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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

Page 9

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Octavia searched for more words to say but shoved them all to the back of her throat. Why not tell him?

  “Wow,” he said, taking a step back. “That is all,” he realized. Jonathon rubbed his chin as his eyes shuffled side to side. Settling back on her, he swept a look over Octavia again. There wasn’t a doubt that Jonathon wanted to be with her sexually, but that didn’t begin to touch the surface of what he felt for her. “This is embarrassing.” Moving away, Jonathon strode out of the kitchen. Octavia hopped off the island and went after him. They met in the hallway as Jonathon reclaimed his trench coat.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, worried. Octavia would not let him get away from her again. Not so he could end up at some woman’s house like the other night. A different type of fear settled over her heart as she watched him gather himself.

  He turned around and faced her. “I think I should leave.”

  “I don’t think you should,” Octavia responded.

  Jonathon slipped his arms inside his coat, watching her carefully. He painted his lips with his tongue. “I think… I should…”

  Octavia got in face. “No,” she said, reaching out to grab the collar of his trench.

  They had a showdown, neither of them budging for what seemed like forever. “Why would I stay?” he asked.

  “Because.” Octavia hesitated again, and her head fell into his chest. “That’s not all.”

  “What?” Jonathon gazed down at her.

  Octavia turned her face up. “That’s not all, okay. I… I feel the same way about you.”

  Jonathon’s arms covered her as Octavia continued to grip his collar in her fists. “What are you saying, O?”

  With their gazes locked, she confessed. “I want you Jonathon, in more ways than one. Don’t leave, please. Stay with me…”

  Jonathon’s hold on her loosened and Octavia peeled the coat back off his shoulders. The trench hit the floor, and all at once he snatched her off her feet and planted her against the wall they stood before. Instinctively, Octavia’s legs hoisted around his waist. Trapping her there, Jonathon eased forward and sank his tongue into her mouth as her tight nipples brushed against his chest with a stinging impression. With passion so possessive, hot and brazen, they sank into each other, melting against the border. A ferment of heat buzzed around them and Octavia moaned into his lips. There was a knock between her thighs from the slow dragging of his dick, prodding across her center. A whimper clawed up her throat as she leaned back momentarily. Her chest rising and falling as Jonathon coated the skin on her neck in scorching kisses.

  “Make love to me, Jonathon…” Octavia hummed. “Please, I’ve wanted you for so long…”

  Jonathon nibbled back to her mouth then hovered nose to nose with her. Midnight eyes gazed at Octavia, and she began to rotate her hips.

  “I’ve wanted to hear you say that for so long,” he drawled. “You’ve always been so perfect to me. So fucking perfect,” Jonathon stuck his tongue out and traced her lips. “Tell me again,” he commanded.

  “Do you want me to beg,” she purred, her voice, throaty and layered with a seductive balance. “Make love to me, Jonathon, please baby, I need you.”

  Jonathon’s nerves bounced as his heated blood was set on fire. He cupped her butt and drew Octavia away from the wall, turning to leave the hallway for Octavia’s bedroom. Jonathon sat her down on the bed and pulled the jersey dress up over her head, dropping it to the floor.

  Octavia was braless, wearing only a sheer pair of V-string black panties. While Jonathon took her in, Octavia stepped to him and unbuckled his belt and jeans, unzipping them punctually.

  Evidence of his stimulation sprang forth when his dick lurched out of his pants. “Oh…” Octavia said, taking a step back with a hand to her mouth. Jonathon brushed the jeans off his waist, concurrently removing his boxer shorts. In the same motion, he pulled his shirt over his wide torso and broad shoulders. The magnificence of his artistic display was remarkably wicked. Octavia was tempted to take another step back but was drawn instead toward Jonathon with a magnetism so connecting that she would’ve sworn her feet glided across the carpet. Her hands slid down his rock-hard chest to his outstretched member.

  “Mmmm,” Octavia hummed. Drifting to her knees, she wrapped a hand around his girth, and Jonathon reached down to pull her back to her feet.

  “Any other time, I would say lady’s first. But in this case, I’m taking the lead,” he said.

  This time Octavia did retreat, and Jonathon matched her steps. Her butt bumped into the bed, and she pulled herself on top. As she glided back, Jonathon stalked her, crawling onto the bed like a predatory animal. The muscles in his arms bulged with each movement he made, and when Octavia bumped into the headboard, a devilish smile spread across Jonathon’s lips.

  “Now where are you going?”

  Before she could respond, Jonathon shifted, pulling back on his knees and dragging Octavia with him. She yelped but didn’t put up a fight. In between her legs, he covered her curvaceous body, sinking until heat suffused them. Taking her mouth into his, Jonathon traced her lips, and Octavia ground upward against his hardness. She shuddered underneath his powerfulness and traced her hands over the edge of his carved shoulders.

  “Jonathon…” she begged.

  Jonathon’s hands drifted over her breasts to tweak her nipples. He left her areolas to scour down south to her heated cavern. In a tease, his fingers circled her clitoris through the thin material Octavia still wore. Shortly, his lips followed, pressing against her hot skin to her extended nipples. Sucking the fullness of one then the other stretched Jonathon’s manhood to the hardest point he’d ever felt it. That in itself was indescribably incredible. His lips trailed down her bare belly, and with his teeth, Jonathon pulled the thin garment over her shapely hips, down to her legs and feet. His lips met her toes, and the warmth of his mouth sent a plethora of tingles shooting up her legs as he pulled the crotch of her panties off her ankles with his mouth.

  “Oh…” she panted.

  Jonathon savored the mango fragrance on her skin, sinking his nose into her flesh. Pressing hot kisses against her ankles and legs, Jonathon slipped his arms underneath Octavia’s thighs, bolstering them over his shoulder as he slipped back to her center. He dove into her vagina tongue first, sliding the flimsy muscle so deep he got a full taste of her crème against his palate.

  “Aaah…” Octavia moaned. Her hips instantly bucked, rising off the bed.

  Jonathon shielded her completely, sucking her in and licking her slippery folds as Octavia’s fingers dug into the sheets. A guttural growl trod from his throat, sending scorching shivers ripping through Octavia’s body. The more Jonathon pressed his tongue against her throbbing clitoris, the closer Octavia became undone.

  “Oh my God,” Octavia panted. Her toes curled, and she opened her legs wider. With his tongue surfing across her mound in waves, Jonathon consumed her, taking her down the yellow brick road. A vibration began with a slow uptick, as her thighs shook and she began mumbling incoherently. With a tight grip on her hips, Jonathon pulled her hard against his face as he tongued down her pussy.

  Octavia shouted. “Jonathon! Ah!” Another scream left her throat as Jonathon’s fingers sank into her flesh, and his mouth pulled Octavia to a mind-bending orgasm.

  “Jonathon!” she shouted again, releasing a warm, sweet crème that Jonathon lapped as if it was the fountain of youth. Octavia’s mouth fell, holding open through her spasms as she went into a paralytic shock. Jonathon was still lapping at her with vigor and an unbridled craving that gave him a saturating pleasure. Minutes passed before he finally pulled away from her plump lips only to kiss up her kitty to her belly then back to her breasts.

  “You are so fucking delicious,” he mused, circling his tongue around her nipples. Drunk in passion, Octavia’s hands cruised over Jonathon’s muscled arms and shoulders to frame his face. She pulled him up to her, and stuck her tongue down his throat in an erotic yet tenderly e
ndearing kiss. Jonathon leaned into Octavia, pushing back her legs with his toned thighs. He entered her in a deep plunging thrust that ripped another shout from her, followed by a terse wave of hot cum that melted them together.

  “Fuck!” Jonathon barked, holding back like all hell from joining her.

  Not yet, he needed more of her for as long as he could stand it.

  “Oh… my… God…” Octavia whined as shards of heat soaked her to the point that she was sure she would drown in them.

  Octavia’s head rolled as her arms clung around Jonathon’s neck. With the will left in her, Octavia pulled Jonathon back down to meet her lips and his strokes intensified with each slip and slide inside her heated core. He kissed the corners of her mouth, eating her up as he trailed down the side of her jaw to nibble on her ear. Their bodies collided, slapping together in a rhythm that only they could contain. Reaching down, Jonathon skated his hands under Octavia’s derriere, propping her up to meet each hard thrust he gave. Delving into her bottom, his brutal strokes became violent the more his fingers dug into her skin.

  Briefly, Jonathon pulled his lips back. “You are everything I’ve imagined and more,” his baritone voice drummed. “Everything, everything...” he murmured, leaning down to rain more hot kisses against Octavia’s face as he pumped into her heated fountain.

  Inebriated, Octavia turned her lips to his jaw and nibbled hazily. “You are everything…” she stuttered, “I’ve been missing,” she continued as she quivered as his forceful plunges rocked her soul. “Ah! I need you so bad, Jonathon. I never want you to leave.”

  His lids dropped, and he bared his teeth as his speed amplified. Jonathon kissed over her mouth down to her earlobe. “Tell me again,” he said, digging into her pussy like he was searching for lost treasure.

  “Aaaah, Jesus!” she screeched.

  Relentless, Jonathon propelled into Octavia with the ridges of his shaft expanding her wet pussy sending an orgasmic warning rocketing her sensitive flesh and threatening to fall. “Tell me again, baby,” Jonathon’s dark voice grooved.

  Her voice cracked as she tried to spit the words out. “I need you…” Octavia panted. “So bad, Jon-Jonathon,” she stammered. “Never leave…”

  He impaled her, sending Octavia flying through the clouds. Octavia whined with a feeble outcry that sparked with tearstained eyes and a relinquishing confession. “Need you, need you, need you…”

  Her body quaked, and together they came, conceding to their banded release. Shudders tattered through them and they both sang to one another.


  “Octavia, baby…”

  Sailing into oblivion, Octavia and Jonathon held each other as their bodies seared together, turning them into one.

  Chapter Twelve

  It was a slumber like no other. Octavia’s eyes parted just enough to notice that it was still dark in her bedroom, and it felt like she’d slept through many moons. Pulling her arms above her head, Octavia stretched and rolled her head, cranking her neck up to peek over her shoulder. To her delight, Jonathon did not disappoint. He lounged comfortably against her with one arm flung across her waist, and his lips snug against her ear. His eyes were closed, and the gentleness of his sleep brought forth the softness of his features. Octavia turned full circle and relaxed, watching his chest rise and fall.

  Her eyes outlined the contours of his face, and she made it a point not to touch him for fear of disturbing his rest. What they’d shared last night was magical, and Octavia hadn’t slept like this in weeks. Unable to stop herself, she nestled further under him, her nose now teasing the tip of his chin. Being under Jonathon felt so right, Octavia had to wonder why she didn’t just let him in about her dreams. Even now, Octavia wrestled with burdening him with her yearly breakdowns, but damn it, she wanted to stay right here forever. She pushed her nose against his lips and soaked up his scent. His groomed bread sprinkled against her chin as she rubbed her face against his.

  Was this a dream and any moment she would wake up? Surely Octavia couldn’t be this lucky. Her dreams had been everything but pleasant.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” his thick voice drummed.

  A rippling warmth surged over Octavia. “Good morning, handsome,” she returned. Heavily, his eyes opened to peer at her. A languid grin slipped across his face.

  “Handsome, huh?”

  Octavia pressed her lips tightly and blushed, ducking her head just a bit. “That’s what I said,” she confirmed.

  “Mmm,” Jonathon growled into her ear, pulling her tighter. A giggle shred from Octavia, and her eyes flipped over to settle on the clock on the wall. As her vision soaked in the hour, Octavia’s eyes popped when she read ten-fifteen. Gasping and sitting up, Octavia’s gaze slipped around the room. That’s when her eyes fell on the closed blinds and curtains. She took her sight down to the bottom of the drapes and saw light spilling through. Octavia turned quickly back to Jonathon with a stricken look on her face.

  “Calm down, sweetheart. You have the day off,” Jonathon said. “You’ve got the next two days off, too.” He pulled Octavia back to the bed, but she popped back up.

  “How? There’s a ton of work, and oh my God, I’ve scheduled clients. I can’t just take off at the beginning of the week,” she panicked.

  “You can… you will… you have…” He pulled his head back, staring at her with heavy eyes. “I’ve taken care of you. If it makes you feel any better, Claudia took back some of her clients, and Selena’s taking your calls.”

  Octavia stared at him. “When did you talk to them?”

  “This morning when Selena called your phone.”

  “You answered my phone?”

  Jonathon watched her for a moment. “Yes, is that a problem?”

  “I just don’t want you to be scaring off my boyfriend or nothing like that,” she teased.

  Jonathon wrestled her back down. “Don’t play with me, woman,” he rumbled. Octavia almost giggled her head off.

  “Ah!” she screeched.

  Jonathon covered her with his macho frame and slipped between her legs. With tears in the corners of her eyes, Octavia laughed when suddenly she was filled with an insurmountable pressure. A sharp gasp hit her lungs hard as Jonathon invaded her with his prodding length. Immediately, Octavia’s eyes fell, and her hands clutched his thick shoulders as her essence spread to accommodate his girth.

  “Oooh my, my, my…” she crooned as Jonathon slid in and out of her.

  “What were you saying?” he murmured.

  “Nothing,” Octavia said. “Nothing at all…”

  “You think that I’m going to let you get away now that I’ve got you?” His lips drifted to hers. “Nah, never happening,” he pressed. “So, if you are considering pushing me away, get it out of your pretty little head.” Jonathon plunged into her with a blunt force that stole her hearing and sent a firework presentation of pops exploding inside her eardrum.

  “Aaah! Jonathon…” she whined. Jonathon nibbled across her bare shoulders and drilled into her sex with a fury so lethal she was about to come instantly. Another wounded cry fell from her, and the headboard ricocheted as the curve of his head knocked against her G-spot.

  “Oh, dear God!” Octavia cried.

  Jonathon’s lips found her breasts and licked in circles around her nipples. Pacing to her chest, he slid his tongue between the cleft of her breasts while administering unforgiving plummets to her sex. Their bodies clapped against one another, and Jonathon slipped his fingers into her hair. With a steady hold, as if he was riding a bull, Jonathon slammed into her, claiming Octavia’s body with savagely domineering strokes. With each drill, his thrusts became detrimental as he was in a place to tear her completely apart. And he wanted to. If it would knock past all of her fears and hesitations, he would fuck her so disrespectfully yet supremely hard she would pass out in his arms. Octavia screamed his name and her body convulsed as a sheen of flowing tingles flooded her bones. Octavia didn’t get a chance to
tell him she was coming it just happened, suddenly with no cautionary notice.

  “Jonathon!” she screamed, trembling with harsh vibrations. Her hands tightened into fists, and Octavia beat against his shoulders as a violent orgasm shot through her body. “Aaah! Jonathon!” her voice quivered, and his sexual beatdown became unrelenting as their bodies slapped and thighs stung from the heated impact of their love. Jonathon had waited for this moment for so long that consuming every inch of Octavia was palpable.

  “Aah! Damn it, girl!” Jonathon cursed. His lips paced back up her skin, laying kisses on her neck. “Just in case you were wondering,” he said, blissfully stroking her with the same passionate consistency, “you belong to me now. Do you understand, Octavia?”

  Octavia nodded while sucking on her bottom lip.

  “I can’t hear you,” he said, digging a rotating grind into her.

  “Yes, yes!” Octavia shouted. “All yours,” she acquiesced.

  “Now come again for me, baby,” he said. “Come with your man.”

  As if her body did belong to him, it responded with an earth-shattering orgasm that almost made Octavia bite down on her tongue and spill blood. Jonathon massaged her inner walls with his shaft as they coated each other in a liquid love that ran out of her and down his thick penis. Together they praised one another rocking for what felt like hours until their trembles slowly receded. Jonathon cuddled Octavia as they shifted to the side. Octavia was basked in a glow of euphoria as she snuggled deeply underneath him. Her thighs continued to sizzle from the aftershocks of their vibrant lovemaking. It didn’t take long for her slumber to return and her soft snores consoled Jonathon as he held her.

  That it had taken this long for him and Octavia to connect was wild to him, but it had been well worth the wait. If Jonathon could marry her now, he would gladly get down on one knee. He knew in his heart of hearts that she was the one. But one thing Jonathon didn’t want to do was scare her away. Octavia obviously had some issues to sort through, and he would be there all the way for her. Jonathon wasn’t stupid. Even after everything they’d shared, he knew Octavia had a defiance that drove him insane at times. But whatever she needed to deal with would be done with him, whether she fought it or not.


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