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Galactic - Ten Book Space Opera Sci-Fi Boxset

Page 144

by Colin F. Barnes

  Deris smiled. “What's wrong boys? Don't tell me blood bothers you.”

  A few of the men cleared their throats. Deris waited for them to speak.

  When they didn't he added, “Come on now. We are all friends here. I prefer not to slit anymore throats ok. Now let's hit the streets. I want any and all information on Kyro Kalil.”

  The men all agreed to find out what he needed…some offered to end the bounty hunter where he stood. To that the boss simply chuckled and thanked them for the enthusiasm. No eighteen-year-old pick pocket would end a man like Kyro, that was something Deris knew for sure. No, he was the only one who could do it, but unlike said bounty hunter Deris didn't have a cushy life on a green, rich rim planet. No, he had lived these twenty years in the streets of Sentos. He was lucky to have seen the forty and four years that he had. No, on this planet he had grown old while his enemy only became stronger. He would have to use his cunning to get out of this, and Deris certainly was cunning but would it be enough? Deris would have to wait and see. Just like everything else in the streets of Sentos nothing could be foreseen with all the damned dust.


  Ariel finished washing laundry and handed the basket to Selena. She took the clothes behind their house and began hanging them to dry. Her hands were agile like her mother's but black as night like her father's. A young lady now, Selena tried helping her mother as much as possible. She had other goals in life but for the moment doing the laundry was what she put her mind to. If she thought too hard on what she was planning on, doing it would make her anxiety flare…and she didn’t want to blow her chances. Finally, being called to the streets of Sentos was a great honor. She felt she was wasting her talent beating up old men two planets over when they didn't have their masters portion ready on time. No she wanted to be here at home honing her skills…to become a daughter of Sentos.

  Chapter Two

  Kyro walked the grimy thoroughfares of Sentos. A son of the streets he once was, but today he felt like a foreigner. His fine clothes had been traded for a simple pull over and trousers. He didn't want to call attention to himself at the moment, he wanted to blend in and get a feel for his old home world. Everything felt odd but familiar at the same time. Kyro couldn’t shake the eyes on him. His stature and skin color always made him stand out. Those who didn't migrate to Sentos after earth’s great War were small and dusky of skin, but those who fled the great disaster were of many colors and sizes. So naturally Kyro stuck out quite a bit. He tried to seem casual, like he was meant to be roaming these alleyways. After a while he could feel himself starting to blend. Getting in touch with the streets again he thought and smiled. This was simply a fact finding mission, of course he was armed but he was not looking to fight just yet. Kyro rounded corners and wound his way deep into the shadier areas of town. After what seemed like an hour he was just where he needed to be. He could tell by the street kids.

  Sheriff Cane kept these poor little bastards out of the nicer parts of town but here in the poor district they scurried like rats. A few even attempted to pick his pocket but he always moved his coin pouch before they could be successful. He turned on one of them who clearly was reaching into his pocket. Kyro laughed and tossed a few coppers into the dirt, causing a flurry of movement from all corners. The bounty hunter noticed someone then standing in the shadows. They seemed to be watching him. He got the familiar tingle on his skin that told him the man was indeed. Kyro readied himself for a fight as he slowly turned down an alley, his watcher following at a distance. After turning one more corner he managed to tuck his body into a nook and waited. His follower passed by and he noticed that it was a man he knew in his old life. Royse the Rat was his name, Royse was never very friendly and only ever really looked out for one person…and that was Royse. Kyro considered whether or not it could be a coincidence. It was possible but with him obviously being spotted the bounty hunter had no choice but to see what the Rat wanted. Kyro was quick for someone so enormous, and in an instant had the much smaller man against a wall and very alone.

  “What in hades are you doing following me?” he hissed close to Royse’s ear.

  The smaller man smelled of piss and dust, he began shaking, so much like a rat he was. Royse tried squirming away once more with no effect.

  “Ok Gods damn you, Kyro. It was called for by the street master, Deris, to watch you and find out what you were up to.” the rat wheezed.

  “That's all? Just watch me? What about the tazer in your pocket?” Kyro said staring hard at Royse.

  “I don't travel nowhere without something to defend myself. I know your life is much comfier lately, but you gotta recall these streets and the dangers.” The Rat explained.

  Kyro wondered if he should strangle the man now or send a message to Deris the old way. In the end he decided to send the message and by “doing it the old way” meant he kicking out Royse’s two front teeth and shoving a small time piece in their place. It meant your time is up for whoever received such a gift and the Rat crawled straight to his boss. Point made, Kyro retired to his room in the nicer part of town.


  Deris fumed when Royse appeared before him. This stupid fool had surely gotten what he deserved.

  “How in the pits of hell did he spot you?” Deris screamed inches from the Rat.

  The small man was shaking he had just received a brutal beating and was now about to face who knows what at the hands of his boss. Through a busted mouth he tried to explain but only achieved stuttering blood all over his boss’s new shoes. The Rat was starting to question why he even went to Deris he should've just hopped a skiff to the next planet and laid low. Royse decided if he made it out of this he would definitely run from the fight that was coming. Deris had already slit one throat today and while it never bothered him at all he just couldn’t stand ruining another pair of expensive clothes. He opted instead to slap Royse across his face for the disgrace and took of his weekly earnings. At least the Rat kept his mouth shut and didn’t call Deris a coward. When the little bloody man slunk out the door he never looked back, Deris could keep his pay, he would keep his head. Deris knew the game was on and he had just the right person in mind to take down Kyro for good. The bounty hunter would never see her coming.


  Selena bathed herself and dressed. After the long day helping her mother cleaning and washing she wasn't really in the mood to hit the streets but she had been summoned…and no one refused the street lords. She didn't know what to think. Selena had tried for a year to offer her services to them in order to make more coin to better take care of her mother, yet over and over she had been refused and on Sentos one didn't mess with the street lords or question them. Selena had trained since youth with her mother's father. His name was Guise and was a master of all forms of combat. She was better than most out there but was tested very little. She was never welcome amongst the people who could appreciate such skills. Selena eventually put it all together and realized the reason. Her true father, the one who left before her birth had offended the streets, that was a big no-no in this society. Selena eventually took jobs in other places to make money but avoid any offense. However, she would prefer to ply her trade closer to home, among the streets she grew up in. She was never afraid to get the job done, she was a professional and prided herself in that. Selena just wished she had a chance here in her own streets one day. The young woman still reached out to the men who called the shots just in case, and now they sent word that they needed her assistance.

  What is this about? she asked herself while braiding her unruly hair. Whatever they asked of her, she had to deliver, there were no other options. It wasn't long and Selena was walking the alleys and dusty streets. Not long now and you will find out if you’ve been accepted. She thought as she rounded the corner nearest to the lord of the street’s hide out.

  Selena had the feeling that this night would be very important. There were many men loitering around the front of the buildings Deris claimed as his home. The ga
mbling house was not the most comfortable with all the noise but it was better than most places. Selena knew that the men casually tossing dice by the front door were actually officers that answered straight to Deris Fel. These particular men wouldn’t be here if he wasn't too. She didn't know if she should be excited or scared. Selena approached the door and slid inside. Gambling was not her thing. It was too noises and any chance of losing money was a mortal sin in her eyes. These people, some living on scraps, still came here in droves to toss their Zen away. Coins and paper fell left and right most of it funneled directly to Deris and his captains. Selena started to question if all this could set well with her after all. It all seemed sickening. like a cancer feeding on the community. Wow where were these notions coming from? She was a child of the streets like any other. She was afraid that her feelings showed through on her face. Everywhere people stopped to stare at her, men fumbled with Jack pot machines, and women spilled drinks as she walked by. I am not that beautiful she thought. So what in hades are these folks looking at then? That’s when she felt the presence of the man behind her. How could she have not noticed this man before? He was at least six-foot-four and built like an ox. He was swathed in a cloak, his face hidden deep within its hood.


  Years ago Ariel had tracked Kyro to his new home. She sent him a message to tell him he was a father…Kyro didn't know what to believe. Since that time he sent her Zen occasionally to help her and his supposed child. It wasn’t until this moment that he fully believed Ariel. He did have a child, there was no way this young lady was a child of Deris. She looked exactly like Kyro’s aunt Nita. This had him stunned. He didn’t want to cause a scene, but he couldn't let her walk into the hands of his enemies, for surely Deris would use her in some way against him. Kyro thought quickly of a way to get her attention, knowing there were too many of Deris’s men here for him to take on while trying to protect the girl. He had to know, had to speak with her. As he got the nerve to tap her shoulder she turned on him. She seemed terrified to see him standing so closely.

  Before she could act he spoke. “I believe that I knew your grandfather, Guise.”

  She took several steps back…her looks were definitely his own. He felt like he may have made a mistake when Selena looked him up and down, glaring into his hood. This man seemed familiar somehow. He was dark like her and his stance was that of a fighter. She felt this man needed to be heard but how could she keep Deris Fel waiting.

  “Sir, I have an appointment can we speak later?” the girl asked.

  His face said he was getting desperate. “It would be better if we spoke first. As I said your grandfather, Guise, was known to me.”

  Selena couldn't grasp what he was trying to impart but her grandfather was a good man and never one to break the law so this man had to be good somehow.

  “Make it fast, please. I can't keep the masters waiting.” She stammered.

  This was all becoming too strange. Selena felt her stomach turning. Kyro took her elbow before she changed her mind and led her through a side door. Out in the alley he spoke as quickly as possible to get her to understand. Another one of Ariel’s messages had found him that evening as he took his dinner. Stating that if he ever wished to know their child he must hurry to the gambling house. Selena heard him out but was unable to comprehend all of what he was saying. She stopped him time and again to ask him why, how or what? He was trying to make her understand it all before they were discovered. If one of The captains were to come out they would have to play it like they had been locked out or were smoking moon grass…anything other than the truth. Deris would most certainly be trying to use Selena. They both agreed that she needed to find out what Deris wanted but Kyro was apprehensive about her going in alone. Selena reassured her long-lost father that she could take care of herself. And so Kyro agreed as long as Selena wore his two-way communication device hidden in her braid. He needed to hear all of what was said and keep tabs on her safety at the same time. Selena quickly fitted the small device into her hair and made her way to Deris Fel ‘s office above the gambling parlor. Kyro stayed in the alley but kept to the shadows. He blended into the night and waited to hear what his daughter was walking into.


  Deris leaned against a large Smoke wood desk sipping his brandy…again be fancied himself a noble man even when he was far, far from it. He couldn't decide what yet would become of Selena but he would make his mind up after he met her in person. He would prefer to use her against Kyro. It would be so much more pleasurable than just killing her. Soon there was a knock at his office door.

  “Come in!” he called.

  The young woman who entered caught Deris off guard. Although she was definitely Kalil’s daughter she was surprisingly quite pretty. Now this is going to be very interesting indeed he thought with a smirk. Selena waked through the room and introduced herself as the daughter of Ariel, nothing was said of her father. Deris began to wonder if she knew her father or had any clue to what was happening. He decided she was either a great actress or truly didn't know. He sat drumming his fingers on the grey wooden desk.

  His mind was confused about what to do with the girl when she asked. “Why have I been summoned, Lord Deris?”

  Deris cleared his throat and began by stating, “The streets of Sentos needed your service.”

  She seemed to smile genuinely.

  “Most of all I need your help with a big problem. There is a man who threatens the way we live. The way the goodly folks of Sentos put bread on the table. A bounty hunter is loose in the city and if he is not stopped he will surely kill all of us but more importantly this man would surely kill your mother, Ariel as payback for deeds you have committed.”

  The young woman seemed truly stunned by it all and horrified at the thought of her mother being hurt or killed. Deris knew he had her right where he wanted. He really thought he reeled her in with the whole soldiers of the streets, save the lesser lowly folk speech. Selena of course smelled the bull shit but put her womanly charm to good use. He bought that she was buying what he said. It was a miracle. After nearly an hour she walked free from his office and straight to the black alley that Kyro was hiding in.

  Chapter Three

  Ariel waited for her daughter to return home. It was nearly dawn and Selena was nowhere to be seen, she paced the floor of their small house, feeling as though she would wear out the prized Earth-made rug her father had given her. Ariel lay down upon it and felt its rough fabric, she recalled doing this as a child and her father Guise would chuckle, saying she was channeling her Earth ancestors. In fact, she just loved the way it felt on her hands. Wool they called it, the old ones claimed it was harvested from the backs of some kind of small goats or something. How strange she thought. Most fabrics in Sentos were made from plants. To think somewhere across the galaxy this rug used to be the hair of a living creature. Ariel would often let her mind drift when times were too hard. When things got too much for her to bear. At the moment she needed this wandering of the mind. She felt on the verge of anxiety disorders. She was trusting that Kyro found Selena in time. That he could convince the head strong girl to listen to him. Ariel knew how Selena could be. Finally, the door opened up and her girl walked through it. Ariel was near tears when someone else snuck into the house. Kyro Kalil stood tall just inside her doorway. Did he have to come too? Ariel wanted to lay down and touch the rug again, crawl beneath it. She doubted that she could handle these emotions at this hour having not slept nor taken food or drink…fasting both for the favor of the gods and out of sick fear.

  He only nodded to her and said “I know it isn't the time. You both need rest for what's to come, and I would rather speak of the past when we know we for sure have a future. Until late, please be safe and rest up. In a few hours’ time I will return and we will go over what is to come.”

  And with that he passed through the house checking a few nooks and shadows here and there insuring their safety before sliding out a dark, back window. Selena
held her mother tight and before long they both fell asleep there on the Earth made rug.


  Sheriff Cane didn't know who he would like to hang more, the bastard Deris or the better than thou Kyro. No, the sheriff hoped to claim them both. He could imagine the kind of celebrity he would gain. Of course Deris would try to escape with his criminals and Kyro’s new rich friends would protest but Cane didn't care. If he double crossed Kyro he wouldn’t cost the city ten thousand Zen. Hell maybe he could just kill him and save the money…or better yet keep it himself. The sheriff would certainly have to be careful with that one. In the end as long as Deris was dead he didn't care and if Kyro were to get his in the process all the better. Cane figured a criminal is a criminal there was no less-than in criminality. Just because Kyro had spent the last several years hunting down bad guys didn't mean at one time he had been one of those bad guys, the sheriff knew better. Cane adjusted his trousers and stepped into the streets of Sentos. He was happy, quite pleased with himself, knowing that maybe, just maybe he could kill two birds with one stone. The thought made him chuckle.


  From what Selena had related to Kyro, Deris meant to ambush him somehow. To use all of the streets against him. He knew he would have to pay for another face soon or risk being attacked at every turn, luckily he knew just the man to see. His father had received monthly letters and of course currency to keep the family going strong. Kyro may have left Sentos but never left the hearts of those who loved him. As a youth, the two butted heads, but now as grown men they were more friends than father and son. Kaleb Kalil too was a big man and bore the same black satin skin. Anyone who looked upon him knew who he was. He was not one to ever hide from the world but in certain situations he understood why others would, and so he collected certain technology from the planet of Janus. It was even more well-known than Sentos for its criminal element. There a person could simply step into a specialized closet of sorts and come out a new person, or, if they lacked the coin for a full transformation they would at least have a new face. Kyro thought this would be his best chance at moving freely about the city without Deris knowing his every move.


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