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Shooting For Love - A Standalone Novel (A Suspenseful Bad Boy Neighbor Romance Love Story) (Burbank Brothers, Book #2)

Page 11

by Naomi Niles

  “No, it wasn’t in the rain. But I was soaking wet, so it wasn’t far off.”

  “How was his penis?”

  “Whitney!” I said, reprovingly.

  “What?” she demanded. “It’s a fair question.”

  “It’s a personal question, and I’m not answering it.”

  “Wink once it was big, wink twice if it was huge,” Whitney continued as though she hadn’t heard me.

  I bucked over with laughter, enjoying the girl talk that had evaded me my entire life. I’d never really had a girlfriend before, and I was starting to realize what all the fuss was about.

  We spent the rest of the day working on clients and exchanging continuous banter that had us cracking up constantly. Even our clients laughed along with us, infected by our carefree moods.

  I drove home that evening feeling light and happy. My thoughts kept veering towards Peter every two seconds, and I couldn’t wait to get home so that I could call him.

  But the moment I pulled into my driveway, the smile died on my face. I could see the shiny gray of my brother’s Ford Focus. I checked the number plates on the car just to be sure: it was definitely Victor. Had he come alone or had he brought Kameron along? No, I thought desperately, he wouldn’t do that.

  “Oh God,” I breathed, trying to calm myself down. “How did he find me?”

  I stepped out of my SUV and walked to my front door with my heart in my throat. I pushed the door open to find Victor was sitting straight across from me on the floor. I glanced around for Polo and I saw him cowering in one corner of the room, with his tail between his legs. I called for him, and he rushed over to me instantly.

  “How did you find me?”

  His expression fell slightly. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”

  I closed the door behind me and took a step forward. “Is Kameron with you?”

  “Jesus, of course not, Maddie,” Victor replied, rising to his feet. “I came alone.”

  “How did you find me?” I asked again.

  He looked hard at my expression. He must have seen the fear there because he sighed. “Phone records and the imprint of a note you’d left behind. Once I knew where you were, it was pretty easy. I drove down here yesterday and asked around. I hear you’re working in a beauty salon in town. You always did like cutting people’s hair.”

  “Why are you here?” I demanded.

  “To see my baby sister,” he said in a good imitation of affection.

  I didn’t trust it anymore. I didn’t trust him anymore. He may be my brother, but he was trying to hand me over to the devil.

  “Liar,” I said accusingly. “You’re here because of Kameron.”

  “He loves you, Maddie.”

  I groaned in frustration and turned my back on him.

  “I’m serious,” he continued as Polo slinked into the next room. “Why else would I be here? He wants you back at any cost. He says he can’t live without you. He didn’t want to come with me because he didn’t want to scare you.”

  I flashed around and stared at him in horror. “Does he know where I am, Victor?”

  “No,” he replied. “I… Not yet.”

  “Please,” I begged. “Please, you can’t tell him.”

  “He told me he doesn’t care where you are,” Victor said. “He just wants you to come home with me. And if you do, then he’s prepared to forget the whole thing. We don’t ever need to speak of this.”

  “You are delusional,” I hissed. “You are delusional if you think Kameron’s just going to forgive me for leaving him. He’s going to make me pay if I ever go back.”

  “Of course, he’s not,” Victor said with blind loyalty. “He loves you.”

  “You believe that because you’re stupid enough to believe everything he tells you,” I snapped. “But I’m not. I stopped believing drug addicts and drug dealers a long time ago. I just didn’t have the courage to leave at the time.”

  “Madison!” Victor cried, raising his voice. Polo started whining in the other room, and a moment later, I heard his tentative bark. “Why are you being so difficult?”

  “What happened to you?” I screamed. “I used to worship you when I was a child. You were my big brother, and I thought you’d always protect me.”

  “I am trying to protect you,” he cried desperately.

  “How?” I demanded, as Polo started barking in the next room. “By dragging me home to my abuser? By forcing me to stay with a man I don’t love, a man I actually fear? Are you really going to put Kameron above my happiness and safety?”

  “Don’t you get it?” Victor yelled. “We’re nothing without him. You and me… We’re from the slums. We don’t have anything by ourselves. But with Kameron, we can actually rise. We can actually make more of our lives than our parents did.”

  “You are delusional,” I sighed, shaking my head at him. “What happened to you, Victor? How did he manage to brainwash you so completely?”

  “You’re coming home with me,” he said, through gritted teeth.

  “Like hell I will.”

  I saw the steel form in Victor’s eyes, and then he took one giant step forward and grabbed me hard by the arm.

  Chapter Seventeen


  She hadn’t called yet.

  I tried not to overthink things, but for some reason the silence was pushing unnecessary thoughts into my head. Was it possible that she was simply lonely and emotional, and she had just wanted some physical contact last night? Maybe it had been a one-time thing for her? But if that were the case, why should she have promised to call at all?

  I shook my head just as a call came in on my phone. I grabbed at it gratefully and answered immediately.

  “Hi, bro,” John’s voice came through loud and clear from the other end. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “Perfect time,” I replied. “I was looking for a distraction. How are things in Malibu?”

  “Everything’s going well here. We’ve scheduled the surgery for tomorrow.”

  “That’s great,” I nodded. “So, you’ll be back on Sunday like you planned?”

  “Yup,” he answered. “How’s the renovation going? Have you made much progress?”

  “Sam’s been helping,” I said. “Though, I wouldn’t mind having him over less often now.”

  “Does that mean things have spiced up between you and the hot neighbor?” John asked pointedly.

  “Her name is Madison,” I said sternly. “And, I suppose things have…progressed.”

  “Do tell.”

  “We slept together last night,” I said, coming right out with it.


  “Seriously,” I said, a little insulted by his tone. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

  He laughed. “Because it’s you.”

  “What does that supposed to mean?”

  “Come on, Pete,” John said gently. “You’re the kind of guy who usually takes things slow. So slow, in fact, that the usually relationship ends before it can even begin.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I think that’s overstating it a little.”

  “Let’s argue over that another day,” John said impatiently. “For right now, tell me about how this miraculous event occurred. Did you get her drunk?”

  “Ha,” I scoffed sarcastically. “She was completely sober.”


  “So what?”

  John sighed heavily. “How did you make your move?”



  “Umm… Well… Technically, I didn’t.”

  “Now that makes more sense,” he laughed. “She made the first move?”

  “In a manner of speaking.”

  “What happened?”

  “We had this really deep, personal conversation during dinner, and I think it got her a little emotional,” I tried to explain in a way that didn’t make me sound like an opportunist. “It was raining and she said she wanted to leave, so I walked her home. I was
clearing the plates when I heard a knock on the door and when I answered it, she was standing there, soaking wet and shivering.”

  “Wow, sounds like a scene from a movie.”

  “And, she kissed me,” I said. “She just jumped into my arms and kissed me.”

  “Whoa, you lucky dog,” he said. “Every guy dreams of that scenario.”

  “We had sex in the living room.”

  “I hope you put a sheet down on that couch,” John said, suddenly severe. “I sit on it, too, you know.”

  I laughed. “Sure, I got the mattress out, too.”


  “She told me she would call me after she got home, but…”

  “No news?”

  “Not as of yet,” I sighed.

  “Are you actually worried?”

  “Umm, no.”

  “Man, I can’t believe this.”


  “You’re really into this girl, aren’t you?”

  “She’s just…different, John,” I sighed. “She’s sexy, and she’s sweet. She’s honest, and she’s simple. She’s just a great girl. The truth is, I don’t know what exactly it is about her that’s got me hooked. I just know that I am.”

  “That’s quite the admission,” John said in awe. “I never thought I’d hear it from you.”

  “Stranger things have happened.”

  “Not by much,” he replied. “First Alan, now you. Maybe the Burbank curse is finally being lifted.”

  “Burbank curse?” I repeated.

  “I figured, given our family’s history with women, the Burbank men were destined to die alone,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes. “And you call yourself a man of science.”

  He laughed. “I just have an open mind.”

  “If you say so.”

  “Have you told her about Mom and Dad and our whole sordid family history?” John wanted to know.

  “Umm…kind of.”

  “Really?” he asked in surprise. “Wow.”

  “I don’t know, it happened naturally,” I replied. “And a part of me actually wanted to share with her.”

  “Was this the first time you’ve shared the family history with a woman?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Hmm, that’s significant.”

  “Because it means I have feelings for her?”

  “Because it means you trust her,” he clarified. “And sometimes, that’s a better foundation than love.”

  “I think it’s a bit early to be talking about love,” I said reluctantly.

  He laughed. “All in your own time, man,” he said.

  I glanced up as I heard Polo barking in the distance.


  “Sorry,” I said, turning my attention back to the call. “What were you saying?”

  “Nothing much really,” John said. “You’re the one with the hot news. So, how was the sex after the long drought?”

  “I wouldn’t call it a drought,” I said defensively.

  “I would.”

  “You’re one to talk,” I retorted. “How long has it been? A couple of years?”

  “Shut up.”

  “Sam was here this morning,” I said. “He caught me and Madison together on the couch.”

  John laughed. “That must have been awkward.”

  “We were both asleep,” I explained. “I ran into him in the kitchen.”

  “I hope he didn’t scare off Madison?”

  “Nah, Sam’s lovable,” I said. “He always has been. He could always get away with anything, mostly because people mistake his cheek for wit.”

  “He and Alan have always been good with women,” John reminded me. “They always had a ton of girlfriends through high school, remember?”

  “They could afford to,” I said. “They didn’t have any worries or responsibilities. They only had themselves to look out for. You and I had to worry about the rest of them.”

  “You’re being generous and you know it,” John said. “You were the one who handled everything. I wasn’t capable of doing what you did.”

  “Of course, you were-”

  “Pete,” John interrupted steadily. “I appreciate that, but the truth is that I was never meant to be the man of the family. That was always you. You were the one that kept us afloat in the months following Dad’s death. Without you, everything would have collapsed around us. I’m smart enough to know that.”

  I fell silent, touched my brother’s acknowledgment. I hadn’t expected praise or anything, but it was nice to know I was appreciated. It made me feel like all my sacrifices were worth it.

  “I know Dad would have been proud of all of us,” John continued. “That was just the way he was made. But in all honesty, I think he would have been most proud of you.”

  “He asked me to look after the family,” I admitted, remembering that somber moment in the hospital room.

  “I figured he had,” John replied. “You always kept your promises.”

  Our conversation was cut short when I heard Polo barking again. I pricked up my ears and listened carefully. My instincts were telling me something was up, especially considering that dog never usually made a sound.

  “Pete, what’s up?” John asked. “You’re really distracted today.”

  “Sorry, John,” I said quickly. “I’m going to need to call you back okay?”

  “Oh…sure,” he said, taken aback. “Everything okay?”

  “That’s what I’m going to find out.”

  “Let me know, okay?”

  “Will do,” I said, before hanging up and walking over to my window.

  I pushed back the curtains and peered out. The silver car parked right in front of Madison’s SUV instantly set alarm bells off in my head. Somehow, I knew it was Kameron. He had managed to track Madison down and now was going to drag her back.

  Well, I sure as hell wasn’t going to let that happen. I ran to my room and drew out my handgun. I popped it into the waistband of my jeans and headed for the door.

  I ran the distance between my house and Madison’s as my instincts kicked into cop mode. I listened intently, but all I could hear was the sound of Polo’s barking. As I jumped the steps to her front door, I heard voices and in my mind, they confirmed my suspicions. When I heard shouting, my body took over. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. So I took a step back and kicked it open.

  It was an old door and rusty on its hinges. It exploded open, and I heard a gasp from inside. I stepped through just in time to see a tall, young man grab a hold of Madison. That was all I really needed to see. I grabbed him by the shoulders and flung him across the room as Madison screamed in shock.

  She was saying something to me, shouting something in fact, but all my concentration was devoted to the man who was now picking himself up off the floor. He looked at me with narrowed eyes and charged right for me.

  Conscious of my freshly healed bullet wound, I grappled with him, trying to focus the weight onto one side of my body. He was strong, but I was stronger – and as it turned out, I was angrier, too.

  I flung him to the ground for the second time and before he could stand up again, I had my gun out and pointed at him.

  The room froze as silence descended like a heavy fog. I held my eyes on the man I assumed was Kameron. He looked around my age, with dark hair and green eyes that closely resembled Madison’s.

  My vision was blocked abruptly as Madison stepped in front of my gun. I moved it away from her instantly. “Madison,” I said. “What are you doing?”

  “Stop it, Peter,” she said, and I was surprised at how cold her tone was. “Put the gun away. Now.”

  “I will,” I said. “The moment I get rid of this piece of scum.”

  “That piece of scum is my brother,” she replied.

  Startled, I gave the man on the floor another glance. Now that she had mentioned their relationship, the similarities between their features were obvious to me. Slowly, I slipped the gun back into the wai
stband of my jeans as she turned to her brother.

  “Victor,” she said, and her voice was eerily calm. “I want you to leave. Now.”

  As Victor stood slowly, I could see that he was a little shaken. He gave me a nervous glance as he walked past me towards his car. I walked outside and watched as he got into the driver’s seat and drove away with a tentative glance back. Madison came to stand beside me, and I put a hand on her shoulder.

  “He should be locked up,” I said.

  She turned to me and her green eyes were cold. “I think you’d better leave, too, Peter,” she said. Then she walked back into her house and slammed the broken door in my face.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Somehow, the perfect haven that I thought I’d snagged had caved in around me. I was surrounded by debris with little idea as to how it had happened in the first place. The moment the door slammed behind Peter, I turned to Polo and bent to my knees. He slinked towards me, as though unsure if the coast was clear.

  “It’s okay, my boy,” I whispered to him. “It’s okay. He’s gone now.”

  For a moment, I wasn’t sure if I was referring to Victor or Peter. I had a hollow nagging in the pit of my stomach, and I wasn’t sure which emotion to tackle first. My head was spinning, a million different thoughts were running through my head.

  And suddenly, the feeling of safety that had engulfed me since arriving in Fort Collins disappeared into the cool night air.

  “Victor,” I said aloud, continuing to calm down Polo, who was shivering slightly. I hugged him close and kissed the top of his head until he had calmed down. All the while, I spoke.

  “I can’t believe he actually came here to drag me back. He’s supposed to be my brother. He’s my big brother. That’s not the life he should want from me.”

  After Polo had calmed down, I decided to get something to eat, but then I remembered that I had no food and very few utensils. I had been hoping to see Peter for dinner, but now that plan had flown out the window. The image of him pulling the gun on Victor flashed brightly in my mind and I shuddered. It was hard for me to see a gun and feel safe.

  But this was Peter, I reminded myself. He wasn’t just some random guy off the street. He was a cop and had heard a disturbance. He had only been doing what his training called for.


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