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Monroe, Melody S. - Three Hired Lovers [Fantasy Resort 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Now she was truly insulted. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “According to my sources, you need so much control in a relationship, you can’t let go and enjoy yourself. That’s a recipe for disaster.”

  Her mouth dropped open at the hypocrisy of it all. She didn’t have control issues. Okay, maybe in the lab, but not with men. Well, maybe a little.

  “Tell me this. Have you ever had a climax?”

  Jillian stood, her face hotter than if she’d been two inches from ten lit Bunsen burners. She didn’t need to be subjected to this humiliation. “That’s private.” No, she’d never had one. Men didn’t do much for her, but women weren’t her thing either.

  “Clearly the answer is no. And sit down.”

  She did. Her breaths came out faster, and she squeezed her hands together, debating how to diffuse this situation. He’d never been this crazy before. Whatever his plan, she’d say no. He better not ask her to be the test subject for some experimental vibrator, a newfangled clit tickler, or the latest and greatest pussy pump. Please. It was bad enough to be the one responsible for bringing to market the number one selling clit sensitizing gel, a product Clarissa volunteered to test and swore up and down worked like a charm. Jillian wanted to experiment with the erotic creams and other sex toys in order to experience at least one orgasm before she died, but something about buying the toys for herself embarrassed her. Using her own creations didn’t sit well either, as she’d be thinking about how to improve each one instead of enjoying the effect.

  “I’ve arranged for a week vacation for you at a spa in the hills outside of Tucson. I think you need time to clear your head about your role in the soon-to-be merged company.” He stepped closer, and his eyes softened.

  “I’ll be the first to admit I could use a facial and a long, hard massage, but my head’s fine. I understand my role.”

  “Jillie, honey, I just want what’s best for you. I want you to experience love, life, laughter. Be more like your mother.”

  What did that mean? “I have fun. I laugh.” Besides, she barely remembered her mom. She wouldn’t address the lack of love in her life. She’d tried to find a soul mate, but the men she attracted only cared about themselves or her potential bank account.

  “That’s not the same thing. I want you to go and have the time of your life for the next seven days. Let go of your inhibitions, learn about sex.”

  Did he say sex? “Da-ad.”

  He waved a hand as if she had no idea what she was talking about. “Walter is in the limo to take you there now.”

  She stood and pressed her hand firmly on her hip. “I’m not going.”

  “Then you’re fired.” His quick retort caught her off guard.

  She didn’t want to disappoint him any more than she wanted to lose the job she loved, but come on. He’d fire own daughter? The sad part was she truly did understand his frustration. She’d spent her whole life making the sexual experience enjoyable for others without taking the time to indulge herself. Still, it was her choice how she lived her life, not his.

  “You’re kidding, right?” From his turned-down lips and narrowed eyes, he wasn’t.

  “I’m as serious as a possible heart attack, which I’ll have today if you don’t go.”

  She crossed her arms. “Why are you doing this?”

  He dragged a hand down his face but wouldn’t look her in the eye for a few seconds. “I told you. You need to be more well-rounded. Someday, you might get tired of creating erotic products in the lab, or worse, the company won’t need any new creations. What would happen to you then?”

  “That’s so ludicrous. I live to make those products. They’re like my children. I’ll be old and gray before that happens.” She didn’t want to think about the company not needing new products.

  “And if the new CEO needs you elsewhere in the company? You should be more versatile.”

  “You’re not making any sense.”

  “Trust me. The more you learn about how this company is run, the better off you’ll be.”

  “This is pointless.” He’d never follow through on his threat to fire her. He needed her expertise too much.

  “Jillie.” He lowered his gaze and shot her a look that said she better do as he said or he’d take her toys away.

  She knew that tone. She debated walking out on him, but a week’s vacation without the stress of the lab might be good for her. “Fine, but I won’t like it. There will be no week of unrelenting orgies.” No one said she had to talk to anyone, or be subjected to sex with some homely, ass-grabbing stranger. That just wasn’t going to happen.

  * * * *

  The hour drive did little to improve Jillian’s mood. True, she’d be in the mountains for a week, but given the Santa Catalina Mountains were surrounded by nothing but desert, she’d be stuck there with no chance of racing home. What sucked the most was not having any clothes, makeup, or anything other than what was in her purse. There was no way she’d wear the same clothing for more than a day. That would be disgusting. The spa would have clothes she could charge to her dad’s account, but did they carry underwear?

  What had her father been thinking sending her here on the spur of the moment? She knew the answer. He hadn’t. At least she had her cell and could talk to Clarissa every day to find out how the experiments were progressing. Maybe her friend could sneak in a suitcase or two of her stuff from home. That plan helped calm her.

  Walter pulled to a stop in front of the resort. Okay, the spa was more grand than she’d expected, given the only thing she’d seen in the last half hour was sagebrush, cactus, and occasional clumps of pines. Tall, white columns bordered the entryway and a flowing fountain sat in the middle of the drive, spurting water three feet high. Lush vegetation, from palm trees to flowers of every color, extended for hundreds of feet. Maybe she could get used to a place like this. If they had horseback riding, she might even forgive her dad a bit.

  Walter opened her door, and she slid out.

  “Please leave your purse in the car.” His tone was hard, but his eyes soft.

  She grabbed her bag to her chest. Enough was enough. “Why?”

  “You won’t need it. Your father has purchased everything for you.”

  He had? Still, what her father thought she needed and what she really needed were two different things. He had no idea what size she wore, and he couldn’t have packed shoes that fit. “I need my phone at least.”

  He held out his hand. “His point exactly. No contact with the outside world for one week.”

  She practically threw her bag at Walter, even though she understood he was only following instructions. “Fine.”

  “Your packed suitcase is in the trunk.”

  It didn’t matter. She still wasn’t ready to forgive her dad. Before she could stew any further, the double door to the spa entrance opened. A tall woman with an award-winning smile and dressed in a tight white suit came toward her.

  “You must be Jillian. I’m Sharon. Welcome.”

  Walter set her suitcase next to her before jumping back in the driver’s seat. He peeled out of there as if he feared she’d run after him. Thanks for waiting until I’m settled, Walter.

  The pretty woman tapped her iPad. “We have a manicure and pedicure lined up for you right away, followed by an hour massage.”

  For the first time all day, Jillian smiled.

  * * * *

  Jillian found it a little strange that during her treatments she saw no one other than those who worked at the spa. In truth, she would be glad for the peace and quiet.

  On her way back to the room, she studied her coral nail polish and decided the color suited her.

  Once inside the beautifully decorated suite, she finally had a chance to check the contents of her suitcase. She placed the outfit she’d worn to the spa on the bed and opened the case. Some kind of slinky black dress sat on top. She lifted it and whistled. She wouldn’t be caught dead in the nearly see-through halter dress that would bare
ly cover her ass or her too large breasts. Beneath the dress were three low-cut, tight-fitting tees, one pair of low-rise jeans, three short shorts, a pair of four-inch, spiked, black patent leather pumps and sandals with a daisy between the toes. She checked the pockets and found panties, but when she examined the silk underwear, all were thongs. This was so not her style. Other than some toiletries, there were no bras. Her dad had to be kidding.

  She glanced at her discarded work clothes. Dammit. The dumpy pants she wore underneath her lab coat had stretched so much they hung on her hips, and the pink blouse had an egg stain from this morning’s breakfast. If she washed her panties and bra every night, she might have something to wear.

  She needed a drink bad.

  On the table in her room sat a bottle of French pinot gris with a sign that read, Compliments of the Catalina Spa. Perfect. A refreshing breeze blew in from the open sliding glass door, and the chaise lounge on the balcony beckoned her. Wrapped in a thick, white terrycloth robe and spa sandals, she poured herself a glass of wine and stepped outside. A stack of magazines sat next to the chair. What more could she ask for?

  She dropped onto the chaise and propped up her feet. The fresh scent of jasmine coupled with the brilliant sunshine loosened the last of her taut muscles. Perhaps Dad was right. Maybe she did need this time alone to clear her head, but what was he thinking wanting her to switch to marketing? Unfortunately for him, she wouldn’t change her mind about working in the lab.

  One glass of wine led to another as she sifted through the magazines. Most were fashion and makeup magazines, but a few were more risqué. That was okay. She was here to open her mind, try new things, and live, for a change.

  She must have dozed off, because the knock on the door startled her. Pulling her robe tight across her chest, she hurried to answer it. She opened up and stood face-to-face with a real cowboy, dusty hat and all, more magnificent than any of the men who’d graced any of the magazine covers. Flutters traced up her arm, and her vocal chords numbed.

  His eyes widened. “Miss Masters?”

  She could have sworn his voice cracked a bit. She swallowed. “Yes.”

  “Pardon me, ma’am. I wasn’t expectin’ anything like you.”

  What was that supposed to mean? “Who were you expecting?”

  “Not someone as beautiful as the most vibrant sunset or as radiant as the dew on a field of flowers in the morning.”

  The men who’d tried to pick her up had never used those lines. “Thank you.” I think.

  His well-worn hat sat on neatly cut, dark blond hair whose ends curled deliciously above his ear. He was dressed in hip-hugging, faded jeans and a shirt that only had the bottom two buttons actually closed, exposing his tanned, muscular chest. His startling green eyes and easy grin managed to shoot an arrow to her heart. She usually didn’t go for the pretty-boy type, but there was something in how he distributed his weight on one leg and the casual way he held out a pile of clothes that made her think he was made for decadence.

  “For you.”

  Uncomfortable with being so close to him, she quickly took the clothes stacked beneath a pair of riding boots before stepping back a foot into the room. At least she’d have something decent to wear.

  “I didn’t order clothes.” Stupid thing to say, but he made her tongue-tied.

  “These here clothes are for you, darlin’, whether you had a hand in ordering them or not. A little birdie told me you might like to ride.” He grinned as if he’d learned some state secret. “Not all the guests think to come prepared with boots and a sturdy pair of pants.”

  Her dad sure hadn’t planned on her riding, given what he’d packed. “How do you know my size?”

  He winked. “It’s my business to know every intimate detail about you.”

  A shiver started at the base of her spine, ran up to her neck, and back down her chest to the tip of her nipples. The foreign experience caused her to start. She cleared her throat. “So you mean I get to ride?” Another dumb comment, given what he’d handed you.

  Geesh. Her ability to converse with a hot male had obviously dried up as fast as her sex life had.

  He pulled a smartphone from his back pocket, skimmed a few pages, then stuck it back where he found it. “You sure do. Would an hour be enough time to get ready? I need to put together a few things for our outing.”

  Oh, my God. He’d accompany her? “Sure. Great. Whatever works for you.”

  His grin turned into a full-blown smile. “Meet you out front by the fountain.”

  She’d miss looking at the hills if she had to ride next to him. “Perfect. I’ll be there.” Thank God she didn’t add or be square.

  Riding alone in the desert with a stranger might put her in the Too Stupid to Live category, but he was too sexy to say no to. She couldn’t help but wonder what his arms would feel like tightened around her. Would his fingers caress her back and burn a hole in her skin? Would she go all weak-kneed from his touch? She sucked in her bottom lip.

  He leaned forward. “Are you having second doubts, darlin’? That’s normally smart, but here at the Catalina Spa we take pride in being on our best behavior when we’re with a guest.” He dragged his eyes from her breasts to a little below her waist. “Mmm, mmm. You are hot.”

  When was the last time a man had even tossed a compliment her way? She stood straighter and overlapped the bathrobe lapels. He was a spa worker and implied he’d keep his hands to himself. Clarissa had filled her in on all the spa etiquette when she’d tried to seduce her masseuse. The workers would lose their job if they acted inappropriately.

  “Okay. I’m game.” Her father would be so proud.

  “I promise you won’t regret your decision.” He doffed his hat and sauntered back the way he’d apparently come.

  He was at least twenty feet away when she called out. “Wait.”

  He took his time turning around. “Yes, darlin’?”

  “I don’t even know your name.”

  His shoulders lowered slightly. “My name’s Joe. Cowboy Joe.” He lifted a hand to his hat and continued on his way.

  Holy shit. He was something else. She liked the easy way he moved down the hall, all full of confidence and grace, but a man like him was probably dangerous. She’d learned her lesson years ago. Every man she’d dated had eventually used or embarrassed her. She’d make sure to steel her heart against this one.

  Chapter 2

  Joe used every ounce of willpower to act laid-back as he headed away from Jillian’s room. How the hell had he assumed she was a dog? He’d drawn his conclusion because of her job description. Christ. He didn’t deserve to work for Sensual Pleasures if he based his ideas on stereotypes instead of facts.

  He should have searched harder, asked more questions about the provocative sex kitten with the gloriously long, dark hair and smoldering eyes. Jillian was the type of woman who had always turned his head. His mouth perfectly aligned with her forehead, and she wasn’t even wearing heels. Given he was over six feet, she was a good five-nine, the perfect height to kiss and the perfect length to penetrate her defenses while being in full-body contact.

  And those curves, damn. He itched to wrap his hands around her tiny waist, suck her perfect tits until she screamed his name, and have her impossibly long legs cling to his waist while he fucked her.

  He bet she hadn’t even been aware when she reached out to take the clothes from him how her robe had gapped open. He got an instant hard-on at the spectacular view, sending his lust meter to well over one hundred on a scale of one to fifty.

  When he’d quarterbacked at LSU, he got the pick of the cheerleaders, but none compared to Jillian. At least his role as a cowboy seemed to please her, but he wasn’t sure how long he could keep up the façade. Saying “darlin’” reminded him of his youth too much, but she’d smiled and averted her gaze a few times when he used the endearment. Her shyness turned him on. Clearly, she had no idea what she did to a man.

  Maybe he should keep a small memento
from Sex Toys for U in his pocket and touch it every so often to remind him why he was there. He, Frank, and Rod were “hired” to make her beg for sex, not make him beg her for sex. Before any of them had seen her, they decided on a no penetration rule. Man, he wasn’t sure he’d make it all week if he couldn’t satisfy his already-growing itch.

  His cock strained against his jeans, and he had to adjust his pants. Christ. He was no better than a teenage boy looking at his first Playboy magazine.

  He pushed open the door to the outside and tilted his face to the sun. These last four years had forced him inside too much. He promised himself he’d take advantage of being outside every hour he was there.

  His brothers jogged up to him. “How’d it go?” Frank had a damn smirk on his face, while Rod hung back.

  Crossed arms and pursed lips meant Rod regretted signing up for this gig, but if he hadn’t, the job of a lifetime would be lost for good. Once Rod saw Jillian, he bet his reluctant brother would change his mind in a hurry.

  “I got a hard-on looking at her.”

  “Funny.” Frank jammed his thumbs in his pants pockets. “She a real loser or what?”

  Joe dragged his right arm around Frank’s shoulders and his left around Rod’s. “Trust me. You ain’t going to believe your eyes.” He looked from brother to brother. “She’s delicate, almost fragile, like she isn’t sure what to do with a man. We’re going to have go gentle with her and make sure she loves everything we do. It’ll be tough on us. You two up for the challenge?”

  * * * *

  Once Jillian closed the door to her suite, she planted her back against the wall. “What just happened?”

  I know everything intimate about you? My God. Where had he learned that kind of information? She wasn’t on Facebook, didn’t Twitter, and never once went on eHarmony,, or any of the other social networking sites like her girlfriends did. The Sensual Pleasures website listed her name but not her picture or where she’d received her degree. Just that she had a PhD in chemistry.


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