The ADAM CODE: Back To Eden

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The ADAM CODE: Back To Eden Page 5

by Michael S. Meusch

  Jack chimed in.

  “How do communicate with one another not being traced on the HUB?”

  She was walking with him. Berera said. “You know your way around her Siri. Good to have you back.” He turned and add

  “Nice job on the Administration.”

  She took Jack by the arm and lead him down a long hall. Their people selling and bartering and speaking in their own dialects.”

  Siri noticed a group of men talking Urdu.

  “The one problem the Rebels are having is to cohesively bond everyone together. If you're Chinese you stay with your kind. If your Indian, well, you get the point. My brother is teaching the Tresnian language hoping some of the evil the UCOA has caused may actually do some good. Unite a people with a common tongue.”

  Jack noticed as the two made it near another underground entrance there were guards and they had old archaic looking weapons.

  “You find food and shelter and clothes in your room down the hall and to your left. She pointed for Jack. “Tomra will help you with any other needs you may have.”

  Chapter 4

  The Awakening

  Jack lay in his cot trying to play back everything he learned. The whole idea he bought into with the UCOA. The lies they were spreading, and he felt they almost were an empire rather than citizenship. Cloak and hidden nicely in packages of technology and gadgets. The Deadlands were not dead and were vibrant and teeming with new life. Jack got dressed and soon met Siri. She was dressed in an all gray outfit that looked much like what he say in the video of the UCOA massacre. It was Jacks guess that those were soldiers. A lot of the pieces of the puzzle was coming together in so many ways. Siri was standing next to a woman. They both were wearing the same outfits.

  “Jack Ryan, meet Darbe Winslet.” She paused,“Your Sister.”

  Siri backed out of the room.

  “I'll let you two get accounted.”

  Siri smiled at me and said with reassurance.

  “I'm glad your with us now Jack.”

  Jack looked at his sister and held her shoulders.

  “This is all too much for me!”

  Darbe out her hand on jacks, hand and smiled.

  “Yeah, those are the Ryan dimples.”

  She looked down and backed away from Jack. She walked over facing the water purification system's large screen of images flashing behind her.

  “Jack, you haven't got all the information correct.” She was playing with her hands and fiddling with her button on her shirt sleeve.

  “When I was taken from Megacity, I was a different person.” She turned to him. Tears were starting to run down her face.

  “ Thomas Ryan was not your father, he was your uncle.”

  Jack walked towards her and lit a cigarette.

  “I thought Thomas Ryan sent one to live with our father the A.M.? “

  She looked at Jack, and he saw anger emerge from her.

  “I will fight to my death now I know the truth.”

  She grabbed Ryan’s hand and led him to an area of the underground facility where the stone and mortar gave way to a vast library. The massive wall with books. There were men and women monitoring the shelves and recording the data.

  UCOA guarded this knowledge of Earth past and the men and women who helped shape of history. It's all here. This knowledge is for the elite members of the UCOA.” She grabbed a random book and opened the pages. Ever heard of these men , Jack?

  “ This one is Homer, and that Aristotle.” She gently put the books back.

  “ Jack looked in the air and shrugged.”

  Darbe continued well I have and we are sworn never to

  “ Your father is a Monster and a tyrant and has to be stopped!” She took Jack and showed him old films dating back to 1940. Jack watched in horror as men with cross Zs on their shirts took men and woman into encampments. The massive genocide taking place here on this planet.

  “ Please, Darbe I can't watch anymore!”

  Darbe switched off the screen and was crying.

  “ This is what our beloved UCOA has been doing for the past 30 years. Killing innocents who don't meet marker qualifications.”

  “ That sick bastard is trying to finish off what this Hitler character did 200 years ago.”

  She told Jack that after she had her implants removed. It's was someone took the scales from her eyes and The countless men women and children were destroyed. While he our father slept in synthetic silks and laughed while his daughter was taking her first steps. And have fancy birthday parties. He has to be stopped at any cost. Darbe took a blaster and as playing with the barrel.

  “The Consulate has decided to have me go back with you brother. You fled your captures and found me. We escaped. You will bring me back and become a spy for the Alliance.”

  She looked at the gun more intently and then looked at Jack.

  “ Then, “ my dear brother you will kill your father!”

  Chapter 5

  Return to Megacity

  Siri came to Jacks room and was standing there. Her silhouette startled Jack from his sleep.

  “Jack get up and come with me. He got up and threw his shoes on and followed her. She took jacks SL7 and we’re sneaking out Sumar.

  “I,” want to show you something.”

  Siri put in the coordinates and looked at Jack.”


  “ Oh, nothing, well, your just full of surprises.”

  She angled a wide turn.

  “ Then your really going to enjoy this.”

  They flew for about an hour, and she turned the lights off and was landing the craft. She felt Jack staring at her in the pitch black.

  “ Relax, “ I do this all the time.”

  The craft came to a stop. Siri got out, and Jack followed. The stars were like a blanket of lights thrown over the heavens. She took Jacks hand and led him to a bluff. She then took a blanket, and she and Jack laid under the open sky.

  “We’ll stay till morning. Then will leave. Jack rolled over to kiss her, and she turned the other way from him.

  “ Night, Jack.”

  He turned the other way wondering what has gotten into her.

  “Jack, did you think I brought you here to flesh(sex) with you?”

  “I remember going camping as a child.”Jack rolled toward her.


  before…” she turned over on her back.

  “I just thought, that maybe bringing you here…

  might soften things up between you and I”

  she was looking at the stars and took a deep breath.

  “Were not the monsters…

  It’s the monsters at Ucoa that don’t want you to see this beautiful display of heaven…

  You see before you.” She waited for a response and then fell silent and softly snuggled into the jacks jacket.

  Ryan was gazing at the sky and saw meteor’s racing in several bands across the night sky. He was now privileged to come to know the real world he only glimpsed at as a child. The space programs all came to a halt in 2100. The UCOA was making big promises for the first Galactic ship in earth's history. He figured it was another lie to the people. He looked at the curvature of Siri body and couldn't resist the urges anymore. He pulled her towards her and she pushed him away at first Then submitted. They kissed and embraced she stopped him. Stood before him undressing and led him to a warm spring she dipped into the water and stretched her hand out to receive him. Jack pulled his clothes off and entered the water. They mad love and were holding each other until morning the morning birds woke them as did before.

  “ When did you…” Jack said “I, mean..”

  She put her finger to his lips and whispered.

  “ I didn't, I brought you here to see them.”

  She looked as the light came into veiw and morning gave way to color and green tops and the winds that lightly kissed theses rare and beautiful creatures. Jack left the warm waters and was standing over the bluff bare naked. Siri
walked beside him.

  “The ancient's there, alive!”

  Siri was leaning on his shoulder.

  “Vary and the soil is fresh and ready to plant and harvest like our ancestors before us.” She continued putting her clothes back on.

  “The resettlement after the cleansing, Jack that was there plan. The only problem is the underground rebels are not letting them have their way.”

  Jack was almost dressed.

  “ I don't get it. If the soil has returned to a viable harvesting aid. Why are the outlanders using the Earth to plant and grow things?” Siri responded.

  “ We tried but the UCOA monitors the air and would kill anyone attempting to do so. “

  “ I brought to see the truth the real and honest truth. The planet isn’t dying its been reborn the past hundred years.”

  Jack lean down and grabbed a handful of soil. It felt pliable and cold in his hands.

  Siri continued,

  “The Am, your Father is Irrational. He was determined to get rid of 90% of the population and then resettle. Yet, he hasn’t done that.

  She reached down and pulled a flower from the ground.

  “He’s building something and need to find out.”

  Jack turned to her and his face changed.

  “ Oh, now I get this… Us last night, your slept with me to gain my trust and now, whamo!”

  Siri got into jacks personal space. Pointing at his chest .

  “Your so diff (clueless)Jack, What happened, happened


  You needed it I needed it, God I need it! She paused a second but thats besides the point.” She took a deep breath and put her hand on her forehead then brushed her back.

  “look, Jack the Resistance we need you. There’s no other way to the AM except you and darbe.

  She put her hand on Jacks chest.

  “ I think you’re a great guy, really but this was just a one-time thing, we clear?”

  “ Im sorry to be such a cold hearted bitch, Im trying to save the resistance.

  “ you and Darbe are a blessing to the cause.”

  “We are so close to turning the tide of this war, Jack.”

  Jack dropped the dirt from his hand and saluted her.

  “Yes, Captain…

  Captian, Jack Ryan reporting for duty Sir.”

  Siri got the jest of what Jack was trying to say. She went into a debriefing mode and revealed the plan. Jack sat on a rock picking at the loose stones listening.

  “If you can find one gain his loyalty and trust and another thing.

  “ Your Sister, Watch her, The Resistance feels she hasn’t been 100% honest with them.

  He got from the rock.

  “You stole her from the UCOA and pointed a gun at her head…

  “Do you think?”

  Siri turned and walked towards the small hot springs.

  “ That like I said was all a put on production.”

  “ your sister came to us…”

  She paused then walked towards the SL7.

  “Contacted us and defected the UCOA.”

  “We blindfolded he and took her to the encampment.”

  “we had to be sure, that’s when she told us about you, Jack.

  “You know the rest of the story, I found you with pasn’e after months searching, and inside intel we found you.”

  “ The rest is history, A lot of people lost there life trying to find you jack.”

  “You owe this to them and yourself.”

  Jack lit a cigarette and blew out a large plume of smoke.

  “ Ok, I’m in when dowe leave?”

  Chapter 6


  Jack was flying the hovercraft low to avoid detection on the HUB. Jack was going over the plan with his sister Darbe.

  “ Jack! Please!” I've got it all.”

  Jack gave her a serious glare then adjusted the console and turned his chair.

  “ This is not one of your games.”

  “ Darbe?”

  Darbe turns away and looks out the window and then turn back at Jack and glares at him.

  “ You're such an ass!” She turns the chair.

  “ Your think that I'm going to fuck this all up don't you.”

  Jack looks at her and then strokes her hair, she resists and pulls her head away.

  “ You think I'm a Tresnian elitist still?”

  Jack looked into her. Darbe saw they were both getting closer to the city and continued to look at Jack.

  “ No sister I just found you.”

  “ I want to make sure I don't lose you.”

  She let him touch her and then she hugged him. She added

  “ It's so diff.”

  “ Our lives, yours being a cop, hidden way from the elitist world.”

  “ Mine, being Immersed into it.”

  Jack saw, the city in the distance shining like a gem. Becoming larger as they approached the city.

  “Here we go!”

  Jack reached under the console and turns on the tracking/communication device. He re-seals the consol as he was instructed by one of the rebel techs.

  “ This Capt Jack Ryan of UCOA requesting landing,”

  “I’ve retrieved Darbe Winslet.” He looked at Darbe.

  “Request landing at Administration headquarters.” A voice soon came on the consul speakers.

  “ Capt Ryan you've been granted landing, initiating auto pilot, we'll take it from here.”

  “The A.M. Has been notified and the council. Job well was done Captain.”

  Jack turns off communication and looks at his sister. Her long deep brown hair showed a few strands of blond. Her eyes her big and emerald green. She had Ryan's nose, but it was more molded for a women face and made her even more attractive. Given her a unique quality that one couldn't pinpoint that makes us different as humans. Her cheek bones were exaggerated and traveled down at sharp angles into her lips, where full and pronounce and pouty looking.

  The rebels out her in her beige and gray training outfit she was kidnapped in. She smelled and was purposefully skinned up and a few good self-inflicted bruises.

  She put her hand on Jack and said in a very straightforward manner.

  “ Promise me, Jack.”

  “ Let me kill him, our father?”

  Jack held her shoulders firm and started shaking he with each sentence.

  “ Shut up! Darbe, do you know what it’s like?”

  “ To take a life. Well, I do!”

  “ You think about it every day when you get up and every night before you sleep.” Darbe looked down and turned looking out the window. Jack continued

  “ It stays with you and you try to reason those memories and give a good reason for your actions. Until the demons of your mind come to rest once again.”Jack let's her go turns his chair looking out in space.

  “ It sticks to you like a bruise and gets bigger over time. It's a burden you bare until your death.”

  Darbe stroked his arm and yet was becoming more curious.

  “ What was your first kill like Brother?” She added

  “ Selfdefense?”

  Jack saw she was going to let up her line of questioning.

  He lit a cig and breath out a long stream of smoke.

  “ I had just graduated, and they had Sanjay and me on street duty.” Jack peers out the window as if looking through a gateway of another time.

  “ We went to a Japanese place for lunch.”

  “ We were seated, and then a man with prematurely white hair met with an another man.” He turned his head and looks at Darbe.

  “ They started arguing and getting louder. Sanjay looked at me as if saying I've got this.” Sanjay walks over to the men.”

  “Citizens is there a problem here?”

  The men stopped arguing the white haired younger man responded. His voice was medium raspy tone.

  “ Officer, “ There is a slight problem. Maybe you could help us. You see my friend here is trying to sell
me illegal amounts of NTT here at a ridiculous price.” Sanjay moves his hand over his belt to his blaster. The man continues.

  “ Then a smart ass corp cop is getting into my business.” He pulled his blaster he was faster than Sanjay and blew a hole through his head. Splattering blood over the people in the next booth.

  “ The two men got up and ran, and they spotted Jack. He ducked as the one they call Birch obliterated the seat just missing his head. The two headed out the door. People were crying and on the ground. Jack went over to his comrade and checked his pulse. He turned to pursue slipping on the blood of his fallen friend.

  Jack grabbed his watch Frantically waving his hand over the green hologram. All while trying to run.

  “ Officer Sanjay is down!”

  “I need medical attention and backup.”

  “ I repeat I need medical and backup up!”

  “ I'm in pursuit of two suspects headed towards Mystic Lane and Jade Blvd.”

  Jack recalled the steps of that day so clearly in his mind.

  He darts out the doors and a mix of people blocking his view. The blend of colors from the citizens made it even harder to see. I knocked a few people out of the way.

  “This is UCOA police business out of the way!”

  Then he saw two figures running towards the ATM.

  “ I pulled my gun out and was running after them they were a half a block ahead of me and their long trench coats were getting larger. Both of the assailants turned into a small alley. There were Chinese mongers selling synth fruit and goods. It's was crowded and Chinese New Year. There were lanterns everywhere, and the street was full of people celebrating and dragons were marching and dancing in the distance.” My watch went off, and a voice came over his timepiece. I looked past Darby and she leaned in as if she was enjoying the story and not learning from it.

  “We're tracking your location ETA two minutes do not pursue, I repeat do not pursue. “

  Ryan saw the too getting further away. The turn his watch down.

  “Oh, the hell with it!” I ran into the crowd and fired his blaster in the air. Everyone hit the ground. He saw the two assailants running. He fired hitting the white hair one in the arm he turned and rounded the corner and disappeared from my view. The other one had long dark hair he reached out and grabbed a woman. And was pointing the gun at me then back at the desperate woman.


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