Book Read Free

Looking for Lucy Jo

Page 21

by Suzy Turner

  Declan nodded. ‘I know. We’ve been trying to work out where Madge disappeared to, but so far, nothing. Not a single thing. The only lead we have is that she may have gone to Canada.’

  Marlene nodded. ‘I take it you’ll be planning a trip there?’

  Declan looked around at everybody and slowly nodded his head.

  ‘Declan? You didn’t tell us that? Why? We’re coming with you. You’re not leaving us behind. No way, not when Eleanor’s involved,’ Emma and Lana both began talking at once.

  ‘Whoa, whoa, wait a minute,’ he said gesturing with his hands to try and calm them down. ‘It’s being organised at the moment. We’re just waiting for confirmation from Patrick.’

  Lana squealed. ‘You mean you were planning on taking us along?’

  Declan nodded. ‘As much as it pains me to say so, yes. We need you. Your class is the strongest class of Watchers we’ve ever seen. We have no choice.’

  Emma turned to Diarmuid and squeezed his hand so tightly he actually winced. But it didn’t stop him from grinning.

  After a few minutes of thinking about Eleanor, Marlene, and a possible trip to Canada, Lana turned her attention back to Marlene. She scrutinised her for a few minutes, making Declan laugh out loud.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘It’s okay, Declan,’ Marlene smiled. ‘I think maybe she’s recognising me.’

  ‘You do seem a little familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.’

  ‘Perhaps that’s because you never actually saw me. Not properly anyway.’

  ‘I’m not sure…. when?’

  ‘When you first came to London, looking for Praxos. You were bullied by a couple of pretty mean guys. I threw you some rope.’

  ‘That was you?’ Lana laughed.

  Marlene laughed.

  ‘Thanks,’ Emma said with a grin.

  ‘You’re most welcome.’

  ‘You sound a lot like her, you know?’


  Emma nodded.

  ‘Thank you, that’s really quite special to hear.’

  ‘You look a little alike too,’ Lana added. ‘When Eleanor’s young, that is, not old,’ she chuckled.

  ‘Thank you.’ Marlene smiled.

  ‘So what happens now, Declan?’ Lana asked.

  ‘We finalise plans and then we head to Canada.’

  ‘But what about classes?’

  ‘Oh your classes will continue alright.’

  Lana groaned.

  ‘But we’ll be concentrating on fighting, self-defence and anything else you might need against the Skulls.’

  ‘Cool,’ Diarmuid said.

  ‘But what about Nisha?’ Emma whispered.

  Declan’s face dropped. ‘I’m afraid Nisha will have to stay here. We can’t take her. Unless her eyesight returns, it’s too dangerous.’

  ‘She’s going to be devastated,’ Emma said, standing up and pulling Diarmuid up too.

  ‘Where are you going?’ asked Lana.

  ‘To do some more healing. If we can fix her before we leave, then she can come too.’

  Marlene and Declan smiled.

  ‘Your friends are very lucky to have you,’ Marlene said.

  ‘I think we’re all lucky to have each other,’ Emma replied, as they disappeared through the door.


  News had reached them of the mysterious disappearance of a baby, kidnapped from a hospital in Chelmsford, but bizarrely the baby had been returned just a day later. Other than that, Declan could not find any trace of any further kidnappings of a similar nature in Britain, so he had no choice but to visit the hospital in question and take the girls with him, in the hope that a vision might shed some light on the matter.

  With a couple of police officers (who worked in conjunction with Praxos), Declan, Emma and Lana were led to the room where the child had been taken. Nodding for them to remain outside, Declan entered with the sisters in tow.

  ‘You know the drill, girls. We need to find out if this case is connected to Madge, in any way, and it seems like the only way we can do that is to rely on your visions. So, whenever you’re ready.’

  Lana nodded and held out her hand towards her sister.

  Taking it, Emma smiled. ‘I really don’t know what use I’m going to be. I can only have them in the water.’

  ‘Up until now. It might happen, so we must try,’ Lana reassured, squeezing her hand.


  Closing their eyes, the girls focussed hard, but all that continued to appear in Emma’s mind was the day of the attack on Praxos. No matter how hard she tried to rid her mind of the memories, the stronger they became, culminating on the stabbing of Eleanor.

  Emma let out a deep sigh and opened her eyes. ‘I’m sorry, I can’t do it. All I can think of is…’

  ‘Eleanor,’ Lana answered.


  ‘I can feel your thoughts, sis. Maybe you should go and get a drink. I’ll stay here and try on my own.’

  Emma nodded. ‘Okay, I could really do with some water. Can I get you anything?’

  ‘A coffee would be great,’ Lana said as she turned and sat on the empty bed.

  ‘A coffee for me too, thanks, Em,’ said Declan.

  Emma walked out of the room, searching for a coffee machine. ‘Excuse me,’ she said to an orderly who was walking past, reaching out her hand to stop him. ‘Can you tell me where I can find some coffee?’

  ‘Just down the corridor to your left,’ said the young man.


  ‘No problem.’

  Walking further down the corridor, Emma began to feel a little woozy. She held out her arms and steadied herself against the wall.

  ‘Are you alright, miss?’ said one of the police officers who was keeping an eye on her.

  ‘Just a little… dizzy.’

  ‘Perhaps you should sit for a minute. Here, I’ll get you some water.’


  Before the words came out of her mouth, Emma slumped back in her seat. What seemed like nothing more than a second later, she opened her eyes to find the policeman had disappeared. Her dizziness had vanished so she stood up, turning back to the room. As she approached, she thought she must have the wrong room as there was someone else inside. Turning back, she caught sight of the window. It was dark outside.

  ‘Huh? What’s going on?’ she thought. ‘Am I having a vision? Wow, no water!’

  So when the nurse came out, she hurried through the door and found a beautiful newborn baby, fast asleep in a cot beside a bed where her exhausted mother slept peacefully.

  Suddenly, a familiar face appeared out of thin air: the Skull who could create wormholes. Emma gasped at the sight, wanting to run and hide until she realised he couldn’t see her.

  She watched as another pair of long spindly arms appeared out of nowhere, and before long Madge stood in front of her. Emma wanted to smack her in the face, but she knew it was pointless. She wouldn’t feel a thing.

  Madge grinned at the sight of the baby as she leaned into the cot and grabbed her. Seconds later, they were gone, leaving the poor mother alone in her bed.

  ‘Emma?’ asked a voice. ‘Emma?’


  Lana was standing in the corner of the same room. ‘You saw that too, huh?’

  Emma nodded.

  ‘So youcan have visions without water… and without me.’ Lana smiled.

  ‘I guess so. But we’re still in the same vision now. I don’t understand.’

  Lana shrugged. ‘I know. This is totally weird. Shall we try and vision hop?’ she grinned.

  Nodding, Emma walked forward and held out both hands, which Lana gripped.

  They closed their eyes and focussed on what they’d just seen. Soon, they found themselves in the same room, but a Skull carrying the baby came in through the wormhole. He looked around before placing it back in the cot.

  ‘Shall we try and jump into the wormhole?’ asked L

  Emma nodded. ‘I doubt it will work, though.’

  But it did work and as the Skull turned around, the girls followed closely behind him, finding themselves back on the oil rig in the North Sea.

  ‘Why are they here?’ whispered Emma.

  ‘It’s probably just temporary, because of the baby.’

  ‘But they took the baby back. Why?’

  Again, Lana shrugged and motioned to follow the Skull as he walked through a long corridor until he arrived at the furthest door. He tapped on it and waited.


  ‘It’s me. I’m back.’

  ‘Come in.’

  They followed him into the small room where Madge stood waiting.


  ‘It’s done.’

  ‘She’s returned to the hospital?’

  He nodded. ‘Can I ask why, Mrs. Sophokles?’

  ‘Don’t call me that. Just call me Madge, for Christ’s sake.’

  ‘Sorry, Madge.’

  ‘Why what?’

  ‘Why you didn’t keep the baby?’

  The evil woman just shrugged. ‘She wasn’t needed anymore. Pointless keeping her.’

  ‘You could have just thrown her overboard, you know.’

  Madge raised an eyebrow. ‘I might be evil, my boy, but I’m notthat evil. Besides, I quite liked the little blighter. I think she deserved to live, with her family. For now, at least.’

  Emma and Lana exchanged confused glances.

  ‘Are we all set for Canada?’ she asked.

  ‘Ready when you are… Madge.’

  She grinned. ‘Excellent. I presume everyone’s waiting up on the helipad?’

  He nodded.

  ‘And the bodies?’

  ‘They’re there too.’

  Lana gasped. ‘We’ve got to follow them.’


  Waiting at the helipad were a number of Skulls, all huddled up together, cigarette smoke winding its way all around them. At their feet were two tightly wrapped bodies, their faces just poking out.

  Lana gasped at the sight of Eleanor, her face almost blue and her deathly eyes wide open, staring into nothingness.

  ‘She’s dead, Lana. Eleanor isn’t there anymore.’

  ‘Wait, we don’t know that.’

  ‘Look at her, Lana. She’s nothing but a corpse.’

  ‘Who’s that?’ asked Lana as they glanced at the other body beside her.

  ‘I’ve never seen him before.’

  ‘Well, just try and remember his face so we can tell Declan. He might know who it is. Now, we need to find out where they’re going.’

  ‘I think they’re going through a wormhole again. We should try and follow them again?’

  Emma nodded, watching as the young Skull performed his party trick, creating a strange water-like hole in front of them. Skull after Skull jumped in; Madge and Stan were next to last, taking both bodies with them. Just before the wormhole closed up, the girls ran forward. But it wasn’t like the time before, where they’d just followed them in, this time they were bashed about as if in a whirlpool.

  ‘Emma,’ yelled Lana, ‘hold on!’

  ‘I can see it, Lana. I can see where they are. Look,’ shouted Emma pointing outwards.

  Lana’s gaze followed hers as they tumbled about before eventually being thrown out back into the hospital.

  Emma opened her eyes and found herself still sitting on the chair outside of the room, the police officer standing beside her with a glass of water.

  ‘Oh, have a good nap, love? You looked like you needed it, which is why I didn’t wake you.’

  Emma slowly stood up, her balance a little off, and stumbled.

  ‘Oh, careful. Here, let me help you,’

  Emma smiled. ‘Thanks.’

  They walked slowly back to the hospital room, where Lana was just coming round. Declan sat beside her, grimacing.

  ‘We had separate visions that connected together,’ Emma said. ‘I think we should get back to Praxos and finalise the travel plans.’

  ‘Oh, was it a successful vision?’

  ‘Oh, Declan. Definitely,’ said both girls at once.


  ‘It’s him,’ whispered Aria. ‘It’s John. She’s got him. After all this time, he must still be alive,’ she cried.

  ‘But he didn’t look alive, Aria,’ Lana replied. ‘I’m sorry, but he looked like a… a… corpse.’

  ‘But if he was dead, why would she want his body? And Eleanor’s, too? There’s much more to this, and I refuse to believe that he’s dead.’ Aria winced as she tried to get out of bed.

  ‘No, Aria, you’re much too weak,’ said Agnes. ‘You need to rest up a few more days. I still can’t believe you demanded to be returned here, instead of staying at the hospital.’ She tutted.

  Aria nodded and fell back into the bed.

  ‘Lana, please do me a favour,’ she asked. ‘Please ask Nisha to come. I must speak with her.’

  ‘Of course.’

  Lana disappeared out of the room, leaving Emma and Diarmuid to continue healing the patients. A few minutes later, when the door opened, Aria smiled, expecting to see Lana with Nisha on her arm. Instead, it was someone quite unexpected.

  ‘Theo!’ exclaimed Emma.

  Theodore seemed to glow as he walked into the infirmary. ‘Emma, lassie. Good to see you. Healing, I see? I knew you could do it. Good for you. Right, who’s first?’ he asked, looking around.

  His eyes met Aria’s and he immediately set about making her feel better. ‘You’ll be right as rain in no time, lassie.’

  Aria smiled. ‘It’s good to see you, Theo. Thanks for coming. I take it you’ve heard the news?’

  ‘Mentors and Guardians the world over have heard the news, lassie. It’s shocking, downright shocking.’

  ‘There’s a chance she might be alive,’ she whispered before she told him about the sisters’ vision.

  ‘Aye, that sounds positive.’ He smiled. ‘Now, will you relax and let me heal you?’

  Aria smiled. ‘Don’t let me sleep, though. I need to speak to Nisha before I sleep.’

  ‘Aye, Aria, you needn’t worry. Nisha is on her way now,’ he said with a grin.

  The door flew open and Nisha stood there without her sunglasses on.

  ‘Nisha?’ screeched Emma. ‘You… you can see!’

  ‘Shhhhhhhhh, we’ve got patients sleeping in here,’ chastised Agnes.

  ‘Sorry,’ Emma whispered as she tiptoed forward and looked her friend in the eyes. ‘What happened?’

  Nisha said nothing, she simply pointed to Theo.

  Emma hugged her and laughed. ‘I’m so happy for you.’

  ‘Thank you. Me too. It’s such a relief to be able to see again. It’s really tough, being blind.’

  ‘I can’t even imagine it,’ Lana said, walking in behind her.

  ‘Theo’s a genius,’ Nisha stated before she went to sit beside him. ‘You wanted to see me, Aria?’

  Very nearly drifting off to sleep, Aria was having trouble keeping her eyes open during Theo’s intense healing session, but she was determined to speak to Nisha.

  ‘Nisha? I need to recap the conversation you had with John.’

  ‘Oh, okay. Which part?’

  ‘All of it.’

  ‘Has something happened?’

  Aria smiled. ‘I think he’s alive—at least partly alive—and I think Eleanor’s being kept in the same condition.’

  ‘You do?’

  Aria nodded. ‘Emma and Lana can explain, but for now I need you to tell me everything, exactly what you remember, okay?’

  Nisha nodded. ‘I’ll try,’ she said, and so she did, trying to remember every part of the conversation she’d had with the man she’d thought must surely be dead.


  Emma and Lana’s description of the place Madge had jumped into sounded a lot like Canada; spectacular snow covered mountains as a backdrop and deep azure blue lakes. Declan was al
most sure of it.

  ‘But why Canada?’ he pondered, not really expecting an answer from anyone.

  ‘It’s vast. They could hide in so many places over there. That must be the plan. Have you tried Sthenelaus? Maybe he’ll be willing to tell you, if you tell him the truth about Madge?’ Emma suggested.

  ‘We thought of that, but he’s been unconscious for about a week now. He’s no use to anyone.’

  ‘Have you tried using Theo to heal him?’

  ‘Yes, but it’s not working.’

  ‘What about using Theo, Diarmuid and Emma, all at the same time?’ Lana suggested.

  ‘Actually, that’s not a bad idea.’

  ‘Of all the people we could use our powers on, it has to be that dirtbag?’ Emma said, sinking into the sofa.

  ‘Yeah, but if it takes us to Eleanor, it’s worth a shot, right?’ asked Lana.

  ‘Absolutely.’ Emma grinned. ‘When can we give it a try?’

  ‘We’ll head over as soon as possible,’ Declan answered, disappearing from the room. ‘Be ready in fifteen minutes,’ he yelled.

  Emma pushed herself out of the comfy sofa and stood up. ‘That was a short rest. Come on, I’ll go get Diarmuid. Are you coming too?’ She turned to Lana.

  ‘Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.’


  Sthenelaus was being held in a secure location a few miles away from Praxos HQ; apparently the building used to belong to MI6 but had been given to Praxos as a gift from the prime minister after they’d saved him from a particularly nasty assassination attempt. An attempt that had been kept from the press, of course.

  When the small group of Watchers and Mentors arrived, Declan was surprised to see Giovanni waiting for them outside. ‘Giovanni, what are you doing here?’

  ‘I had to come, Declan. I’ve been tearing my hair out trying to find out what happened to her, to Ellie. I can’t bear not knowing. I was hoping he might reveal something.’

  Declan nodded. ‘I understand mate, I really do. We feel like you do. We’re doing everything physically possible to find her. You know that, right?’

  Giovanni nodded, taking a puff on his cigarette. ‘I understand you’re going to Canada? I want to be there when you find her. I want to go with you.’


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