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Page 10

by Addison Jane

  Axel’s jaw wracks from side to side as he pants heavily. You can see Jack’s words have hit him right where they were intended, with perfect precision. Axel looks around, taking in each of his teammates and his body slumps more and more.

  “Please,” Axel begs, his voice broken now. “Don’t keep me out of this one. I will put my life on the line for anyone in this room right now, you know I would do it in a heartbeat. Just please… don’t make me sit this one out.”

  The room is silent.

  I catch Jack looking at Kace with an eyebrow raised in question. I know Jack hasn’t been around for long, so it’s going to be up to Kace to decide whether Axel will be able to cope with the pressure of going in there without losing his head.

  I expect Kace’s response to be quick and sure, but even he takes a few seconds to look over at his broken friend with skepticism and doubt. Hell, even I have doubts. Is this really someone you want fighting next to you? A man with his head so screwed up that he can’t even see straight? But that’s Kace’s choice to make not mine.

  Kace shakes his head, and for a second I wonder whether he’s going to say no, but then he surprises me. “We need him. We as a team are stronger together than we are apart,” Kace explains.

  Axel finally takes a deep breath, looking over at his leader with relief and thanks written on his face. The look on Kace’s face is pretty intense, one of warning, and Axel nods silently, understanding exactly what he’s saying with that one look.

  Don’t fuck this up.

  Jack speaks up again. “We need a little more info. So you have twenty-four hours to keep your shit together, and if I deem it safe for the rest of your team, I’ll let you walk out that door with them tomorrow. Go home, get some fucking sleep. You look like shit.” With that Jack turns to Noah and I. “Get us the information we need to finish this.” Then he walks out of the room, not looking back.

  The team starts to file out, Axel first, his feet stomping against the floor in determination. He isn’t going to let this opportunity slide, I know that much.

  Noah pats me on the back and looks down at me with a grin. “Awesome work, we’ll take a quick break, and I’ll meet you in the cave in say…” he looks down at his watch, “… twenty?”

  Smiling back, I nod. “Yes, for sure.”

  Noah gathers the technology and exits the room, leaving me with Luca and Kace who are both still seated, just staring at me. Kace has this intense look on his face as he eyes me up, a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. The contrasting smirk on Luca’s face, tells me that Kace definitely knows about Luca staying at my place last night.

  “Is this going to be a problem?” Kace asks, causing me to blush.

  “I just went that whole meeting without one crude comment or groping her,” Luca mocks proudly. “My self-control is fucking impeccable.”

  Kace stands from his seat shaking his head, but with a soft smile. “Well then, I’m happy for you two. But I get one whiff of it causing issues…” he leaves the warning hanging in the air as he heads for the door, closing it with a click behind him.

  My gaze instantly snaps back to Luca, my breathing a little uneven. “I’ve been here all of a week, and Kace is already threatening my job,” I snap, my heart racing. “Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this.”

  Luca shoots out of his seat and walks straight toward me, the smirk completely gone, replaced by something more caring, more intense. One of his hands goes to my hip, while the other cups my face. Leaning into him, I nuzzle against his palm while looking up into his eyes. “We will make this work,” he says softly, but with absolute surety. “We will make us work.”

  I’m not sure why, but I instantly feel like I can breathe a little easier. “We’re an us?” I manage to whisper, trying not to smile. While it makes me nervous, and I’m unsure of what this might be or become, Luca makes me happy, that’s one thing I can’t argue with.

  “I know you think I’m an idiot, and you don’t really like me very much, and I made a bad first impression…” he jokes, starting to trail off.

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pull him against me tight. “It’s okay, pretty boy.” I laugh. “I think I’m starting to come around.”

  A genuine happy smile lights up his handsome face, warming my body. He doesn’t reply, but instead dips his head and presses his lips against mine. It’s sweet and comforting, and my body instantly lights on fire.

  His hand slips from my hip, around to my ass and he squeezes it, causing me to jump, breaking the kiss. He chuckles as I pull back, slapping him in the chest and frowning.

  “We’re at work,” I scold.

  “That’s what makes it more exciting,” he replies, wiggling his eyebrows.

  Shaking my head, I turn grabbing my laptop bag and pull it over my shoulder before I spin around and head for the door. “I’ll meet you at the gym later,” I tell him as I take a step toward the door.

  A resounding slap and painful sting on my ass cheek brings tears to my eyes, and I turn to him in horror. He rushes past me innocently kissing me on the cheek as he pushes through the door and disappears down the hallway.

  “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” I ask myself, but I can’t help but smile.

  Mission days are always different from regular days. You have to be in a certain mindset, you have to be focused and have your head in the game. It’s days like these where you don’t know whether you’re going to be walking back in here afterward, laughing and in need of a beer, or whether you will be walking back in here at all.

  It’s hard to prepare yourself for your own death. People walk around in the world every day, thinking that they will live until they’re eighty or ninety, not thinking that anything could happen to them. But doing this job, we have to be prepared at any second—that could be it.

  We aren’t aspiring to make it to old age, we just want to make it until tomorrow.

  Even more so now that there’s another person who I want to be here for. Before, the future wasn’t always the brightest. Sure, I get to do what I love, I get to fight for what I believe in, but there was no one waiting for me, relying on me, wishing I would come home to them.

  Before we left this morning, I could tell that Everly was on edge. She’s still new to all of this. Yet, we were about to really give her a show, knowing that this mission is high risk all-round.

  I found her in Noah’s cave early, going over and over every single damn detail of the mission, trying to commit it to memory even though she had all the notes printed out right in front of her.

  “You do realize it’s four in the morning, right?” I asked Everly as I stepped into Noah’s geek room and closed the door behind me.

  I’d come in early to work out before we flew out at 0600. It was kind of a ritual of mine, a way I guess to try and release some of the tension in my body and to get my head in the right kind of space, the space where I’m pumped up about getting shot at and possibly killed.

  Everly turned and looked at me over her shoulder. I could instantly see the worry in her eyes, and for a second I was worried she was about to burst into tears.

  “I’m trying really hard not to lose my shit here, Luca,” she admitted, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. “If I’ve made a mistake, you guys could be in serious trouble. If someone gets hurt and can’t get you help fast enough, you’re in trouble. If the equipment isn’t double, triple and quadruple checked properly—”

  “We’re in trouble,” I finished as I walked toward her and crouched down at her feet, pulling her hands into mine and forcing her to place her feet back on the floor, trying to ignore the flash of lacy black panties that flashed by, her jean skirt not incredibly short, but sexy none the less.

  “Luca, what if…” She couldn’t even finish the sentence.

  “Look at me,” I ordered, enjoying the way her gaze instantly flashed to mine. “You need to remember that we are a team. This isn’t all hanging on your shoulders. We do checks, we double
and triple check. We don’t move unless we are one hundred and fucking fifty percent sure that we’ve done everything humanly possible to ensure we come out the other side breathing. We are in this together, we equally share the weight on our shoulders.”

  Her eyes burned holes deep into my soul like she was hoping to burn her name onto it in case something happened, and she had to find me on the other side.

  Everly was hearing me loud and clear. She knew the things I was saying were true, but her hands were still shaking.

  “Snowflake,” I said softly.

  She laughed, her eyes brightening a little. “I know, I know, I’m being ridiculous. This is just a normal mission, one that you guys do all the time,” she babbled on, rolling her eyes at her own ridiculousness. “I’m just tense, my mind has nothing else to think about, so I’m pulling every little detail to shreds.”

  “You need to trust yourself, and trust Noah. You guys have been a great team, and I know the info you’ve got is on point,” I told her honestly, drawing her hand to my mouth before pushing to my feet and walking back toward the door.

  “You’re going?”

  I smirked and looked over my shoulder as I reached out for the lock and flicked it, enjoying the sound a little too much. “Nope,” I replied. “But you need something to take your mind off the mission before you lose your shit, so stand up, turn around and place your hands on the desk.”

  She licked her lips, and I caught the shiver that ran up her spine. “Luca…” she warned, her eyes darting around the room. “This is Noah’s cave, we can’t—”

  I shook my head. “Stand up Everly, and put your hands on the desk,” I ordered one more time.

  Slowly, one tip-toe at a time, she stood up, her eyes watching me carefully the entire time. She pushed the chair to the side and turned around, reluctant to take her eyes off me, but finally placing her palms flat on the desk in front of her, either side of Noah’s keyboard.

  I didn’t waste any time, moving forward and lightly running my hand over the curve of her ass, outlining the perfect plump cheek. My cock strained against my zipper but I forced myself to remember that this was for her, not for me.

  I’d work off my frustrations out in the gym after this.

  The ripped, grunge style jean skirt that she had on was almost fucking perfect. My hand moved around her thigh, her legs automatically opening a little wider to accommodate it as I slid it up the inside, dragging her skirt with it until it was bunched up and resting above her ass.

  “Fucking hell,” I groaned as my fingertips brushed against the wet silk and lace panties. With the gentlest of strokes she was already pressing her ass back against my hand, her breathing coming a little shorter and sharper.

  I pulled the small scrap of material over her hips, enjoying the way they floated to the floor and pooled around her pink high tops. Stepping right up behind her, I ran one of my hands up her spine, my fingers threading into the hair at the base of her neck before forming a fist. She gasped as I used the grip to pull her head back as my other hand slipped around the front of her hip, my middle finger diving between her folds and circling her clit.

  I dipped back into her wet and welcoming hole, sliding two fingers in and out several times before teasing her swollen bud all over again.

  My dick strained, my thickness pressing right between the center of her ass cheeks, feeling right at fucking home but wishing he was feeling Everly’s wet pussy for himself.

  Pulling gently at her hair, she stood up tall, lifting her hands off the desk and leaning back against my chest for support. She tilted her head to the side, and I pressed my lips to her exposed neck, sucking and biting at the soft skin as I continued to torment her, switching between fucking her pussy with my fingers and flicking her clit until she was so close to coming she couldn’t breathe.

  “Luca,” she hissed as I drew her to that edge and then stole it away one more time. “Please.”

  I chuckled as I pulled her earlobe between my teeth. Her hands were everywhere, one minute clutching my hair, then kneading her breasts, trying anything possible to fall over that edge.

  When I was satisfied that I’d forced every bit of fucking tension out of her body, and all she was thinking about was me and how desperately she needed me to make her come, I finally gave her the release she was desperate for. Playing her clit like it was a fucking guitar, my fingers strumming, flicking back and forth at high speed.

  “Scream my name, Snowflake,” I growled in her ear, as her legs began to shake and her hands gripped my arm for dear life.

  “Oh God! Luca,” she cried, her body shuddering as her climax washed over her, again and again, until I finally pulled my hand away and wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her steady while she fought to catch her breath and find her legs again.

  Her ass was still moving with a mind of its own, grinding as if my hand was still between her legs. It was almost enough to make me come in my pants, and I wasn’t about to have that shit, so I had to pull back before I fucking embarrassed myself.

  Everly leaned forward, bracing her hands on the desk and cursing softly under her breath.

  She looked over her shoulder at me, a soft smile playing on her lips which I couldn’t help but rush forward and steal a passionate and telling kiss before painfully backing away and heading for the exit.

  “Everything is gonna be fine,” I told her with a wink. “You’re gonna do amazing.”

  I unlocked the door, unable to stop myself from one passing remark.

  “I love when I said scream my name, God was the first thing to come out of that perfect mouth,” I teased before pulling the door shut, so I couldn’t hear her cursing me to hell.

  I knew she was, but I couldn’t help but grin.

  I think I’ve found a new pre-mission ritual.

  Later, when I finally stopped by to say goodbye on the way to our flight, she had been looking far more confident and eager. The softly whispered thank you went a long way in reassuring me that she appreciated the moment we’d shared.

  Things are new between us, and we’re both still figuring the other out, but I’m excited to see what kind of future we can possibly have, and I’m pretty sure she feels the same.

  Well, at the least I’m pretty certain she doesn’t want me to die.

  Well, at least I hope not.

  The heat hits me like a slap in the face as we walk off the airplane, feeling the hot air fill my lungs. “Fucking hell, this heat,” I curse as I step onto the tarmac behind Kace who just looks over his shoulder at me and grins.

  “I dunno…” Tanner shrugs as she falls into step beside me and we head for the main building, “… I kinda like it. Maybe I’ll stick around and work on my tan after we take all these assholes down.”

  The confidence she has is almost impressive, some days I feel like her balls could possibly be bigger than mine.

  I scrunch up my face, suddenly feeling inadequate as Blair jogs up beside Tanner. “I’ll help you rub on your sunscreen,” he tells her with a wink, and instantly I start to make loud and obnoxious gagging noises.

  A hard slap on my back throws me forward, I stumble but catch myself just as Eli wraps his big behemoth arm around my neck and pulls me into his side. “Sounded like you were choking,” he laughs.

  “I was,” I reply, still staring at Tanner and Blair as they walk ahead, in total disgust at their lovey-dovey shit. “Choking on my own vomit. When do you think they will finally admit they’ve got hard-ons for each other?”

  “Tanner’s a girl, she can’t get a hard-on,” Eli points out, rolling his eyes but still refusing to let me go.

  I scoff. “Um… have you seen Tanner fight?” I throw back.

  Eli thinks for a moment and then nods. “Point taken. I wonder how she tucks it away so well.”

  “Jesus Christ, can you lot shut the hell up and concentrate,” Kace yells over his shoulder as he leads the team, as usual.

  I glance a look at Axel. His face stern, but his eye
s say it all. They’re foggy. Hazy. It rattles me slightly. I sense his head isn’t entirely in the game. It’s a little unnerving. I just hope he can sort his shit out. Because if we find Kenzi and he falls apart, I don’t want to be dragging two people out of whatever mess we’re going to be heading into. For now, though, I need to focus.

  The plane’s engine still whirls and groans behind me, as men rush around, directing the plane toward a nearby hanger. We head in the same direction, seeing two men waiting for us outside the entrance, both dressed in General’s uniforms with four stars on their shoulders and dark glasses, standing still like statues. The expressions on their faces are serious and stoic, and as Kace approaches one of them steps forward, holding out his hand.

  Kace takes it and nods his head. “General Murray, General Osmond, thanks for meeting us here and allowing us to borrow your facilities and equipment.”

  General Murray finally cracks a smile and reaches up to lift his Aviators from his face. “Your father and I go way back. I can’t say I was ever expecting a call from him, given the circumstances…” he let the words hang in the air. Yeah, you never do expect a dead man to call asking for assistance. Jack’s coming back to life has surprised a lot of people. But once news broke that Camilla tried to have him assassinated and he went into hiding, everyone seems much happier to have Jack back and Camilla gone. “But I owe him a few favors, and I’m happy to help out where I can.”

  It wasn’t surprising that Jack had earned the respect of men like these, no doubt in places all over the country, maybe even the world. Jack was a man who stood strong and was unwavering in who he was, and that drew others in.

  General Osmond steps forward and shakes Kace’s hand as well, before looking out over our team with a curious eye. “I’ve heard a lot about you and your boys…” Tanner clears her throat and pops her hip out to the side. “Sorry… your team. We’re happy to be of some assistance. Follow me.”

  The two Generals lead us inside the large hanger where The Agency’s plane is now parked, the sound of the engine winding down slowly. While the plane takes up a significant portion of the space, my eyes light up as I see five dune buggies—technically they’re called armored combat vehicles, but basically, they’re just dune buggies with big guns—lined up in perfect formation against the far wall. The beige color is precisely right for the desert, which is where we’re headed.


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