Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil
Page 49
Thus, perhaps the last opportunity to reverse the course of history through normal “democratic” means has been lost. The result could be fatal not only for Germany, but for Europe and the rest of the captive world, Germany being the most important country in Europe. Of course Germany is not a sovereign country itself, but a sign that its citizens were conscious enough of their predicament to try to change their government’s direction might have given other peoples the encouragement to change the direction of theirs. But it was not to be. How to explain why a significant number of suffering voters did not use this chance to express their disapproval at least? Presumably, a combination of re-education and disinformation has led to political lethargy throughout Germany. Given the choice, would the average German really prefer to watch football on television or go shopping than to vote, no matter how much the priority of consumerism over personal destiny will affect him? No, the rising number of non-voters is based on the impression that voters have no influence on the policies of their government. An average participation of less than 50% of the electorate then leads to a coalition government, for which nobody has voted, and to policies which are the result of compromises reached between the parties involved, behind closed doors.
To be fair, there have been dependable reports of ballots being lost, miscounted or destroyed and the undependable information that Russia may send observers to the next national elections in Germany. However, no one seems upset and no investigation, let alone a recount, has been instigated. (Compare evidence of fraud in the recent Scottish vote for independence and the lack of any inquiry.)
Is it this morbid passivity that prevents humanity from asking certain basic questions? Is this why most people seem to perceive current events merely on a daily or weekly basis, and cannot see this continuity? Why they think it’s normal, inevitable for society to limp from crisis to crisis? Why there are always new wars, new crimes, and new diseases? Why governments drive the countries they are elected to serve into servitude? Why there are financial crises from which countries are forced into debt to lending powers? Why the billions spent to solve these crises never reach the people? Why climatic disasters become ever-extremer and other threats more frequent? (Attacks occur on a broad front: GMO-food, “Chemtrails,” “nanobots,” “morgellons,” RFID chips, HAARP (17 facilities)/ HAARP-Fukushima, May 2014 Balkan floods; multiple WHO/UN-promoted pandemics: first of which probably HIV/AIDS, a political virus in Africa, SARS, “bird-flu”/”swine flu,” now Ebola –”The worst health emergency in modern times,” BBC, October 12, 2014, -- or a bio-warfare/DNA immunization test run?) Why so many go without clean air or water and starve, when there is enough fresh water or when enough can be purified, and enough food for all humanity? Is this why only very few ask themselves why the world cannot come to rest?
Or is it, as Yuri Bezmenov (KGB defector)claims, the observable result of generations of ideological subversion and psychological warfare, leading to demoralization, to be followed by destabilisation, crisis, “normalisation” and war? longer will there be clearly defined periods of war and peace, but rather a vague, endless conflict, whereby the U.S. Government can and will assert the right to target and kill anyone, anywhere, with virtually no meaningful legal, political, or ethical constraints. (Justin Doolittle, Counterpunch online newsletter, 3 July 2014)
It’s all fearfully complicated, or so we’re repeatedly told. No it’s not. On the one hand there is humanity of whatever nation, faith or colour, and on the other, a small gang of megalomaniacs. That’s all.
While this essay is intended, in part, to be a defence of Germany and Germans, and to set Hitler’s record straight, it would be fruitless to elucidate the fate of National Socialism without emphasizing its place and importance in the continuum of the plan. For there is no way to explain the course of history over the last centuries unless one assumes a single plan and a single purpose. The plan goes beyond mere appetite for global hegemony and control of raw materials by the USA and its cohorts, the major international corporations. Control of such materials implies a market for the products deriving from them. An increasingly impoverished population will have progressively less use for these products. Where there is no demand, supply is pointless. So even the financial profit from monopolistic possession of all production must ultimately end. The goal is the absolute degradation to drone status of the entire non-Jewish population of the planet, as well as the elimination of all opposition, including non-conforming Jews. Assuming a concurrent re-education and indoctrination of the entire world, including such diverse but essential areas as the regulation of religion, politics, free markets, retail trade, medicine, education, the environment, and even our perceptions of ourselves, universal psychological supremacy may coincide with physical supremacy. Eminent minds claim that this contemptibly base conspiracy is guided by a lofty, Hegelian philosophy, after his dialectic concerning thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Apart from the fact that “Hegel ascribed the terminology to Kant” (The Accessible Hegel, Michael Allen Fox, Prometheus Books, 2005. p.43), it is simplistic to reduce all major obstructions and traps that have been laid in mankind’s path to three-word terms.
However since social change usually represents the incomplete victory of the protagonists of change over their opponents, the theories of anyone who deals with social change can readily be forced into the thesis-antithesis-synthesis mould by commentators. (Thomas Sowell, “Marx’s Capital after 100 Years,” Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 33, February 1967)
Analysing an abomination does not transform its nature.
Most of the population of our planet is victim to this ancient conspiracy. They live their entire lives within a structure of interlocking lies. Adulterated food, polluted air and water, distorted information and pictures, fabricated terror infuse their every moment from cradle to grave. Permanently sunk in this morass of dissimulation, they cannot achieve the independence of judgement necessary to perceive the truth.
Surely they could otherwise see that there must be some convincing reason for all of this turbulence. In fact, peace being so much more desirable than war for 99% of the world’s population, there is of course no reason why the majority should not live in peace, at least the educated and developed part which can discuss differences of opinion without resorting to violence. There is no reason why sufficient food and water should not reach all. But this vast mass of humanity does not see any need to pose these questions and to insist on a clear, convincing answer.
None of these questions would need to be posed, if balanced conditions obtained. However, balanced conditions presuppose the withdrawal of certain influences. Unfortunately for us all, this is as unlikely as expecting a bulldog voluntarily to relax its hold on another dog’s neck. The fangs of these people are permanently fixed in the jugular of humankind. It is their interest to keep the world off-balance, to gain leverage. Their racket consists of creating a problem, waiting for the reaction, and then proposing the solution, or “order through chaos” (“ordo ab chao,” as the initially beneficent but infiltrated Freemasons have it).
N.B. just as the U.N. and the OECD promote themselves by means of positive slogans, so does Freemasonry: “Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values” (Board of General Purposes of the United Grand Lodge of England, 1984).
Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is. Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery. (allegedly forged Protocol 4)
In 2012, the innocuous-sounding European Stability Mechanism (ESM) Treaty was signed between 17 states of the EU. This new organisation is to be funded with 700billion Euros of public money, in order to enable it further to bail out bankrupt countries and/or their banks. The most ominous aspect of this novelty and one which, again, reveals the intention behind the EU Bloc, is the immuni
ty which has been granted the board of governors and all that occurs under the ESM. (As is the case in the EU itself, this is an example of “unelected councils.”) It amounts to financial totalitarianism, to a seizure of power, centralized and unaccountable, by unelected bureaucrats and government appointees, comparable to Germany’s enabling law of 24 March 1933 (except that the latter was genuinely intended to be a protection of the native German population). At a time of crisis or international emergency, aided by an ignorant and apathetic citizenry, such solutions pass almost without protest. Thanks to the ESM Treaty and the consequent citizens’ guarantee for huge interstate “loans,” bankrupt Greece, under the prevarication that its economy is now beginning to be profitable, has been given another 3billion Euros at 4.75% interest (April 2014)—a higher rate than most investors could expect to receive elsewhere.
Memos from today:
EU police want “remote kill switch”on every car, RT, January 13, 2014. “Remote Vehicle Stopping Technology” is a technology that enables vehicles to be stopped electronically by the authorities. Ostensibly to allow police to stop speeding drivers, such control will give some official the power to obstruct the progress of anyone they have deemed to be suspicious or don’t like (see “Boston Brake” above). On civil airliners, this is known as the auto-interruptible/uninterruptible autopilot, which no one on board the plane can turn off (New York towers incident/MH370/MH17), allowing all airplanes to be remotely controlled.
Cyprus was the test in March 2013. The 10% expropriation of bank clients and investors is becoming ever more likely. Although the billion-Euro “rescue packages,” by which banks can ensure returns on their investments and countries are forced to sell national property as collateral, are transparent in their ineffectiveness to stimulate any “recovery” anywhere, this expropriation will be sold as “solidarity,” destined to benefit all EU citizens. July 5, 2014: Spain will retroactively tax bank deposits 0.03% to January 1, 2014, stating the move will boost growth and job creation. This is nothing else but a seizure of deposits and an attempt to force savers to consume their savings.
November 2013. HSBC prevents its clients from withdrawing sums over £5,000 because they could not state why they wanted them. The bank claims: “The reason being we have an obligation to protect our customers, and to minimize the opportunity for financial crime.”
As usual, the reason is for the public’s good, to protect the customer against himself. Or is HSBC, as rumoured, short of cash? What if this were just a “trial balloon,” to test customers’ reaction at being forbidden from accessing their own money?
Let’s suppose that every country—or bloc—will declare a date by which all cash must be deposited and converted to electronic mode. Thereafter, all transactions must be electronic, rendering cash illegal. Each citizen will have an account and a plastic card. Every least movement will be registered. This will be explained as part of the War on Terror, the War on Drugs and the War against Tax Evasion-- and an advantage for the honest citizen. However, the dishonest citizen—or rather the one who is declared dishonest by the governing powers—will forfeit his card and therefore his right to live. He will be eradicated.
Like cars and planes, people can be remotely controlled—by chip:
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon (Revelation, 13:11)…And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, of the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six.” (Revelation, 13: 16 – 18)
No sooner predicted than confirmed:
Sweden is abolishing cash completely. Neither coins nor notes will be dispensed nor accepted. Even bus drivers will not accept cash anymore. In Italy, cash transactions of more than 1,000 Euros have already been forbidden. In Greece, the limit is 1,500 Euros, in Spain, 2500 Euros and in France, 3000 Euros. In German commerce, the number of credit card readers will be raised from currently 35,000 to 300,000. In the USA, the motherland of the largest credit card companies (Visa, MasterCard, Diners, etc.), no more $100 notes will be printed. Former Finance Minister and Obama-adviser Larry Summers challenges Europe to abolish cash. And for the vice-president of the European Central Bank (EZB) this is in any case “worth a discussion.” (Kronen Zeitung, Vienna, June 1, 2014)
“Chorlton Street to become country’s first ever “cashless” shopping area in one day experiment” (Manchester Evening News, June 21, 2014):
For today only, shops and businesses on Beech Road in Chorlton will accept only debit and credit card payments and no notes or coins. A street in South Manchester is to be the country’s first ever “cashless” shopping area in a special experiment. The British Retail Consortium revealed earlier this month that cash use has dropped 14 per cent in the past five years and experts predict physical currency will disappear inside 20 years. So the “cashless day” is being used as to test customers and business reaction to the idea. (All quoted comments in the article were positive, whereas all readers’ comments were negative.)
November 2, 2014. Penalty fees of 0.25% are introduced on deposits over 500,000 Euros at the tiny Skatbank in Thüringen, Germany. In November 2013, EZB chief Mario Draghi began a speech in Berlin thus: “Please do not deduce from what I am saying today the possibility of negative interest rates on deposits.” Im November 2013 begann er eine Rede in Berlin so: “Bitte schließen Sie nicht aus dem, was ich heute sage, auf die Möglichkeit negativer Einlagenzinsen.” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 2, 2014)
A year later, an almost unknown bank has been chosen to break this taboo. Which bank will be next? Didn’t take long. Germany’s Commerzbank is to charge big corporate clients fees if they hold “substantial” deposits at the bank. Commerzbank is the first major bank to make such a move and says it will encourage big clients to move cash into alternative investments. Private savers and small and medium sized businesses will not be affected by the policy. In June the European Central Bank (ECB) said that banks would have to pay to park money at the central bank.That negative interest rate was an effort to spur banks and other financial institutions to lend money rather than leave it on deposit. (BBC November 20, 2014). Sure. It’s to punish savers and drive cash out of circulation. That’s two in Germany. Which country will be next? France? The UK?
January 28, 2015. “Banks don’t have a need for deposits, and the demand for loans by households and firms is weak,” Niels Storm Stenbaek, chief economist at the Danish Bankers Association, said in a phone interview. “The likelihood has never been greater” that banks will pass on negative rates to customers, he said. (Bloomberg Business, January 28, 2015) If they don’t want deposits and they don’t make loans, they’re not banks in any normal sense. They’re merely part of the plot to steal your money and to control your life, operating at the behest of the gang.
Governments want total control of your money. “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalised version of the first” (attrib. Thomas Jefferson)
All these recent changes, these spanners in the works of our collective lives, have been necessitated by the financial crisis (an artificial crisis, due to bank engineered and bank beneficial deregulation, derivatives, etc.) engendered by international debt, or so we’ve been given to understand. But let’s take a moment to think “outside the box” as the saying has it—outside the box of debt, outside the Jewish box of debt. If we understand that Debt is only sacred to them in consolidating their power over us, its repayment is not sacrosanct. It’s only a vice--- both in the sense of an evil habit and a gripping instrument. The fact that debt’s vital importance has constantly been inculcated in us only proves
that those who believe this have no sense of true worth. Moreover, when one considers that many major economies are burdened with such massive debt that it is clearly unredeemable, the obvious conclusion is that they have no intention of redeeming it. It follows that the pressure that is being exerted on individual nations and their citizens to justify the use of taxes to fund repeated huge “rescue packages” for ailing and indebted foreign countries is only a deception, a way of transferring state-owned collateral under “austerity” measures to multi-nationals and thus gaining control of the state itself. The monstrous pyramid of debt accumulated over the ages and deemed indispensable to the maintenance of life itself, whether for individuals or nations, is a totally phony structure, a house of cards.
The priority of money in almost all domains, in our daily lives and conversations, is demeaning, degrading, to the human race—if it considers that it is worthy of respect. It is, in fact, non-human, inhuman. It displaces and obscures worthy occupations, many of which can be enjoyed free. If we understand that money is just coloured paper with fanciful designs to give it gravity and prevent it from being forged (God forbid!), and Bitcoin or any other substitute is not more weighty, in short that, as already said, money is just a facilitator, then we can place a nation’s debt repayment in its proper place, way down any scale of priorities. We can, in fact, forget it and forgive it. You owe me and I owe you? So now neither of us owes anything to the other. We can stop playing the numbers game and get on with life.
Imagine a dandelion. Blow the seeds away. Poof! All gone. (Is there a microscopic critter, perhaps a mutant, clinging to the stalk? Deal with it before it migrates.) After all, what is more important, a civilized co-existence, with all its known advantages, or a leap into a dark unknown under ever grimmer conditions of completely unnecessary “austerity,” and an end as debt-slaves—just because a few numbers jugglers take themselves so seriously?