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The Chronicles of Stella Rice: January

Page 7

by Adrienne Kama

  I considered this for a moment.

  Sure, I’d had the occasional kidnapping fantasy where some sexy, swashbuckling type came along and claimed me for his own. Then there was that police officer fantasy where I’m speeding down the highway and get pulled over by a sex god of a cop who gives me a citation that makes my toes curl. Then there were the spanking fantasies I’d harbored since I was a teenager. I still couldn’t figure what they were about. But they were all just fantasies, not things I’d ever consider doing in real life.

  “Okay,” I admitted. “Maybe I’ve had a few. But so what?”

  “I saw how you were looking at those paddles in my closet. Baby doll, you have sub written all over you.”

  “Do not,” I said petulantly.

  “Admit it. I saw how excited you got in the equipment room when I told you to get down on your knees. What were you hoping I’d do to you?”

  “That wasn’t excitement, it was concern.”

  “It was excitement. Admit it.”

  Jake leaned back and stared at me.

  “Okay, so maybe I was a little excited. So what? It doesn’t mean I’m a sub or that I want to be whipped. It just means…” I floundered for a likely explanation. “I like kneeling in front of sexy men. Maybe it’s a penis thing.”

  Ha, that sounded like a good explanation in my ears.

  “Did you enjoy the pasta?”

  I frowned. Pasta? Thought we were having a sexy conversation here. “Yeah.”

  “Good. Go upstairs and wait for me in my bed. I’ll be up shortly.”

  Had I been dismissed?

  Probably not since I’d been ordered to bed. Maybe he wanted sex again, which I wouldn’t protest to. This man was the best, bar none, sexual partner I’d ever had. If he wanted to go another round I was definitely not going to complain.

  Rising from the sofa, I grabbed his robe and wrapped it around myself.

  “You better be naked by the time I come up,” he admonished.


  2:48 p.m.

  I lay on my stomach, my body still humming from the pleasure of being so thoroughly satiated. If anyone would have told me this morning I’d be making love to the sexiest man I’d ever seen, I would have thought them mad.

  Abruptly, the bed dipped. When I glanced up I saw one leather boot pressed into the mattress inches from my face. I yawned and stretched languorously.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty, this night’s just getting started.”

  “Why don’t you come down here and play,” I purred.

  One booted foot resting on the mattress, he stared down at me. He held the red paddle I’d been examining earlier in one hand, and he was repeatedly smacking it against his thigh as he gazed at me, an insidious smile on his face. One look at the thick bulge in his leather pants told me he was more than ready to play. I wasn’t sure I’d like this new game he’d decided to play.

  “There’s still the matter of your punishment that needs to be settled.”

  “What do you mean?” I jerked up in the bed, wide-eyed. “I thought that was settled. I agreed to stay the night, remember?”

  He crooked his finger at me. “Come here.”

  I rolled away from him and out of the bed. “Hell no.”

  He grinned. “You don’t think you can run away from me, do you? Where you gonna go?”

  “You’re not beating me,” I said, hoping to God he’d catch me fast.

  “Who’s gonna stop me?” Even as he said this he stepped onto the bed and walked across the mattress toward me, slapping the red paddle into the palm of his hand. I guessed the point was so I could hear the crack of leather meeting flesh. The sound made my poor, sensitive skin crawl. “Are you gonna stop me?”

  I searched the room for someplace to hide, but came up empty. I couldn’t elude him long enough to hide. He’d see where I went and simply follow.

  Still playing hard to get, I asked, “Can we discuss this?”

  He stepped off of the bed and advanced on me. “What’s to discuss? You have twenty lashes coming to you and I can’t wait to give you what you deserve.”

  I retreated until I felt the cold glass of a window. I yelped at the unexpected cold against my bare back. “I said I was sorry.” I wrapped my arms protectively around myself and gave him my best, come hither, smile.


  “So! You said…” but I couldn’t finish my thought. He was getting nearer. The whack-whack of the paddle sounded louder than ever. “You can’t beat me. Not after what we just shared. It would be barbaric.”

  “This won’t be the last time I beat you, princess, so you might as well get used to the pain now. You’ll be needing a lot of discipline, I can tell.” He closed the distance between us and reached for me.

  I drew back my leg and kicked him square in the shin as hard as I could. When my bare toes came into contact with the leather boot, and more importantly, the hard bone beneath the leather, pain shot through my body like a flash of lightening.

  “Yow!” I howled grabbing my injured toes while simultaneously trying to hop away from his grasping hand.

  I was well aware of how ridiculous I was, hopping around on one foot wearing nothing but a robe and a scowl, but damn it all it couldn’t be helped. I was not going to let this man beat me.

  “Twenty-five then. No kicking.”

  “You’ll never take me alive!”

  A second later he had me. He set his arm about my waist and lifted me off of my feet. Even though I punched and kicked him, he didn’t have trouble bringing me to the foot of the bed where he’d already attached two ropes to the posts in preparation for my punishment. He must have done this after I dozed off.

  “Put me down,” I said, half-heartedly.

  He set me between the posts and made ready to secure my left arm, but as soon as my feet touched the floor I spun around and decked him in the gut.

  For a moment he was too stunned to react. Precious seconds ticked by as he stared at me. Precious seconds were enough for me to take advantage of his temporary paralysis by running to the bathroom and locking the door. It wasn’t that the blow had hurt him, in truth he’d probably hardly felt it, but it had been such a surprise. I had completely caught him off guard.

  I was still congratulating myself on my quick reflexes when I heard him call to me from the other side of the locked door.

  “You don’t think this door can stop me from coming in to get you, do you?”

  My heart quickened at the sound of his voice. I’d fantasized about just this thing a million times. Still, the reality of it was proving far more stimulating than any fantasy I’d ever had.

  My fantasies were often about some domineering male who was able to master me, but I had always been in complete control. I’d done all manners of things for my fantasy Dom, secure in the knowledge that he would never push me too far. I had no such control over Jake. He could do anything to me. Not only was he domineering, he was also large enough to carry out all of his intentions. Lust, need, and feminine yearning flared inside of me with such sudden and powerful force it left me stunned. I wanted Jake to paddle me, prepared to submit to nearly any sexual desire he gave voice to. This was the realization of years of fantasy, the culmination of every wanton urged I’d ever been afraid to give voice to.

  A quiet clicking sounded from behind the door. In the next instant the door swung open and Jake appeared in the opening, an evil grin splitting his face.

  “I see I have my work cut out for me,” he said as he stepped into the room.

  “Did I tell you how much I like the candle stands in here?”

  “How nice for you.”

  “They’re very pretty. And it smells wonderful in here.”

  He let the paddle dangle over his shoulder and stood with his legs spread. His body completely blocked the exit.

  “You know you want this, Stella. Your body is positively begging for it.” He pointed to the floor directly in front of him. “If I have to come and get you, i
t’ll go far worse for you.”

  I took a step back. “But you like me. You’ve tricked me into staying the night with you, surely—” I screamed and hopped back another step when he suddenly came at me. There wasn’t anywhere to run. The bathroom was large, but not so large that I could escape. Not even if escape been what I wanted.

  Before he could grab me, I threw myself to the floor and wrapped my arms around the toilette.

  His laughter echoed off the walls. “This! This is all you could come up with.”

  “You’ll never take me alive.”

  He crouched to the floor beside me, still laughing. “What a baby,” he said as he wrapped his hands around my waist and gave me a gentle tug. “Were you this much of a baby as a child?”

  “Shut up!”

  “Had you allowed me to do it, the entire event would have been over by now. We’d be back in bed and I’d be deep inside of you.”

  I clung to the porcelain, trying to find a ridge where I could ensure my grip, even as he pulled me free of the structure.

  “Oh, I’m gonna to beat you senseless,” he promised through gritted teeth. He hurled me up and off of the floor by one arm, kicked the toilette seat down, and forced me onto my stomach over it. “You know you want this, Stella.” He lowered himself until he was sitting astride my back, a move that effectively pinned me to the toilette beneath him.

  I struggled to unseat him. Already I could feel his cock rising to attention.

  “Let’s see you run away now,” he said.

  Even as he spoke I felt his cock grow harder still.

  Lust churned inside of me. It was a struggle not to beg him to set me on the bathroom floor and fuck me right there. He wanted to, was desperate to and I knew it. I could only imagine how I looked bent over the toilette beneath him, my ass poised between his knees.

  I tried to struggle from beneath him but the effort quickly exhausted me. He didn’t even have to fight me, his weight was enough. My breasts were squashed against the toilette seat and my stomach wasn’t faring much better. The simple act of breathing proved to be a feat in itself. When he grabbed my arms and twisted them up and behind my back so they were bent and pressed against the bottom of my shoulder blades, I decided the jig was up. Worn out, I let my body go limp beneath him.

  “You will learn to obey me, Stella,” he said too quietly. “Or I’ll have to keep punishing you. Would you like that?”

  Before I could respond he fell on me with a torrent of blows that had me screaming bloody murder. He wasn’t even using the damned paddle either, he was doing it bare handed. One hand was secured about my wrists so I couldn’t move my arms while the other did its evil work. The sharp pain of his hand against my rear was almost too much to be borne. When at last the last slap stung my buttocks he brought his hand to rest passively against my stinging flesh.

  I gasped for breath. Trickles of sweat slid down my temples and I could feel long strands of my hair sticking to my face like an adhesive. I was pushed to the limit of endurance, but still, I felt a stirring between my legs.

  “So then,” he said cheerily, “are we ready to be a good girl?”

  Before I could answer he gave my backside a pinch and I yelped in pain.

  “Well?” he asked. This time though he ran a finger between my cheeks, skimming the surface of my skin until he reached my quim. I was dripping wet with excitement.

  I writhed under his touch.

  “Mmm,” he moaned, “I knew you’d enjoy it.”

  He slid a finger inside of me and I bucked beneath him. I was rocking my hips in intense pleasure as he moved his finger slowly in and out.

  “I…I didn’t enjoy it, you beast.”

  He eased a second finger inside and I groaned.

  “Beast is it?”

  His weight suddenly lifted off of my body but I was too exhausted to take advantage of the reprieve and move. I was flattened like a pancake and didn’t know if I’d ever move again. I let my arms, loosened from his vice-like grip, slide from their bent position at my back and hang at either side of the toilette. I had no idea what he was doing right now and I couldn’t generate enough energy to care.

  “Stick a fork in me,” I murmured, “I’m done.”

  Then I screamed, tried to sit up, and collapsed back onto the toilette. The second time he dragged his tongue over my clit I bit my lip to staunch the second scream from erupting from me.

  “You taste like heaven, Stella,” he said.

  Then he entered me with the tip of his tongue. I thrust my hips toward him, desperate for release. I bucked. Had I thought myself too exhausted to move before? Well, I’d just had my second wind.

  He drove his tongue inside of me, slid it out, and then lapped up my moisture.

  “Feel good, Stella?” He asked.


  He sucked my nub into his mouth and stroked it with his tongue.

  I went positively crazy. I gasped and writhed, begged and pleaded, and nearly went out of my mind from how good it felt. Desperate for release, hungry for another orgasm, I rocked my hips against him. When he abruptly pulled back I protested loudly.

  “Like that?”

  “Please don’t stop.”

  “Maybe later,” he said.

  I heard him get to his feet, and saw from the corner of my eye that he was standing behind me, hands on hips, surveying my upturned backside. I probably should have felt more self-conscious than I had, but I was too turned on at the moment to feel anything other than out of my mind horny.

  “Right now there’s the matter of your punishment that needs to be taken care of.”

  Finding sudden strength in my arms, I pushed up from the toilette seat and twisted around to face him. “Do what? What was that you just did if it wasn’t punishment?” I opened my mouth again to protest further but wisely shut it before I could say anything that would add to the punishment.

  He turned and started out of the bathroom. “Follow me.”

  He halted at the foot of the four-poster bed and stared at me, pleased to see I had followed him from the bathroom. Folding his arms over his chest, he leaned against a post. “Are you ready to do as I say or do you need another lesson in obedience?”

  “I’m ready.”

  “Good girl. Come here.”

  With all of the conflicting emotions raging through my body, it took me a moment, but I managed. I walked to the spot he indicated and stood.

  “Raise your arms over your head so I can bind you to the posts.”

  I wanted to protest. Despite my desire, everything inside of me wanted to turn and flee the room, yet, I raised my arms as ordered. One by one, Jake bound my arms to the posts, securing them tight enough so I couldn’t move them but not so tight as to hurt me.

  “I’m not going to bind your legs, but don’t think that means I won’t if you prove yourself incapable of following direction. Got me?”

  I gave him a quick nod.

  Quietly, he stepped behind me. A second later I shivered as he ran his hands gently up and down my spine. “You’re so beautiful, Stella,” he whispered against my ear. “Tell me if I truly hurt you and I’ll stop. No questions asked.” Gently, he tangled his fingers in my hair and drew my head back until it rested on his shoulder. The kiss was long and deep. Lust surged through me. I was so desperate to have him inside of me again I thought I might faint. When he pulled away from me I did all I could do to remain standing. My legs felt like jelly.

  “I’ve decided to go easy on you, Stella. Ten strokes for your disobedience,” he said, then took a step back.

  I flinched at the whap of the paddle when he slapped it against the side of his thigh.

  “Any last words?” he asked.

  Before I could say anything he brought the paddle down squarely on my ass. Quickly, he followed the first strike with two more. The pain sliced into my tender flesh, so intense I was gasping for air. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even scream, couldn’t do anything but writhe in my restraints
and try to get away from the paddle. Unfortunately, the binds were too sure. All my squirming seemed to do was annoy him.

  “Don’t you dare move,” he ordered, with steel in his voice. “Spread those legs and stand straight.”

  “Can’t,” I gasped when the paddle came down again.

  “Oh you can. And you will or I’ll keep beating you until you do.”

  “Please. I can’t. It hurts too bad.”

  He stepped back and let the paddle rest at his side.

  “I’m not hitting you very hard,” he said. “Nothing I’ve done tonight will cause you any harm, but you’re screaming and wailing as though I’m killing you. What a sniveling little baby you are,” he said when he’d stepped closer. He grabbed a handful of my backside and squeezed. I flinched. “Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?”

  For a moment I was breathing too heavy to answer. When I finally replied, I’m sure he had to strain to hear me because I was talking with my face pressed into the crease of my arm.

  “It hurts.”

  “Hurts or stings?”

  I considered this for a moment. He really wasn’t punishing me very hard, it was more the surprise of the paddle striking my flesh then it was actual pain. “It stings.”

  “Of course it stings. How did you think it would feel?”

  I didn’t have an answer for that. Tears stung my face and my hair was a disheveled mess atop my head, however, there was a part of me, a secret part of me that had begun to come alive under the paddling. I could feel the churning of lust deep inside. I was afraid of the stinging, true, but those last few lashes hadn’t been unpleasant. There was something else there, something I wanted to examine deeper.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Jake was asking.

  “No,” I said, quicker than I would have thought myself capable.

  “Good girl. Now stand up straight and don’t you dare try to pull that ass away from me.”

  I forced myself to stand erect then braced for the coming blows. When they came I pressed my face into my arm and bit down on my bicep to staunch the screams. After two more good whacks I was screaming openly again, no longer concerned with decorum. The uppermost thought in my mind was how best to withstand this punishment. I didn’t dare squirm away from the blows anymore. I’d accidentally done that one whack ago and earned myself another three.


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