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Twin Souls

Page 6

by D. M. Mortier

  “You must have been very young when you had her, Rico,” Danielle cooed. “Your daughter is such a little adult. She’s hilarious!”

  Clara placed a starter salad and the promised spaghetti and meatballs in front of them. Danielle attacked the salad as if it was going to be her last meal.

  Cherone snickered. “My papa looks good for his age.”

  Rico glared at her. “What Roni meant to say is that I’m not her biological father.”

  “But he’s the best papa ever,” Cherone said. “I can’t wait to have a mama. Are you going to be my mama, Danielle?”

  “Cherone …”

  “What, Papa? I like her!”

  “And I like you,” Danielle said.

  Oh geez, Rico thought. Danielle the clueless seems completely on board with becoming a stepmother.

  “Besides,” Danielle said, “you’ll be out of high school soon and away at college soon, right?”

  Maybe she’s not so clueless. Rico laughed as Cherone stared stonily at his date.

  “I intend to go to a local college and live at home with my papa. He’ll miss me if I go too far away. He’s used to having me around.”

  “Don’t you think you’re too old to be so dependent on a man who’s not biologically related to you?” Danielle asked.

  Cherone pushed back her chair, but Rico pushed the chair back in, putting his hand on top of hers. “Roni is mine, biology or not,” Rico said. “This is her house, and if she wants to stay here before college, during college, and after college, that’s her right. And it’s none of your damn business.”

  “I’m sorry, Rico,” Danielle said. “I meant no offense.”

  You baited her! Rico charged.

  I’m a teenager. She’s a grown woman. How could I possibly bait her? Cherone continued staring Danielle down, completely unfazed by his annoyance.

  Danielle tried being nice to Cherone after that, but the damage had already been done.

  Rico never brought another date to dinner after that encounter, and taking all of Cherone’s electronics to ground her only lasted one hour.

  “You do realize that by grounding me, you’re giving me permission to not go to school or do my homework, right?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Our books are now all electronic. And our homework is issued online and has to be submitted electronically. So I guess it’s pointless for me to go to school for the next two weeks. That’s the length of my punishment, right?”

  Rico threw his hands up. “Just remember you’re still going to get grounded!”

  “When?”Cherone grinned.

  Rico stared her down. “Just as soon as I figure out what.”

  In the end, he had her clean his weapons shed hidden in a faux wall in the garage. Unfortunately she loved the task and convinced him to teach her how to use most of the weapons stored there.

  Rico still had not solved the problem of sleeping in his bed without being a voyeur in Cherone’s dreams. Not willing to take the chance, he slept in his own bed as little as possible over the next year.

  Chapter Six

  Two years later…

  THEY TOOK CHERONE out to dinner at her favorite Italian restaurant, La Locanda to celebrate her eighteenth birthday. With Ray, Clara, Neo, Sean, and Rico present, Cherone was ecstatic because she preferred to hangout more with the adults than with her high school classmates.

  “So, Roni, you’re graduating in a few months,” Neo said. “What are you planning to study in college?”

  “Well, Rico wants me to become an accountant. Sean says I should be a model. And your recommendation was to become a nurse.” Cherone grinned at them. “I haven’t spoken to Dominic or Damien yet, but I’m sure their suggestions would be just as lame. I’m going to study criminology and get a law degree.”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” Rico said. “As long as it’s not criminal law, I’m good. Corporate law works for me.”

  “But where is the fun in that?” Cherone grinned. “I don’t want to be a lawyer. I want to become an FBI agent.”

  “Now those suckers are lame.” Sean smiled. “I thought you were becoming a SEAL to carry-on the family tradition.”

  “Didn’t I tell you not to encourage that shit?” He frowned at Sean and turned his frown toward Cherone. “And you’re not becoming FBI either.”

  “When you’re ready to join the FBI, I can introduce you to some people,” Neo promised.

  Rico scowled. “Neo, stay the hell out of this. Roni, you help people fine. You have no need to take on such a dangerous job.”

  Cherone laughed and shook her head. “I have no idea why it’s okay for you to do a dangerous job and not me.”

  “No worries, Roni,” Clara said with a smile. “I’m sure whatever career you decide on, you will be brilliant.”

  “My only ambition right now is to devour this entire oven-grilled chicken pizza,” Cherone said. “The FBI will have me soon enough.”

  You’re feeling pretty confident, pequeña.

  Yeah. You’ve taught me well. I can protect myself. And if I can’t, you will. Cherone dug into her pizza.

  Rico fought hard not to grin at her enthusiasm. Her confident demeanor, her mannerisms, her clothes, and her conduct were all mature and adult. When had she become so well-spoken and sophisticated?

  He shouldn’t have been surprised. Although the guys never went with them, they ensured Cherone went on vacation with Ray and Clara every year. The couple had taken her to Paris, London, Venice, Rome, Moscow, Geneva, Tokyo, and Madrid over the years. She was well-traveled and articulate. Dominic had encouraged Cherone to learn other languages, and so far she was conversant in French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian.

  Rico found her transformation from cocky boyish teen to a confident young woman unsettling.

  “So who is your date to the prom?” Neo asked with an unholy grin on his face.

  Rico frowned. “What prom? What date?”

  “Rico, you did go to high school right?” Cherone laughed.

  “Don’t be a smartass, pequeña,” Rico growled. “You’re not going to a prom.”

  Everyone at the table laughed.

  “Man, you’re getting as bad as Dominic,” Sean howled.

  Rico failed to see the joke. “Whatever, man. She ain’t going to that gathering of horny pricks.”

  However, a few weeks later when Cherone descended the stairs in an electric blue silk gown on her way to the prom, Rico had no idea how he had so completely been overruled. Those bastards sided with her, but none of them are here to deal with this shit!

  “Where is your wrap? That dress is too small around your chest. It’s revealing too much.” Rico fussed over her. “That damn split comes almost to your waist!”

  Cherone rolled her eyes. “This dress is very conservative compared to what the other girls will be wearing. All of my bits are covered.”

  “You have too many damn bits,” Rico moaned. “Why did you choose this guy anyway? Your date has deplorable grades and has had five girlfriends over the past year.”

  “How do you know that, Rico?” She narrowed her eyes. “You had him investigated, didn’t you?”

  Rico maintained an icy silence.

  “You are unbelievable. I’m not marrying the guy! We’re only going to the prom for Pete’s sake!”

  “The, um, the guys thought we should look him up.” Rico bit his lip. “You know. Just to be safe.”

  “God! You guys are impossible!”She walked closer to him and gently touched his bicep.

  Her touch sizzled through him. What the hell is that? Rico was stunned by the jolt of desire gripping him. He fought hard not to acknowledge or respond to it.

  “Come on, Rico, I’m eighteen years old. I know what I want.” Her soft gaze pierced his senses. “I know who I want,” she whispered.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled close to him. He shuddered at the exquisite feel of her body against his. God, how the mighty
has fallen! I’m fucking weak in the knees! He closed his eyes and held her briefly before gently pushing her away from him.

  “You’re too young to make that decision, pequeña.”

  “I’ve known for years who you are, mi amor. It’s not going to change because of a prom date.”

  The doorbell chimed. A few seconds later Ray escorted Jeremy into the room.

  Rico walked over to the eighteen-year-old.

  “You are Jeremy Bernstein, correct?” Rico asked. His head was still buzzing from the sultry tone of Cherone’s voice. Where the hell did she learn to talk like that?

  “Yes sir,” Jeremy replied.

  “Rico?” Cherone complained.

  “Kid, do you know who I am?” Rico asked.

  “Y-yes sir,” Jeremy said.

  Rico put his hands to his waist, deliberately pushing his jacket back so his gun was visible. “SEAL, Special Ops.”

  Jeremy took a tentative step back.“Sir?”

  “No, son, don’t run. I just want you to know what will happen if you touch Roni in any way.” Rico stared Jeremy down.

  “Stop it.” Cherone advanced toward them and rounded on Rico. “You don’t have to worry about him touching me, because I will be doing all the touching.”

  “You’re not leaving this house,” Rico said, his body still, his lips barely moving.

  “I was only kidding! Chill, Geez!”Cherone rolled her eyes.

  Clara ran into the room. “Let me see my baby,” she cooed.

  “Thanks for all of your help, Clara. I couldn’t have gotten this outfit without you.” Cherone smiled.

  Clara beamed, her eyes moist but smiling.

  Cherone went over to her and kissed her gently on the cheek. She then grabbed Jeremy’s hand and started dragging him from the room. “Let’s go, Jeremy, before Rico has a heart attack.”

  “Just be back here by eleven,” Rico said. “One minute over and I’m burying that kid.”

  That was over the top, even for you, Rico! Cherone climbed into Jeremy’s Mazda sedan. You would pull a gun on a teenager? Are you insane?

  Over the top? Let him touch you and you will see just how over the top I can get. Knowing what teenage boys truly thought about and wanted, Rico felt like keeping her locked away until she was thirty! Damn little pricks are always looking to score.

  Just remember what I said. Cherone reminded him.

  Not gonna happen. Rico hated to admit it, but he was no longer certain of what was happening between them.

  Two and a half hours later, Cherone was having a blast with her friends dancing and gossiping about the fashions of the night. Poor Jeremy had taken Rico’s threat to heart and had left her in the company of her girlfriends for most of the night. Not that she minded. Cherone had no romantic feelings for Jeremy anyway. Her heart was irrevocably taken by another. At 10:30 p.m., she communicated to Rico, who she knew was waiting nearby where he could watch over her. Rico, I’m ready to go home now.

  How did you know I was here?

  Is that a legitimate question? Of course you’re here. God forbid you should trust me to make the right decisions.

  It’s not you I don’t trust. I don’t trust that little douche you left the house with.

  Same thing if you ask me. Cherone wasn’t going to let him get away with keeping such tight surveillance on her.

  Cherone stalked toward Rico’s Ford F150 truck a few minutes later. Sean stepped out of the passenger side.

  “Uncle Sean!” Cherone yelled. “Not you, too!”

  “Sorry, kiddo, I didn’t like the little prick either.” Sean grinned as he assisted her into the truck.

  “How are you guys going to survive when I go to college, a place known for undersexed young men?” Cherone buckled her seat belt as Sean climbed in beside her.

  “We’ll think of something,” Rico said.

  “We’re SEALs,” Sean said. “I’m sure we can outmaneuver a few ass wipes.”

  “You guys got to stop,” she grumbled.

  “Sure,” Rico muttered. “When I’m six feet under.”

  “Yeah, and then after he’s gone,” Sean said. “I’m there to pick up the slack.”

  Cherone sighed. You can always tell them that I’m yours, and then you won’t have to worry about any of this.

  Rico grunted.

  Later that night when Rico placed his head on his pillow and fell asleep, he was ill-prepared for how powerful their connectivity had gotten. As soon as he fell asleep, the visions hit him in Technicolor.

  He should have been happy that more than a year later, her dreams had still not progressed to more than a simple soft kiss to his lips and a snuggle against him. But this time the sweetness of it made it impossible to eradicate himself from the dream. He didn’t have the willpower to do so, and he didn’t want to resist.

  Almost desperate to sample the forbidden pleasure, when she brushed her lips against his for the third time, he opened his mouth and kissed her back. He was shocked at how easily he changed her innocent game. If he was a better man, he would have stopped then, but he convinced himself that it was only a dream and there was no harm in it. So he turned the kiss into a less innocent meeting of the lips.

  She melted into him.

  He gently nipped and licked her lips before thrusting his tongue into her mouth, tasting her and stoking his desire. He closed his eyes, reeling under the sizzling lust that invaded him.

  Returning his kiss with equal fervor; she wound her arms around his neck and rubbed her body against him. He became hard as granite. Deepening the kiss even more, he grabbed her ass, holding her in place as he ground against her softness.

  Cherone’s eyes popped open in shock.

  Oh shit, Rico thought. She’s awake!

  Rico shook himself awake. His covers where thrown from the bed, the pillows on the floor. He was now fully awake, wondering if she would realize what he had done. Disgusted at his lack of control, he picked up the pillow and slumped back against it on the mattress. It had felt incredibly real. His body hummed with irrepressible desire. It took hours for him to convince his dick they couldn’t go next door and finish what he had started.

  When he went down to breakfast the next morning, she gave no indication that she was aware of his participation in her dream. Other than avoiding his gaze as she had been doing lately, nothing between them had changed. As they did whenever he was home, he taught her self-defense tactics, both hand-to-hand and with the use of knives.

  This time, however, it was different. He became hyperaware of her silken brown skin, her unique feminine scent, her warm breath on his face, and her heated hazel gaze promising untold pleasure every time she looked directly at him. He was drowning in lust. I’m so fucked. She’s seducing me without even trying.

  He wasn’t at all surprised she brought him to his ass a few times during their scrimmage.

  Rico stayed in the country long enough to attend her graduation from high school, but he no longer slept in the same house as she did. Rico purchased a condo nearby, simply to sleep in and avoid invading her dreams again. He couldn’t stop his body’s response to her, and distance made it bearable. Cherone never suspected that he, a Navy SEAL was running for cover from her innocent unwitting seduction. She only knew that he had gotten an apartment for additional privacy.

  After her graduation, Rico took whatever assignment would take him out of the country. Unfortunately he got more than he bargained for because one covert mission became personal.

  Diego Mendoza, a drug lord, was hunting him and his former SEAL team. Before they had been aware of the threat, Damien was killed along with his family. The brutality of it hit all of them hard. The guys were used to violence, but none of them expected this sort of threat in their personal lives. They had always been careful about keeping their identities a secret. For a man like Mendoza to get to them, the corruption had to be high in the U.S. government.

  Dominic, who now had a wife and son, wanted the threat removed. It took th
em a few weeks, but they tracked down and dealt with the leak. They didn’t bother with chain of command or notifying any authority in the government. This fight was brought to their house, and they handled it by utilizing their personal resources. There was too much at stake to trust anyone.

  Neo was left behind to guard Dominic’s family, while Rico, Sean, and Dominic went to the Colombian jungle to hunt down Mendoza and his army of drug dealers.

  Although they had placed guards on Cherone years before, with this imminent threat, Neo doubled the guards without Cherone being aware of it. The Washington leak had sold all of their records, and it wouldn’t have been hard for anyone to link them to their ward. Ray was put on alert, and Cherone was placed under around-the-clock protection.

  They spent months in Colombia living like animals, barely sleeping or eating. They hunted Mendoza and his men, guaranteeing that there was no one to threaten them or their families again when they were done.

  Their stint in the jungle of Columbia left Rico, Sean, and Dominic with critical knife and bullet wounds on various parts of their bodies. They spent weeks in Sibley Memorial hospital in Washington D.C. recovering. Only Neo was aware of their hospitalization. They made sure Cherone was kept in the dark about their injuries. Not even Dominic’s wife, who was pregnant with the couple’s second child, was aware of Dominic’s stay in the hospital.

  When they returned to Miami, Cherone took Damien’s death hard. She was uncharacteristically clingy and anxious when Rico and Sean took another assignment in the Middle East.

  But with his new found respect for how fleeting life could be, Rico found it even more difficult to resist the allure of a relationship with her. So as soon as he was well enough to go back on assignment, Rico took on another contract. The year passed with him in and out of the country from one dangerous assignment to another. Rico was so appalled at his weakness for his friend’s sister that he thought he deserved to be punished and took risks he shouldn’t have. He was resolute to live as the coldhearted Ghost and leave the guardian Rico, who showed a weakness for a softer emotion, behind.


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