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Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance

Page 57

by Tia Siren

  He finished and dried my hair before he grabbed several mixing bowls. I watched as he poured bleach and asked me what my favorite colors were. I nibbled on my lip and told him. He mixed gorgeous shades together before grabbing a roll of foil.

  He slipped pieces under my hair, applying bleach to chunks before handing me a magazine as he ran a fan so the air would circulate around me. I read about the latest celebrity gossip, frowning as I found a distant photo of Ryan with me, clearly pregnant. They didn’t seem to be too interested in the story since we weren’t talking, but there was some talk circulating. Once my hair was done in shades of blond, purple, pink, and even a dark blue, it was styled into wild, healthy curls.

  I was taken to a massage room that accommodated my belly and stripped off the robe as I lay down to relax. It was a little embarrassing, but worth it as I was rubbed and turned into jelly by the hands of the friendly masseuse.

  After the massage, I had a facial, a manicure, and a pedicure. I kept my natural nails and length but chose colors that would match my new hair. They served me a salad and sparkling cider for lunch as I giggled, knowing Ryan had suggested the cider.

  I hoped he like my new look as well. I wiggled my toes and waited for them to dry. I was going to have my makeup done next and wondered what they would do. I only wore it some of the time. I had been busy during school with taking care of my dad, just feeling lucky to sleep most days.

  This time was a lot like back then, and I smiled as I looked down at my stomach. This was going to be wonderful. I finished my food and enjoyed a few amazing sugar cookies before I went to a studio for makeup.

  Amazingly enough, I’d been here for four hours and counting. It was the most relaxing thing I’d ever done. I watched as they rolled a cart full of products over to me. I was cleaned from the facial and then brushes were everywhere.

  I saw that makeup was much more than foundation, and I learned all about contouring and highlighting before they even touched my eyes. They did a dark smoky look that made my eyes pop. My face was already flawless, and they added a hint of deep pink blush and a pretty pink gloss to my lips as I stared in shock.

  I looked like a different woman, and I wanted to get back to my room. I couldn’t wait to send Lucy a picture and see Ryan. I was surprised by a large gift bag, which offered everything they had used on me as well as a few surprises. I hugged all of them before I went to change back into my dress.

  It seemed like a potato sack with my new look, and I giggled as I looked in the mirror. I heard my name and looked out to see the receptionist carrying another bag over to me.

  “This just came. I think you might have a date tonight.” I took the purple bag from her and she winked at me. “Marry this one. I’ve never seen a woman so spoiled before. He’s treating his baby’s mother like a queen.”

  I stared at her as she walked away and closed the door. I set the bag down. I opened a small box to find some gorgeous black shoes with a low chunky heel that I immediately loved.

  I put them down and pulled out a larger box that likely had some clothing in it. I opened it with a gasp. It was a dark pink dress made of something that would be both loose and clingy all at once. I pulled my clothes off and slipped into the new dress, admiring the way it hugged my stomach and flowed down to my knees.

  Oddly enough, it matched one of the shades in my hair. I spun around with a giddy smile. I finally looked good pregnant. I slipped my feet into the shoes before putting the boxes and other clothes into the bag.

  I took a deep breath and walked out of the dressing room. I made my way through the long hallway to the lobby of the salon, smiling when I saw Ryan leaning against the glass in shorts and a dark green T-shirt.

  His eyes widened as he looked at me, eying me slowly and making me blush. I approached him, and he pulled his phone from his pocket before glancing outside.

  “You look fucking beautiful, Brea. I need to take some pictures of you before we go to dinner, and we are in the perfect place.” He took the clothing gift bag from me before reaching for my hand.

  We made our way to a more remote part of the beach, and I removed my shoes as we started to walk on the sand. I felt beautiful as Ryan shot photos with both his phone and a camera that was around his neck.

  He placed me in front of flowers, structures, and the water. He kept snapping. I think the last one was my favorite though.

  It was a selfie of us, and for the first time, I almost matched his good looks.

  After we were done with that, he drove me to a local park where we enjoyed a picnic of fried chicken, strawberries, and coleslaw. There was a purple blanket spread out as we approached a spot on the grass under some shade trees. He helped me sit down. The food was delicious, and I was starving after my light lunch earlier. I was glad he had bought a lot of chicken. I grabbed another piece with a laugh.

  Lucy was sent a few of the pictures and sent a text telling me what a hot mama I was, making me blush and giggle all at once. Ryan told me he agreed as he reached for a strawberry. I sipped the water he had brought and watched as he bit into the strawberry, feeling my familiar arousal.

  “Did you have a good time?” he asked. I nodded enthusiastically.

  “I thought it would be a massage and maybe a pedicure. They did so much!” I looked at the car and shook my head. “I don’t think I’ll ever know how to use any of that stuff, but I’ll have a blast trying. I’ve never been so spoiled before. Thank you.”

  “Lucy will help you. She loves that shit. I think you look gorgeous like this, but you’re beautiful natural as well. I don’t want you to ever think that you’re not.” He played with a strand of my new hair with a soft smile. “It’s nice to see you having fun though. You deserve it.”

  “I liked it, but I don’t need that all the time. I’m not that girl. Well, maybe a massage now and then. I feel amazing!” I smiled, and he assured me that it wasn’t a problem. Once Elle was here, he would make sure I stayed relaxed.

  We finished the food and he packed the basket back into the car so we could take a walk along the beach. The sun was setting, and I watched it while Ryan took more pictures of me against the backdrop of the colors. We went for some ice cream before returning to the hotel. He carried my stuff for me as we took the elevator to our room.

  It was dark now, and I slipped my shoes off in the bedroom, deciding to leave the dress on for a bit. I joined Ryan on the balcony and looked at the moonlight reflected in the water. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “Today was amazing.” The wind blew my hair around, but I noticed how much lighter it felt. I loved it.

  “I’m glad you had fun.” He covered my hands with his, and I smiled at the heat between us. “You’ve looked tired lately. How much longer do you think you’ll work?”

  “I don’t know. I was planning to work until she was born and then going back after if things didn’t work out as planned,” I replied. Ryan turned to face me.

  “Even with the money?” he asked as I looked at him with wide eyes. “That will come through. This is still a grandchild and an heir. He was just being an asshole. I think he’s chilled out a little bit since then.” He leaned in to kiss me, and I shivered, needing his mouth on mine. I had missed him all day.

  As our tongues met, I felt a twinge of insecurity, but he cupped my head and kissed me sweetly. Warmth flooded my thighs as he stroked my hair, prolonging the kiss. He pulled away and kissed my jaw as I tried not to think about all the makeup on my skin.

  “I hope Elle looks like you,” he murmured, and I let out a long breath.

  “I want her to look like you,” I argued lightly as he sucked on my neck, silencing me. We got lost in each other before he led me around to the bedroom door, pushing it open as I stepped with him. We both removed my dress, and he slipped his shorts down as I took off my bra and underwear. Without the dress, I still felt beautiful as he worshiped my body and pleasured me with all my favorite things. I had asked for a Brazilian wax at the spa, knowing I�
�d been neglecting myself.

  When he spread my legs and found me smooth, Ryan growled against me. It was worth the pain as he teased me with his tongue, then fingers. I was begging for him once I turned to my knees and waited for his entry.

  Being with Ryan would never get old. I closed my eyes as he slipped inside me. I knew our feelings were deepening, and the emotion between us filled the air as he made love to me. I didn’t mention it as I rocked with him, waiting for the perfect time.



  Why the fuck had I come over here?

  I was at my parents for dinner, trying to right things before Elle’s arrival. My mother was drunk as always, but today she was rambunctious as well. She’d saved all her anger for me over the last few months. I stared at her as she paced the kitchen, waving her hands and raging about Brea.

  Anger rose inside me as she called Brea a whore and a gold digger. I tried to hold it in as she accused her of just wanting my money and using me for it.

  “You don’t even know her. You met her once and you were drunk that night. How the fuck can you judge anybody?”

  “She’s nothing, Ryan. She has no family and isn’t part of our group. She’s going to take you for everything you have,” Mom raged. I dragged my hands through my hair.

  “She’s everything, Mom,” I told her in an even tone as she reached for her cup again, emptying it one swallow. “Give her a chance.”

  “That baby will probably be a whore like her mother. You couldn’t even have a son to take over the business!” I stepped forward as she continued to scream at me, feeling a mixture of anger and pity. My mother had once been a beautiful and compassionate woman, but since she’d started drinking fifteen years ago, she’d become this out-of-control bitch.

  “Fuck you. I am not going to listen to you go on about this, and I’ll make sure you never see my daughter!” I roared as I moved closer, fighting the urge to hit her. I heard the vague sound of a door closing and saw my father step between us as he gave me a fearful look.

  “Bianca, this has to stop,” he told her in a broken voice. “It’s been going on for years now and I can’t take it. It’s not just about us anymore.” He touched her face and took a deep breath. “I am calling a center tomorrow for you, and if you don’t go, this marriage is over. Your ties to this family will be gone.”

  Mom started to sob as I looked at my dad with surprise. Dad never defended me. I watched as he took Mom into his arms and carried her to their bedroom. I followed and helped him tuck her in, looking at her plastic face with sadness, before he gestured for me to follow him.

  Dad organized the takeout, which had been left at the door while we’d been fighting. We sat down at the kitchen counter with plates and water as he took a deep breath.

  “That was a long time coming, Son.” Dad looked at me, and I noticed the lines in his face. “I pushed her problems aside for so long because I work so much. She functioned when she was out at events, and I thought we had the perfect life. I thought we could keep faking it, but she’s gotten much worse over the last few months.”

  He took a bite of the noodles on his plate and looked thoughtful for a moment. “I have to apologize for the day at the doctor and ever since. I don’t know why… I guess I imagined a woman like your mother taking control of the business. My reaction shocked even me, and I have been doing a lot of thinking. A lot.” He sipped his water and shook his head for a moment.

  “I don’t know Brea well, but I can see that she is a gentle woman with a kind soul. I read between the lines and recognized that her father suffered from alcoholism as well, and that hit me somewhere deep inside. I went into defense mode when I was really just worried about the same thing happening to your mother. With a baby coming, everything seems a lot more surreal now. I need things to change. I want my wife back.”

  He gave me a sad look. “She wasn’t always this way. She lost her parents, and I suppose it hit her hard when she still had a son to raise. I was working all the time, of course. I was oblivious, and I just thought she had some wine with dinner like her friends. I thought she was just like everybody else.”

  “I didn’t want to see it either, Dad. I wanted to believe she was just enjoying a drink, but it was so obvious by my senior year. I knew then.”

  “The year she got arrested for driving drunk to get more alcohol,” he said with a slow nod. “I managed to cover that up and somehow still hide her problem from the public. She stopped coming to a lot of things, and I would blame a cold or the flu. I thought she did fine at the events she did attend, but it was exhausting to watch her all night. That took a toll on me and you. I know it did.”

  I nodded.

  “I know I started to pressure you about the bank back then, and I regret that. I just wanted some control in my life and you were the victim.”

  “I understand. She’s your wife and my mom. We just want to see her get better, but she’s only getting worse.” I thought about the things she’d said tonight and a sharp pain overcame me.

  I’d never tell Brea about this, not in detail. This talk with Dad seemed to be going pretty well, and I expected to have good news for her tonight.

  “I just can’t let her talk about Brea like that. I can’t, Dad. I’ll keep her away from the baby if it doesn’t stop.”

  “I understand, Son. It all became known when I came home to see that tonight. I knew I had to do something. I didn’t want to threaten her like that, but using divorce in the past has never worked. She needs to know that she’ll lose the only family she has left in this world.”

  Mom was an only child like me, and when she lost both of her parents to homicide, she broke.

  “She’ll lose you and her granddaughter now. I don’t want that to happen, but she needs to go along with my plan. I have a wonderful center in Syracuse to take her to. It’s far, but I think she needs the distance. I know I do.”

  “She’ll do this, Dad. I know she will,” I assured him as pain crossed his face.

  “I can’t wait to meet the baby, Ryan. I think about her a lot, and the fact that she’s a girl means nothing. If she has the mix of Brea and you, she’ll be just fine.” He looked at me. “I did a little homework on her. She’s been through so much and still has that degree. It’s impressive.”

  I smiled in agreement.

  “You’re going to go far too, family business or not. Your gram always told me you were born for so much more and that was why she left you that money. I was a stubborn fool to hold you to these conditions this long, but we’re all getting a baby out of it. There is that.”

  “I thought you were crazy when I was younger and you set these conditions. I didn’t want a girlfriend, much less a wife or a baby. I was angry for years, and I really thought I hated you. Then I got older, met Brea, and knew I could settle down.”

  “Are you going to settle with her?” Dad asked. I smiled slowly.

  “We’re going to move in together soon. We want to live together when the baby arrives.” I glanced at him. “Her name is Elle Marie Hall.”

  Dad’s face softened as he twisted some noodles onto his fork. “Marie,” he repeated as he thought about his mother. “She’d love that.”

  “I know. We hadn’t talked about names too much, but that combination hit me the day of the ultrasound.” I watched him wince. “Brea loves the name Elle, and I thought about Gram. I was always so close to her, and she left me all that money to build something with.”

  “It’s a shame she won’t meet her great-grandparents as well as her grandpa. Will Brea’s mom come to see her?”

  “I think she’s warming up to the idea. She keeps sending things in the mail and FaceTiming with Brea. We’ll see.” I laughed and glanced at him. “Lucy is claiming aunt of the year already. She’s going to be great at it.”

  “I went to some of the galleries to see her work. It’s beautiful.” I looked at Dad in surprise. “It’s easy to keep up with things with technology. Your aunt tells me stu
ff as well. She sounds like a good girl.”

  Apart from her still dating Lewis, I agreed. She was going to be a good friend and aunt, someone Brea would need.

  “Yes, she is.”

  “Seeing how things are later, toward the holidays, I was thinking of having Christmas here with the whole family. It’s been a long time, and it might be nice, assuming your mother has made a decision by then.” I grinned at the idea, thinking it over.

  “That sounds nice, Dad.”

  “I’m going to hire that chef again if I can find her. Nancy. If not her, someone else. I don’t cook well, and your mom needs to take care of a few things before she settles back into it. I am getting tired of takeout,” Dad admitted, and I laughed. “Does Brea cook?”

  “I’ve been too busy spoiling her to find out, to be honest. We’ll see. If not, I’ll teach her or we can learn together.” I remembered making the suggestion to her before. I smiled and he nodded.

  “That sounds wonderful, Son. When do you plan to move in together?” he asked.

  “I might need a little help with that.” I leaned in as I started to talk, seeing his grin widen on his face. We cleaned up after dinner, and Dad tossed the rest of the food, claiming he was calling Nancy in the morning. There were enough basics in the fridge to get by until next week. I hugged him tightly when we were finished.

  He walked me to his office and we sat down as he pulled a folder from his desk drawer. Dad turned it around in his hands, careful not to spill the papers inside.

  “I’ve called the lawyer and set everything up. The money is yours. You’ll have to go into the office for a visit to make it official, but you can take it and make all your dreams come true. You can set up a house for Elle.”


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