Far-right political parties in Europe are stepping up their anti-Muslim rhetoric and forging ties across borders, even going so far as to visit Israel to hail the Jewish state as a bulwark against militant Islam.
National Front leader Marine Le Pen has shocked the French political elite in recent days by comparing Muslims who pray outside crowded mosques—a common sight during the holy month of Ramadan—to the World War II Nazi occupation.
ETHNIC CLEANSING: Swiss politician Oskar Freysinger is shown above in front of the flag of Switzerland. Freysinger is a strong supporter of the Israeli state and a strong critic ofIslam. “We don’t have anything against Muslims. But we don’t want minarets. The minaret is a symbol of a political and aggressive Islam; it’s a symbol of Islamic law. The minute you have minarets in Europe, it means Islam will have taken over.” (Imogen Foulkes, “Swiss Move to Ban Minarets,” BBC website, 28 May 2007)
Oskar Freysinger, a champion of the Swiss ban on minarets, warned a far-right meeting in Paris Saturday against “the demographic, sociological and psychological Islamization of Europe.” German and Belgian activists also addressed the crowd.
Geert Wilders, whose populist far-right party supports the Dutch minority government, told Reuters last week he was organizing an “international freedom alliance” to link grassroots groups active in “the fight against Islam.”
Earlier this month, Wilders visited Israel and backed its West Bank settlements, saying Palestinians there should move to Jordan. Like-minded German, Austrian, Belgian, Swedish and other farrightists were on their own Israel tour at the same time. (Reuters, December 20, 2010)
Above, a man holds a sign in Dutch that translates as “Wilders: Hound [dog] of Israel,” a protest against Geert Wilders trip to genocidal Israel.
Left, Wilders is shown in yarmulka staring in reverence at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Right, French president of the National Front Marine Le Pen, daughter of French nationalist Jean-Marie Le Pen, has taken a firm pro-Israel stance.
The few standouts, including some tiresomely independent Latin American leaders, can, should assassination fail, reportedly be infected with fatal diseases by remote methods. Others yet, are so defamed and pilloried that their only defence is by ever-escalating response, which itself may help to fuel useful regional conflicts: Syria, Iran, North Korea, also among the few remaining countries to possess independent national banks.
It is anyone’s guess, but it seems likely that conditions today resemble those described below. The developed nations are bankrupt but highly armed with the most lethal weapons yet invented and must be incited again to produce war.
Recently, the chief marionette obligingly attempted to start a war against Syria, but, evidently, the time was not quite ripe. “Obama Threatens Force Against Syria” (NYT, August 12, 2012). However, now it is:
President Barack Obama told Americans on Wednesday he had authorized U.S. airstrikes for the first time in Syria and more attacks in Iraq in a broad escalation of a campaign against the Islamic State militant group. Obama’s decision to launch attacks inside Syria, which is embroiled in a three-year civil war, marked a turnabout for the president, who shied away a year ago from airstrikes to punish Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons against his own people. (Reuters, September 11, 2014) (N.B. allegedly using chemical weapons—this was never proved.)
Yet: In a surprising development, it appears that the group known as ISIS (The Islamic State of Syria and Iraq) may have actually been trained by the United States government. According to a report published in Reuters, the Syrian rebel group was trained in Jordan over the last two years by US government officials and military experts. If this is true, it would shed a very interesting light on what is the actual agenda of the United States government in a country where they profess to be seeking stability. (Guardian, June 30, 2014)
Islamic State (Isis) is now the wealthiest militant group in the world, with a reported net worth of $2bn (£1.2bn). Where is all the cash coming from? The group has built up a fortune through a combination of oil resources and wheat production to hostage taking and extortion. Unless the international coalition can cut the flow of Isis funding, it is likely to remain a severe threat. (Guardian, September 26, 2014)
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi leads the Islamic State terrorist group. In August 2014, it was reported that Edward Snowden had claimed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a Jewish actor whose real name is Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) who, having been recruited by Mossad, was trained in espionage and psychological warfare. In July 2014, it was reported that the Islamic State was created by the CIA/MI6/Mossad, likely a part of NATO’s Gladio/B and that Israel is using it as a front organization to protect its borders from surrounding enemies (this would be a valid geopolitical perspective because ISIS/ISIL operatives are minutes away from Israel but neither ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda have ever attacked Israel despite being a radical islamist terrorist organization. (wikispooks.com)
So it turns out that ISIS terrorists who instigate false flag destabilization operations against potential enemies and who, along the way, strive to destroy ancient cultural heritage, are directed by Jews. (Certainly, their bestial cruelties against religious or other opponents echo those in revolutionary Soviet Russia.) Destabilisation may allow such leaderless territories to be colonised within Greater Israel.
Memo from today: March 12, 2015. An Islamist preacher from Kuwait has called to destroy Egypt’s Sphinx and pyramids, stating it is time for Muslims to erase the pharaohs’ heritage. (RT News) Besides destroying cultural monuments of ancient antiquity (“ISIS militants destroy ancient statues, relics in Iraq,” RT News February 26, 2015/ “Satellite images show devastation caused to 290 cultural sites by Syrian conflict amid claims ancient treasures are being plundered and sold on British black market to fund Islamic State terrorists.New satellite images show extensive damage to most treasured sites. UN report confirms 24 sites completely destroyed in civil war,” Daily Mail, March 1, 2015), ISIS is playing its part in the destruction of homogenous European cultures.
ISIS has threatened to flood Europe with half a million migrants from Libya in a “psychological” attack against the West, it was claimed today. Transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy claim to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a “psychological weapon” against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya. (Daily Mail, February 24, 2015)
There has already been a “military intervention” against them, by Egypt. Gaddafi was deposed because he had transformed Libya into one of the most prosperous African nations, thereby threatening the region’s major farming exporters with his gigantic irrigation projects, and because of Libya’s oil and gas reserves, but principally because he proposed to introduce a single African currency based on a gold Dinar, instead of the US Dollar. But perhaps also for providing a barrier to just such mass immigration, without which he had predicted, in 2011, the Mediterranean would become a “sea of chaos.”
Current “Marionette-in-Chief” Barack Obama.
More “marionettes.” Above, left to right, Hilmar Kabas, Andreas Moelzer, Heinz-Christian Strache, FPO (Freedom Party of Austria), Philip Dewinter, Flaams Belang (“Flemish Interest” Party); René Stadtkewitz, Die Freiheit (Freedom-Civil Rights Party for More Freedom and Demo cracy).
Regarding the “chief marionette” and his precursors, the following is almost too well known to quote:
Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that ...I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. (Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio)
So, having ensured the backing of entire governments and their agencies, Jewish ambitions are nearly unstoppable.
The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. (Ann Lewis, former senior advisor to H. Clinton, “The Audacity of Chutzpah,” Washington Post, March 18, 2008)
President George W, Bush meets with rabbis in the Oval Office. Similar photographs show just about every nation’s leaders collaborating with Jews.
Governments have always been and actually are enemies of the people they purport to represent (see Death by Government, p.311). There are no “civil servants,” only second rate bureaucrats with political sinecures and guaranteed pensions. (“For centuries mankind has been exploited, plundered, coerced, robbed, murdered, tortured and forced into wars and servitude by his greatest natural enemy, GOVERNMENT”— June Grem, The Money Manipulators, 1971).
Governments’ constant misuse of public funds should make this clear. While all that is required of them is to manage, modern “democratic” governments have chosen to rule in a manner approximating the style of former autocracies. All laws they propose or pass should be viewed with scepticism. Even in truly democratic Switzerland, as a result of constant pressure from the EU and the U.S., and of frequent slander by peculiar institutions whose patronage is undeclared, the government shows unmistakable signs of obstructing the electorate’s will.
Here, I would like to point out an important fact about the assessment of political entanglements, without which the correct recognition of the truth would easily be missed: there is in fact no enmity between peoples, but only between political and religious groups of different peoples! It is these political and religious groups which, without consideration for loss, incite peoples against each other, only in order to reach their goals in terms of power-politics. (Dieter Rüggeberg: Secret Politics – The Timetable for World Domination, 2000, p. 92)
Three basic points may help us to understand current events:
There are no accidents in politics, all is planned and intentional. (“... in politics nothing is accidental. If something happens, be assured it was planned this way” Franklin D. Roosevelt - 32 Degree Freemason)
Debt is the greatest weapon ever invented. It beats the nuclear bomb, as it works stealthily.
The majority of the world’s population has become irrelevant.
So you can stop wondering why governments keep making the same “mistakes” and why they don’t realize that they could put whole countries back to work by repairing infrastructure, or why the big banks are investing in the stock market and major corporations are buying back their own shares, instead of lending money or employing people:
In reality, executives and directors are issued stock options. Then they authorize buy backs so the options become in the money. They are grossly enriched. Their companies did not have to make a product, employ people, or make money. All they had to do was borrow money at “zero” then buy their stock (Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, Kitco, April 16, 2015)
While it’s true that New Deal-type public works projects, leading to reduced unemployment and the redistribution of money and therefore to consumption, would return some balance to society and reduce the gap between rich and poor, why should those that really run the government encourage such a programme, when they can take a short cut straight to profit? Why go to the nuisance of emitting loans at record low rates of interest and hoping that various small and mid-size businesses don’t fail, when they can keep billions in “quantitative easing” (digital money) circulating amongst themselves? “Wall Street doesn’t need a functioning economy to earn ‘profits.’” (Rob Urie, Counterpunch, May 17, 2014)
Clearly, the intention is not to perpetuate but to dismantle the system we have known.
Now, how did I, according to common belief rather obviously a Jew, come to hold these opinions? After all, my father was actually named “the Jew,” by his somewhat bizarre mother, as she claimed, in response to an anti-Jewish slur. According to Jewish lore of course, if my mother is not Jewish, neither am I. I have tried to explain my mother’s perceived attitude above. Her earliest traceable English ancestor was Sir John Gold (Gould), born in 1195, a crusader of the 13th century. The Goulds are descended from this John Gold, granted an estate in the County of Somersetshire, England, for his valour. I take my mother to have been a typical example of the artistic British upper classes of the early twentieth century. Even if her ancestors were Jewish and accompanied the Conqueror in 1066, they had eight centuries in which to assimilate.
I grew up in at least one way unrestrained. Bleak as was my youth, I was never forced to belong to a religion of any kind. I never even saw the inside of a synagogue. So my background is immaterial to the question. Being neither wholly Jew nor Gentile, I have the advantage of a detached view of the whole wretched masquerade.
This man is not Jewish, he retains only their blood, but his spirit is not and that is what counts.(French Internet comment about the author, 2008)
I hold this opinion because, after following current affairs of all kinds, large and small, from regional wars to minor changes of law, for many years, I can come to no other conclusion but that these mutations serve to disfranchise and dispossess ordinary people for Jewish benefit, according to their ancient plan of world domination, which continues on its inexorable way, aided by fifth-columnists and unimpeded by a largely uninformed and apathetic citizenry. The cunningly contrived Balfour Declaration, followed by the creation of the State of Israel and the consequent ejection and suppression of the Palestinians, are flagrant examples. Occupied Palestine itself is but a stepping stone along the way to Greater Israel, which incorporates Lebanon, most of Syria, half of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and parts of Egypt and Kuwait. This conquest necessarily takes a few generations to achieve. But they’re not doing too badly for the moment: Egypt’s “Arab Spring,” Iraq’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” Libya’s “Civil War,” Syria’s “Opposition,” Gaza’s “Operation Protective Edge” (perpetrated by Israel’s “Defence” Force), and, presently, ISIS, have all brought the would-be conquerors a few steps nearer to their ultimate goal of empire. However, this is a very localized goal in comparison to the one which incorporates the entire planet.
Far more compelling as indicators of our collective future are international law in the context of legalised mass murder and Gaza as a world model. Using the Palestinians as their guinea pigs in a bold and aggressive strategy of “fixing” international law, it wants to create new categories of combatants – “non-legitimate actors” such as “terrorists,” “insurgents” and “non-state actors,” together with the civilian population that supports them – so that anyone resisting state oppression can no longer claim protection. This is especially relevant when, as British General Rupert Smith tells us, modern warfare is rapidly moving away from the traditional inter-state model to what he calls a “new paradigm” – “war amongst the people” – in which “We fight amongst the people, not on the battlefield.” A more popular term used by military people, “asymmetrical warfare,” is perhaps more honest and revealing, since it highlights the vast power differential that exists between states and their militaries and the relative weakness of the non-state forces confronting them.
A few years ago (2005) the The Jerusalem Post published a revealing interview with an Israeli “expert in international law” who, choosing to remain anonymous, explained:
International law is the language of the world and it’s more or less the yardstick by which we measure ourselves today. It’s the lingua franca of international organizations. So you have to play the game if you want to be a member of the world community. And the game works like this. As long as you claim you are working within international law and you come up with a reasonable argument as to why what you are doing is within the context of international law, you’re fine. That’s how it goes. This is a very cynical view of how the world works. So, even if you’re being inventive, or even if you’re being a bit radical, as long as you can explain it in that context, most countries will not say you’re a war criminal.
> Kasher (a professor of philosophy and “practical ethics” at Tel Aviv University, the author of the Israeli army’s Code of Conduct. Indeed, attaching a professional ethicist to the IDF provides the basis for Israel’s oft-stated claim to have the “most moral army in the world.”) and Yadlin also imply that states cannot engage in terrorism – only because they are states which have a “legitimate monopoly” over the use of force. In fact, the non-state “terrorism from below” which so concerns them pales in scale when compared to “terrorism from above,” State Terrorism. In his book Death by Government, R.J. Rummel points out that over the course of the 20th century about 170,000 innocent civilians were killed by non-state actors, a significant figure to be sure. But, he adds, during the first eighty-eight years of this [20th] century, almost 170 million men, women and children have been shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed or worked to death; buried alive, drowned, hung, bombed or killed in any other of the myriad ways governments have inflicted death on unarmed, helpless citizens and foreigners. The dead could conceivably be nearly 360 million people.
And that, written in 1994, does not include Zaire, Bosnia, Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda, Saddam Hussein’s reign, the impact of UN sanctions on the Iraqi civilian population and other state-sponsored murders that occurred after Rummel compiled his figures. It also does not account for all the forms of State Terrorism that do not result in death: torture, imprisonment, repression, house demolitions, induced starvation, intimidation and all the rest.
Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil Page 30