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Page 18

by Nina D'Angelo

  “No, I’m a man who is confident in his love for you, and who is equally confident in how you feel about me,” he said quietly.

  She opened her mouth to reply, pausing when she heard her cell’s ringtone. Walking into the hotel room, she picked up the phone as it rang out. Noticing she had several voice messages, she frowned. Listening to them, she was surprised to hear Angel’s panicked voice.

  Her face drained when she heard all of the messages. When the last one had ended, she turned to Dominic, her expression stricken. “Playtime is over. We need to get back to LA. Now.”

  “Stephanie, what's happened?” he asked, watching her quickly drop the sheet and hurriedly start to dress. When she didn’t reply, he grabbed her hand, pulling her to him. “Babe, tell me.”

  “Dominic, he’s back,” she whispered, her face ashen as she jerkily slid her T-shirt over her head, pulling it down and turning to sit down on the bed. Slipping her feet into her sneakers, she quickly tied up her shoelaces, her expression frozen with terror.

  “You don’t know that for sure,” he admonished, reaching for his own T-shirt and slipping it over his head.

  “Yes, I do,” she whispered, standing and beginning to pace the room, growing more agitated as she did. “Angel called me in a panic. She was just getting home from work when it happened.” She bit back a sob of terror.

  Dominic sat down on the bed beside her, his arm sliding around her shoulders. Feeling her body rack with tremors, he drew her against him. She gripped the front of his T-shirt, pressing her cheek against his chest as tears slid down her face.

  “What happened, babe?” he asked quietly.

  Lifting her cheek from his chest, she said shakily, “Angel came home to find my jeep on fire. The son of a bitch set my car on fire. Angel called nine-one-one and waited outside for the fire department to come. She’s been trying to call me since last night.”

  Wiping her eyes, she said croakily, “Angel’s really freaked out. She called Ben because she couldn’t get hold of me, and she thought I might be with him. Damn it, Dom. I turned my phone off while we were out last night, and only remembered to turn it on again early this morning. I didn’t even think to check my messages. Angel saw my jeep on fire and automatically thought something had happened to me.”

  “Babe, it’s not your fault,” he said soothingly, reaching out to brush away her tears. “You still haven’t told me why you think it’s him.”

  Inhaling deeply, she burst out, “After Angel had spoken with the LAPD, she went back up to our apartment. She hadn’t noticed it earlier because she was too panicked about the fire and wasn’t really looking where she was going, but our apartment front door . . . Dom, he spray-painted the word whore on our front door.”

  Standing up, she grabbed his car keys off the bedside table, scooping up the condom strip and keycards and tossing them into her handbag. “Angel was so freaked out last night that she refused to stay at our apartment. Lyn is visiting her parents this weekend, and Gena stayed at her boyfriend’s. Angel ended up staying at a hotel. She’s so damn freaked out by this.”

  Looking at him, she said softly, “I wish to hell our night together wasn’t ending this way, but I need to get back to LA as soon as possible. I need to talk to the LAPD, file reports and clean this goddamn mess up.”

  “Stephanie, you don’t know for certain that it’s him,” Dominic said quietly, moving to stand beside her. Extracting his car keys from her, he reached out to take her hand, frowning when she pushed him away.

  “Dominic, it’s him. I know it is. This is what he does. You don’t get it. He will never stop. Not until he has hurt me in every way possible. You think this is extreme? Trust me, he’s only getting started. The only thing that will stop this son of a bitch is a bullet,” she said, her eyes glittering with such savagery that it made him take a step back. “And if that’s what it takes to stop him, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

  DOMINIC WALKED INTO Outlaws, his thoughts still on Stephanie. The ride back from San Francisco to LA had been a silent one. Stephanie had spent the whole time staring out of the window, lost in her own thoughts.

  He’d never seen her so jittery. She’d spent the first fifteen minutes of the drive tapping her fingers against her knee before he’d taken her hand in his own. She’d briefly turned to smile at him before she’d turned back towards the window, yet she hadn’t removed her hand from his. She’d needed to feel his touch almost as much as he’d needed to feel hers. Recognizing that she didn’t want to talk, he’d left her to her own thoughts.

  Approaching the bar, he grinned when he saw his two best friends, Ben and Tyler, sitting there. Bumping his hip against Ben’s stool, he drawled, “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the prodigal rock star. I was beginning to think I’d have to put your face on a milk carton, it’s been that long since I’ve seen you.”

  Ben chuckled, watching Dominic slide into the empty chair between Tyler and himself. “I could say the same for you,” he said, smiling. “I hear you’ve been scoping out new bars. Still dating Crazy?”

  Dominic chuckled at Ben’s description of Sandra. He was well aware that none of his friends had ever really warmed to her. It was one of the reasons he’d never thought about getting serious with her. It was hard to get serious with someone who his best friends loathed, and both Tyler and Ben had detested Sandra right from the beginning.

  Accepting the tequila shot Tyler handed him, he tilted his head back, downing it in one gulp. Slamming his glass on the table, he said softly, “I’ve been pretty busy scouting bars and spent the last couple of months trying to find locations for Outlaws.”

  “Damn, Dom, that’s awesome. So you’re really going to turn this place into a franchise?” Ben asked. He turned to look around the bar, taking in the solid oak floors, sports memorabilia, pool tables, and the booths designed for the comfort of his patrons. Dominic’s personality was stamped all over the bar. Ben knew his best friend has designed the bar not just with love, but also to reflect who he was, and everything he stood for.

  Turning, he grinned at Dominic again. “Who would have thought six years ago when you started rambling about buying a bar, it would do as well as this?”

  Dominic’s own gaze swept around the bar with pride. Nearly all his friends and family had thought he would fail. They’d told him he was throwing his life away when he’d decided to quit his marketing degree and move to California. The only two people who had encouraged him to chase his dreams were Ben and Tyler. He owed them nearly everything.

  “I’ve been scouting locations for the past six months. At first, I was looking at Boston, New York and Chicago for locations, but none of the places felt right,” he began, bumping Tyler’s shoulder gently. “Ty’s the one who suggested I look at San Antonio for locations for the new bar. I’d already started scouting locations in San Francisco. The last few months I’ve been spending my time between California and Texas. I’ve barely slept in my own damn bed.”

  Tyler snorted, laughter dancing in his eyes, he muttered, “What else is new?”

  Dominic flipped him the finger, and laughed. “Fuck you, Carlisle. You’re one to talk. Besides, I’ll have you know that those days are over.” His laughter dying, he said quietly, “I’ve met a girl.”

  Chuckling when both Tyler and Ben rolled their eyes and groaned, he reached for the tequila bottle. Pouring another shot, he lifted the glass to his lips. “I’m telling you, this girl is the one.”

  Ben arched an eyebrow in amusement. “Dom, please tell me you’re not talking about Sandra Barton. That woman is certifiably nuts.”

  Dominic choked on his drink at Ben’s statement. “Hell no,” he gasped, as the fiery liquid slid down the wrong way. “Sandra is history. I finally ended it with her a few days ago. No, this is someone else.” Lowering his gaze, he looked down at the bar counter. “I’ve met someone special. She’s different than any other woman I’ve ever dated before.”

  “In other words, she’s not blonde a
nd dumb,” Ben drawled at the same time as Tyler. They grinned, and high-fived each other behind Dominic’s back.

  “Remind me why I’m friends with you assholes?” Dominic said lightly, scowling at both of them. Leaning back in his chair, he crossed his arms over his chest and growled, “I don’t see you two losers with girlfriends.”

  Ben smirked, running his fingers against the rim of his shot glass. “Then you’d be wrong. I’ve been dating someone for the past three months.”

  “Well, that explains why we haven’t seen you for months on end,” Tyler drawled, shaking his head in disgust. “Damn it, Reynolds, hasn’t anyone told you it’s bros before hoes?”

  Ben leaned over Dominic, reaching out to punch Tyler on the arm. “Hey, asshole, don’t call my girlfriend a hoe,” he growled lightly, his grin belying his insult. “I’ll have you know I’ve been MIA for other reasons. Jesus, you really think I’d let a girl get between us?”

  Dominic and Tyler looked at one another before turning to grin mischievously at Ben. In unison, they replied, “Amy Jo Fielding.”

  Ben burst out with laughter, shaking his head in disbelief. “That’s not fair. It was the ninth grade, for Christ’s sakes. Besides, she let me get to third base. It was worth not talking to the two of you for a couple of weeks.”

  “Didn’t she ditch you for Jake?” Dominic said, his lips twitching in amusement when Ben scowled.

  “Thanks for reminding me,” Ben muttered, rolling his eyes. “Getting dumped for your little brother really did wonders for my ego.”

  Ty flashed him a smile. “Hey, it needed bursting. You used to stroll down the high school hallway as if you owned it. Besides, Jake dumped her a week later.”

  Dominic shook his head in amusement. Ben and Ty had been his best friends since their first day at elementary school. They’d bonded over their mutual love of comics, and through the years their bond had just grown stronger. He couldn’t imagine not having them in his life. Running a hand over his jaw, he looked towards Ty. He knew Ty approved of Stephanie. He hoped Ben would feel the same way, too.

  Ben reached over the table and picked up the tequila bottle, pouring them all a shot. Handing one to Dominic and then Tyler, he said softly, “I want to make a toast.” Clearing his throat, he said, “I know I’ve been a lousy friend lately.”

  When both Dominic and Ty disagreed, he shook his head. “No, I have been. I haven’t been there enough for you during the past six months. It’s just between touring California, and trying to land this record deal with Callendor, I’ve been busy.”

  “Yet he found time to get a girlfriend,” Tyler murmured, arching an eyebrow at Dominic. “I can’t believe we haven’t met her. You’ve been holding out on us, Reynolds.”

  “Hey, we haven’t met Dominic’s mystery girl yet,” Ben said, shushing them when they both began to speak over him. “I’m trying to tell you guys something here.”

  “Shit, don’t tell me you’re getting married?” Tyler said in horror. “You can’t marry this girl of yours without letting us meet her first. Hell, she may decide she likes one of us better and dump your ugly ass.”

  “I’m not getting married, Ty,” Ben said, shaking his head in amusement at the horror in Tyler’s voice. Tyler often said that he would never get married, and from his nauseous expression, those feelings weren’t going to change anytime soon. Clearing his throat again, Ben said quietly, “I do have a big announcement though.”

  “Thank fuck,” Tyler muttered. “Anyone who wants to get married belongs in an institution, because they’re clearly nuts.”

  “I don’t know. For the right woman, I’d get married.” Dom interjected, grinning at Tyler’s astonished expression. “What?”

  “I thought you said you’d rather take a bullet than get married?” Tyler said, shaking his head. “Jesus, you two are pussy-whipped.”

  “Guys, I’m not getting married,” Ben growled, his voice rising above the two of them. “I got a record deal. I got signed by Callendor Records.”

  Dominic and Tyler fell silent at his declaration, looking at each other before they both pumped the air with their fists. Tyler punched Ben’s arm in congratulations before Dominic wrapped his arm around Ben’s shoulder and hugged him tightly.

  “Who would have thought those singing lessons your mama forced you to take would pay off? You’re going to be a fucking rock star,” Tyler said, chuckling at the thought.

  “Callendor Records, huh? Man, Ben, it doesn’t get bigger than that,” Dominic mused, sitting down on the bar stool again. “When did you find out?”

  “A few days ago, but I signed a three-album record deal with them this morning,” Ben said, taking a deep breath. “They loved everything. The songs, the demos . . . everything. They want me in the studio at the end of next week, and then straight after that they want me to go on tour.”

  “Jesus, they don’t waste time, do they?” Tyler whistled, leaning his elbows on the bar counter and shaking his head in disbelief. “Who would have thought when Dom got his crazy idea to move to California that it would take us this far? Hell, you’re opening up bars all over the country, Benny’s going to be a rock star, and as for me, hell, I’m just a photographer. I’m damn proud of you both."

  “Shit, Ty, your photography isn’t anything to joke about. It’s brilliant,” Ben said, his eyes glistening with emotion. Lifting up his glass, he said quietly, “I want to raise a toast. To two of the best friends a guy could ever have, and to making all our dreams come true.”

  “Here, here,” Dominic said, lifting his own shot glass and clinking together with Tyler and Ben’s. Lifting the glass to his lips, he watched his friends do the same before tilting his head back and swallowing the tequila in one shot.

  Slamming his glass down onto the bar counter, he winced as the tequila’s fiery liquid hit his stomach. Turning to Ben, he said huskily, “Now, Ben, tell us about this girl you’ve been secretly keeping from us.”

  Ben chuckled at Dominic’s command. Bracing his arms against the bar counter, he shrugged carelessly. “I don’t know where to start. I’ve known her for about six months.”

  “Wait, I thought you said you’ve been dating her for three,” Tyler interjected.

  Shaking his head in amusement, Ben said, “If you let me, I’ll tell you all about her.”

  “Ty, shut up and let the man talk,” Dominic growled, resting his own elbows on the counter. Wiggling his eyebrows, he teased, “Tell us about your mystery girl.”

  “I met her six months ago when I was playing at The Whiskey. She came to one of my gigs and approached me afterwards. She was so passionate about my music.”

  “I bet she was,” Dominic interrupted with a snort.

  Ben shook his head. “No, it wasn’t like that. We started as friends before it grew into something else. She’s different. Not like any other girl I’ve ever dated. She’s . . . tormented. Something bad happened to her. I don’t know what, but it was so goddamn awful that it scarred her, and she sees the world differently from everyone else.”

  “Jesus, and here I was thinking you got the damaged girl, Dom,” Tyler joked, watching Dominic scowl in annoyance.

  “Damaged, that’s perfect. That’s what Stephanie is. She’s damaged. There’s a part of her that’s splintered inside, and can never be fixed,” Ben said softly, not noticing Dominic stiffen beside him.

  “Stephanie?” Dominic said. When Tyler opened his mouth, he leaned over the counter, quickly shaking his head. Tyler shut his mouth, his displeasure evident before he carefully hid it.

  Ben didn’t notice, his eyes falling to the bar counter. Placing his fingers around the rim of his shot glass, he said softly, “Yeah, Stephanie Carovella. Dominic, Ty, you guys would love her. She’s smart, and so goddamn beautiful. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

  “You love her?” Dominic asked warily, his eyes darkening with pain. Looking at his best friend, he closed his eyes. Stephanie was dating his best friend. He cursed himsel
f for not putting two and two together. She’d told him about Ben, but never in a million years would he have thought that her “safe” boyfriend would be his best friend. He snorted to himself. Ben was anything but safe. Hell, some of the shit he had pulled over the years with Dominic and Tyler was proof of that.

  Ben contemplated the question, a soft smile on his lips. “Yeah, I do. It doesn’t matter though. She doesn’t love me.”

  “What makes you think that?” Tyler asked quietly, looking from Dominic to Ben. He hadn’t missed the flash of pain in Dominic’s eyes when Ben had told them Stephanie’s last name. He silently cursed the woman who had managed to break both Dominic and Ben’s hearts simultaneously. He bet she didn’t even realize it. His lips thinned in anger. She would find out. He’d damn well make sure of it.

  “I just know,” Ben said, shaking his head in disgust. “She’s been distant the last couple of weeks. I feel as if I’m losing her, but to be honest, I don’t think I ever really had her. She never lets me get close. I thought by becoming her friend first, and her lover second, she’d let me in, but it’s like there’s a steel fortress around her, and nobody can penetrate those walls she’s got up.” He added quietly, “I’m pretty certain there is someone else.”

  “Do you know who?” Dominic asked cautiously, watching Ben shake his head.

  “No, and I’m not sure I want to know either. I love her so goddamn much.” Shaking his head in disgust, he said harshly, “Her friends call her Hurricane Stephanie because she’s like a hurricane, ripping through people’s lives, and she doesn’t look back to see the wake of destruction she’s left behind. I used to think that the name didn’t suit her, but now I’m not too sure. Hell, I’m not sure of anything anymore.”

  Picking up his shot glass, he downed his shot, gasping as the fiery liquid slid down his throat. “Enough about the disaster that’s my love life,” he said, twisting around to look at Dominic. “Tell me about your mystery girl. How the hell do you know she’s the one?”


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