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Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance

Page 50

by Tia Siren

  “No, none,” she replied, and he nodded.

  “When was your last period?” he asked, and she blushed, responding that it was a couple weeks ago. He gave her a bag that included some ovulation tests to use beginning next week so we could get started. That made Brea blush furiously, and I shoved the chuckle aside that was low in my throat. “Try it on your own for a while, and if there are any issues, we’ll get you to the doctor. I think you’re both healthy, though, and shouldn’t have a problem.”

  I reached for Brea’s hand under the table and squeezed it as she burst into giggles, making Dean crack a smile.

  “Ryan mentioned getting tested for any diseases, and I have an appointment for you at the local clinic Wednesday at nine in the morning, assuming you don’t work.”

  “I don’t,” she replied with a nod as he glanced at me.

  “You’ll have the results from the test within twenty-four hours. You’ll be able to try to conceive within a couple weeks.”

  Dean went over a few more things, and then she signed the papers before sliding them over to me. I scribbled my name in the proper spot and looked up at Dean. He shook my hand and looked at Brea for a long moment.

  “He’s going to take the best care of you and the baby, Brea. Ryan is a good man, and since I’ve known him a long time, I feel like I can tell you that.”

  “Thank you,” she said in a sincere voice before he reached out his hand to shake hers. Brea smiled, and we made a little more small talk before Dean excused himself.

  “I have some chicken in the fridge that I was going to make for lunch. Does that sound good?” I asked. Brea’s shoulders sunk slowly. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. That was just…so official.” Brea took a deep breath. “Lunch sounds great. I didn’t eat all day because I was so nervous about this.”

  I walked to the kitchen and she followed, asking if I needed any help. I assured her that she could sit down and relax while I cooked, and she took a seat at the breakfast bar. I pulled the chicken out before warming up the indoor grill to cook it and getting the oven on to roast some vegetables. She looked on, and she seemed to be thinking about a lot of stuff, something I knew I had caused.

  “Dean seems nice,” she finally said, and I nodded in return.

  “He’s been a part of Dad’s team for years. Luckily, he disagrees with some of his choices regarding me and agreed to keep this under the radar. I’m going to go to him when it comes time to get a business going as well.” I gave her a long look. “His grandmother was an alcoholic, so he understands some of the things that happened when I was a kid.”

  “Ah,” she said as her face softened. “What are you going to tell your family when it…it happens?”

  I looked at her for a moment as I thought about the best way to phrase my answer. “I was thinking of going with the story about a one-night stand getting pregnant. I can play it off like I’m having trouble accepting it but might as well roll with it.” Hurt flashed through her eyes, and I shook my head at her. “None of which is true. It’s just easiest in this complex situation, Brea.”

  “I understand. It makes it seem like you didn’t plan this. That way your dad won’t be suspicious,” she said, trying to agree with me as I flipped the grill open and placed the chicken on it. I took a deep breath. “Maybe they won’t even need to meet me.”

  “I’d prefer that. I’m not proud of them, Brea. I hope this goes by quickly and you feel like you can breathe again.” I gave her a sincere look, and she blushed.

  “You do?” she asked. I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Well, I’m not going to mind trying for this baby. I hope that doesn’t go by too fast,” I said, teasing her, and her eyes widen. “I also hear that pregnant women like a lot of sex. I wouldn’t want you to go without since we’ll be familiar with each other by then.” I closed the grill, and the chicken sizzled as I watched need pass through Brea’s eyes.

  “Oh, my.” Her voice was a murmur as I spread the asparagus on a baking sheet and drizzled it with olive oil and a little bit of salt and pepper. “Do you like to cook?”

  “Yeah. I prefer to eat healthily, and that’s easiest if you cook at home. More control. I also love going out to eat. It just depends on the moment of the day. Do you cook?” I asked her. She wrinkled her nose.

  “A little. I keep it simple though. I guess I should learn if I’m going to be feeding a tiny human someday,” she murmured, giving me an idea.

  “We can take some cooking classes together. I don’t mind the idea of my kid enjoying all kinds of food.” The smile that was on her face was beautiful, and it hit me deep inside for a second as I blinked. “We could get him or her started early.”

  “Are you scared that you’ll be like them?” Brea asked as I loaded the chicken up on a plate and gave the vegetables a shake in the oven. “I mean…what if we fail?”

  “We won’t,” I said, looking into her eyes with determination. Once the vegetables were finished, I fixed our plates and took them to the table. My last surprise was a bottle of sparkling cider that I uncorked as she looked up with a gasp. I carried the bottle and two glasses to the table, pouring it as the bubbles rose to the top. “This is the extent of any drinking you will see from me. I was stupid that night at Lucy’s, thinking it was a good idea. I’m glad you were there to remind me of that.” I handed her one glass and held the other up as she smiled weakly. “Here’s to our future. It’s going to be good, Brea.”

  “Yes,” she agreed as she clinked her glass to mine with a smile. We drank, and she giggled as the carbonated liquid slid down her throat. “I haven’t had this since I was a kid.” We settled into the meal and talked seriously about growing up with alcoholics and the lessons we had learned from it. Brea was a saint compared to me when it came to drinking, but I’d learned my lesson repeatedly. At one point, it had seemed like a good way to escape my life.

  I knew now that it wasn’t.

  Once we were done, we went to the couch to talk about what we wanted for our baby before I leaned in to kiss her. I couldn’t resist. I tasted the sweet juice that covered her lips as she leaned closer to me.

  I couldn’t wait to worship this woman.



  I looked around the coffee shop, seeing that it was slow for a minute. I’d been dreading calling Ryan today, but I’d been diligent about keeping track of my ovulation, just as Dean had suggested. We’d done our tests and both of us were clean. Neither of us had been sexually active recently, so we trusted the results.

  I knew that today was a peak time to get pregnant. If we wanted to start trying, now was the time. Holy shit. Was there any chance of it happening so fast?

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and told Stacy that I was going to take a quick break. I stepped out front and bit my lip before dialing his number. We hadn’t talked much since having lunch at his place, since that incredible make-out session on his couch. Ryan and I had gotten close to jumping each other that night but agreed to take the tests and wait until I was ready to conceive.

  “Hi, Brea. Is everything okay?” he asked, and I smiled. I loved hearing the sound of his voice.

  “I’ve been taking those tests Dean gave me. Tonight is a good night for…you know,” I said shyly. There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

  “Tonight,” Ryan repeated as I stared out at the street, watching the cars pass by. “Where are you?”

  “I’m working right now. I was thinking that—”

  “Come over later after work. I can send the car to get you.” I heard the eagerness in his voice and felt both flattered and a little scared all at once.

  “I should go home and change first. I’m off at six.” I stalled as I leaned against the glass of the window, feeling like a teenager all over again. Did I want to go over there smelling of coffee and sweat?

  “You know what? I’ll be nearby, so I’ll just get you myself at the shop after six. How does that sound?” he aske
d. I blinked.

  “Good. I’ll just be inside. What kind of car do you have?” I asked, ashamed of the fact that I didn’t know.

  “It’s a black Escalade. I’ll pull up to the curb. See you later, Brea.” I pulled the phone away as he ended the call, feeling like I wanted to scream. He sounded like he was looking forward to it as much as I was, making me close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  I may as well have been a virgin for the lack of confidence I felt right now. I turned and walked back inside as Stacy watched me, hating that she knew me better than anyone here. I regretted moving in with her when she’d needed a roommate. It had been convenient at the time, but now I wasn’t so sure. “Why do you look so nervous?” she asked as I joined her behind the counter. My mind was racing with thoughts of sex, a baby, and my bills finally getting paid off.

  “I’m not. I just have a date tonight. I’m thinking about that,” I told her as the door opened and some girls walked in. Shit. Why did I say it was a date?

  “Is it with Ryan again?” she asked, and I rolled my eyes. “You’re dating Ryan Hall, aren’t you?”

  “We’re just hanging out, Stacy. It’s nothing.” The customers got closer, and I tried to step forward to end the conversation. I didn’t want anything about our situation to get out. It could ruin Ryan’s reputation. He needed to just get a random girl pregnant, not be all over the news.

  “Hi. What can I get you?” I asked brightly. The blond girl ordered a latte and the brunette asked for a chai tea. I rang them up after making sure they were paying together and handed back their change. Stacy moved over to make the drinks, and I watched her for a moment as she smiled knowingly at me.

  “You never did tell me how you met, just that he was showing up,” she reminded me as she handed the drinks over to the girls.

  “He’s Lucy’s cousin and I met him at one of her parties. We got along well.” I didn’t want to mention his mom even though Stacy knew about my dad. I couldn’t share that bond. “We’re just friends.”

  “Didn’t look like it the other night,” she called out as I went to clean off tables for a chance at some peace. I could live alone again once this was all said and done, just me and my baby. Was that what I wanted? I’d have the money and maybe even the chance to work on a film with someone by then. It was more than likely a year away.

  I made sure all the tables were clean and that the station with all the shakers and sticks was stocked before I made my way back to the counter. Rachel was coming in for her afternoon shift, and I greeted her with a smile.

  “Hey. How are you?” I asked as she tucked her blond hair into a low ponytail.

  “I’m good. How about you guys?” she asked. I shot Stacy a look, hoping she understood that I wanted her to keep her mouth shut.

  “Great,” Stacy said as she walked over to help the couple approaching the counter.

  I spent the rest of the day thinking about my body. I visualized what was happening deep inside me and thought about what it meant for my future. I had never thought I’d be the girl who timed her cycle so she could have the baby of a billionaire. The shift seemed to drag on slowly until I was clocking out and walking toward the door. I left my hair in the braid it was in and slipped a cardigan sweater over my shirt, wishing I was dressed a little better. This wasn’t sexy at all, though the lace bra and panty set beneath my clothes weren’t bad.

  Ryan just wanted to get me pregnant. He didn’t care what I was wearing or how I smelled. I was certain this was just going to be quick and then I’d be leaving. I knew we shared some connection, but now it was a business deal. Stacy joined me at the window as I looked out, causing Rachel to ask what we were doing. “Who are you waiting for?” she asked, and I glanced back.

  “Don’t tell her,” I hissed at Stacy. “I don’t want this to be the local gossip. We’re just friends.” I turned around and said louder, for Rachel, “I’m just waiting for a friend,”

  I saw cars passing by, but nobody stopped, and my heart sank for a moment. Maybe he changed his mind about this. I wanted to gloss my lips, but Stacy was right there, and I knew she would call me out on that.

  I saw the Escalade stop at the curb and felt my heart jump into my throat. Stacy gazed at me with wide eyes and asked if it was him. She was holding a magazine in her hand and showed me the cover with him on it as I groaned. “Oh my God.”

  “I just want him to sign it. I’ve been watching him for years,” she told me as I watched Ryan get out of the car and walk toward the door. I stepped forward, but Stacy beat me to it. “Hi, Ryan. I was wondering if you could sign this for me since I didn’t get a chance to ask the other night.”

  I shot him an apologetic look as the other customers looked over, probably wondering what all the fuss was about. He smiled easily and looked at Stacy as he asked for a pen. She produced a sharpie and turned to the page that she wanted him to sign, and he bent over the table as I stared at his ass. I couldn’t wait to wrap my hands around that. I immediately lost myself in my thoughts until a group of people passed by.

  “Ryan Hall?” Rachel asked as I came back to reality and blushed. So much for being under the radar. “What are you doing here?”

  I walked outside and around the corner, wanting to get away from here. We were working through an already strange situation, and I didn’t want him to be embarrassed by our association. He still considered me a one-night stand. I made it around the corner and listened for him to come out front. “Brea?” he asked. I leaned forward to look at him. “What are you doing out here?”

  “That doesn’t bother you?” I asked as he approached me with a soft smile on his face. “She was like a raving lunatic.”

  Ryan laughed. “She’s not shy, but I’ve dealt with worse. I get that a lot in the city. It’s a funny thing.” He winked at me as I shook my head. “Still want this?”

  Our eyes locked, and I felt my world stop. I nodded as he stared down at my lips, licking his before he looked around. “Yes,” I whispered as he reached his hand into the pocket of his pants.

  “I was thinking we could get some dinner on the way there,” he said softly as my heart started to pound in my chest. We were only a few blocks away from his place as far as I could guess, but even that was too far.

  “Let’s order in,” I told him, feeling desire wash over me as his eyes darkened.

  “Let’s go,” he said, and we both walked toward his car. He opened the passenger door for me, and I didn’t even turn my head as he walked around to the driver’s side. I didn’t want to know who was looking at us or speculating about what we were to each other. I just wanted tonight and any that might follow. Ryan pulled aggressively into traffic, and I jerked against the door as he pressed the gas pedal to the floor. The streets weren’t empty tonight, but he made his way around the cars as I stared over at him. He was confident and made my body tingle everywhere.

  “See something you like?” His voice was gruff, and I blinked as I remained quiet. “I can’t wait to have you in my bed.”

  He drove a few blocks and pulled into an underground parking garage, using a remote to open the door. Ryan parked with some other bigger vehicles against the wall and turned to me as I unbuckled my seat belt. His mouth claimed mine as I moaned against him and moved as close to him as possible in the car. Our tongues danced as we gave in to our mutual attraction, and my underwear dampened as I thought about him bare inside me. Ryan pulled away, kissing me again before he clutched my hair in his hands.

  “We need to get up there.” He pulled away and grabbed his keys before leaving the car to come around and open my door. The car was locked and the keys were in his pocket before I threw myself into his arms for another long kiss. I couldn’t get enough of his mouth, and he lifted me to carry me across the lot as we kept the kiss going. Ryan moved forward, and I realized we were in an elevator before he pushed a button.

  The ride seemed long, but I was also resisting the urge to rip his clothes off right there. I had never wanted sex th
e way I did now. He shoved me against the wall before the elevator stopped. Ryan pulled away and glanced out as it opened, moving us forward into a foyer as I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

  Ryan carried me through a door and down a hall as he gripped my ass tightly in his hands. I moaned his name against his lips as he stopped walking, kissing me hungrily, and I slid slowly to the floor. I looked around briefly to see that I was in a bedroom before I felt him slide my sweater off. My purse fell with it as I reached over to loosen his jeans. “I smell like coffee,” I warned him. He smirked arrogantly at me.

  “I don’t give a fuck. I’m going places tonight that the coffee never touched.” I ripped his jeans down as he kicked his shoes off and shimmied out of the pants. I reached down to find him bare, stroking him slowly. “Fuck, Brea. I’ve been waiting for tonight.”

  “This is going to knock me up,” I whispered as a thrill ran through me. Ryan kissed me again and pushed me back onto the mattress as he reached for the button of my worn jeans. He yanked them down, leaving me in my underwear as I arched my back to tug my shirt off. Ryan sucked in his breath before he leaned over me and kissed my stomach, provoking a low moan from me. He was gentle at first, using just lips, but as he moved his mouth up, I felt his teeth. He found my needy nipple through the lace and sucked on it as I cried out his name. His hands unclasped the front and slid the bra open, touching me before he hovered over me again to tease my breasts to the point where I was begging him.

  Ryan moved back and slid my underwear down my body as I shivered beneath him. I knew from touching him that he was big, but looking at him in the light from the hallway made more desire pool between my legs. He pressed his mouth to me, licking and tasting me as I gripped his hair.


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