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Sharing Maggie

Page 14

by KT Morrison

“I’m fine, Max. Stop fawning...”

  “I just ...I’m here for you...”

  “I already know,” she said.

  He bit his tongue. Thought to say she was grumpy when she didn’t get cock, try and make her laugh, but he was not convinced she would laugh right now. So he committed himself to this anew.

  She gazed into the dark waiting for Cole to return and he eased himself in and out of her anus. Let his hand come around her hips and swoop in the slippery V around her eager sex. Her hands pressed into his belly, still tied, leaving her vulnerable. His hands came up and squeezed her breasts. Her nipples were tight buds, propelled from her body with her fervid excitement. He had her moaning. He wasn't going to talk. He'd say the wrong thing. She wanted something tonight and it wasn't his good natured camaraderie.

  Cole emerged from the shadows and made his way to her. Her breaths doubled when she saw him coming. He stood with the raven head under his arm, his hand draped over it, pressing it to his hip. He regarded the two of them for a moment, then set the head on the floor. He dipped down and sucked on her breasts, quickly got her gasping, then he was up, his face close to Maggie's, close to Max's. He said, “Is he inside you?”

  “Yeah,” she said, and Max felt her hands wriggling against him like they wanted to be free to hold Cole.

  “He feel better?”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “You want it in your pussy again, don't you?”

  “I do,” she said. Max could feel her shoulder blades press him when she inhaled.

  Cole raised higher, stroked his cock where she could see it, said, “You want this big cock, don't you?”

  “I do, please, Cole, just give it to me...”

  “Told you I'd have you begging for it.”


  “Beg me for it.”

  “Fuck me, Cole.”

  “With what?”

  “With that big cock.”

  “One more time, Margaret,” he said, stroking himself, a white shining light on the round wet tip of his cock.

  “Please, Cole, I need you to fuck me with your big thick cock...”

  “There she is,” he whispered, and he slipped his arms along her sides, his forearms grazing Max’s hips.

  The outside of Cole's thighs dragged the inside of Max’s thighs as he got himself in between their legs, close to Maggie's sex. One of Cole's hands came back, went down between them all and he felt him touching Maggie’s anus. His hand moved over her squashed cheeks where she sat against Max, then Cole's hand fondled his balls and they instantly retreated.

  “Mm,” Maggie grunted, in angry hunger, and Cole kissed her, his hand still exploring her anus and when he touched her pussy she gasped and trembled, her body racked with tension against him. She hummed around Cole's kiss, made wet sounds, struggled to breathe, gasped for air, so aroused her body was needing volumes more oxygen to handle her high heart rate.

  “Please,” she whispered up to the ceiling.

  Cole pushed his fat cock head into her and she said, “Ah, mm, yess-ss...”

  Max felt him sliding over the underside of his own cock as he slid it into Maggie. His poor innocent fiancée now stretched so wide, two cocks inside her. She was so dirty. He had no idea she would ever entertain something so base, so libertine. His hands went up and down her, felt the ribs press out against her skin, felt her hard nipples. Went low until his hands were pressed by Cole's hips against her. He felt the desire of the love of his life, and he felt the aroused hardness of his best friend. So wrong, so amazing. He worked against Cole’s cock, made Maggie cry happy sounds. They fucked her gently, both of them plunging her tight holes, enjoying her wet and her heat, enjoying each other's hardness. It felt incredible and loving, and his whole body tingled. Sparks went off in his heart, he felt love—he felt like that one time they did molly at Dreamscape in first year when the three of them went to Maryland for the festival and cuddled in the grass outside their tent and giggled. But this was times ten. This was for real.

  Cole kissed at her neck while Max fondled her breasts. Cole whispered, “You going to come for me again, Maggie?”

  “Mm-hhmmm.” Max could feel her nod her head with enthusiasm.

  “You already come for me like a good girl, didn't you?”

  “I did,” she gasped.

  “You want to come again?”


  “Cole’s going to get really good at making his Maggie come...”

  “Ah,” she cried out, a high injured sound like she hated to hear it but was so excited about the words.

  “Cole’s going to learn all Maggie's secrets, unlock all her doors, make her come like she never had it before...”

  “Holy, ah, oh...” she coughed with each exhale and she wiggled against them, her hips seeking specific movements, wanting them deeper or harder.

  “You want that?”

  “I do,” she cried again, her voice carrying around the high ceiling.

  “Shh-sh,” he reminded her.

  “Oh God, oh God, I’m going to fucking come,” she cried.

  He shushed her again.

  Cole said, “You going to come with your two best friends’ cocks inside you? How do we feel ? ...”


  “We feel good?”

  “So good,” she said.

  “You like having two cocks? ...You like two men fucking you?”


  “You fucking dirty slut...”


  “You going to drink our come?”


  “Want me to come in your mouth again? You like my come?”

  “I do, oh...”

  Her legs went around Cole. They'd been draped over Max’s thighs, but now she was hooking them around, digging her heels into his rump and spurring their friend to fuck her harder and faster. Cole picked up his pace, thrusting into her harder and harder. The chair began to squeak on the floor and the room was filled with the noise.

  “Shhh-shh, guys,” he hissed.

  They were relentless and he was being taken along for the ride. He started gasping, his own breaths, unmonitored, had come baying at him and now he chugged behind Maggie as out of control as she was, feeling like he was being fucked by Cole too. Each thrust of his fat cock was pulling Maggie's membranes tight against him, running Cole's thick cabled underside along his own, his longer cock slipping up and tickling Max’s buried frenulum. Cole was going to make them both come.

  “Oh fuck, Cole, oh mm man, Cole,” he cried.

  Maggie joined him, “Cole, oh shit, I'm going to come, yeah, oh, touch clit, please...”

  There was shifting and Max jostled behind her, his scalp tingling, feeling like it was rising up off his head. Maggie cried out sharp, Cole had found her clit and his shoulder muscles were jumping as he shook it like crazy while he kept fucking her.

  “Oh God, oh shit, oh Cole,” Maggie cried.

  But Max came first. Came with the feeling of his friend stroking him, shot hot wet jets into Maggie's tight anus and he cried out on his own, jumped and struggled under her, the pleasure too much, the difficulty of restraint and keeping all the bounteous noise trapped inside him too much. And as he wrestled for his own control underneath her, his cock poking and stroking while he did, Maggie came next. Her knees shot up to Cole’s armpits, and her hands tensed to tight balled fists of steel against his stomach as she strained against Cole's tie.

  “Fuck ah, fuck,” she cried, way too loud. Her head tossed left and right, she bumped Max on the nose and he saw stars, felt it swell up and go tight and he wriggled it, tried to chase the discomfort away. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she moaned, and Cole kept stroking into her.

  He was laughing, “You two, look at you...”

  Maggie sighed and chortled, she was sweaty now. It had come up all at once, dry one moment now he felt her dripping on him, felt her skin against his go slippery.

where's that phone?” he said, his hand feeling around at Max's back. “Where'd you put it?” he said to Max over her shoulder.

  “It's there some—”

  “Got it,” he said.

  “I want this for posterity,” he said.

  “No,” Maggie said, “Cole...”

  “Cover your face, Maggie. Don't you want to see what my cock looks like inside you?”

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “Yeah.”

  “Tell me,” he said, and Max had a vague awareness of him moving off of her, leaning over the side of the chair.

  “Show me what your cock looks like inside me, Cole,” she moaned. She breathed heavily against Max’s chest.

  “Here,” he said, and Max felt something bumping the side of his head and onto his shoulder. Cole was slipping the raven over Maggie's head. He could hear her breathy exhausted laugh, draggy and enervated from inside the costume head. Cole got between her legs and fixed his cock deep again. Maggie moaned, sounded like she wanted more.

  The flash went off and the room went bright, a tense white, and he jolted.

  In that tiny fraction of a second he’d seen a man in the hall. Watching them. He tensed to steel. He couldn't breathe.

  Cole laughed. “Look at your perfect little pussy, Maggie. God, you look good on my cock.”

  She said, “You feel so fucking good right now.”

  Max looked over Maggie's shoulder at the blackness that was now tenfold black after the assault of white on his rods and cones. He blinked. Frozen with fear, blinked again. Could imagine being bludgeoned now out of the blue, a sudden rampage as Martin beat him and Cole to death with a fireplace poker. He was panicking. His throat frozen, his voice lost, pinched and squeezed in the coffin of his chest. He opened his mouth and there was a creak. But no more.

  The flash went off again, Maggie and Cole giggled. Maggie sighed.

  White. Black. In an instant. And now, painted in phosphorous on the inside of his eyelids was the plaintive slump-shouldered image of Ken. Standing and witnessing two men fuck his sister.

  “Oh shit,” he whispered.

  “Show me how much you like it,” Cole said to Maggie.

  Maggie laughed again. She flashed double peace signs behind her back though the camera couldn’t see. The flash went off. Now there was no one in the hall.

  “Okay, come on. Just fuck me...” she said. She could barely see out of the eye holes in the dumb costume. And it smelled as well. Smelled of its significant age, and smelled of men. Pictured some sleazy carny—toothless carnies suddenly, somehow surmising that it was doubtful that this was worn at some elegant costume ball by sophisticated yet devious elites.

  “Get this off me,” she said, wiggling her head and struggling with her arms. Max pulled it from her. She saw Cole, the iPhone gone now, his cock still inside her, moving only with the effort of the helmet’s removal.

  “Come for me, Cole,” she said, blew a strand of hair from her face. “I want you to finish.”

  “You get your exorcism?” he smirked.

  “I did. Don’t you think I did?”

  He said, “You taught this room you can’t be contained.”

  She inhaled deep. “I did,” she agreed. “Now fuck me.”

  “Where you want me to come?”

  “Inside me,” she told him. “I want to feel you come inside me.”

  Now Cole inhaled, he moaned, “Fuck, Maggie,” and he got his arms planted on either side of her, pressed her into Max and slid his cock deep inside her. It swelled her heart and made her fingers tingle. He fucked her. Slow at first, building up. She could feel him get larger inside her, get harder. His cock swelled to tremendous proportion and he felt amazing. His cock felt incredible inside her. She was ashamed to admit it, but she liked big cocks. A big cock felt better. It felt full and tight and it seemed to come with a confidence behind it. She liked that confidence in bed. Liked that assuredness, that tinge of domination. Cole had that, but she also felt so wonderfully safe with him. He was her friend. Her good friend, and he made her laugh, and he could be so playful too. She whispered, “Hurry, Cole, I can’t wait to feel you come inside my pussy...”

  She made him groan and she wished she could hug him, run her hands over his muscular back, run her nails over his skin when he finally came inside her.

  He fucked hard now, getting himself close. He drew a pleasure out of her again and she felt like if she allowed it she could bring herself another orgasm but she wanted out of here. She’d done what she’d fantasized, done it grander than she’d ever imagined. Didn’t just have sex with her boyfriend in this cold concrete prison, she had dirty mind-blowing sex with her two best friends. The two men who meant the most to her in her life. She started gasping and couldn’t stop herself. Panting and sweating. Feeling Cole’s heat against her, feeling his slick sweat, his hard swelled neck, his semen was leaking and they were more slippery than ever. She guided her orgasm away, wanted to be done. They’d pushed their luck as it was, and with that orgasm under her belt this was more frightening than erotic. “Come for me, Cole, give me that big, big load, baby, put it deep inside me...”

  That was what he needed, and she felt him go like iron and she winced as he drove himself deep and emptied his balls in her. Felt him jet his hot liquid against her cervix, felt a rising nausea from having it touched. But it was so, so sexy to feel him come. To feel him put that heat so deep, to hear his animal noises, and to know she had done it. She could please her handsome friend.

  “Ah fuck, Cole, I feel it, I feel it so deep,” she cried, for Max’s benefit. Felt Max now swelling inside her. When she had the head on she felt him dwindle and almost get spit out. Now he’d returned to hard. Wished they were at Farmingham, wished they could do this all night but the reality was they’d have to go to their separate rooms after this and go to bed.

  Cole pulled out, grunting and roaring, his cock hot against her belly. She looked down to see its slippery shape thrust across her mound, pearly seed still spurting in weak bursts.

  “Oh fuck, ah, oh fuck, Maggie,” he groaned. She liked to hear him come. Liked to watch him come. Wished she could hold him. She writhed, bucked her hips so her pussy would stroke the underside of his surging cock.

  At last she laughed out an Oh fuck and she let her head fall back against Max. She turned her cheek to him, held it to be kissed, waited, and finally he did. She hoped he wasn’t being mopey again.

  Cole still loomed, using his hips to run his wet cock between her legs and over her belly. He moaned, “Oh fuck, that was so fucking crazy.”

  Maggie agreed, then said, “We have to get out of here...” Leaned forward and scratched at Max’s belly with her fingernails and said, “Untie me, Maxy.”

  Cole took her lips with his own and Max untied her. When she was free she carefully brought her hands to her front, worked out the kinks in her shoulders while kissing Cole. Worked her hand in circles and rubbed at her wrists. Then touched Cole. Felt his body, felt his hot skin, down and held his cock and cradled his heavy testicles. Broke her kiss and said, “Seriously, we have to go to bed.”

  “I want to fuck you all night.”

  “Me too. In Vermont.”

  “Mm,” he smiled, kissed her, said, “Can’t wait.” Stood then, with a proud but devious smile, and held a hand, helped her to stand. He caressed her shoulders. She turned, saw Max still slumped in the chair, legs open, penis deflated, his eyes were averted, looking towards the hall. He was sullen.

  “What’s wrong now, Max?” she said.

  “Nothing,” he said. “We should go to bed.”


  Kill Switch

  Sunday, October 1st

  Max awoke to the sight of Cole asleep in the bed across from him again. It was early, just the moment after dawn where the grayness was burned from the morning sky and color had been pumped into it. A brilliant azure sky rose from the sleeping crests of Cole's mountainous horizon. He was hard again. Morning wood. Laying on his back like a pr
oud conquering male. Satisfied and satiated, well-fed and capable. His thick cock had pushed up his shorts and the bulbous head stretched a tight threadbare knot in the cotton, protruding over his waistband. When he’d come inside Maggie last night it had seeped from her. Plopped in cold spatters onto Max’s scrotum and slithered over his balls and down the crack of his ass.

  That was something to think about. Cole had pumped his semen into Maggie's willing pussy. More than willing. Eager, more precisely. Thankfully, Ken hadn't seen that display. But what had Ken seen? How much had he witnessed?

  He'd have to tell Maggie, but he just couldn't. She'd be devastated. He didn't want her to have that shame. No, he would hold onto this bit of juicy truth. This would be his kill switch. As long as Ken himself never mentioned it he would keep this in his back pocket and draw it like a weapon when he lost further control. He would use it to restore order. Bring his little slut back to reality. Last night had been a horrible heart and soul crushing battle. But it had something glimmering in all that darkness. There had been moments where his heart had soared. There was a moment when all three of them had felt like one, and that was quite magical. Feeling Maggie against him while she got fucked was far different than hiding in the closet and watching. It was more than front row even. It was being one with her sexuality. It was Cole's cock running against his that had brought his orgasm. He was one with Maggie. Her pleasure in that moment was his pleasure. And Cole was a friend. Jay wasn't. Jay was unknown. He was accomplished and while it wasn't certain he was serious he had mentioned the L word. Love.

  That was a no-no. That would initiate the kill switch. This was, for Maggie, about the things she had missed—for Max it was about watching her be intimate with other men to discover more about his own sexuality. Why did that drive him wild? Love, however, was a complication he didn't need complicating what was already complicated. Cole was fun, he was tuned into her and he was Max’s best friend. Four years he'd known Maggie and he'd never made a move. Cole could be trusted. Jay would now be pushed to the side of Maggie's plate. They had someone who would play and he seemed manageable.


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