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Monroe, Melody S. - Undercover Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Melody Snow Monroe

  While she finished her coffee, she rehashed how she’d handled her undercover assignment. If she’d broken her cover to Brandon, he would have told Trent and Dominic before she got to Trent’s house. The end result would have been the same. Her being alone, and three wonderful men pissed at her.

  Damn. These men were everything to her. Okay, the great sex was a portion of it, too, but certainly not all. However, it might be for the best. Could she really expect Brandon to drive two hours every day to see her? She wouldn’t be able to see much of either Trent or Dominic since they worked all hours of the day and night. Given their job was in a place where they’d have their hands all over women, she’d be miserable. It would only be a matter of time before another woman came to the resort who excited them more. Nope. Getting out of that situation was for the best.

  Then why did she feel like shit?

  * * * *

  On her desk, the names Trent and Dominic Lawton glared up at her. She stared at the neatly printed post-it notes Hollars had given her. She needed to toss the paper, but her heart wouldn’t let her.

  She’d done some checking on her men over the last few weeks but failed to find much information on either one. Charlotte had called in her mom’s “confession” and, with the mayor’s blessing, her boss had closed the case. She, too, should put it aside, but she needed to know more about “her” men, their goals, their desires, their backgrounds.

  Having failed to get enough information, she sent their names to Bob Caulfield, their tech specialist. She told him there was no rush. If anyone could find out about her men’s past lives, Bob could.

  Since her short, four-way affair, Tiffany had gone on three more undercover operations, but her zest for the job wasn’t like it used to be. There was never a day, hour, or minute when she didn’t think of her cowboy, her college man, and Zorro. Pathetic as it sounded, she’d driven out to the resort at least three times and sat in her car, hoping either Trent or Dominic would walk out the main entrance. They never did. In a way, she was glad they hadn’t since she had no plan to speak with them if she did catch sight of them. Begging wasn’t her style.

  Or at least it never had been.

  “Tiffany?” She looked up. Hollars had his arms crossed, but his lips almost formed a smile.

  “What’s up?”

  “The new recruit’s in my office. Thought you might like to meet him. His paperwork isn’t finished, but he’ll be starting in two weeks.”

  Wonderful. More work. He better not ask her to train the sorry sap. Her head wasn’t screwed on tight enough to help anyone. “Okay.”

  She followed her boss into his glass-enclosed office. A man, about six feet, with broad shoulders, had his back to the door. He seemed to be reading a poster on the wall.

  “Here she is.”

  When the man turned around, her heart stopped for the second time in a few days.

  Chapter Nine

  “Tiffany?” Her boss tapped her on the shoulder. “You all right?”

  She pulled herself together. “Yes.” She swallowed hard. “Brandon. Hi. I never thought I’d see you again.” What the hell was going on? She glanced at her boss. “Are you telling me, he’s the new recruit?”

  Brandon glanced to the floor then back up again. “I think I need to explain.” He looked at Hollars for a second. “Is there some place Tiff and I could talk in private?”

  Hollars cleared his throat and took two steps toward the door. “I’ve got something I need to check in the evidence locker. Use the office for as long as you need.”

  That rat. Her boss knew about her relationship with the men at the resort and had never mentioned anything. Oh, my God. What exactly did he know? Her face heated thinking what she’d done with them.

  She inhaled and studied Brandon. He looked more handsome than she remembered, despite the fact he’d lost weight. “So talk.”

  He looked out into the main office area. “Not only are the walls made of glass, but I bet half the office is listening. Can we maybe get a coffee or something?”

  Her pussy was jumping for joy, as was her heart, but her stomach had gone into convulsions. “Okay.” Why did she have to give in so quickly? Nothing good could possibly come of this conversation.

  She pulled open the office door and strode out. “I need to get my purse.” No way would she let Brandon pay for coffee or anything else.

  She should be excited he was here, that her dream man had walked into her domain, but there had to be a catch. Not wanting to watch the play of light over his face, she kept in front of him.

  Outside, she pointed across Corbett Field. “There’s a Starbucks over there.”

  “Perfect.” His shoulders looked relaxed and his stride easy. Halfway to their destination, he stopped at a bench. “Can we sit?”

  “Sure.” She really did want coffee, but they’d have more privacy in the park. She sat at the far end of the seat, thinking he’d take the middle. Once again she misjudged him. Brandon sat next to her and stretched his arm behind her. Her pulse raced being this close to the man she thought she could love. He smelled like the wind, all fresh and good.

  He eased his arm from the bench and leaned forward, his fingers dangling between his knees, and his gaze traveling across the park. “Tiffany? I gotta tell you. I’ve never been more miserable in my life.”

  The sadness in his voice made her heart ache. He was telling the truth. Dare she hope she was the cause of his misery?

  At least they’d have something in common. “Why?” She didn’t want to jump to any more wrong conclusions.

  He dragged a finger down her cheek and her insides clenched. Her stupid pussy dampened.

  “I think you know.”

  She crossed her arms. She’d be damned if she made it easy for him. “Last thing I recall, you accused me of lying and doing all sorts of unconscionable things. You all told me I’d betrayed you.”

  He shoveled a hand through his hair. Brandon had shaved his beard, exposing hollowed cheeks. “I can’t tell you how terrible I feel about accusing you. You were doing your job. I was too upset to be rational.”

  A quick stab of joy shot through her, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. “And Trent and Dominic? Do they feel the same way? Or are they still mad at me, thinking of me as a liar who tricked them?”

  “They feel the same way I do.”

  Her pulse sped up, her heart railing against her chest. She held her breath for an explanation, but he seemed to be having a hard time forming the words.

  She touched his arm and an electric shock raced up her body. “If that’s true, why the hell did you let more than a month go by without contacting me? Being ignored didn’t exactly make me feel very important.” She turned toward him. “Go back about six weeks and fill me in on what’s been going through that thick head of yours.”

  He glanced to the sky and twirled her ponytail in his fingers. He lowered his hand and gently massaged her neck. She should stop him, but his warm fingers on her burning skin permeated her body and sent electric pulses straight to her heart.

  “We reacted badly when we found out who you were.”

  Ya think? “What changed your mind?”

  “After a few days, all of us realized we couldn’t go on with our routine once we’d sampled you.” He waved a hand. “Sorry, that was crass. Without making love to you. We knew we’d been wrong. As different as we three are, you were the one constant we all wanted. You were every man’s wet dream.” He winced.

  “I get it. The sentiment is nice. Thank you.” But she had a mind and a personality, too. She wanted them to want her for herself, not just for her body, but she understood that would never happen.

  Brandon shifted in the seat to face her. “Listen. We were asses and we want to make it up to you.”

  Adrenaline spiked through her body. “How?”

  “Come to Trent’s house tonight and we’ll show you.”

  She forced down the lump in her throat. “Don’t Trent and Dom hav
e to work?”

  “They quit the resort.”

  She jerked. “Why?”

  “Trent said his heart wasn’t in the job anymore once you left.”

  She listened for the lie in his voice but found none. His steady gaze and relaxed hands told he was telling the truth. “What will he do to make money?”

  Brandon studied her for a second. “He never told you he used to be a very successful lawyer?”

  She shook her head. “We didn’t really talk much. He was playing the role of a photographer, remember?”

  “Yeah. I guess we were a little too focused on what you had to offer.”

  She had come on strong. “What about Dominic? What happened to him?”

  “He opened his own photo studio in town.”

  “Really?” So his skills were on the up-and-up. “I’m happy for him.” Then why hadn’t he contacted her? “So all of a sudden, you decided to look me up?”

  “The men wanted to make contact right away, but I asked them to wait to see if I could swing the transfer.” He took her hands in his. “Tiffany, we all want to be together with you.”

  She wasn’t sure what Brandon was saying. “Define together.”

  “We want you to come live with us. I changed from a job I love to make this possible.”

  His sacrifice astounded her. “Live with the three of you. As in one house?” Despite them being related, her mind couldn’t wrap around the idea. Nor could she imagine explaining to Hollars she would be making love with her coworker and sleeping with two other men at the same time. “I’m speechless.”

  “Take all the time you need to think about it, sweetheart. We know it’s a big decision. In the last month, the three of us have worked hard to get our lives in order so the transition would be easy for you.” He trailed a finger down her arm. “We’d really like to have the chance to convince you, and to show you what your life might be like with us. We have a lot of special treats planned.”

  He winked, and her pussy contracted then gushed. Images of hands and cocks flashed before her. “What time would you like me there?”

  “Does seven work for you?”

  “You bet.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. A dog barked and a kid giggled. He ended the kiss before they caused too much commotion.

  * * * *

  As soon as she got back from her talk with Brandon, and watched him head on back to Phoenix, Bob Caulfield, their tech specialist marched up to her desk with a grin on his face. “Got the information you asked for.” He dragged a chair over from the next desk.

  Now, she didn’t much care. She’d learn all about them firsthand tonight, but since he’d gone to the trouble for her, she’d ask anyway. “So spill.”

  “Dominic Lawton used to be a professional photographer for Sessions photo.”

  “Okay. Anything else?”

  Bob told her about Dominic being laid off due to the downturn in the economy. Again, nothing new there.

  “And Trent?”

  “He was an up-and-coming defense attorney for Smithfield, Danvers and Morrison. Smithfield told me they were about to make him a partner when he up and quit.”

  “Did he say why?”

  “Trent was the defense attorney for some guy who’d been accused of raping a woman. Trent got him off on a technicality. When the man raped and beat a young woman a few days later, nearly killing her, Trent felt responsible and quit.”

  Her heart rattled against her chest. The situation was too similar to her sister’s case. “Did you find out the name of this criminal?”

  Bob’s brows furrowed. He tapped on his iPad. “I got the case right here. Roger Pruett.”

  She became light-headed and wanted to vomit.

  Bob reached over and touched her shoulder. “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes, but it has nothing to do with you. I’m sorry. Would you excuse me?” She didn’t wait for his answer. She barely made it to the toilet before throwing up.

  Chapter Ten

  Her finger had punched the first few numbers for Trent’s phone so many times the tip was numb. She wasn’t sure what stopped her from letting the call go through. Maybe she didn’t want to hear him give her some lame excuse why he allowed the guilty man to go free.

  Did he know who that man had beaten and raped after his release? Was he aware if he hadn’t gotten the man off on a technicality, Jen would be whole?

  She leaned back on the sofa, deciding not to go over to the house as planned. She couldn’t face him. How could she ever have made love to a man whose actions had caused her no end of grief?

  Her cell rang and she jumped. Her nerves of steel had sunk to the bottom of a pit. It was Brandon, probably calling to see where she was. The phone continued to ring. Damn, she might as well get this over with.

  “Hi.” She swiped the impending tear from her lash.

  “Something wrong? We’re all at Trent’s waiting for you.”

  “Yes, there is.” Her throat constricted from the betrayal. “Do you remember the man Trent got off on a technicality? I believe it was his last case.”

  “What about it?”

  “Did he ever tell you that man went out and beat up a woman, nearly killing her?”

  “Yes. It’s why he gave up law. At least for a while. It’s why he’s now going to the prosecution side.”

  Her anger diffused a little. “Oh.” She studied the ceiling, debating how to handle this uncomfortable conversation. “Do me a favor?”


  His earnest willingness softened the ache in her heart. “Tell him the woman that man beat and raped was my sister.”


  “I’m sorry, Tiff. I’m sure he didn’t know.”

  Tears streamed down her face. “Just tell him.” She disconnected, not wanting him to try to talk her out of hatred.

  She turned off her phone. Not in the mood to cook or even pop something into the microwave, she went to bed early, hoping that in the morning, her rotten attitude would improve. Too bad sleep eluded her. Her mind wouldn’t turn off and her stomach wouldn’t stop turning. By six in the morning, she rolled out of bed, not feeling any better than last night.

  She checked her cell. Four calls had come in, all from the same cell number. Trent’s phone. Too bad. She still wasn’t ready for a confrontation.

  Since it was Saturday, she had the day off but thought working might be best for her soul. Be honest. What she really needed was to spend time with Jen, to tell her the bad news about the man Tiffany thought she might even love, or had loved.

  The drive to the nursing home seemed quicker than usual, probably because she dreaded bringing up the beating. When she walked past the nurses’ station, Sally was beaming.

  The nurse grabbed her hand. “You won’t believe it.”

  Her heart jumped. “What?”

  “Showing is believing.” Sally hustled down the hall faster than Tiffany had ever seen her move. She knocked before entering Jen’s room. “Guess who’s here, Jen?”

  Her sister tossed her a lopsided grin. “Tiiif.”

  “Wow.” A grin spread across her face. “You said my name!”

  Sally leaned closer. “That’s not all.” She faced Jen. “You want to show your sister what you can do?”

  Jen nodded. She sat up in bed, grabbed the walker, and very slowly stood. Tiffany’s heart beat so fast she was sure the noise would distract her sister’s performance.

  “That’s great. No, it’s more than great. It’s amazing.”

  “Not done.”

  “No way.”

  Jen’s arms shook and her legs bent and straightened, but she made it to the door and back before collapsing on the bed. “Did it.”

  Oh, my God. “You sure did.” Tiffany raced over and threw her arms around her sister’s shoulders. “I can’t believe it. And your speech is so good.”

  “Good.” Her sister pressed her lips together. “You happy. Glow.”

  She wasn’t quite sure
what her sister meant, but the surge in energy and mobility had to come from somewhere. “Are you saying that seeing me happy made you get better?”

  Jen nodded.

  That was amazing. Too bad she had to break the bad news to Jen that the happiness her sister thought she possessed no longer existed. She hated to put a damper on the celebration by bringing up Trent’s role in the rapist’s release, but she promised herself never to lie to Jen.

  She must have been staring or something because Jen slapped the blanket in apparent agitation. Tiffany jerked up her head. “Sorry, I was woolgathering.”


  It was time to tell her. She held her sister’s hand. “One of the three men I’m crazy about used to be a lawyer.” She told the tale of Trent’s career and how he got a guilty man off on a technicality. “The man’s name was Roger Pruett.” She waited for Jen’s reaction.

  Her sister squeezed shut her eyes, but when she opened them, they were clear and not filled with tears. She shrugged.

  Tiffany let go of Jen’s hand and studied her sister. “Why aren’t you furious?” Jen continued to look straight at her.


  “True, Trent wasn’t the man who hurt you, but by letting Pruett walk, Trent might as well have harmed you himself.”

  Was that true? Trent did his job to the best of his ability. The tension in her shoulders loosened. “Wouldn’t you be mad if you were me? I hate to break your bubble about your big sis, but I slept with Trent. And liked it.” She lowered her head. “Now, I can’t live with myself.”

  “Forgive h…h.”

  “Forgive him? You want me to forgive him?” Jen nodded. “Well, you’re a bigger person than I am.”

  Tiffany sat there stunned. How was it possible that Jen was able to see what she couldn’t? Trent wasn’t the bad person she painted him to be. Her love for Jen had colored her ability to see things the right way.

  “Be happy again,” Jen said.

  Tiffany took her sister’s hand in hers. “You are so much smarter than I am. You’re totally right.” She leaned over and gave her a hug. “I hope I haven’t messed things up with them too much.”


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