The ADAM CODE: Back To Eden

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The ADAM CODE: Back To Eden Page 6

by Michael S. Meusch

  “Any closer cop or I'll blow her head clean off!”

  He yelled at me.

  “Throw your blaster to the ground! .”

  “The hostage looked at me, and then I saw her grabbed something from right next to her. It's was a carving knife. She managed to work herself free and stabbed the assailant in the leg. “

  Jack began to perspire clenching his hands together.

  “The assailant aimed at her, before she could run away, he blew a hole through her chest.”

  “ I shot him between the eyes.” Jack put his hand on his face. Jack looked intently at Darbe.

  “Is that, “ what you wanted to hear?”

  Darbe hearing your brothers pain,

  “ Jack, “I didn't mean to pry, I'm sorry.”

  Jack moved and adjusted his seat.

  “I wake up every morning seeing those faces.” He grimaced at his sister.

  “I’ll be the one to kill our father.”

  “I know how to deal with that kind of pain.”

  Darbe stared at her brother and waited to look him softly in the eyes.

  “That's why you requested to go undercover.”

  “It's not NTT, you could care less. It's was, to catch Birch.”

  Jack finished his cig and looks straight ahead.

  “let's play the Hero.”

  Chapter 6

  The Prodigal Son Returns

  Jack and Darbe moved closer the city. The were met by a smaller Runner ship and the guided the two into the large mouth like a light port. Jack thought it looked like a frog he remembered seeing in the frames of natures on the hub. It was light all around the opening, and Jack and the Runner ship were heading directly into the frog's mouth. Jack pulled the vehicle into position and lowered the pod. It settled and finally touching the ground. Jack frowned at Darbe.

  “ What Jack?”

  Jack touched her cheek.

  “This is the part they didn't tell you about.”

  Darbe saw a flash of light as Jack’s fist came across her face knocking her unconscious.

  “Siri’s Idea not mine siss.”

  Jack open the pod and SL7 open up to armed guards helping them out. The guards all had face mask of black shielded guards on and solid green military suites. The pulled Jack out and picked up Darbe. The put them both in a medical hovercraft. A man came up and shine a light into jacks eye.

  “ I'm Doctor James, the A.M.’s personal doctor. Let me have a look at you.”

  “ We should be meeting with the A.M. within the hour.”

  Jack looked at Darbe.

  “ Is she ok?”

  “ I found her in a nearby cell, and Siri took out the guards while I snuck the A.M.’s Daughter out.”

  The doctors looked at the girl, and he said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

  “ She unconscious, but stable, we have the best physicians in all Megacity, not to worry.”

  “ UCOA owes you a debt of gratitude Capt Ryan.”

  Jack sat up and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “ Don't thank me thank Capt. Reynolds.”

  The doctor stopped and gave a blank stare then a concerned look came about him.

  “ Capt Reynolds?”

  Ryan, new he had his attention.

  “ Yeah, she orchestrated everything from the beginning.”

  The doctor started adjusting his equipment and patted Jack on his shoulder.

  “ Well, you're safe now and so is Misses Winslet.”

  “ God move through the UCOA.” He brought his hand onto his chest and then lowered it.

  The ship landed and Darbe woke up.


  “Oh God, my head, what happened.”

  Jack put his hand on her leg. Having her eyes follow his she saw they in the enemy's hands to like.

  “I feel someone hit-“

  “No, you just fainted from the extreme duress.”

  Jack looked at her intently and holding her shoulders. A guard stood over her. She smiled and said.

  “It’s ok soldier.”

  She looked at Jack and winced.

  “No one is supposed to touch me.”

  Jack could hear here the sound of gas emitting through the ships landing pads. And the slow hum changing in timbre and tone and the ship finally found its resting place. Within moments the whole side of the hover medical ship opened up, and we walk on a plank. The guards lined up around Darbe and she signaled to Jack that it will be okay.

  Two guards escorted him to a large holding area. Soon an officer came and sat down in front of Jack. He looked at Jack and didn't say a word. Jack stared back he knew the drill. He was a virtual master at being on the other side of the questioning table. The man then grimaced.

  “I’m I being charged with any crime?”

  The man walked away and was looking at the wall in front of him and then after a few moments he turned to speak to Jack.

  “We owe you a debt of gratitude.”

  Jack turned his head and said in a flat tone.

  “Thanks, “ for the warm cozy welcome mat.” The officer handed him a cigarette. Jack took it and the officer lit it for him.

  “ You, “ know the UCOA was attacked just at the moment you and Capt Reynolds left the cabinet meeting.” He continued.

  I'm officer Connery of the UCOA special services division.”

  He looked at Jack and then peered into the double glass.

  “ Why, did you and Capt. Reynolds run from the scene after the explosion.”

  Jack stared back at paused then he did something totally not in the plan.

  “Capt. Reynolds was protecting me.”

  Connery turned and had an inquisitive look.

  “Capt. Had top secret information and she was protecting it from a possible traitor in the UCOA.” Jack sat his cig at the edge of the table and was looking at it slowly burn. The smoke made circular trails and the embers from the flame slowly ate away at the white paper.

  Jack looked at Connery.

  “He goes by the name of-“


  “I've been after him for quite some time.”

  Then, I found out he was part of some underground rebel base on the outskirts of the Deadlands.”

  “ Thomas Birch.”

  Chapter 7

  The Meeting

  A month later Jack was sitting in his brand new plush apartment. There was a signal and light flash at the door and Jack went to open it. The screen showed his sister.

  “Jack, “ I need to talk to you open the door.”

  She leaned her head in and listened close to the metal surface of the smooth metal entrance.

  “Hey, sis come on in.”

  Darbe came into the room. She was rid of her security detail only because she and Jack were in a special facility connected to the A.M.’s living quarters. Jack hits a button and open the doors for his sister to come in. She was holding a small bag. In the bag was a small object she sat next to the communication panel. Then she sat on Jack’s sofa. The seating program located in the chair conformed to her tight body. She lean back and crossed her legs.

  “This isn't a social visit. I blocked any wandering ears with that jammer ball over there.”

  “Sit down and listen to me.”

  “Jack sat across from her.”

  “No more tricks. Your father because of plastered my face over one of the buildings and now I can go anywhere with guards or people touching my clothes and trying to hold my hand.”

  Darbe was listening then took out a familiar device. She prepared everything like a pro.

  “ Darbe, your not a vid head are you?”

  Darbe looked at her brother and was hold the device in her hand. She said to Jack.

  “Do you trust your own blood sister?”

  She held it towards Jack.

  She she took an implant out and then sat it on the table in front over.

  “Jack, I need your answer.”

  “That, I trust yo
u? Yes, but this.”

  “Darbe you’re my sister, this isn't a sex program.”

  Jack looked at her and had a look of disgust on his face.

  “God, no Jack?”

  “I can't say much because I'm not sure how much the jammer will block.”

  She looked into jack’s eyes and then out the Implant in her eye. Then held the vid stick pointing the light towards Jack.

  “I think you'll like the program, it will, let's say, rekindle some memories.”

  She waved the wand over her eye and was frozen.

  Jack grabbed the implant and put the gel gridded membrane over his Iris and then held the wand close to his eye.

  “ I really hate this shit.”

  He suddenly found himself at the bar in the Numar district and there was Siri and Darbe sitting at a table along with Niri her brother.

  “ Jack, over here.”

  Jack looked around he was totally emersed in the vid program but wasn't high and very coherent. He walk over and sat down. Siri grabbed his hand.

  “Hello, Jack, surprised.”

  Jack felt her hand and missed her touch.

  “ I'm a bit diff right now, but I'm thinking this NTT whole thing is a cover for something bigger?”

  Siri’s brother nodded his head.

  We stole the technology and are working with major neurological program specialist her in many of the districts. We made it a drug, adding the NTT to the program all the while pulling the UCOA off the scent of emersed synaptic communication, ESC.”

  Jack hit the simulated table and glowing grid lines appeared and the program glitched for a moment.

  “ All this time I'm trying to stop the one thing I'm a part of now.”

  Siri, held jacks hand.

  “ Jack, listen to me, there isn't much time. Inside resources tell us that your father will finally be contacting you personally and Darbe to reveal his master plan.”

  Siri and her brother started to fade out and then came back in to focus. The simulated clubs light were making her a being of light, like hen they first met in Numar.

  “ You have to gain his trust play along with him and become a son that will do his bidding. Then will contact you when to strike.

  Siri then looked at Darbe. Her voice was hollowing and echoing out, fading and returning.

  “ Darbe, you will be contacted by some of our inside spies. Use your influence and get them into the council chamber. And await instructions. “

  “ Times,up see you both soon. And Jack, Darbe will give you something to use and specify the time to Vid me.”

  Jack felt the program shutting down. He was pulled out of it and found himself looking at the A.M. with the a few house guards at the entrance. Darbe came to and was shocked seeing her father and and looked at me the said.

  “ Father, it's been a month why haven't I heard from you?”

  The the greyed haired man looked at Darbe and Jack Then after a moment of brief silence raise himself out of his chair.

  “ Well, I see your up to your same old negligent forms of escapism Darbe.”

  He breathed out a long sigh.

  “ I'm sorry my dear, give your father a hug.”

  Darbe looked at Jack and moving his eyes towards the older image of his father he saw on the hub with Siri. He was late fifties or early sixties and he was well groomed and his beard was well shaped and with the center and sides of white connecting in the middle. He had a preachers collar but it was baige and tone on tone. He had shiny synth-leather boots and white rode that started on his shoulders and came down almost like a cape. Barley touching the floor as he moved. Darbe ran to him and he held her tight.

  “ That's my princess, God I've missed you.”

  Darbe back away slightly.

  “ Father you had me stuck in my Flat for a whole month and not a word.”

  William Winslet looked and the guards and they nodded and went outside and the shiny metal doors came to a close.

  “ Angel, my dear we are under attack by rebel forces. We had to take care of many matters. I was in all twelve districts. I'm truly sorry my dearest.”

  He looked at Jack. He slowly walked over to him and was sizing him up.

  “ Jack, I've been watching you for a very long time. Well, that is the UCOA has had its eye on you.”

  He walked back and peered out the window.

  “ I take it you too a now getting closer to each other.”

  He looked at the both of them and then at the wand on the table.

  “ I hope to learn more about my son at dinner.”

  “ say, 6:30 I'll have my personal guards escort you both.”

  Darbe looked at Jack and then her father. He was walking towards the door.

  “ Yes, Darbe Jack is your lost brother, and has shown incredible faith in the UCOA. I have great plans for you Jack.”

  He exited and Jack and Darbe laid out on the sofa breathing out looking at one another.

  “ Hello, my sex bot sister.” He smile.

  Darbe kicked him.

  “ Asshole, that was so fucking close Jack.”

  “ My father, that bastard can bypass any security in this building.”

  Jack sat up.

  Jack pulled her ear close to his face. Whispering

  “ We have to be extra careful on what we say.”

  “ The probably are watching us as well.” He acted like he was laughing and looked at Darbe.

  “ I’ll check the area for bugs as soon as it's pitch black you go ahead and head to bed and say good night.”

  Darbe broke away from Jack and waited a moment and then stretched her arms out and yawned. Jack rolled his and looked at her like “ Really Darbe?”.

  “Well now you know we are brother and sister now. And this has been draining for me.”


  Jack shook his head and smirked looking at his sister. She passed him he whispered.

  “ That's a bit dramatic!”

  she winked at Jack.

  “ See you at dinner, brother.”

  Jack walked her to the door and closed it behind her.

  He would find out so much more when he would vid with Siri. ( just like in the very beginning of the this whole mess.

  Jack was dressed in a tailored suit and he dressed it up within a tie that had the consistency of metal that came together like Chain male and formed a solid tie. He stood back and looked into the mirror. His father had filled his closets with gifts and clothes and special unique item the average citizen couldn't afford. Ryan wasn't used use to this kind of treatment. He felt as is if he was being groomed for something bigger than all he knew. This was just stuff, junk and trinkets that set the comman man and the elitist apart from one another. He looked at his new phone and it's solid platinum encasement. One the back was inscribed the name Jack Arnold Winslet. JAW that was a funny name. He knew himself as Jack Ryan and wasn't planning on playing the A.M.’s sentiment for long. He also knew if he got to close the his Fathers emotions he could be swade not to kill him. He was nothing more than a pawn in the game of to battling fractions. The larger the fraction with more financial backing and establishment and ties was the lawing governmental power the other opposing force was always the terrorist. It had always been that way. Just all how one see’s things. The door chimed Jack looked at himself one more time.

  “ Ok, Jack Arnold Winslet, play the game and don't get sucked into their nest of lies.”

  He door chimed again and Jack walk over to it and he saw Darbe in a beautiful silver dress and with her hair silvered with blue shimmering highlights. Her lips were silver and she was accompanied by her two best friends and guards for the evening. He open the door.

  “ If I wasn't your new found brother, I would say my dear you would be in trouble.”

  Darbe smiled,

  “how bout the hair?”

  “ 100 or 1 years, a woman still takes 4 hours to get ready.”

  “ Nothing really changes.”

Jack chimed in smiling walking with her.

  “ And a. Man still gets there to early and has to wait.”

  They both laughed. She held his arm as they walked.

  “ Jack, well “ I just wanted you to know having a big brother, well I'm glad you are, well you.”

  “ Makes sense?”

  Jack slipped a sensor onto her silver dress.

  “ It's does it's like we are like on another in so many ways”

  He looked at the guards. Then gazed at her.

  “ it's almost we have the same comman goal”

  Darbe smiled and the took and hovervater to the 5th floor.

  Darbe raised her posture. She at that moment became like royalty, bread fro these kinds of moments. She was looking straight ahead and gave him some instruction.

  “ Always wait till you are spoken too.”

  “ When he does address you give simple short answers and smile at your guest, never to offend him in their presence.”

  She continued and had a serious look upon her face.

  “ Jack, “ This is all very important.”

  Jack caught up with her and the side facing one another eye to eye.

  “ Yes, remember to bow and then shake as many hands possible.”

  “ Don't discuss Politcal issues unless I involve your…”

  Darbe jumped in.

  “ UCOA advisement council.”

  “The UCOA press is always no comment.”

  They reach the door and and she looked at Jack straight in his tie. Wiping dust and traces of lint from his dark grey sleeve.

  “ You ready?”

  The guards open the door and there were about 50 people all standing around. Both Jack and Darbe walked in and it was silent. Then one of the council members started clapping and soon the rest followed suit.

  Chapter 8

  The Turn Coat


  Jack found a quiet place in his closet. He looked at his new watched his father had left for him. It was 5:30 time to hook into the ESC. He inserted the soft wet gel implant and flashed the light to his eye. He instantly found himself back at the club in Numar and the two blue angles were there waiting in the same booth. Jack walked over and sat down. Siri was with Pasn’e and they had devilish smiles on there painted white faces. Her same outfits and blue hair and lip stick.


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