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Tarnished Prophecy: Shifter Paranormal Romance (Soul Dance Book 3)

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by Ann Gimpel

  Table of Contents

  Tarnished Prophecy, Soul Dance Book Three

  Book Description

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Tarnished Journey, Chapter One

  Tarnished Prophecy, Soul Dance Book Three

  Shifter Paranormal Romance

  Ann Gimpel

  Edited by Angela Kelly

  Edited by Diane Eagle Kataoka

  Illustrated by Fiona Jayde


  Tarnished Prophecy

  Copyright Page

  Book Description

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  About the Author

  Tarnished Journey, Chapter One

  Tarnished Prophecy

  Soul Dance, Book Three

  Shifter Paranormal Romance

  By Ann Gimpel

  Copyright Page

  Tarnished Prophecy, Copyright © March 2017 Ann Gimpel

  Cover Art Copyright © January 2017, Fiona Jayde

  Edited by: Angela Kelly and Diane Eagle Kataoka

  Copyright notice: All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Book Description

  Germany, 1940

  Magic runs strong in Ilona, a gypsy seer. Powerful ability isn’t valued in Romani women, so she focuses her fortunetelling on inconsequential details. Nothing that could come back to haunt her caravan if a prediction went bad. Rounded up and dumped in Dachau prison camp, she has plenty of time to rue her decision to downplay her ability. If she’d taken the time to scry her own future, she’d still be free.

  A wolf shifter, Jamal made the mistake of wedding a Romani woman centuries ago. His arrogance caused both death and heartache, and he’s been alone ever since. The recent threat of vampires joining the Third Reich has provided ample reason for shifters and Rom to lay their ancient enmity aside and work together, but their détente is fragile.

  Jamal and a group of shifters come across Ilona after her escape from Dachau. Vulnerable, terrified, she’s fully prepared to fight. Her courage and mettle touch places in him he’d thought were dead, but she’s Romani. His last relationship ended so badly, the last thing he needs is to fall for another gypsy woman. He wrestles his tumbling emotions into submission, but when she trains her enigmatic, gray gaze on him, his resolve first weakens and then vanishes entirely.

  Chapter 1

  Ilona Lovas pressed into the shadowed place where her bunk attached to the wall, wishing night would last forever. At least at night, she could lie down and no one bothered her. Stacked in three layers on both sides of a drafty barrack building, the beds consisted of wooden slats. Nothing to cushion them and no blankets unless you were one of the lucky ones who hadn’t been stripped of every single possession on your way into Dachau. She’d been told she was on her way to a work camp, but it was really a prison.

  The fine, old medieval village of Dachau sprawled around the camp. There had to be gypsies left who hadn’t been imprisoned, but efforts at telepathic communication failed to raise anyone at all. Ilona thinned her lips into a harsh line. Everyone was running scared. If any Romani remained, they were keeping a very low profile. Help wouldn’t come from any quarter beyond her own efforts. Tears threatened—hot and bitter—but she blinked them back. No energy to do anything that wasn’t essential, and crying was an indulgence.

  Barely three weeks had passed since she’d been plucked from the streets of Augsburg for the high crime of being a gypsy. All she’d been doing was shopping in the open-air market. For once, she hadn’t even stolen so much as a sweetmeat. Three weeks, but it may as well have been three years. Life in Valentin’s caravan had been difficult, but it was paradise compared with where she was now. At first, she’d nurtured the hope Valentin would show up to claim her. It would be easy enough to figure out where she was, but for all his bluff and bravado, he was a coward underneath. Besides, even if he’d risked himself, like as not he’d have ended up an inmate.

  No one who wasn’t Aryan had any rights in Hitler’s Germany. Maybe someday the war would be over and…

  Who am I kidding? At this rate, I’ll be dead before three months have passed. Waiting out a multi-year war isn’t even a remote possibility.

  Her stomach cramped from hunger and she wrapped her arms around her middle, trying to think about something other than food. She’d attempted to wrangle an assignment in the kitchen where she could steal more to eat, but so far the Nazi officers marched her—and every other woman in this building—through the streets of Dachau each morning to a garment factory where they sewed Nazi uniforms twelve to fourteen hours a day.

  No food. No water. Not even a bathroom break. Some of the women soiled themselves and were forced to sit in their own filth as tears of humiliation mingled with the thread and fabric.

  Fury washed through her, and she curled her hands into fists. No one should be treated this way. None of them were guilty of anything—except being gypsies or Jews or immigrants or malformed or mentally deficient.

  Her little brother, Aron, had been with her the day she’d been taken prisoner. They’d been separated at Dachau’s gates where she’d been forced to stand with other women, and he’d been prodded into a group of teenaged boys. He’d slipped away from them, though, and made a run for it with three guards hot on his heels. Heedless of punishment, she’d sent magic zinging after him to add speed to his feet, but something dark and malevolent stepped between them, halting the flow of her power.

  A strikingly beautiful man robed in scarlet with waist-length dark hair and eyes the shade of a turbulent ocean stared at her as he probed her mind. A predatory smile revealed elongated fangs.

  Breath whooshed from her, and her throat thickened in horror.

  A vampire. It had to be a vampire. Nothing else could feel so profane.

  Who would’ve thought they even still existed? She’d read a
bout them, but from all accounts, they’d never moved out of Egypt where they’d been a true scourge in ancient times.

  The vampire was still focused intently on her. Waves of sexual heat poured from him, snaring her in their net. The lust felt perverse, wrong, but she was rooted in place. She didn’t have enough magic at her disposal to both keep him out of her mind and move away from his leering gaze. Even placing herself behind the other women wasn’t possible. She tugged at a foot, but it refused to budge.

  Damn but he was strong. Far stronger than any Romani. Stronger than the occasional shifter she’d run across as well.

  The Nazis who’d taken off after Aron trotted to the vampire, pointing in the direction they’d just come from. Her brother—always wily and a fast runner—had clearly given them the slip, but his chances against a vampire wouldn’t be good. At least the SS officers had refocused the creature’s attention away from her. She felt dirty, like she’d taken a bath in smut, but her body was hers to command again.

  She had to warn Aron, so she risked telepathy, doing her damnedest to shield it from the vampire still deep in conversation with the Nazis.

  “Aron! They just sicced a vampire on you. Go to ground. Wind power around you. Remain there until tonight.”

  Her brother didn’t answer, which probably meant his full magical ability was focused on flight. The vampire didn’t even look up. Ilona inhaled raggedly. Good. Maybe the fell creature hadn’t noticed.

  A club landed on the backs of her legs, and she yelped.

  “Gypsy bitch!” a guard snarled. “Get moving. Next time, the club lands on your head.”

  She’d staggered into the camp, her calves on fire, and her stint in Hell had officially begun. At least she hadn’t been forced to entertain the German officers, but it was only a matter of time. They grabbed women at random each night. When the women returned at dawn, their faces held a resigned, drawn look and they shook their heads sadly, refusing to talk about how they’d been used.

  Soon, her half-starved state would erode her magic. When that happened, her ability to make herself invisible to the Nazis trolling through the women’s barracks each night wouldn’t be there anymore. It was probably the only reason she’d escaped their net so far.

  Yeah. When that happens, I’ll be fair game for any bastard with a hard on.

  Risking death was better than being raped, and an idea took form. Later this morning when her group was on its way to the garment factory, she’d summon power—while she still had some—create an invisibility illusion, and run. Better not to go far. She’d go to ground the first opportunity she found and wait out the day. When night fell, she’d make her way out of Dachau.

  Saliva flooded her mouth, and her gut clenched from nausea. She might have vomited from nerves if she’d had anything in her stomach. Could she pull this off? Why hadn’t she done something before? When the answer came, she felt ashamed. She’d been waiting for Valentin—or someone—to rescue her. Or for the Nazis to announce they’d made a mistake. She was innocent, and they were releasing her.

  Except that hadn’t happened to anyone during her brief tenure in Dachau. The only way out of this place would be in a box if she didn’t take matters into her own hands. Soon, she’d be too weak to leverage the amount of power required to vanish from prying eyes. It wasn’t just cloaking herself. She also had to plant a suggestion in the guards’ minds that they’d never seen her.

  Hard to raise an alarm for someone no longer on your mental roster of prisoners. They might have a paper list, but she’d never seen them use one.

  Ilona scrunched her eyes shut. They felt hot and gritty, and a headache pounded behind one temple. Where would she go—assuming she pulled off her escape? Not back to the caravan. Associating with gypsies wasn’t safe. The guards had stolen her rings and bracelets and hoop earrings, so nothing marked her as Romani. Her hair was dark and curly, but she had gray eyes, and lacked the sharp facial features common to her people. She couldn’t pass as Aryan, but at least she might not be pegged as Rom absent her jewelry and colorful, flowing skirts.

  Thinking about skirts reminded her that her prison clothes would have to go…

  Stop! One thing at a time. My first focus has to be escape. Once I’m hidden somewhere, I can work out the rest of it.

  She relaxed her muscles, which had tightened into rocks, but sleep was out of the question. Dawn couldn’t be far off. She had a plan. One she’d put into action because it was better than fading away and dying in Dachau. The guards dragged dead bodies out of her barracks each morning. If she waited too long, she’d meet the same fate, but not before she’d been raped. She’d been young and strong when the Nazis captured her, but those resources were dwindling.

  Fear—the same terror that turned all the prisoners into mewling ninnies dancing to a malevolent Pied Piper—lodged behind her breastbone and accentuated every beat of her heart. She pushed it back. She’d need its energy for her flight, and only a fool frittered away resources.

  Ilona walked at the tail end of the line of women plodding to the garment factory. Dawn was just breaking, and the gunmetal sky spit sleet. She knew better than to talk, and she kept her hands clasped in front of her. With downcast eyes, the human queue moved like an undulating snake through deserted streets. Dachau might always have been quiet at this hour, but she bet it had never been this quiet. Everyone avoided the Nazis for the best of reasons. They no longer needed a reason to imprison you in a world that had turned upside down. A world where no one asked questions anymore.

  Sleep continued to elude her for what was left of the night, but she’d traded her ambivalence about escaping for acceptance. She’d try her best. If it worked, she’d be on her way to freedom. If it failed, death would end her misery.

  The woman in front of her stumbled but recovered and kept moving before a guard could swat her with a baton—or shoot her outright. Prisoners were a commodity. Nothing more, nothing less. Easier to kill the weak and move on. New prisoners arrived daily. So many, some of the barracks stuffed them two to a narrow bunk. At least it was warmer that way.

  Ilona girded herself and tapped into her magic. One more block and she’d have to do this. If she waited much longer, they’d be at the factory, and escape would be much harder.

  Impossible after the women were herded inside.

  Once she began, she’d have to be quick. If any of the guards felt her magic—and they might if they were gypsies hiding what they were—the jig would be up. Of course, it would be all over for them too because she’d finger them for being just like her.

  Takes one to know one.

  A grim smile parted her lips, but her head was down so no one saw it. Her hands shook where they were clutched in front of her, so she gripped them hard enough to hurt. Casting spells was easier if she had the use of her hands, but that part would have to wait until no one could see her.

  She inhaled deep, blew it out, and did it again aiming for a calm, clear center. Her power had always been strong for a Romani. Her fortunes smacking of clairvoyance rather than pretense. Ilona let her power build. She wouldn’t get to do this again if it turned to shit.

  Means I have to get it right the first time.

  Magic spilled through her. So much, she feared luminescence dancing around her might give her away. Working fast, she reached into the minds of the half dozen guards flanking them and the dozen women nearest her.

  “You have never seen me. You will not miss me.”

  Ilona repeated the suggestion twice more. Three was a power number, and she wasn’t leaving anything to chance. No sooner had the third iteration left her mind than she drew invisibility from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet and stepped out of the line.

  She’d planned to wait long enough to see if any of the guards raised an alarm, but the specter of freedom was heady, and she couldn’t force herself to turn as she’d planned to watch the line move away without her.

  Heart pounding and throat clotted nearly shut with
anxiety, she ran as fast as she could down a side street, and then another one, angling toward the road out of town. After the first few minutes where she’d expected bullets to rip through her spine, her breathing eased a little.

  She’d pulled it off—at least for now. Maybe going to ground wasn’t such a good idea. She had no idea if she’d eradicated herself permanently from the guards’ memories, or if her magical intervention would fade. She’d employed subliminal suggestion before, but always when her caravan was within hours of leaving a town. By the time a gadjo discovered she’d hoodwinked him, it was too late to do anything about it.

  Not that no one ever drove after caravans demanding the head of the gypsy who’d cheated them, but Valentin always dealt with them. She didn’t know if anyone had ever come after her, claiming she’d played them false.

  She took stock of her magic. It was weakening, but she had enough left to clear the ancient town’s walls. Once she was outside Dachau, she could take to back ways, and she wouldn’t need to be invisible.


  She’d need something other than her prison garb. The only other option was holding onto her invisibility spell permanently—and she didn’t have enough magic to do that.

  Ilona scanned the street. Nothing here. She’d been to Dachau with the caravan numerous times, and she tried to remember where shops that sold clothing were located. And then she rolled her eyes. She had no money, and all the shops were still closed. Besides, no one in their right mind would sell anything to someone dressed in prison garb.


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