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Monroe, Melody S. - Undercover Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Melody Snow Monroe

“Call when you find out anything. And, North?”


  “Hurry this up. We don’t need you running the bill sky-high.”

  “Love you, too, Sarge.” She hung up and laughed. Her boss was something else.

  She fell back onto the pillow when a knock sounded on the door. Jeez. Couldn’t a girl sleep? “Coming.”

  She didn’t bother with the robe. Whoever was at the door would have to see her in her SpongeBob SquarePants shorty pajamas. Because the door didn’t have a peephole to check who was at the door, she pulled it open with a hard yank. For the second time in a day, her mouth dropped open.

  A giant of a man stood in front of her. He was at least six foot four. Some of the illusion might have to do with the heels on the new-looking cowboy boots, but his broad chest and obscenely long legs implied he’d be tall if he were shoeless. The cowboy hat only added to the illusion.


  He ripped off the hat, exposing neatly trimmed, sandy-colored hair. “Howdy. Sorry for the late call, ma’am, but I’m here to take you moon and star shooting.”

  The words didn’t compute in her addled brain. “Come again.”

  “The moon? The white thing in the sky? Shoot? Camera?”

  Her brain registered. “You want to take pictures. Now?”

  “I believe the moon is usually up at night. It’s about the only time to get a good shot.” He looked so sincere, she almost laughed.

  “Are you Trent’s brother by any chance?”

  He did a little bow. “At your service, ma’am.”

  Perfect. “Give me a minute to put on some clothes.”

  He lifted a bag from the ground and handed it to her. “For you. It might be a bit skimpy for your tastes, but I know it will be a great opportunity for me to capture your beauty.” His western accent oozed charm. How two brothers could sound so different puzzled her. Maybe Trent worked hard to get rid of his twang.

  So he wanted to shoot her, too. Well, that was the fantasy. “You want to come in?” And watch me take off my clothes? And maybe spank me? This time she’d bring her gun, even though she was sure she wouldn’t need it.

  “No, ma’am. I’ll wait right here for you.”

  What was up with these men turning her down? “Whatever.”

  She’d have to break him of all that ma’am talking,. Only her grandmother was old enough for that endearment. Tiffany closed the door and hurried into the bathroom to see what he’d brought. She pulled out a white, stretchy dress that would barely cover her ass. What the—? She checked the bag and lifted a pair of matching spiked heels. “My, oh, my.” It was after Easter, so she guessed it would be okay to wear white shoes with the white dress, but still, one did not go traipsing in the mountain in spiked heels, let alone white ones.

  After taking off her pajamas, she squeezed into the outfit. Yikes. She was all tits and ass. In the bathroom light, her nipples were totally visible, but outside, she might not be too embarrassed. Fortunately, her blond patch of hair didn’t show through the thin white material. The big question was whether she should wear underwear. Given her goal was to encourage him to have sex with her, she decided against it. Plus, when she got her spanking and his hand hit her warm ass, the radiating pulses would be that much sweeter on bare skin. Not that she knew anything about that kind of thing.

  Just in case her boss questioned her about her procedure, she removed a few lenses from her camera bag and stuffed in her gun. She hoped he had a tripod. Moon shots would need the steadiness. She opened the door, and her giant, who’d been leaning against the far wall with his hat halfway over his eyes, jerked upright.

  His gaze ran the length of her, and he let out a long whistle. “Pardon my French, but damn, you look hot.” For a second, she could hear the same tone in his voice as Trent’s.

  “Thank you. And if you don’t mind, my friends call me Tiff, not ma’am.”

  He smiled, and his entire face lit up. “Tiff it is.” He held out a large, meaty hand for her to take.

  She clasped it and felt small next to him. “You bring a tripod?”

  “Two. One for me, one for you.”

  Okay, she was impressed with his preparedness. Maybe there were two serious photographers at the resort, and she got both. Since they were brothers, it made sense they might share the same passion.

  True to his word, the moon was nearly full and the stars amazing. In Tucson, the city lights caused too much pollution to get a good shot. “This is awesome.”

  “You ain’t seen anything yet. I thought we’d drive a little way to get away from the resort lights. Then we can come back here where I’ll photograph you. I have the perfect place in mind.”

  “You expect me to hike in this dress and high heels?” The tight skirt was bad enough this afternoon, but at least she had worn sneakers.

  He laughed, and the sound went straight to her heart. Oh boy, she was in for a long night.

  “No, ma’—ah, Tiff. You can stand right next to the car and take pictures. A foot here or there won’t make a hill of difference where the moon is concerned.”

  Worked for her. The drive took about fifteen minutes and landed them on the edge of a dark hillside. The stars were intense and the moon shone clear. They spent at least an hour taking photos, discussing the best exposures. The guy really knew his stuff. He couldn’t have faked all his knowledge.

  “I hate to be a spoilsport, but my feet ache in these heels, not to mention I’m kind of cold.”

  Even in the moonlight she could see Dom’s shoulders sag. “I’m so sorry, darlin’.” He drew her to his chest and rubbed her arms to warm her. “You are chilled. I wasn’t thinking. The mountains get downright cold at night. We need to get you good and hot so you don’t get sick. Hop back in the Jeep.”

  If he’d meant to harm her, he would have used the cover of darkness. Once again her instincts had been right on. Dominic was one of the good guys.

  While he held her, a protective envelope surrounded her. She liked knowing she was safe, if only for a little while.

  He packed up the tripods and set their cameras in the back. He slipped inside and turned the heat to high. By the time they arrived back at the resort, Tiffany was hot in more ways than one. Thinking about posing in her tiny outfit sent all sorts of erotic signals to her brain.

  She could have said her good-byes to the two men and called her boss to say these two were not rapists, but her boss might question her thoroughness. To be sure she did everything he expected, she needed to continue with the original plan.

  Dom piled out and opened her door. When was the last time someone had done that for her? A long-ass time. Even Trent had hightailed it out of the driver’s side so fast, she could have sworn he’d been eager to get rid of her.

  “Darlin’, can you do me a little favor?”


  “I want you to pose by the fountain for a few pictures. I know there’s a summer chill to the air, but I won’t take long. Can you do that?” He moved closer and ran a finger down each arm.

  She caved. “Okay.” Damn. Another man to reduce her vocabulary to one-word sentences.

  “Why don’t you get back in the car while I set up? I want you to stay warm as long as possible.”

  How considerate was that? The men she hung out with wouldn’t have given a damn if she were comfortable or not. He dragged his tripod to the side of the fountain. A minute later he motioned she come near. As she reached the driveway’s centerpiece, he stepped close. “I have this amazing idea. I want you to stand on the edge of the first tier, facing the water, and place your hands on the lip of the upper bowl. Do you think you can do that?”

  She pictured the pose. Her ass would be pointed at the camera and she’d get wet from the spray, but she guessed that was his point. “Shoes on or off?”

  “I think on for now. Let me help you up to the first level.”

  She had to lift her foot two feet to get to the lower bowl. With his large hands on her waist,
he pushed upward, and she seemed to float toward the sky as if she were weightless.

  “Darlin’?” She looked over her shoulder. He tilted his head, his gaze right on her bare pussy.

  A shot of excitement speared her deep inside. “Something wrong?”

  “You are a very bad girl. Trent tried to explain to me just how bad you were, but I never imagined this.”

  Her insides tingled, and she forced the smile from her lips. Her partial Brazilian waxing had been so worth the discomfort. To excite him further, she stuck out her ass, causing the dress to rise up her hip, most likely giving anyone at the lobby entrance a full view. “Is this what you want?”

  She looked back over her shoulder again. Light from the overhead porch shone on his face. His Adam’s apple bobbed.

  “Yes. That’s perfect. Hold that pose.”

  She tucked her cheeks in her teeth to keep a straight face. He clicked away. After a minute, he moved the tripod around her in a one-eighty arc, no doubt capturing all of her. Thrills ran up her legs and pricked her pussy. She shouldn’t be loving this attention so much, but she was. There was power in being able to make a man’s mouth go dry.

  “Okay, darlin’, now lean forward and let the water hit those precious titties.”

  Clearly, the dress would turn completely see-through, but if he wanted her nude, that was what he’d get. She titled forward and the oh-so-cold liquid slammed into her chest, taking her breath away. Her smile faltered, and she was unsure how long she could hold the pose.

  She would have thought someone would have come out of the main entrance by now, but thankfully, the shoot hadn’t drawn attention. Perhaps it was because it was a little past eleven.

  After a series of clicks, she managed to flip around without falling from her teetering heels and supported herself with outstretched arms. “How about this pose?”

  He swallowed hard. “You are the most incredible woman I’ve ever photographed.”

  He was just saying that, but she hoped his comment contained some truth. “Can I make a suggestion?”

  “By all means, darlin’. This is all for you.”

  She didn’t believe for a minute that he wasn’t excited, but the more she could stimulate him, the better. She kicked off her shoes, turned back around and hopped up onto the top lip where the water was gushing out. It would take a lot of balance, and grit, but she slowly stood, her feet in the pooled, freezing water. Yikes. Her lungs nearly collapsed from the shock.

  “Careful, there. Don’t want you to fall.”

  She straddled the fountain and the icy water shot up her pussy, nearly stopping her heart. She could last about one minute before hypothermia took hold. “Hurry. I can only stay this way for a few seconds.” She lifted her dress an inch to make sure he got the shot he wanted.

  “Jesus H. Christ.” The camera clicked away.

  She drew her hand down to her waist and funneled the water in a different direction. When she was completely drenched, she stepped away from the stream, squatted, and dropped to the second ledge, then made her way to the ground. The exhilaration lifted her spirits. Too bad her clit was now frozen and may never thaw.

  Dom rushed up to her, drew her close before holding her at arm’s length. “You were wonderful, but we must get you inside before you freeze to death. Rush right in and I’ll be there in a sec.”

  He ran to his Jeep, placed both tripods in the back and hurried back, carrying her camera bag. Darn. She was hoping he’d have some other pictures in mind, like maybe a hot, steamy shower scene.

  The cold air crawled up her bare bottom, and she jumped up and down to stay warm. Dom wrapped an arm around her. “Let’s go get you dry.”

  Those were her thoughts exactly. One couple sat in the lobby on opposing chairs sharing a drink. They didn’t look up as she and Dom passed. Good. She could have sworn the dress had shrunk. Add in the material being mostly see-through, and she would have caused quite a stir if they’d noticed her. They jogged down the brightly lit entryway to her room.

  At her room door, she expected Dom to wish her well. Instead he followed her in. At least one brother had the sense to know what she was offering. Maybe now she’d be able to test his resolve. He placed her bag on the desk.

  Ready. Set. Go. In one swoop, she lifted her dress up and over her head.

  “Whoa, darlin’. I’m not sure I should be seeing all of you so soon.” The intensity in his gaze nearly made her stumble backwards.

  “You don’t like what you see?” In the light, she could detect a huge cock bulging outward.

  “You know I do. Maybe a little too much.”

  Chapter Four

  Dominic continued to stare at her naked body, but he didn’t make a move. Damn. From the way his lips had parted and his gaze ran down the length of her, he was affected all right, in a big way.

  Tiffany wrapped her arms around her shoulders, and goose bumps filled her palms. Water dripped off her body and seemed to pool between her thighs. In truth, the moisture that had gathered in her pussy wasn’t all from water. “Towel, please?”

  She widened her stance, lowered her arms, and stuck out her chest to give him a better view for when he returned. Her blonde trail pointed straight to her proud little sex. If he didn’t take the bait, he had balls of steel.

  Dom’s hands fisted a moment before he dashed into the bathroom. He rushed back into the room with a large white towel and held it out for her.

  Was he kidding? “It will be much nicer if you dry me.” Wasn’t he supposed to be the kind of man to spank her? He didn’t act it. Maybe Trent had teased her with the idea just to see how she’d react.

  “You’re sure?” His voice turned thick and almost needy.

  She felt like it was opening night and she was falling flat. “Yes.” She raised her hands over her head, sending her tits in the direction of his mouth.

  He patted down her breasts first then ran the material over her arms and across her stomach. Just when she was enjoying his touch, he handed her back the cloth.

  “I’m not dry yet.”

  “You can finish yourself. It’s getting late. I gotta go.” His deep western accent had taken on a hint of a northern twang.

  What was up with that? Before she had a chance to think of a retort or put the moves on him, he was gone. Actually gone. She couldn’t believe it. Maybe she should check the mirror. Had some wicked witch put a spell on her and turned her into an ugly duckling?

  What man turns down free sex? Did his job mean that much to him? Something was not right in Oz. No man had ever said no to a freebie. Whatever. This meant she’d have to stay another day to work her magic on these two men.

  Still chilled, she went into the bathroom and turned the shower to hot. She experimented with all the buttons and knobs. “Whoa.” Water shot from every direction, like a car wash.

  Satisfied with one showerhead, she washed her hair and body, finally getting warm. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around what had happened today. Yes, they fulfilled her fantasy to the letter, but in the process she’d become so hot and bothered she needed some release. This giving in to her emotions event had never happened before. She’d prided herself on staying cool under pressure, but with Trent and Dominic, she’d caved.

  * * * *

  The ache in Dom’s crotch hurt like a bitch. He needed a cold shower. Something, anything to get Tiff off his mind, a mind she’d already blown. Damn Trent for making him so horny from all that talk about her being naked on top of the mountain that he’d come up with the moon-and-fountain plan. Dumb. And what was he thinking giving her a tiny white dress that showed every inch of her delicious body? He should have purchased a damned overcoat instead.

  He slammed his room door closed and placed his camera next to the computer. He never jerked off, and he would have given it some serious thought tonight, except that he really needed his sleep. There were a lot of the coworkers who would jump at the chance to have sex with him, but he wasn’t in the mood for any of the
m. Tiff had seen to that. Her striptease at the end had put him over the edge. Trent was right. He might not be able to be with her and keep his job.

  Hell, maybe the bartender had slipped a hallucinogen in his drink, and she was a figment of his imagination. No one could be into photography so much, pose like an angel, and dare him to fuck her and be human. To make certain he wasn’t in a dream, or had been given the drug, he downloaded the photos to make sure they existed.

  Once they loaded, he opened them in Photoshop. As he processed each one, his hard-on returned, only this time more aggressively. While he’d never tried any erectile dysfunction pill, this must be what it would feel like to have taken a half a dozen at one time.

  He cropped the pictures, adjusted the exposure, and pumped up the black and the clarity. Amazing. Every hair on her fair skin stood up. The shots of the water shooting up her near-naked snatch were outstanding, especially given her wide-eyed expression. And those tits. My God. Every inch of her was sensational. Her application stated she loved exhibitionism, and he had just the thing for her. If that was what she wanted, he was willing to have the world see her needy pussy up close and personal in full color.

  He flipped through the first shots he’d taken of her on the fountain where her cute butt was in full view. The thought of putting his cock in her bottom almost made him come right then. She’d be tight no doubt. Dom swallowed, trying to keep it together.

  Dear God, but she’d stretched his willpower to the max. Something about shooting the moon and photographing beautiful Tiff high up on the fountain sent his creative juices into high gear. After a year of working at this resort, he’d accumulated enough money to start his own studio. Now might be the time to leave.

  Before he took this job from his college buddy, Rod, he’d worked with two of the finest photographers in Arizona. Too bad the market downturn happened, and they had to let him go. Back then, paying off his college loans became his primary concern. The resort job answered his prayers. Now he owed no one. Being with Tiff tonight made him realize there was life out there. A really good life.

  Dom closed the laptop and headed over to his brother’s room. Didn’t matter it was past midnight. They needed a change in plan.


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