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Monroe, Melody S. - Three Hired Lovers [Fantasy Resort 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Rod’s frankness appealed to her, though no matter what she said, he always found a way to make it sound good for the brothers. Bottom high in the air, she took Rod’s cock in her mouth and sucked hard. He grabbed her shoulders and pressed upward. With soft pressure, she ran her teeth along the length of him.

  “You’re killing me, sweetheart.”

  Good. Each of them deserved to know what it was like to want something and have to wait for release. She sucked and stroked, content to hear Rod’s breath grow more ragged, until Frank licked her moist slit. That was so not fair. The breath whooshed out of her. The faster Frank went, the harder she stroked Rod.

  When her climax grew to a point where she was about to come, she straddled Rod, hovering over him. “You want it?”

  He nodded, his mouth open. She leaned over and kissed him hard. She would have continued kissing him for a while had Frank not dipped two thick fingers into her. Already close to the brink, she tilted her pelvis down, forcing Frank’s fingers to slip out. She guided Rod’s cock into her and rode him hard. His hands on her hips, he dictated the speed, going faster. Faster. Faster. Rod’s fingers dug into her waist.

  He groaned and shot his cum into her in no time at all. “Oh, my God. I want to wake up every morning this way.”

  He’d come too fast for her. She needed her own relief and turned to Frank. He slipped off the bed and wiggled his fingers for her. She strutted toward him.

  As soon as she neared, he pulled her toward him. “I love to watch you fuck, and I love how your eyes narrow and your mouth drops open.” He slanted his lips across her and dragged his hands down to her butt. “What you do to me.” His hands slipped under her ass, and he lifted her to his waist level. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She happily obliged. He guided her down onto his rock-hard erection, and waves of contractions consumed her. This morning, at least, he seemed thicker than the other two, and his size stretched her. God, she loved his rigid dick. Hands around her waist, he lifted her high before drawing her down again, sending his cock to the ends of her wall.

  She leaned back, offering him her tits. “Suck me.”

  Frank obliged, gently biting her peaks. Electric bolts raced to her core. Fucking and sucking were her two favorite pastimes.

  “You like that?”

  More than he could know. She nodded. Using her legs, she helped dictate the speed until her orgasm took over her soul and shot through her body. “Sweet Jesus.”

  “Oh, baby.” Frank’s strong fingers clasped her butt hard as he came again, too.

  She collapsed onto his shoulder and hugged him tight. “You were amazing.”

  “You read my mind.”


  Jillian dropped her legs to the floor, almost surprised her weak knees held her, and turned to the bed.

  Joe grabbed hold of his cock. “Good morning.”

  “I see the three of you have been having quite a ride. Got time for me?”

  Chapter 13

  Clarissa called in sick again and spoke with someone at the switchboard instead of contacting her directly. Jillian was a little upset with her friend. This was the third day in a row she’d not come into work. Damn. Clarissa never stayed home, even when she’d had the flu. Jillian hoped she was okay. She needed her assistant at work, in part to help with the delicate test, but also to share in the continuing adventure with her men.

  After three hours of trying to get the polymer the right consistency, Jillian decided she needed a break. In the locker room, she called Clarissa.

  “Hello?” Her friend’s voice sounded scratchy.

  “Clarissa, it’s Jillian. How are you?”

  She sniffled. “It’s bad, Jillian. It’s Mom.”

  That meant Clarissa might not be ill. “Tell me.” She parked her bottom on the wooden bench.

  “Mom got this terrible pain in her chest three or four nights ago. I took her to the emergency room, and they said she’d had a heart attack. On top of everything, she had a stroke this morning and can’t move her right side. Oh, Jillian. I don’t know if she’s going to make it.” Her coworker’s voice shook.

  Her own heart beat too fast. “Oh, Clarissa, I’m so sorry. Are you at the hospital now?”

  “Yes. I can’t leave her. You understand, don’t you?”

  “Stay as long as you need, but promise to keep me in the loop.” Now wasn’t the time to discuss with Clarissa why she hadn’t explained the situation earlier.

  “I will. I need to go. Mom is motioning to me with her good hand.”

  That was so sad. Sick in the pit of her stomach, she hung up. Poor Clarissa. Her own father’s medical issues rose to the surface. She prayed he’d take care of himself now that Joe and Frank were running the show. Liquid leaked out of her eyes at both tragedies.

  Work didn’t hold such an appeal, knowing her friend was suffering. Before she could decide what to do, her cell rang, jolting her out of reverie. She didn’t even look to see who was calling. “Hello?” Her voice cracked.

  “Jillian, darlin’, something wrong?”

  Joe had never met Clarissa, so there was no need to let him know about her friend’s dire situation. She was sure he had enough on his plate. “I’m good. What’s up?”

  “Can you come to the office? Frank and I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Sure.” She hung up and blew her nose.

  After placing her lab coat in her locker, she checked the bathroom mirror to see the damage. God, she looked a mess with her red eyes and flushed face. She ran concealer under her eyes, but that did little to help. She looked far from her best, but it was all she could do at the moment.

  As she entered the office suite, she waved to dad’s secretary, or rather Joe and Frank’s secretary now, and went into the office. While the furniture remained the same, the air smelled lemony, as if Joe had waxed the furniture. “Hi.”

  Joe stood, and her panties dampened. Why did he have to look good enough to eat?

  “Let’s go to the conference room.”

  Uh-oh. He gave her no wink and no smile. This couldn’t be good. She debated kissing him but knew if she began, she might end up spread-eagle on the desk with his throbbing cock inside her. Wouldn’t that be a nice afternoon interlude, though? His tight jaw told her no aspect of hanky-panky would be in the cards today. She’d try again tomorrow.

  Joe waited by the door for her, and together they went to the conference room. His silence bothered her, but perhaps he was working on an idea and needed to focus. Inside, Frank and Mr. Winters, the CFO, were sitting next to each other.

  She thought Frank might greet her with a kiss, but he merely glanced at her, tossed her a brief smile, and returned his attention to the papers in front of him. Her insides churned. Something bad must have happened.

  “Is Dad okay?”

  Joe pulled out the chair for her and she took a seat. “Yes. As far as we know, he’s fine.” He sat at the head of the large oval table. “Let’s begin. We’ve been analyzing the financial stability of the company and have found Sensual Pleasures is losing money to the tune of fourteen million a year.”

  Her breath lodged in her throat. That couldn’t be true. Dad lived a lavish lifestyle but claimed the company made a ton of money and was even considering taking it public. She shot a glance at Mr. Winters. “Is that possible?”

  “I’m afraid so, Jillian. Your dad wanted to hide the fact that the R & D department is, well, sucking the company dry.”

  Her heart stopped. “Without the research, the company would have no products. They need us.” Surely they understood.

  Mr. Winters patted his brow with a clean, white handkerchief. “We know we need research, but outsourcing to China makes more financial sense.”

  The loud buzzing inside her head blocked his next explanation. His mouth moved, but her mind refused to listen.

  “What will happen to us?” To Clarissa and her mom, to Stanley, whose wife was pregnant with their third ch
ild? To me?

  “We will give each of you two weeks notice and a six-month severance package. Given the economy, that’s more than generous.”

  Her throat constricted. “Does Dad know?”

  “Yes. He never had the heart to close down the lab before. He knew it was your life. That’s part of the reason why he sent you to the spa, to give you more experience, to groom you for the marketing department.”

  Her brain couldn’t synthesize the enormity of what he was saying.

  Joe spoke up. “We know how much the lab means to you.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Jillian, let’s not make this more difficult than it needs to be. We would really love to have you head up marketing. Your ideas so far have been dead-on. Please consider our offer. You salary would be boosted by twenty-five percent.”

  Money meant nothing if she couldn’t do research. She’d find another lab job. No one was going to tell her how to live her life. She pushed back her chair and stood. “Gentleman.” She made eye contact with each of them, or tried to. Frank wouldn’t meet her gaze. “I’ll need time to decide. I’ll let you—” Vomit rolled into her mouth before she could finish her sentence.

  She spun around and walked as casually as she could out the door, concentrating on not getting sick in front of them. Tears streamed down her face. Wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand, she dashed into the hallway and ran to the stairs, not wanting to run into anyone in the elevator. How could her world have turned upside down in ten minutes?

  Somehow, she made it to the locker room. After rinsing her mouth, she dashed outside. Damn. Joe had driven, and her car was at his house.

  Not caring how much it cost, she called a cab. Twenty minutes standing in the hot sun only added to her misery, but it also increased her resolve to make things right. Her dad had loved her enough to keep the lab running. Joe and Frank only cared about the damned bottom line. Fine. Let them have it their way. She’d find a way to survive on her own.

  The cab ride took forever and cost close to a hundred bucks, but at least she now had her own ride. Joe hadn’t given her a key to the house, so she was unable to gather her few things. It didn’t matter. It was only stuff.

  Back inside her home, the air was stuffy and hot. She turned the AC to high and poured a glass of wine. How was she going to break it to her staff that their lives as they knew it were basically over? Cool Clarissa would become unglued. With a sick mom to take care of, how would she be able to pay the bills? Both she and Clarissa had degrees in chemistry, but that wasn’t very marketable. Damn it to hell. Why did this have to happen now?

  At the moment, she couldn’t recall the location of another research lab that was looking to hire. She could teach, but without a teaching certificate, high school would be out. Being with college-aged students was not her idea of fun. At a university, she’d have to spend more time writing papers than teaching, and she sucked at putting her thoughts into the written word.

  She stretched out on the sofa and guzzled the wine. Maybe they’d lied and hadn’t gotten permission from her father to outsource the research. She picked up her cell. Dad answered on the third ring.

  “Jillian?” His voice sounded weak.

  “You okay? You sound shaky.” Voices sounded in the background from a loudspeaker. Two women were talking nearby. “Where are you?”

  “I’m in the hospital.”

  Her gut nearly exploded. Joe had said Dad was fine. Was this just another one of his lies? “Why?”

  “My kidneys are failing.”

  How could that happen so fast? “You going to be okay?”

  “I gotta go. This nurse is fussing at me. They need to run more tests.”

  “Which hospital? University Medical?”

  “Yes. This may take a few hours, so don’t visit.” He hung up.

  He forgot to say good-bye, but he did have a nurse fussing at him. She was sure he meant not to visit right now, not never to visit.

  Too numb to move, she set the glass on the table, deciding to give up drinking. A clear head was a must if she was to survive. Her life was like the sludge at the bottom of recently boiled test tube. Black, gooey, and no good for anything.

  When she awoke, she noticed four text messages on her cell phone. The beeps hadn’t even woken her. Two came Joe, one from Frank, and one from Rod. Too damned bad. She didn’t read any of them. She knew the content. They were wondering how she was doing. How the hell should she be doing? The men she thought she loved had basically cut out her heart. Surely, they knew that the moment they decided to shut down the lab.

  Any minute they’d be knocking on her door, trying to convince her to reconsider their offer. If she let them in, when they touched her, she’d be a goner.

  A plan formed. A really good plan.

  Chapter 14

  After Clarissa spent three days at the hospital, she begrudgingly agreed to go home and meet Jillian, who was waiting there for her. Jillian wasn’t sure how she was going to break it to her friend that neither of them had a job anymore. The severance package would help lessen the sting of rejection, but they both loved the work and thrived on their successes.

  Jillian paced outside Clarissa’s house, waiting for her friend to arrive. The neighborhood was filled with mostly one-story, adobe-type homes, painted green or brown. The lawns were either landscaped with stones, or the owner had cemented the front of the house to the street, leaving holes for an occasional tree.

  After waiting twenty minutes, Clarissa’s VW pulled into the drive. Her friend got out slowly. Dear Lord. Bags sat under her eyes, and her clothes were wrinkled and stained.

  Jillian hugged her small friend. “I’m so sorry, hon. Is your mom any better?”

  “About the same.” She nodded to the house. “I need a shower and a drink. Come on in.”

  Jillian left her packed suitcase in the car, not wanting to spring her plan on Clarissa right away.

  Clarissa dropped her purse on the kitchen counter. “You want a beer or something?”

  “Water’s fine.”

  “Help yourself. I have to get clean. You know your way around. Relax.”

  Jillian retrieved a glass from the cabinet and filled it from the fridge door. The chaise in the living room beckoned her. As she waited, her mind sped. Before her father got sick, her biggest issue in life was how to create the perfect product. Her concerns seemed so petty now.

  After drinking a second glass of water, Clarissa emerged looking fresh from her shower. “To what do I owe the pleasure? You never just drive out here.”

  “Get a drink, then come talk with me. I have some news.”

  “Good, I hope. I sure could use some.”

  Jillian didn’t answer. Hair wrapped in a towel, her friend returned with a beer in her hand.

  “I have bad news actually.” Clarissa winced. Jillian outlined what the CFO and Joe had told her.

  The beer fell from Clarissa’s fingers, but she managed to pick up the bottle before too much had leaked out. “I’m so clumsy.” She jumped up and raced to the kitchen.

  Jillian wanted to comfort her but understood her friend needed time to confront her demons on her own.

  Red-eyed, Clarissa returned with a towel and cleaned up the mess. “I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming. I knew someone had to pay for all the expensive equipment, but I thought the revenue was good enough to cover the costs.”

  “Me, too. We’ll figure something out, I promise.”

  She waved her beer. “At least I won’t have to ask for a sabbatical while I take care of my mom.”

  “There is that.”

  For the next hour they discussed options. Clarissa kept coming back to the marketing job. “You at least have a job if you want it.”

  Jillian was happy her friend didn’t harp on the fact her father basically owned the company and that she would be set for life. “I don’t want to work for those traitors. I want to find another lab.”

  Clarissa nodded. “
What did your dad say about the closing?”

  “I called to see if he’d been in the loop and found out he’s in the hospital.”

  “Oh, no. What happened?”

  “I’m not quite sure. They’re doing tests now. Kidney failure, he said.”

  Clarissa shook her head. “Maybe we should go into nursing or elder care.” She chuckled, but her laugh held no joy.

  “I have a favor to ask you.”


  “I don’t want any of the men to find me, as I’m not ready for their persuasive tactics. I know they could talk me into taking the job at the company if they came in person. Once they touched me, I’d cave. Right now I’m so mad at them, I don’t want anything to do with those three.”

  Clarissa’s eyes lit up. “How about moving in here? It would be great. We could both job hunt, and if Mom has to move in, we could take turns watching her.” She clasped her hands together. “Oh, Jillian, it would help me out so much.”

  Clarissa’s suggestion was the answer to her prayers. “I was hoping you’d ask.” For the first time today, her spirits lifted.

  * * * *

  When Jillian entered her dad’s room, he wasn’t there. At the nurses’ station, she was told her he was having tests done.

  She needed answers. “Then I need to speak with my father’s renal specialist.”

  The young nurse smiled. “I’ll page him.”

  Jillian stepped away from the desk so as not to block anyone else’s access. She leaned against the wall, getting more depressed by the moment.

  “Ms. Masters?”

  She turned. “Yes.”

  The short, white-haired man’s nametag read Dr. Paul Clemens. “I’m your father’s doctor. Please come with me.”

  He led her over to a desk on the side of the hallway and dragged a chair from another desk. He motioned she take a seat.

  “How is my father?”

  “I’ll be honest. One kidney had already failed, and the second one is going.”


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