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The ADAM CODE: Back To Eden

Page 4

by Michael S. Meusch

  “ Door Ajar”

  ”20 seconds to Impact.”

  Was fighting the centrifugal forces reaching his hand out and the ARS again.

  “15 seconds to impact.”

  The wind from the open door and sounds of the alarm was all too much. Jack reached over and was almost there.”

  “ Ten seconds to impact, 5,” screamed out unable to reach his hand out.”

  “ Engage Automatic controls! , now!” ARS complied


  The ship slowly locks on the ride the gravitational waves again. Hitting first a large surface and tumbled down a large object then hit the water. Jack unfastened his pod belt. He then Located the gun and was trying to open the door. His door was jammed shut the SAV pod had just caught a gravity wave and slowed down enough but hit the side of a bluff . Siri’s door open up and he crawled over her and looked back as water was gushing in all around her face. He looked back at Siri. The water was neck high.

  “Awe, The hell with it.” He went to unlock her belt and the latch was stuck.


  He pulled as he felt his muscles at their prime. The water was up to her neck and the ship was sinking fast. She was under the water now. With only minutes to spare. Ryan took a deep breath and tried again. He was screaming under the water and his voice gargled and bubbled.

  “ Sigegirgri guwak guup!”

  His mind flashed with a thought he took the his hand over the consul. Nothing. Then he felt the blaster in his jacket. He took it out and now his lungs felt as if they were on fire! He shot the strap of the harness to her belt, wham! It came loose he pulled her from the wreckage. He cradled her neck with his hand and Saw land within 30 feet of him. Time was of the essence, and he knew he had to get the water out her lungs fast. He reached land and layed her on the ground. He tilted her head back and pinched her nose.

  “Well, “this not how I expected this to Happen.”

  He breathed in and started chest compressions.

  “One thousand on, one thousand two one, so on..”

  He went to give her another breath. She bit his lip and water was coursing out of her mouth and lungs. The she took a very desperate breathe, haaaa! Then Siri was coughing and finally I raise her up and she vomited. Jack patted her back, and she pushed him away.

  “ You.” Gasping. “Son of a bitch!” She got up holding herself up by her arms resting on her thighs. She screamed.

  “I'm not the enemy Jack.”

  “you are.”

  She sat herself down breathing heavy. Jack threw the blaster at her feet and sat down. His lungs were spent, and she needed to just rest. They both sat there in silence.

  The hunt

  The two of them were freezing and night came upon them fast. Jack gain composer of his mind and looked around the area, nothing but rock formations all around them. He looked at the water. He hadn't seen a lake since he was a child. He walked over to the water and took a drop and set the liquid on his watch.

  “analysis” the watch paused for a second then came on and off, then the hologram came on and screen the droplet. A few moments later a reading came one the screen.

  --- 95% h2o----

  Jack leaned over and drank some and it was refreshing. He thought, (How could this be? Water actual H20! But his teachers told him there was nothing out in the dead-lands), He looked around for something to stay under for safety. He took his jacket off and offered it to Siri. She grabbed it, not saying a word. The he remembered the training manual and grabbed her wrist.

  “I need your watch.” He was intense with her. She rememberd and spoke into the black shiny surface of her wrist band.

  “Automatic hover.” She looked at Ryan.

  “I can't remember the command.” She tried again.

  “Activate Hover command.” Jack scanned his mind and remembered.

  “Automatic protocol activated.”

  She looked at jack and said.

  “I told you we pick the right guy.” She tried it and SAV pod arose slowly from the water and hovered. She smiled and remembered

  “Engage first gear.” The pod slowly came towards the, and she opened the door and water rushing out from every part of the vehicle. SAV pods were small and slick in design and were shaped like an egg. The front windows and elongated front with stylized design and aerodynamic front that smooth out to the back. They both were cleaning the vehicle out, and she was starting to open up to Jack.

  “ Siri, it's going to drop down to 65 degrees tonight.”

  “ Your arm is it?”

  “It's fine just a flesh wound.” She shuffled around the pod and found some medical kit. She open it up and looked and me.

  “A little help, here.”

  Jack helped here as she bandaged up her arm and then using her teeth cut the tape.

  “There, “that should do.”

  Jack was wiping some of the sludge and mud away

  “At least we have some warm inside the pod.” Siri opened a compartment letting out a stream of water out of the vehicle.

  “You mean I going to be warm.” She climbed in and shut the door. Jacks side was bashed in,and wouldn't open. He hit the side of the vehicle. Siri looked at him and then turned the other direction. Jack Huddled next to the engine, and he gazed out at the stars. He was cursing her under his breath and soon fell asleep.

  Morning soon came and Jack woke up. Jack heard these small chirping sounds he sparked up. I had hadn’t heard the sound of birds since childhood. He stretched and took in a good deep breath of air. His attention came into focus, seeing three ships coming their way. He was trying to wave at them then Siri banged on the window. Siri turned the SL7 ingine on. She banged again. She lifted her head and open the Pod door to her side.

  “Get in.”

  “They haven't seen us yet.” Jack sounded off

  “Im not going with you, Traitor!”

  “Jack, let me explain to you what’s going on and then if you don’t believe…me… I give myself up to the UCOA”

  She open the door wider for him to crawl in.

  Jack climb over her and she kicked it in gear.

  “Tracking, us?” She pulled a bunch of wires form to the bottom of the console.

  “couldn't sleep that well.” She banked left and was dangerously close to hitting the edge of the rocks. Moving in and out of the formations and jutting structures that form arches and have moon shapes. She scrapes the side, and the ship jerked.


  She looked at Jack. “For not letting me, drowned.”

  She dodges a few massive rock formations and soon the rocks gave way to an enormous flowing river. The pod glided on it and was suspended over the flowing currents. She set it on automatic and look on the scanner.

  “They're gone.”

  “They're looking for-“

  “let me guess me?”

  “Ok who am I'm, ready to listen.”


  Siri accessed the Hub and soon she found the encrypted file. She played it for him. A Scientist appeared on the video screen. He was older and the gray streaks where forming in his beard. Under his eyes, his were pressed in, while the passage of time. His jacket was white with a round crest labeled UCOA in blue lettering. He wore antique glasses. He spoke into the camera. There were large metal encasings all around him from the floor to the ceiling. With lights flashing in the background and some old computer equipment.

  “File number 102 C 17. As the head scientist for UCOA field team research program. After the result from the test samples taken from various regions of the earth. It is my decision and that of other lead scientist and biologist and principal researchers in the field. Do to climate change over the past 160 years and significant changes In atmosphere.” He looked down and fixed and adjusted his glasses.

  “The solar flares, carbon monoxide, pollution, and acid rains. We scientist representing UCOA have come to a conclusion.”

  Jack adjusted his chair
and leaned his body into focus his attention on the screen.

  “it's is the broads calculations that planet Earth is only able to provide resources to prolong the lives only 330,000,000 people on this planet. It is my professional opinion, we should implement project green light.” The screen faded out, and Siri looked at Jack.

  “Have you woken up, to what's going on yet?” Jack look at the screen and her again, with a lost gaze her in eyes. She pulled another file from the hub.

  “We hacked into the UCOA hub infrastructure and found these older files from the rebuild.”

  She loaded the records and played the frames. The screen flashed and flickered.

  “Project green light has been implemented based on its founding members of the Alliance.” He gave the names of major companies and continued. “ It is our most unfortunate decision to modify the genetic test of all subjects accepted into the building and development of a new world order. The subject will be unknowing tagged, and their DNA will meet major marker identification qualifications. With a view of ensuring prime, genetic specimens of the human race.” The framing change over showing all the children and adults going through testing and images of men and woman being separated at and parents being forced away from their children. The outstretched arms reaching to hold their babies one last time. Jack saw the tears and misery laying and playing out before him. The UCOA members took the children and men and woman away in large buses. Jack was tearing up, and he saw Siri she was wiping here face and looked on in dead silence. Then she spoke.

  “When I was taken from the city. I was given to doctors, and then they did things to me. Later I was given up for adoption at 6 years of age. My adopted parents were wealthy, and I had every need met.” She sniffed and wiped some tears away. I hated the FOT. Then I was brought to my lost brother. We were separated at birth.”

  She pulled her hair back and was playing with as she continued. Jack was watching here and was looking for and looking at her features and the tears running down her cheeks.

  “My original family didn't meet the qualifications for the genetic markers and was left in the dead lands to fend for themselves.”

  “My brother, Yeres, found me and helped me escape.

  She looked at her wrist and grabbed her arm flexing it.

  “I decided to go back in as a sleeper.” She leaned her chair back.

  “I enrolled in the UCOA special division unit. Passed the admittance test and was enrolled. Ten years later, my brother woke me from my sleeper status. He had contacted me and ordered me to find you, Jack.”

  She redirected the craft and scanned the area.

  “I found you, and was surprised to find you as a Corp Cop.”

  Jack laughed sarcastically,


  “You’re a sleeper Jack unknowingly, and it's my guess when the admin dies, you'll be woken up.”

  “It's a security measure used by both the rebellion and UCOA.”

  Ryan scratched his head.

  “So when they wake me then what?”

  She turned her chair towards Jack.

  “Everything was planned that happened with bombing the UCOA administration. I went into the restroom. And planted three bombs. In the ventilation and one under the table and the UCOA briefing.”

  She gazed out the window and was biting the tip of her lip.

  “The explosion should have killed the AM and half the members of the UCOA.”

  “Justice has been served.”

  Jacked looked confused.

  “What about the hostage situation.”

  She gazed passed me with a gleam in her eye and a hint of satisfaction about her.

  “That was a ploy.”

  “ Shes, your sister Jack.”

  “ That elistist is my sister.”

  “ Stop the damn vehicle . Now!”

  “ Jack, I cant stop, we’ve come too far now.”

  “Your sister was taken earlier that week. She had her Implants removed, and she agreed to work for the cause, even against her adopted father. You two were separated at a very young age, Jack.”

  “When I escaped, my brother had the doctors remove my cortical blocker chip.”

  She leaned forward and lifted the back of her hair and showed Jack her scar and slowly let her hair back down.

  “Then, Jack my world as we knew it fell apart and I remembered everything that was done to millions of children and me.” Jack looked as Siri’s fist tighten up into a ball. She played the next frame.

  “This,” will tell you Jack Ryan who the real enemy is.” She stared at Jack for a moment. She redirected the coordinates of their traveling vessel. Then Siri looked at Jack and said a very condescending manner.

  “This is the real face of the UCOA.”

  She waved her hand over the console. Few moments a recognizable face appeared. The Lower right side of the screen showed another man's face. The administrator was a younger man in these frames from 30 years ago. His wisdom, and age had not yet left its deep wrinkles and impressions in his skin. His hair brown and winter had not yet frosted his follicles.

  The year 2037 December 02

  Administer: “This is the final operation green light. I want to be sure we have everything is its proper place.”

  The man at the bottom of the screen started talking.

  “Yes, AM everything is fully operational.” A glitch occurred and then the screen became normal again.

  “We've begun tagging and relocating high markers and memory reprogramming has been successful.”

  “Your work for the UCOA has been exemplary, Dr. Ryan.”

  Jack eyes open and his mouth dropped as well.

  “Wait! This can't be!”

  “It has to be a coincidence of some sort.”

  This image of his implanted father in his mind was all a lie. His father was a traitor to mankind.



  Siri paused the frame and looked at Jack with sincerity and care.

  “Yes, he was a horrible man, even sacrificing his own children for the cause.”

  Jack covered his face. Breathing heavily into his hands.

  “This can be happening.”

  The Truth Will Set you Free

  Siri, now heading the ship to her brother's headquarters. She told me about Markers and the mass genocide the UCOA was carried out on all peoples of the Deadlands. This type of thing being done to innocent people all over the world. Jack dropped the cigarette from his lips and watched it fall to the ground. He saw the white vapor stick bounce several times on the floor almost in slow motion. Siri continued.

  “From the rebuild, the Eight corporations secretly made an army and destroying each of the fallen centers of power. The United States was the last great power to fall. They infected the Governments foundations at every level. Secretly until everything fell around them.”

  “United States fell not because of the economy or all the other casualties. It fell from Corporations gaining too much power and the virus unleashed slowly into the veins of a country that was greater once than ancient Rome.”

  Jack couldn't believe what he was hearing.

  The ship came upon a massive wall of stone and slowly opened. She waited and then guided the craft into the landing dock.

  “That’s enough for now, I know it's a hell of a lot to take in.”

  “She opened the pod doors.” She put her hand on his hands. It was cold and soon he felt her warmth.

  “Let's get that chip out of you before they reactivate it.”

  The Reunion

  Siri and Jack left the vehicle and were met by a man in a long gray coat. He looked us over and said with a dimple.

  “You two look like shit, let's get you both cleaned up.”

  “Your brother’s waiting for you at the command center.”

  Siri turned to Jack and made introductions.

  “Jack this is Berera, he’s is one of the consulate members of the ant-

  Berera out his over his other arm with a clenched fist.

  Let me take you to your rooms. There are clean clothes for you both.”

  Berera walked down a plan hallway made with stones and cement. The passageway arched and angled until the three came to an opening.

  Sarah had a sparkle in her eye she looked at Jack. Berera raised his arms. He spoke in a low gruff voice.

  “Welcome to the deadLands.”

  Jack looked around and saw what looked like to him old prison cells then went vertically up and the steel bars were all taken down. The two saw women, men working and children being taught by teachers. These people were fed and clothed and being educated. Sarah looked at Jack. She put her arm on his shoulder.

  “There are no Deadlands on Earth, an another lie by the corporation.” She continued.

  “We are a fully, functioning, green community. With Doctors and lawyers and people with trades and skills. All coming together by effort and bartering and good will towards one another.”

  Jack just stood there and didn't move. Siri continued she was walking around him.

  “This place is called Sumar. Named after their Sumerian culture.” She added. “There are hidden villages all over the world. All named after ancient villages.”


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