Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil
Page 43
31.Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32.Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
34.Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
36.Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37.Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38.Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioural problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39.Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40.Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41.Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
(Current Communist Goals. Extension of remarks of Hon. A. S. Herlong, jr. of Florida in the House of Representatives, Thursday, January 10, 1963. Congressional Record, Appendix, pp.A34-A35, January 10, 1963)
Concerning the Russian conditions, the U. S. Fish report on Communism (1930) says: “Documents and books presented to the committee indicate that the most terrible kinds of vice are encouraged among the young school children in order to break down their family influence which is the foundation of all religion.” Siemashko, Soviet Commissar of Health, confessed at one time that venereal disease “had reached the proportions of a terrible plague.” (Quoted in Elizabeth Dilling, The Red Network, 1934)
Memo from today: Most of these goals have been achieved and are readily recognizable in our daily lives. To mention only point 26:
The United States has slapped sanctions on Uganda -- cancelling a military air exercise, imposing visa bans and freezing some aid -- amid deep US anger at “vile” Ugandan anti-gay laws... The legislation “runs counter to universal human rights and complicates our bilateral relationship,” the White House said, renewing calls for the law to be repealed. From Uganda to Russia to Iran, LGBT communities face discriminatory laws and practices that attack dignity, undermine safety and violate human rights,” US Secretary of State John Kerry said at a Gay Pride event for his staff. “And we each have a responsibility to push back against the global trend of rising violence and discrimination against LGBT persons,” said Kerry, who has likened the Ugandan law to anti-Semitic legislation in Nazi Germany. (Daily Nation, Kenya, June 20, 2014)
Washington DC – Human Rights First today applauded the Obama Administration’s concrete steps to respond to Uganda’s discriminatory Anti-Homosexuality Act that was recently signed into law by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. In response to the law, which violates the human rights of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) Ugandans, the administration announced that the United States will redirect U.S. funded programs in Uganda and will review all U.S. funding in the region to determine additional steps to protect LGBT Ugandans from violence and discrimination.
The administration’s immediate actions will include shifting more than six million dollars of funding away from the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda, an organization that has publicly supported Uganda’s anti-gay law. Additionally, the United States will redirect funding intended for tourism programs, move Department of Defense events scheduled to take place in Uganda to other locations, and suspend a U.S. funded study on HIV/AIDS that would put staff and survey respondents at risk for violence and prosecution. (, March 24, 2014)
Four observations: one, the U.S. is punishing a sovereign nation in response to a law, which, however discriminatory, must be considered a triviality in view of the millions of displaced people (“51.2 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2013,” UNHCR, June 20, 2014 -- the highest figure since WWII) and hundreds of thousands of deaths for which the U.S. is directly responsible through its wars and proxy wars. Two, this is yet another misuse of “universal human rights” when the simple and basic right to life is being trampled on hourly by the very people who trumpet such nonsense. Three, this is again the boringly predictable comparison of anything to be condemned with National Socialism. Four, denial of funding is used to express disapproval and enforce change.
In 2004, the US government invented an “Office to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism,” with its own Special Envoy, whose “primary responsibility shall be the monitoring and combating of acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries”—with complete indifference to the illegality of such blatant interference in the affairs of sovereign nations.
Over the years, as my surmise acquired substance, as it became as obvious as ABC or 2+2=4, my focus changed slightly, from protesting Germany’s relative innocence, to mocking those who maintain Germany’s guilt. Inevitably, this earned me a place on a list of 7,000 Jews who have made themselves unpopular with their fellows for not playing the game. Alone the crude, semi-literate language of this comic compilation reveals the intellectual level of its authors. (I also received a death threat, within a few months of the appearance of my first article.)
When telling the truth and shaming the devil, you have to expect his spite, especially if you are Jewish. He and his disciples delight in finding new objects for their censure, as well as new opportunities to cry shrilly “Anti-Semitism!” They thrive on this. “Nowadays if any States raise a protest against us it is only pro forma at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren” (allegedly forged Protocol No. 9). “The use of anti-Israel extremist Jews recalls the biting irony of Austrian Jewish satirist and humorist Alexander Roda-Roda (1872-1945): ‘Anti-Semitism could really amount to something if the Jews would just take charge of it.’” (Jerusalem Post, November 16, 2014)
They have charge of it, as he must have known. If anti-Semitism didn’t exist, they would have to invent it. In fact, they do invent it, constantly, in the sense that they always discover it anew. Not a day goes by during which some sign of their sponging existence—whether through a repetition of some visual charlatanry (“Shoah,” “Schindler’s List,” etc.), or some “informative” radio programme on the piffling habits of some minor Jewish faction-- is not broadcast, but you will certainly be accused of “anti-Semitism” if you draw attention to this custom. Luckily for them, as someone once said, “anti-Semitism is a disease, you catch it from Jews.” As long as there are Jews, there will be so-called anti-Semitism. QED.
Herzl viewed anti-Semitism as an understandable reaction to Jewish defects (Theodor Herzl: from Assimilation to Zionism, Jacques Kronberg, Indiana University Press, 1993, p.126). As “anti-Semitism” is only a defamation of those Jews dislike, it makes sense to replace this misnomer, for instance, by “Jew-wise,” which would seem to cover the subject.
Ever since the fall of Mr. Chamberlain’s Government, the interests of the Jewish Empire have been advanced as prodigiously as those of Britain and her Empire have been eclipsed. Stranger than all this — should any dare to state the truth in plain terms--the only response is an accusation of anti-Semitism. As Mr. Douglas Reed has clearly shown, the term “anti-Semitism” is meaningless rubbish — and as he suggests it might as well be called “anti-Semolina.” The Arabs are Semites, and no so-called “anti-Semite” is anti-Arab. It is not even correct to say that he is anti-Jew. On the contrary, he knows better than the uninformed that a fair proportion of Jews are not engaged in this conspiracy. The only correct term for the mis-called “anti-Semitic” is “Jew-wise.” It is indeed the only fair and honest term. (Archibald Ramsay, The Nameless War, 1952)
p; “I believe German Jewry owes its continued existence to anti-Semitism.”—Albert Einstein, A. Engel translator, “How I became a Zionist,” The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 7, Document 57, Princeton University Press, (2002), pp. 234-235, at 235.
“Anti-Semitism will be a psychological phenomenon as long as Jews come in contact with non-Jews—what harm can there be in that? Perhaps it is due to anti-Semitism that we survive as a race: at least that is what I believe.”—Albert Einstein, English translation by A. Engel, The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 7, Document 37, Princeton University Press, (2002), p. 159.
Memo from today: It was announced ceremoniously on 19th November 2013 that the “School for Jewish Theology” has been opened at Berlin’s Potsdam University. Puppets from politics and the church duly gave it their approval. Germany’s President Gauck, a former East German parson and an all-purpose, quasi-portable lackey of the cause (when he is not apologising for asserted German misbehaviour in Warsaw or Oradour-sur-Glane, he is praising the hordes of asylum seekers as a gain to Germany) calls it “a milestone in the history of science,” apparently overlooking the contradiction between knowledge and credulity, and confirming his near-namesake: “Gaukler” is German for “buffoon.” This religio-political vagrant recently expressed the opinion that Germans were not intelligent enough to take part in referendums. (Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten, January 24, 2014.)
Gauck had previously been assigned to process the Stasi or secret service files of the DDR-regime. It might not be stretching the bounds of credibility to suppose that this position allowed him to clear, not only himself, but others who have been suspected of collaborating with this agency: Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maiziere and his cousin Lothar de Maiziere, last leader of the DDR, and Merkel herself. Gauck has just equated Germany and, by implication, its people, with Auschwitz: “There is no German identity without Auschwitz” (Gauck, Die Welt, January 27, 2015)
In better—more honest—times, he might have been charged with high treason for this collective defamation of the nation he has been elected to represent. It has been reliably reported that the tendencies if not the actual contents of Gauck’s speeches—like those of his colleagues, Ministers Steinmeier, von der Leyen and Merkel herself—derive from, or are based on, political statements of the German Marshall Fund. If, as an individual, he were not so contemptibly insignificant, President Gauck would be a disgrace to Germany.
So, for about four years, I tried to correct the record, or more precisely, I joined the band of so-called “Revisionists” who proclaim their controversial conclusions. A complete waste of time and energy, and dangerous into the bargain. You cannot reverse with words, however sincere and persuasive—even with evidence—the effects of the intrigues and deceptions of centuries, nor elucidate for the uninformed the driving force behind them: an eternal and institutionalised hatred and envy of those with roots and a culture.
If you are Jewish yourself, and you point the finger at Jews for their skulduggery, you must either be insane or hate yourself, or possibly both, they say. You hate them, so you hate yourself. Hmm. The only sense I can make of this is that, having recognized the terrible harm Jews have done to the world and continue to do to it, some Jews hate themselves for being Jewish. Well, that may indeed be so. The first “Jewish self-hater” may have been the Judean Jesus himself, the itinerant preacher who castigated the money-lenders, thus revealing to the Pharisees that he was not the useful leader they had been expecting, and sealing his fate. In my case, as I’ve said, not being actually a Jew according to their laws, I can’t hate myself for this. Hatred is, in any case, a consuming emotion and thus an unhealthy one.
However it is hard not to hate them for destroying ancient regions I would have liked to visit: Lebanon, Syria, Libya; or for their rootlessness, for their parasitism, for their inhumanity, for their perpetual lies, for their lack of a credible culture; for ruining my world, a world of natural and man-made beauty, through wars and endless avariciousness—for absolutely no reason at all except to gain control of it, through a so-called New World Order, leading to a Jewish World Government. “We will have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” (Paul Warburg, co-founder of the Federal Reserve, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, February 17, 1950)
As an aesthete, I am repulsed by their severe appearance deficit (the more symmetrical physique of some Israelis only emphasizes their Khazar ancestry). Their character must imbue their countenances: ugly thoughts, ugly names, ugly language, ugly people. (Constant lying in their cause must uglify too, look at Merkel.) “For as he thinketh in his heart so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7). “The show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe onto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves.” (Isaiah 3:9)
Hollywood Jews, of whichever gender, have often had their names altered and their features regularised, of course, so that they have become unrecognizable, but the basic orthodox Lumpen Jew, with or without black hat and sidelocks, to be seen hanging around the synagogue or the airport, waiting for others of his ilk to arrive, his bloated stomach forcing his white shirt to hang over the trousers of his black suit, is an odious creature. Here you have him, stuffed with kosher food, every pore exuding otherness. (On the subject of food, it is revelatory to inform oneself about the Kosher tax imposed on a very large number of domestic products, including many non-food items. Companies that object to this uniquely Jewish protection racket are labelled “anti-Semitic.”) This is a malevolent pest on the move, in body as in mind. These are just the foot soldiers of the cause and expendable, but their presumption betrays the ever-increasing success of their masters.
Yet their masters’ success is not based on any natural law. If it weren’t for their network and the underhandedness validated by their self-ascribed privileges, and their curious convention by which they are alternately victims and perpetrators, according to how it suits them, they would be nothing. Jews make up an infinitesimal part of the world’s population. If this is not a case of the tail wagging the dog, what is? But that is not the point. The point is that Jews benefit from an inter-connected support group which behaves like electrical circuitry reacting to a central conductor. It is sometimes claimed that Jews can’t help getting ahead so quickly and gaining the top jobs, they are simply more intelligent than non-Jews. But sharp practices and low cunning are not the same as superior ability. If gentiles behaved like an army in civilian clothes and spent every waking hour planning how to ballyhoo and haggle, they might have the same success rate as Jews. The trouble is that non-Jews can’t profit from a dedicated network. Even if they could, most of them are too scrupulous to lie and cheat their way to fame and fortune. They are just ordinary people, who, despite their overwhelming majority and wish for peaceful coexistence, cannot defeat this paltry minority, for they cannot see the truth. They simply cannot conceive of such organised malevolence, raised to the level of a religion. They cannot accept the existence of a movement committed to destroying all legitimate government, nationhood and faith, and to replacing these with a superstate, ruling the world by terror. Unless and until they do accept it, humans in their millions will continue to be killed in this anti-human cause.
The Jewish network extends through innumerable organizations over the entire planet. A glance at the telephone book or the internet discloses a plethora of agencies, committees and associations, with laughably self-important sounding names, dedicated to Jewish psychological warfare. The densest webs are in Tel Aviv and New York. It is from there, via their venal henchmen in Washington, London, Berlin, etc. that the fattest spiders batten on the misery of a large part of the world’s population.
Memo from today: November 13, 2014. The OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) theoretically a fairly important international body, appeared almost as a side-ac
t at an “Anti-Semitism Conference” in Berlin, where international problems, of which there are a surfeit just now, played second fiddle to that hoary old theme “anti-Semitism.” Among the puppets on show, all doing their programmed bit, was Swiss President Burkhalter who opined: “Every act with an Anti-semitic background is directed against us all. Anti-semitism is a danger for freedom and democracy.” (Auswärtiges Amt, 13.11.2014) Apart from the echoing nullity of his cliché-ridden vocabulary, the premise is of course grotesquely inverted.
German Foreign Minister Steinmeier went him one better: “Anti-Semitism is a stab into the heart of this society.”
Ironically, the dagger in popular myth and on the cover of many publications is usually portrayed in other hands.“Nothing, not even the dramatic military confrontation (sic) in Gaza, justifies the demonstrations of the past weeks. That is why it is right now that zero tolerance towards Antisemitism counts.” (ibid.)
It takes the mentality of a truly indoctrinated slave to describe the attack of a mighty army, navy and air force against a mainly civilian population, as a “military confrontation.”
Does anyone think that current upheavals in Ukraine were instigated by Ukrainians (for that matter, the events in Syria, by Syrians, or in Venezuela, by Venezuelans, or in China, the infiltrated Uyghur people, in Xinjiang, or the events in Hong Kong, by “students”)? These are only the latest examples of the unceasing efforts of surrogates to interfere in every walk of life, at every level, in the affairs of independent countries, from attempts to influence the civil code and education, to the instigation and funding of armed “opposition” in order to destabilize non-compliant governments -- all under the pretence of spreading a fictional “Democracy,” accompanied by pharisaical catchwords such as “tolerance” and “anti-defamation,” which actually mean the opposite: intolerance and defamation of any who do not agree with them. Their agenda requires the world to accept the substitution of “discrimination” for “choice.” It is not discrimination but choice that decides with whom I associate or whom I employ. I do not discriminate against white wine when I choose red. How I base these judgements is my own business absolutely. But it won’t stop.