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Voices in Crystal

Page 24

by Mary R Woldering

  Before she actually heard it Ariennu sensed the sound of rustling in Marai’s side of the tent. She grabbed for her walking stick at the side of her pallet and dove through slit in the middle of the dividing drape. No one was there, but she knew the boy in the latest group to join them had been there, looking for valuables.

  Where’s Marai? She asked herself, dimly remembering she had heard Naibe-Ellit whispering to him. She assumed the young woman must have roused him from sleep over another nightmare. They must have gone outside to talk– to keep from waking other people in the encampment.

  Ariennu tied the shoulder straps to her kalasir behind her neck. Struggling to stand tall so she could exit the tent to see someone running, cshe froze as other unexpected sounds filled her ears. Even though she had been hard of hearing all of her late youth and adult life, she needed no hint in identifying what she heard at that moment.

  “Why that little heifer...” she grinned ear to ear, poking at Deka with her stick until the sleeping woman woke.

  “Deka...feast your new ears on that...” The elder woman became dimly aware of other sounds too: shuffling, laughter, amazement and rhythmic sing-song chanting beginning to parade stealthily by the tent and toward the watering well.

  The slim, deep skinned woman roused herself, then focused her attention on the ecstatic din that seemed to be coming from the well. She shot a mortified look at Ariennu. The elder cackled with her own sense of delight.

  “Naibe-Ellit?” Deka asked “and Man-Sun?” Her face filled with a hideous expression of recognition combined with a sense of wizened terror.

  “Oh...she mustn’t...It’s wrong!” She covered her ears and slammed her eyes shut as if hearing the reality of what she suspected at the moment was too much.

  “Ooooh I knew he’d be worth it...Sweet mother, if he could make me shout like that!” Ariennu clucked with glee. She wanted to kill the young woman on one level, or at least tease her mercilessly, maybe for the rest of her young life. On another level, she wanted to cheer her on. “Wrong?” Deka’s comment caught the elder woman’s ear. She paused, snapping her head back to stare as she finished fixing her gown. “Are you crazy cold now the children have put you back to being well? I have to see this! She must be getting the stuffing pounded out of her!” Ariennu lurched. Deka siezed her left hand and tugged her back toward their mat.

  “Just where do you...Don’t you go watch them...” her voice growled, rising from a hiss to a desperate squeak.

  Ariennu’s eyes narrowed in ire.

  “You ashamed? I’ve never been ashamed. No real woman who loves Our Mother holds back on shouting her joy...or saluting a sister’s victory…” Ari snarled, tearing her hand and then her skirt from Deka’s grasp. “You let me go, before I slap you silly!” she struggled loose. Deka shrank back, hissing like a cat. She sat hard on her sleep mat, tucking her feet up, squeezing her eyes tight and emitting a silent shriek. She gripped her knees and curled her body, rocking back and forth, so that no part of her body touched the earth.

  “Ooh! You ignorant wretch! Don’t you dare call me ashamed!” she whispered through her teeth at the departing elder woman. “It’s not shame...It’s just not supposed to... not supposed like...”

  Ariennu thought the woman curled up behind her was about to add the word “this..” but she wasn’t listening anymore and really didn’t care what Deka thought. She darted exuberantly from the tent into a small rank of people who were crowded and craning, but intent on keeping her from seeing anything at all.

  That was only the beginning. As she scampered closer, looking for a place to break through the clot of people, she noticed the ground beneath her bare feet felt different. The sand in the packed dirt, pulsed and vibrated, creating an almost heavy, moist sensation that rose shimmering like a rosy mist into the air near the well.

  Oh Great Goddess, It’s the Children...They’re singing them through this, too She laughed, even more excited... That would make if feel even...whoa, goddess, they’ll kill each other with joy!

  The sand had come alive, as if the stones of the Children, sensing a common structure to their own crystalline nature, had excited every grain of sand. The pulsing nagged and clawed her at her legs, as if it wanted her to fall to the ground and become overwhelmed with the pleasure they felt too. Every part of her body throbbed and pulsed as the Children’s voices sighed and chorused; feeding on, and imitating their sighs in a strange and decadent harmony. Deka, Ariennu realized, was feeling everything she herself felt, even though she hadn’t budged from her mat. She just didn’t understand why the woman would want to deny such herself such delicious waves of pleasure by keeping her feet off of the ground.

  The elder woman had always loved “Brown-Eyes” antics during sex. The young woman was so enthusiastic and vocal. Even though Ariennu hadn’t been able to hear well until now, she always knew when the men in N’ahab-Atall’s camp were talking and teasing each other about what they were able to accomplish with her. It couldn’t have been anything like this. Ariennu felt Naibe’s passion begin to course from her own lower back through her mount and into her belly. The feeling threatened to bring her to her own knees.

  Ay...what a honey man he is, to run at her like that! Doing her like King Dumuzi, is all! She staggered a little, cursing mildly at the two older men who jammed their shoulders together and held their cloaks wide to protect her from seeing.

  Do it, girl! Do it! Her thoughts called. Give it to him, baby girl…Oh yessss… as the pleasure kept cresting and crashing like the waves of the ocean-sea of her childhood home. It seemed to go on and on and for hours. I can’t believe... she chortled inwardly. This is so very like the song...just like it.... She thought of the Shinar story of Goddess Inanna and Dumuzi …how the goddess took her beloved to her bed and how it had become part of a springtime ritual in many lands. The King would take part in a reenactment of these joyous verses with the most elevated of quadisha, who would portray Inanna. It was an honor and a blessing to all who witnessed the ritual.

  These witnesses were Kina, Shinar and Sanghir folk. For some reason, they felt compelled take part in this event just as much as Ariennu did.

  Ari understood, by being partially linked in thought, that Marai’s devotional dreams always cast him as King Dumuzi the shepherd who became a king and a god.

  Damn his silly wishes...You know they’d do that for him when the time came. she sighed Why couldn’t it have been me... Her heart was beating so fast now that she thought she would stop breathing before she managed to struggle through the crowd. I mean, he can’t be doing this on his own, can he? She is... no both of them are!

  Ari’s eyes caught a glimpse of the silver of Marai’s hair; a flash of her arms; her hands holding his hands up to gently shape and caress her breasts. Her now unbound hair drifted over her upper back as she faded forward in ecstasy, obscuring much of the view. The buzz of the men, who were gathered at a respectable distance, grew impatient and more uncomfortable by the minute.

  The elder woman pushed through the crowd to witness Marai and Naibe. She craned her head above the crowd again, then felt arms seizing her from behind, hoisting her skirt in a familiar approach.

  Ari slugged backward at the faceless young man grappling her from behind.

  “Unhand me, you filthy dog!” she snarled. “You have no idea what you’re watching, do you? Your entire family...” She started to shout at him that he was not only defiling a god with his pathetic antics but he and his entire family would never be able to afford her, even if she felt moved to allow it.

  His eyes bugged in terror. Suddenly, it was the man who was turning and struggling to get away.

  Several other men, possibly from this station or from another group of travelers already here, were milling around aroused, pointing it out and teasing each other. Another small group had gathered to spontaneously chant whatever phrases of the goddess’ song they remembered.

  “My husband, I will guard my sheepfold for you.

  I will watch over your house of life, the storehouse.

  Two women called out Inanna’s part, giggling a little and starting to gaze amorously at some of the men nearby. The magic at the well was quickly bleeding into the crowd. It was starting to tantalize the onlookers almost as much as it was affecting Ariennu.

  No one noticed her, already weaving and weak kneed, panting in delight, now that she had broken through to the front of the crowd.

  “He put his hand in her hand.

  He put his hand to her heart

  Sweet is the sleep of hand-to-hand

  Sweeter still the sleep of heart-to-heart.”

  Three or four witnesses were now chanting all of the parts they remembered from their own country, followed by a sing-song:

  “Awwww....” and “La-la-la...” at the end of each phrase or in place of a part they didn’t remember perfectly.

  Ah, Word, this is better than the best! Ari grinned, laughing a and wanting to cheer.

  She never understood, as long as she lived why she felt so much like a proud mother at that moment. She wanted to grab someone and point. She wanted to say,

  Look! See how beautiful they are! Instead, she chuckled again. Have Mercy! The sand under them will turn to glass if they don’t finish soon... The mere thought of such an event left her gasping. Ariennu could barely stand upright as the waves of Marai’s and Naibe’s pleasure swept through her own body again and again.

  As she watched, she failed to notice the attitude of the crowd around her beginning to change. Some, argued that there was nothing special about this and dispersed. Some seemed to be growing surly over some other unknown matter and about to fight.

  In the tent, Deka drew her knees up under her chin and stuffed her hands in her ears in a silent scream.

  The stars shimmered and fell. Marai poised blindly against his goddess for several moments, transfixed by the rushing feeling that maybe even his heart and soul were emptying out between her glowing thighs. Winded and sighing, he gently lay his head in her spread-out hair. His open eyes drank in the look of her radiant face and gasping, open mouth. Devouring it again, he felt her lips open to cry out in eager delight and new passion. Her back arched sweetly, once more. Her fingers clawed at his buttocks, gripping him solidly and refusing to let him go.

  “Sher-ellit, beloved...” his sigh whispered in a light breath. “Again, my goddess...”

  “Sweet god, you ...” her mouth silently shaped the words: “I love you...”

  A bolt of pain hit Marai in the head. Another jab struck his back. Shouts and voices rose around Marai, Naibe, Ariennu and the few people who had remained as selfappointed sacred witnesses. More thuds sounded on the earth near him. Something sharp struck the young woman’s leg.

  Marai’s thoughts cleared. Everyone in the encampment, it seemed, was awake and standing in the watering area slightly removed from the well where he lay with hs beloved goddess-woman..

  Some of the men had taken up broken chunks of brick to startle them. Others seemed intent on actually stoning them. Still others argued with each other about the right of these people, who were certainly not a king or a high priestess, to mock gods at the end of the planting season, instead of doing a ritual properly at the beginning of the season.

  “What in the name of El...” Marai muttered, instinctively grabbing the edge of his large fringed cloak to cover his and Naibe’s nakedness.

  The young woman’s face beckoned his eyes. Right then, at that moment, nothing any of the assembled and arguing crowd said or did mattered to him. He was in heaven again.

  Did I hear singing? Were the children singing? For the two of us? he thought, mystified but still lost in her shining golden eyes until she sighed again, kissed the palm of his hand and put it to her pounding heart.

  All the songs, beloved...all the songs... She smiled and gently closed her eyes.

  Ariennu stumbled out of the crowd, launching such a tirade of filth that the two men who had moved forward to seize her, stepped back for an instant before trying to grab her again.

  The men lifted her bodily, trying to prevent her from reaching the couple at the well. Growling, she threw both of her captors aside as easily as if they had been bundles of straw and stomped to both Marai and Naibe. Skidding to her knees by them, she threw her arms around Naibe’s neck. Raising the young woman up, she kissed her mouth hungrily, then kissed Marai’s mouth to drink in some remnant of the sweet energy they had shared.

  “You have lost your wits to mock the Lady and her king, you ill-bred goats!” The owner pushed through what was left of the assembly and spat in the dirt by Marai. He was shaking his fist in the torch-lit air.

  “Thought you said she was your daughter...What madness is that?” Several of the men, on hearing that, sobered, beginning to whisper among themselves about just what the relationship of these travelers actually might be. Considering she might be his daughter, more of them started to look for brick.

  “Uh...” Marai softly stammered, still breathless but blushing heartily. “My pardon, I beg you...” The shepherd found his plain tunic in the lump of hastily discarded clothing.

  Naibe-Ellit struggled to sit up, saw the onlookers, and slumped, giggling and dizzy, against Marai’s chest. She embraced Marai firmly, her thoughts penetrating every part of his soul:

  Oh no, you do not go anywhere... she laughed and nuzzled his arm affectionately. Marai struggled with his own confusion, and delight.

  Ariennu sat beside her, stroking the woman’s wet hair and glaring at the fading crowd.

  The host stood before his three guests who were seated by his well, arms folded tightly across his chest, waiting for an explanation as to why the entire assembly of guests had decided to get up and turn a tryst by two nameless guests who didn’t appear to be of the priest class into an occasion for this blasphemous entertainment.

  Ariennu lifted the edge of Marai’s cloak in front of Naibe while she reluctantly put on her kalisar and tied it at one shoulder.

  “You want to bring down Her divine wrath on all of us!?” The slim little man with the scrawny goat-beard, railed on, nearly jumping up and down in anguish. “I should put you out!... throw your worthless things out behind you...burn your tent...”

  Marai opened one eye when he heard that part. He knew the proprietor wanted to show he was angry even though he had been watching them and had been just as enchanted as everyone else. This had still happened at his station. He didn’t want any gods or goddesses offended by his apparent neglect. He had to at least make a show of outrage.

  “Wrath?” Marai repeated, still distracted. He didn’t want to talk, but he knew he would have to say something in their defense. “Wrath?” He gasped, wanting to hold his young goddess in his arms; sooth her, caress her, and love her endlessly instead of speaking to anyone.

  The shepherd had always been a private and somewhat shy man. What had taken place between he and Naibe had been beautiful beyond all knowing. In every way, however, he was just as shocked as the moment he realized he had killed all of the thieves at Wadi Ahu that first morning, long ago.

  “Uh...well...” He started “She’s not my daughter, or my wife’s daughter...” He kissed Naibe’s eyes, gently. “She’s my wife, too...they all are my wives...Just thought it would be better to...” He stammered. He really didn’t want to talk to the wadi owner, but knew there was no other choice.

  “To lie...” the man, proud-looking, but easily half Marai’s size, continue chattering. He was watching Ariennu whisper tenderly to the younger woman as she helped her tie her sash.

  Marai bowed his head, whispering her name again in stunned adoration.

  “Naibe...” he breathed, wanting his lips to collect into an insulted sneer. He’d been insulted, but at that moment he didn’t care.

  Lie...He said ‘lie’... he had come a strange full circle. Ilara’s father had lied to his own father. It was almost too much, even if it was true. The shepherd knew he was being challenged and that he
should leap up to fight the man, but it would be such an unfair match. Marai didn’t even want to give a snarling answer to the little man’s accusation. He wanted a million kisses to come from his lips, so he could trace his Goddess’ breasts and throat and every part of her shimmering body with them.

  “I told him to lie, good man.” Ari spoke up suddenly, scooting to insert herself between Marai and the proprietor. She looked directly at the man.

  “If we told you the truth, that I am his senior wife and my sisters are also with us, though free and in comfort, you would know we were not needy. It would encourage wanting and thieving from the others coming with us. We would have gone by water to do our duty in Kemet.” Ariennu paused to see if the man was even listening.

  He was, but he was also motioning for the other onlookers to go back to their tents and settle down.

  “Just ask us no more about why we came this way or who we might be..” she continued “In the morning, we’ll be gone and you will never see any of us again.” The elder woman glanced at the horizon which was steadily growing less black with the approaching dawn.

  The man wanted answers to more questions, but Ariennu shook her head.

  No more...See... this is a holy thing...You want to leave us now...don’t you. she spoke to the man’s heart, even though she thought he wouldn’t sense a single word. Perhaps, she thought, she could call on some untapped gift left by the Children to force the man’s thoughts.


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