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Page 8

by Addison Jane

  “Well, now you’re not alone,” I tell him with a gentle smile.

  He grins back, it’s genuine and happy. “I think I need to try this again,” he murmurs, his eyes watching my mouth. I frown in confusion, but his hands reach out and frame my face. His eyes move to mine as if this time he’s deciding to be a gentleman and ask for my permission—not like earlier where he’d just stormed through the door and mauled me.

  Not that I didn’t entirely hate it…surprisingly.

  I should pull away.

  Is this really the right time? Is he really in the right headspace?

  The energy whipping around us is intense and pulsing, and while my head wants to pull back, to be cautious and sensible… my heart wants to totally give in.

  And the heart wins, every damn time.

  I move down, pressing my lips against his and kiss him. The light set of stubble on his jaw tickling my skin as his tongue enters my mouth. The kiss starts off slow and passionate like he’s testing the waters, like he’s making up for attacking me when he first got here. It’s nice, and warmth fills me from deep inside as I straddle him on my bed. His hands move from my face, one sliding under the top of my two-piece pajama set, his hand warm and inviting on my bare flesh, and the other threading up into my hair. His fingers lace through my tendrils, and he grips a little firmer, the kiss becoming hotter, deeper as my body moves in line with his in every way, just needing to be close to him.

  I grind down on his cock, surprising myself at my actions as a small moan exits my mouth into his. I’m trying to keep myself in check, but Luca’s doing things to me that I have no control over. He turns me on, no matter how hard I fight it.

  His cock begins to stiffen against my pussy as our kissing intensifies, this is not just a sensual kiss now, this is full on—bodies grinding, teeth clashing, making out.

  Suddenly, he rolls me over, so I’m beneath him, and I let out a gasp with the force of his movement. He’s so strong, and I love that he has the power and energy to move me like this. He looks into my eyes as he lays me beneath him and our lips part, both of us panting for breath.

  “I need you, Everly,” he murmurs. His voice isn’t broken, it’s not out of sadness or hurt from before. His voice is hard, stern, and full of desire as his eyes light up intensely taking me by surprise.

  I can’t deny him even if I wanted to, his pull is just too strong right now. Biting my bottom lip, I simply nod, and a sly grin appears on his face, not his usual cocky grin that he’s known for, but one much sexier, one that tells me I’m in for something undeniably amazing.

  He leans up shuffling out of his leather jacket, throwing it to the floor and I grin laying back on my comfy white bed, my heart racing in my chest like this is the first time. It’s obviously not, but Luca makes me feel like this is all new to me. He makes me giddy like a school girl, and I hate that he has the power to make me crumble beneath him. But I love it just as much.

  He moves in, his eyes running up and down my body, my legs either side of him as his hands move to the buttons on my pajama top.

  He starts undoing them.


  His eyes on mine the entire time.

  My breaths are coming in short and sharp as he takes his time, the tension rippling between us as he tortures me with his delay tactics. But he knows what he’s doing. My clit begins to throb in the unknown of what he is like—in anticipation of all the things he might do to me.

  Luca’s fingers undo the last button, and he gradually slides the two sides of my top open, revealing my perky breasts. He takes a deep breath as his nostrils flare in appreciation, and that sly smirk is back on his lips as he shuffles me out of my top. Luca shakes his head, his finger moving up to my collarbone and gently trailing down. His gentle touch unexpected as it tickles and delights while he slides down my skin, his fingers grazing slowly further down my body. I writhe under his touch. His eyes boring into mine, neither of us saying a word as he gnaws on his bottom lip.

  His finger reaches the edge of my nipple, and I arch my back into his hand as he moves in caressing my breast firmly. The pressure of his hand around me fills me with energy as I wriggle against the bed.

  Luca tweaks my nipple as he leans in taking my other nipple into his mouth. My eyes roll into the back of my head as I let out a gasp, the warmth of his mouth encasing my nipple is like heaven as he sucks on me hard, his teeth grazing my bud making me shudder in appreciation.

  “Mmm,” I murmur as his hand moves from my breast to my pajama pants. Pulling back from my nipple, removing his teeth with a pop, makes me gasp as he slides down the end of the bed. Grabbing the hem of my pants he wastes no time in pulling them off me along with my panties, leaving me completely naked in front of him.

  I chew on my bottom lip feeling at a disadvantage. He’s fully clothed except for his leather jacket, and I’m lying here on my childhood bed unashamed and leaving nothing to the imagination. But the way his eyes are running up and down my body makes me feel alive. The bulge in his pants certainly lets me know he’s appreciative, and I know I’m on fire with how he’s treating me so far, so I can’t wait to really get this party started.

  Luca slides back on the bed between me and grabs my legs yanking them apart. I open my eyes and grin as he moves up in between them, his eyes hooded and full of lust. “I love you spread and open for me like this.”

  Chewing on my bottom lip, my head falls back into the mass of pillows and stuffed toys as his lips connect with my upper thigh. My eyes clench closed, and I relish in his kiss. He’s so attentive it blows my mind. His kisses lead straight between my legs, and I tense up slightly waiting for the impact. His tongue darts out flicking my clit, and my fingers dig into the comforter in reaction. My body bows off the bed as I let out a moan of delight, while his tongue continues to rotate on my clit in a delicious fashion.

  Luca’s other hand moves in, a finger teasing, as he pushes his way inside me. I writhe with the welcomed pressure as he assaults me with his tongue and fingers. He’s a magician, and I love every magical second of this beautiful torture as he works me higher and higher to the precipice. He flicks his tongue at the same time he thrusts his fingers inside me and then swirls them both, and it’s like an all-new heaven on earth.

  My hips raise slightly off the bed needing to be closer to him. My hands fisting in the bed comforter even more as heat builds inside of me. The pressure reaching a crescendo. Panting hard and fast, my head flops to the side of the bed as my eyes clench tight, lights flashing behind them so brightly I see stars as my back arches off the bed, and I climax hard, exploding in a fit of bright lights.

  “Oh God, Luca,” I call out as he flicks his tongue on my clit once more for good measure making my entire body spasm as I come down from my high.

  Luca pulls his fingers from me and stands up from the bed, leaving me dazed on the mattress in a stupor of lust. I turn to look at him to see him take his shirt off. It’s enough to break me from my haze induced trance. Sitting up on the bed, I throw my legs over the side in front of him.

  My hands reach out, grabbing at his belt buckle and I undo it frantically, and he looks down at me with a chuckle while I undo his jeans and yank them down. He steps out of his boots, and his jeans then threads his fingers into his trunks, and I hold my breath, blatantly staring at his junk waiting for the unveiling. He pulls down his trunks, and I open my eyes wide as his perfect, giant cock springs free. A lump catches in my throat while I slowly look up to meet his eyes as he smiles at me. As he steps back to the bed, right between my legs, his cock is basically at my eye level.

  “Do you have any condoms?” he asks.

  Staring at his cock right in front of me, I raise my brow. It’s perfect. And I want to feel every inch of him.

  “I do, but I don’t want to use one with you. I’m on the pill. I just want to feel you, Luca, all of you.”

  A low groan erupts from his chest as he bends down and lifts me abruptly from the bed. I squeal as his
hands loop under my ass, and I wrap my legs around his waist while he turns taking me over to my desk. I giggle threading my arms around his neck, my fingers lacing into his hair as he looks into my eyes.

  “You’re fucking perfect, you know that?” he asks.

  As he places my ass down on my desk next to my cheerleading trophies, I grin and shrug, then shake my head.

  “And now, I want to find out just how fucking flexible you really are, little miss cheerleader,” he says glancing up at one of my trophies.

  I raise a brow as he grabs my legs and hoists them up. I let out a little shocked gasp as my hands clench onto the edge of the desk for support. But he pulls my legs up, so my ankles are sitting on his shoulders, and I smirk at him as his hands lace in around me holding me supportively. It’s not comfortable, but fuck it’s going to be fun.

  He looks into my eyes as he lines his cock up with my pussy and doesn’t hold back, thrusting up inside of me, without pause. I let out a moan as he fills me completely and then he stills letting me acclimatize to his size. I pant heavy breaths as his eyes don’t leave mine. Something passes between us, a spark, a passion ignites inside of us, something shifts, and it’s like the world rotates a little slower. Like it’s just us, and nothing else matters.

  He pulls back and thrusts in again. It’s so deep, and it shocks me how undeniably fucking good this feels. I’ve never had anything like this, his size, his strength, this position, it’s all new to me and fuck if I don’t love every second of it. It’s fast. It’s hard. But the way he’s looking at me like I mean so much to him is only heightening the mood. It’s building the pleasure as it wracks through me.

  My skin is prickling with sweat as he thrusts into me against my desk, the force of his thrusts so powerful that the entire desk is vibrating with the movement. My trophies shaking and threatening to fall over at any given second.

  Our rushed breathing is becoming loud as we pant heavily, trying to keep up with our pace. We’re going strong, and the passion between us is immeasurable. We may not be kissing, but we don’t need to. The lust is there as we stare at each other, and it says it all. The burning in his eyes for me has me quivering on the inside.

  He thrusts up, pulse after pulse, wave after wave. The pleasure is undeniable as he holds onto me tightly making sure not to let me go. Heat builds, that unmistakable surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. My skin prickles in goosebumps as I bite my bottom lip. My fingers dig into the edge of the desk as I hold on for dear life, riding out the wave as my muscles clench and I gasp, staring right into Luca’s eyes. I see it in his too, the moment we both feel it. The connection we share as we both reach our climax. His muscles tense, his body shudders at the same time as mine, and we dare not look away as we stare deep into each other’s eyes as we come hard. I shatter, my body shaking violently against him as he comes inside of me with a long groan.

  My body ignites like the fucking fourth of July. It’s all fireworks and cannons and fucking explosions. I can’t contain myself as I let out a long moan along with him, as we stare at each other taking in our pleasure.

  Panting hard, he leans in, our foreheads touching as he lets my legs flop down to the sides while he runs his hands up my back soothingly.

  We both try to catch our breath, foreheads touching, and I finally close my eyes needing a moment to gather myself.

  Luca’s hand comes up caressing my cheek, and he leans in kissing my lips in a tender moment from him. The kiss is soft, delicate, and absolutely lovely. I kiss him back and open my eyes to see him smiling. The sad, broken man from before all but gone, and now a renewed, alive Luca is staring back at me, the one I’m used to.

  “Totally flexible,” he teases, and I giggle while shaking my head.

  Luca chuckles while pulling out of me, but reaches out grabbing hold of my body, lifts me up and starts walking me back over to my bed.

  I grin. “Is that all you’ve been thinking about since you found out I’m a cheerleader? How flexible I am in bed?”

  He chuckles, throwing me down on my bed and nods. “Absolutely. And I knew you wouldn’t disappoint. Now get on all fours, I wanna try something else,” he demands, and I raise my brow.

  “You can go again?”

  He smirks. “Oh… Everly, I can go all night.”

  I blink, trying to make sense of where I am and why. It’s pitch black, apart from a small clock light on the tall white dresser that sparkles rainbow colors.

  That alone makes me smile, and I look over, just able to make out Everly’s sleeping form beside me. I’m in her room. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind when I pulled up to her house earlier. While I’ve had a hard-on for her since the moment she walked into The Agency, she’d made it quite clear that she wanted to keep her distance.

  She’s strong-willed and hard-headed, but she understands me. It’s taken the both of us to let our guards down to see inside each other to realize that there really is something there. And I’m determined to fight as hard as humanly possible to explore it even further.

  Everly doesn’t make me feel weak or pathetic, even as I poured my heart and soul out to her, telling her every little detail of my childhood that I swore I’d never share with anyone else, not wanting to have them look at me differently.

  She still hasn’t. All I could see was acceptance in her eyes, no matter what she heard about the pain I harbored deep inside.

  I should get up and get dressed, walk away right now like I usually would.

  Fuck and flee.

  But I don’t want to.

  This was more than just a fuck.

  I want to roll over and pull her into my arms and hold her there for the rest of eternity, never let her go.


  But first… I need to pee.

  I carefully climb out of bed without jostling Everly, the peaceful and calm look on her face not changing at all as I grab my pants and pull them on, not bothering to button them as I creep toward the door. The clock time catches my eye, now I’m finally fully awake and can make out the numbers.

  Four a.m. Everly’s mom will be home from work, so this is where the spy training comes in handy.

  I slowly pull the door open and peek out into the dark hallway. It’s pitch black, but at the other end of the hall there’s a thin strip of light across the floor, and I remember seeing a blink of white tile when Everly dragged me up the staircase last night.

  I make my way along the wall, my back flat and my feet padding across the wooden floor in complete silence. My fingers trace the wall, memorizing the feel of where the wallpaper meets and creases so I can easily make my way back again.

  I’m almost at the bathroom, reaching out for the handle when it opens, the light blinding me for a second. I rub my eyes, cursing in my head, but preparing myself to charm the pants off Everly’s mom.

  But when my eyes finally adjust to the light…

  It’s not Sally.

  Instead, my mouth falls open at the man standing in front of me. Not just any man…


  Kace’s dad.

  My Boss.

  The head of The Agency.

  We both stare at each other. Jack’s dressed almost identically to me in a loose pair of jeans pulled up haphazardly for the purpose of only covering the important parts. I knew Jack spent a lot of time here, while he was recovering at least, but I didn’t realize how much the friendship between him and Everly’s mom, Sally, had developed.

  We both raise our eyebrows as if to question the other, but Jack’s quickly turn into a scowl while mine transforms into a smirk. Jack steps forward, forcing me to step to the side to let him out of the small bathroom. He continues to stare me down as if that’s going to make me curl up into a ball and roll away, but the joke’s on him because I desperately need to pee.

  I grin and point to the open bathroom, and Jack’s lip turns up in a sneer before he shakes his head and continues past me with a slight grunt. I watch as he walks over to Sally’s bed
room door, twisting the handle and looking over his shoulder with a narrowed glare. “Tomorrow,” he whispers before pushing open the door and going inside, closing it with a soft click behind him.

  I know I’m going to catch hell for this tomorrow. But thinking about Everly laying back in that bed waiting for me? It’s so fucking worth it.

  I wake up as the sunlight streams in between the space in her curtains, hitting me directly in the eye. Everly has rolled away with her back to me, so I scoot a little closer to her, lifting my hand and tracing the sensitive skin around her ear and neck with my finger.

  It takes a few moments, but I soon get a reaction, her body shuddering. “If you don’t cut that out, I’m going to cock punch you,” she groans, making me laugh.

  She rolls over and glares at me, but I just smile back innocently. She seems to soften a little, and I raise my eyebrow, wondering if she’s always this crazy with changing emotions early in the morning. “It’s good to see that annoying smug smile again,” she comments.

  I roll my eyes, suddenly understanding. “I seem to be better today,” I say, my smile becoming wider by the second. “Could have something to do with the wild, passionate, mind-blowing—”

  “Shut up, Luca,” she groans, tugging the pillow from underneath my head and swinging it at me. My reflexes are far quicker than she anticipates, and I grab it in my fist before it can touch me, yanking it away and tossing it across the room.

  She stares at me, a little stunned. “Hey,” she protests, but I don’t allow her any time to find another weapon. Instead, I leap across the bed, on top of her and pin her down.

  “What? Am I getting you worked up again?” I wiggle my eyebrows, and even she can’t help but laugh.

  “Get off me, you buffoon,” she chuckles as she tries to throw my body off hers.

  I cock my head to the side. “Is this what our relationship is going to be like from now on? You calling me names and cursing at me?” I tease, and her eyes widen.


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