. She and Brea were best friends, so she must. I got the vibe that Lucy had been playing cupid last night, so I was happy she supported my seeing her best friend. I knew Lucy, and she cherished those who were close to her. I’d heard about Brea before and how she was like a sister to Lucy. It was odd that we’d never met before last night, but she was busy with school and work. If I had met her before, I probably would have tried to hook up with her and then just carried on with my life.

  Was it that different now?

  I went down to my car and started the engine, thankful my assistant had gotten it back to me after last night. I punched Brea’s address into the navigation system and headed out into the thick traffic to pick her up. It was good that I was giving myself some extra time since there always seemed to be traffic in this damn city. I needed a plane, and the irony of that was that I could probably afford one once I got my inheritance.

  My father had a plane. He flew my mother to exotic locations so they could charm the media. It was disgusting, and I had been glad when I’d been old enough to stay home by choice. I had a nanny, so someone was always taking care of me. I just wanted my inheritance so I could help others and live a happy life. I had never wanted all the luxuries.

  I listened to the voice tell me where to go, glancing at the clock to see that I was making great time. I might even be early and could get her some flowers from one of the street vendors. That was a sweet gesture and perfect for Brea. I found a parking place near her building and glanced around for flowers. There was a man at a cart with a few bouquets left. I walked over and greeted him as I looked them over slowly. The pink and purple flowers caught my eye. Though they were simple, they seemed to suit her.

  I paid for them, amazed at the low price compared to what I’d spent at florists in the past. I told the man to keep the change and headed to Brea’s apartment, looking at the older gray building slowly. There was a lot of charm in this part of town. Lucy’s building had it as well, though Brea’s was slightly older. I glanced around as I walked up the steps and rang the bell to her place.

  There was a long crack before her voice came through the speaker. “It’s Ryan, Brea.”

  “Come on up. I’m nearly ready,” she said breathlessly. There was a sharp buzz. I opened the door and looked around to make sure nobody was following me in before pulling it closed and walking upstairs to Brea’s place. I tapped on the door and someone opened it with a giggle. I found myself looking at a girl with purple hair and wide eyes.

  “I’m here for Brea,” I told her as someone said something and the girl was pulled back.

  “Hi,” Brea said me as she opened the door. “Don’t mind Stacy, Ryan. Come in. I just need to get my purse.” I stepped into the small living room and looked around as the other girl looked at me before running down the hallway. Brea came back into the room, and I took in her vin
tage-style dress that was black with little green flowers. It was fitted and sexy with a teasing neckline and ruffled skirt that danced around her knees. She looked stunning, and I watched quietly as she raised her green eyes to mine. “I’m ready.” She dropped some heels on the floor and slid her feet into them as she smiled shyly.

  “You look breathtaking,” I told her. She laughed and shook her head, causing her silky, dark hair to fall over her shoulders.

  “Let’s go. Do you like pub food?” she asked as she glanced over her shoulder at me.

  I remembered the flowers and smiled as I handed them to her. “These are for you.”

  A sweet smile crossed her face as she looked at me with a blush in her cheeks. “Flowers. Thank you.” She made her way to the kitchen and managed to find an old vase to put them in. She arranged them absently for a moment as I watched her. “I didn’t know men did this kind of thing.”

  “Many don’t, but you deserve it,” I assured her. I heard a gasp from the hallway and turned to see her roommate watching us.

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” Brea murmured before reaching for my hand and leading me out of the apartment. “She is a bit of a stalker when it comes to local celebrities, which you are. I think she was more excited about this date than I was.” Brea gave me a weary smile as we walked out to the street. She licked her lips. They were a dark reddish brown tonight, and I wanted to kiss her. “Did you say if a pub sounded good or not? I got distracted.”

  “It sounds perfect,” I said, and she nodded and started walking down the street.

  “It’s close by. We can walk to so many places around here. I mean, you can do that all over New York, but here it’s different somehow.” Brea smiled as I took in her beauty and I reached for her hand. It looked different to me as well. We found the restaurant, and it was a spacious bar with several booths. The music was loud, but I looked at the customers and saw how casual it was here. Everyone was drinking or eating and just being themselves.


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