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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

Page 11

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Well, I figured you’re always messing with me, so it was time I returned the favor.”

  “Oh, is that what this is?”

  Jonathon shrugged. “That and I wanted you to experience something you never had before.”

  Octavia pushed her lips out in a pout. “I guess,” she said. “Okay, one more time. You’re right, this is a bucket list experience. At least for me anyway. I’ll go one more time.”

  “You don’t have to, and for the record, if you ever want to come again, we will. It doesn’t have to be a bucket list experience at all.”

  Octavia pursed her lips and readjusted her snorkel. Once again, they dove under the waters and came face to face with a pack of sharks that had surrounded the cage. Octavia couldn’t believe it. The dark gray and white tails looked just as she’d seen them in movies and instead of rocking their cage the sharks merely coasting around them. Octavia glanced to Jonathon with a wide smile. He was already looking in her direction, hoping that she felt the same exhilarating thrill he felt in his heart.

  For another thirty minutes, the two swam around the cage, watching the sharks move about. When they were done, they dried and headed to Lanikai Beach.

  “We have to make sure to come here before we leave tomorrow. I need to see these waters one more time,” Octavia said.

  Octavia and Jonathon sank their feet into the thick sand while they waited for their food to arrive. The makeshift dining experience gave the couple a private oceanside view as they sat at a table elegantly transformed into a romantic setting. Expensive china sat in front of them, and gas torches were lit and planted in the sand on either side of them. Aqua blue waves rushed the shoreline and the sun sat mid sky. Octavia crossed her legs and relaxed against her chair.

  Jonathon took in her natural appearance and didn’t mistake the tug of his heart as a mishap. He loved that she could do so little to her look and be just as striking as if she were modeling for a fashion show. Jonathon sat back and crossed his legs at the ankles.

  “Who said we were leaving tomorrow?” he said.

  Octavia’s lips parted as she thought for a second. “Considering the time it took to get here, we don’t have much of a choice if I want to get back to work on time.” Octavia pulled her bottom lip in with her teeth. “I don’t want to leave the girls hanging.”

  “If you wish,” Jonathon said.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I would love to stay,” Octavia backtracked. “In fact, I want to thank you for bringing me here. I don’t know where you got the idea to shark dive, but it was a memorable experience. I’ll never forget it.”

  “There’s no thanks necessary, O. I’ve always wanted to take you away.”

  Octavia blushed. “I never knew that. I know you have other friends, so I’m just thankful to you for thinking of me.” Octavia reached and lifted her wine glass to take a sip.

  Jonathon stared at her for long, considering minute. “Who are these friends you speak of?”

  Octavia replaced her glass and sat her hands in her lap. She cleared her throat, wanting to make sure she didn’t sound like a jealous Nancy when she spoke next.

  “I know you are good friends with Mia, and I’m not sure if you know, but I called your phone Sunday morning, and one of your other friends answered.” Octavia fought hard to keep her face neutral, but unbeknownst to her, Jonathon was smiling inwardly.

  “If you want to know who the woman was that answered my phone, why don’t you just ask, baby?”

  Octavia shivered at his words. “It’s none of my business, but I…”

  Jonathon’s invasive stare was making her anxious.

  “I just wanted to say thank you is all.” She reached for her glass again.

  “It was Mia that answered my phone, not some other woman,” he said, which didn’t make Octavia feel better. If anything, it only tightened her gut that he and Mia were close enough that Jonathon spent a night with her or vice versa. While Octavia was knocking at his door desperate for him to answer, Jonathon had been with Mia.

  “Oh…” was all she said. Octavia took a deep swig of her wine and opted to hang on to the sour liquor instead of replacing it on the table.

  “After leaving your place, she called and invited me over. You know I’ve never hidden anything from you. I won’t start now. Nothing happened between us.”

  Octavia’s eyes lifted from her glass to his face.

  “In fact, from the moment you and I met, I haven’t been with anyone.”

  To say Octavia was surprised was an understatement. “Why?” she asked.

  “Because all I’ve ever wanted was you.”

  Octavia’s heart sailed and heated spikes like rockets shot through her. She sat the wine glass down and stood strolling slowly around to stand before him. Jonathon moved with her, sliding his chair back from the table. Octavia maneuvered between his outstretched legs, and Jonathon sat forward reaching out to rotate his fingers in circles on the back of her legs. Turning his face up at her, Jonathon felt a shiver run through Octavia and the look of adoration on her face was immense.

  “I’ve always wanted you, Jonathon,” Octavia said, looking down at him. “I just didn’t know if we should, or if I should be involved with anyone.” Octavia sighed and twisted her fingers as she fought for the right words to say. Words that would make him understand the longing she’d felt their entire friendship.

  Jonathon’s hands roamed up the back of her legs to her thighs and a stirring in Octavia’s center made her pussy throb. Octavia was still dressed in her one piece off the shoulder swimsuit. A small sheer wrap covered her waist and derriere but stopped mid-thigh. She placed her hands on his shoulders and sizzled at the meet up of his warm skin. The tank top Jonathon wore outlined every muscle he owned, and every second Octavia stood there she wanted to jump his bones.

  “Why don’t you feel you should be in a relationship?” Jonathon asked.

  “My dreams are not the average bad dreams. I imagine it can be pretty disturbing for anyone on the outside looking in.”

  “Octavia, if the people in your life only want to be there when things are looking up, then you deserve better, sweetheart. I would never abandon you for any struggles you may have. I’d like to think that you know I’m a better man than that, baby.”

  He pulled her hands to his mouth and kissed her fingers one by one. Octavia didn’t know if her heart could beat faster than it was now. Jonathon was a dream come true. The way he cared for her was so unreal that she decided she must’ve been in a coma, and this blissful time with him was all in her mind. Octavia stretched her legs over his and sank to straddle his lap. Words evaded her and really there wasn’t much she wanted to say besides I love you, so why did she hesitate? Jonathon leaned in and kissed her lips just as three men approached their table with dinner. Standing to his feet, Jonathon lifted Octavia and placed her in his chair. Walking around the table, he readjusted their seating, grabbing Octavia’s unoccupied chair and planting it on his side of the linen covered table.

  “By all means,” Jonathon said, speaking to the servers as he claimed his seat.

  The waiters approached, circling them as they announced their food and set the table. Black angus filet mignon, roasted potatoes, asparagus, and another round of wine was placed before them. The aroma from the delicious meal fled into the air.

  “Enjoy,” the servers sang before turning and walking off. Jonathon slid his hand into Octavia’s and linked their fingers as they bowed their heads to pray. The sounds that echoed around them consisted of the waves rushing to shore and Jonathon’s grooving voice as she petitioned God. They ate in silence while watching each other, both digging through their own thoughts.

  Jonathon was relieved that Octavia’s feelings were mutual, to an extent. She didn’t know that he loved her with all the strength in his soul. How could she? He hadn’t told her so. A part of him felt like this moment in time was just too good to be true. It seemed as if Jonathon waited a century for her to open up. Telling Octa
via he loved her was monumental for him. Partly because Jonathon had never uttered those words to anyone. Ever. But mostly because if she didn’t feel the same it would tear him apart. Octavia held that power now. The deep intoxicating fire that burned inside Jonathon for Octavia was downright incinerating. Even now sitting there watching her eat was more of a highlight than she knew. Each time the sterling silverware lifted to her lips, her luscious mouth would cover the utensil and she’d practically moaned as she dined. Or, at least Jonathon thought he heard her moan. Shit. Damn, he was in love with her, and Jonathon felt in his heart that Octavia was perfectly created to be his wife.

  A smile stretched across Octavia’s face as she ate and stole a peek at Jonathon. He’d been watching her since she’d taken the first bite. Octavia didn’t mind. Jonathon just didn’t know that she loved the look of his dark brown eyes, curly lashes, and thick brows. The eloquent structure of his nose, and delicious lips. Jonathon’s dark brown skin was so milk chocolate that the sheer thought of tasting him gave her a sweet tooth. It didn’t help that the perfectly groomed beard added a dangerously sexy undertone to his look. And his strong neck and thick Adam’s apple made her want to pounce on him, hard. It was incredible that she’d loved him all this time but held back for reasons that to her were justifiable. Now Octavia wanted to tell him everything, but she didn’t. Instead, she reached for her glass of wine as two Polynesian women approached.

  “When you are done with your meal, can we have a moment of your time?” one lady asked Octavia.

  “Of course,” Octavia said, rising to her feet. She dabbed the corners of her mouth with a napkin. “Is there a problem, can I help you with anything?” Octavia asked.

  “Yes, yes,” the women said, “Come with us.”

  Jonathon stood to his feet and covered Octavia’s hand with his. “What seems to be the problem?” his deep voice barked.

  “No, no,” the first lady said. “You wait here.”

  A frown covered Jonathon’s face and Octavia looked at him. “Babe, I think they have something they want me to see and not you. It’s okay, I don’t think it’s something bad.”

  Jonathon wasn’t so sure.

  The women laughed. “We promise to take care of her,” one woman said. “She will be back in a blink.”

  Octavia turned her hand up to squeeze Jonathon’s fingers. He glanced at her, and she gave him a reassuring nod. Octavia turned to follow the women, but Jonathon held on tight, causing Octavia to bounce back to him. With an open mouth smile, Octavia slipped her free hand up Jonathon’s chest.

  “I promise I’ll be back.”

  A growl fled from Jonathon’s throat. “Five minutes, woman, or I’m coming to look for you.” He was still unsure about their reasoning for pulling her away.

  “You got it.” Octavia winked, and Jonathon released her hand reluctantly. He watched as she sauntered off to a hut that sat not too far from where they dined and anxiously waited for her return.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Inside the hut, the women led Octavia to a full-length mirror.

  “A quick lesson,” the first lady said.

  “What’s your name, honey?” Octavia asked.

  “Leinani,” the lady responded.

  “Leinani,” Octavia said. “That’s a pretty name.”

  “Thank you. This is Kalama,” Leinani said, introducing the lady by her side. Kalama glided behind Octavia and began untying Octavia’s sheer wrap. Alarmed, Octavia glanced from Leinani to Kalama.

  “Okay, somebody start talking,” Octavia said.

  “I’m going to give you a quick lesson. For your mister.”

  “For my mister?” Octavia said.

  Leinani reached behind her and grabbed what appeared to be a skirt made with dried leaves. Wide eyes and a bright smile fell upon Octavia’s face. “You’re going to teach me how to hula?”

  Leinani and Kalama were agreeing with head nods and pleasant smiles. Octavia laughed, throwing her hands up.

  “Okay,” Octavia said, “we should probably make this fast because I don’t know how long my mister is going to sit out there and wait before storming into this tent.”

  The ladies laughed and moved about hurriedly. Leinani and Kalama helped Octavia into her hula attire and offered her a few basic moves. After fifteen minutes, Octavia and the two women left the hut headed for Jonathon. He’d been moved from the table and chairs to a fluffy beach blanket on the sand. He sat upright with his legs pulled up just enough to plant his feet. Leaning comfortably with his arms resting across his knees, Jonathon watched as Octavia approached. An overabundance of emotions coursed through Octavia. She had only been gone a few minutes, yet Octavia was relieved to be in his company again. She inhaled a breath of fresh air and smiled at him. Jonathon’s handsome face went from relaxed to heightened by the edge his jaw now took on and the ebony gleam in his eyes.

  As they neared, Octavia spoke, “I’m so proud of you.”

  Purposefully, his gaze roamed over her. The hula dress was no match for Octavia’s curves as they waved boldly underneath the skirt. Brown legs made of silk rode into bare pedicured feet. Jonathon was as hard as a box of rocks, almost forgetting to respond to her comment.

  With a voice gruff and threaded with a sensual depth, Jonathon responded, “Why are you proud of me?” He hadn’t made it back to her eyes yet, and it tickled Octavia that he’d seen her naked but looked at her now as if seeing her for the first time.

  A tropical beat played, and Octavia began to move her hips. Slowly at first then with a repetitious wave. The braided leaves that hung around Octavia’s neck covered her breasts just barely with a peek of her brown bosom teasing Jonathon through the bottom. It was when Octavia turned her back to him as she rolled her hips did he catch a look at her bare back and shoulders. Her chocolate skin ran the span of her spine and disappeared inside the natural skirt only to be found as her thighs sprouted beneath. Jonathon bit back a harsh expletive, his libido at an all-time high.

  Octavia’s voice was sultry, smooth and covering Jonathon’s skin like a wave of heat. “You didn’t go all cave man and come looking for me.” She continued to move her hips in circles as she spoke. Meeting up with her breasts, Octavia waved her arms and twisted her wrists in sync with her gyrating hips.

  Leinani and Kalama stood in the background on each side of Octavia, moving in the same order as her. Jonathon, however, couldn’t pretend to pay them any mind as he fought with strength and determination not to pull Octavia into his arms and sit her on the hardest part of him.

  “I was halfway to the hut when someone stopped me and assured me you were okay,” he said. “They pulled me over to this spot, and I gave them sixty seconds to—”

  Jonathon’s sentence trailed off when Octavia took a bold step forward, gyrating into a dip that brought her practically to a squat as she leveled with him.

  “I’m proud of you for that,” her sultry voice beckoned. “You could’ve easily— Ah!”

  Jonathon had held all the patience he could, and the end result was Octavia straddling him. With her hands resting on his shoulder in a firm grip, Octavia’s mouth hung slightly open, still caught off guard by his brisk shift. Jonathon put his fingers to her chin and ease Octavia’s lips to his. He invaded her mouth, moving his tongue across hers in a mated exercise.

  “Mmmm,” Octavia moaned, relishing in the taste of his tongue. Together, they held on to each other. Octavia eased her arms further around Jonathon’s neck and his arms coupled around her waist. When his restrained manhood bobbled against Octavia’s panties, she yelped and shuddered with a smile.

  “Down, boy…” she purred. “We still have an audience.”

  A growl vibrated from his throat. “That can be easily resolved,” Jonathon promised.

  A tinkering laugh skipped from Octavia. “Oh, I’m sure.”

  Jonathon feigned offense. “You don’t want to be alone with me, O?”

  Octavia kissed his lips. “Of course.” She kissed him ag
ain. “In fact, there’s no place I’d rather be.”

  Jonathon sucked in her lips one at a time needing to taste every corner and crevasse of her mouth. A round of giggles grabbed their attention as they both smiled into each other’s mouths before pulling back slightly to peek at their company.

  “For you, mister and misses,” Leinani said, offering over a gift basket that had been weaved from natural plants and materials.

  “Oh, thank you so much, you shouldn’t have,” Octavia said, grabbing the basket and sliding to Jonathon’s side.

  “It was our pleasure. Inside you’ll find some of Hawaii’s home-grown fruits. Pitaya, known as dragon fruit, strawberry guava, poha berry, egg fruit, and papaya.”

  “Thank you,” Jonathon said.

  Leinani put her hands together and bowed slightly before turning to take her leave. Jonathon removed the basket from Octavia’s hand and set it to the side to gather her back in his arms.

  “Now, where were we?”

  Octavia squealed and halted Jonathon’s forward progress with a firm hand to his chest. “Wait,” she smiled, “aren’t we going to try some of this fruit?”

  Jonathon lifted a brow. “Right now?”

  Octavia giggled. “Yes, right now.”

  Jonathon hesitated. Octavia had no idea how long Jonathon had longed for a moment like this with her. But he remained mindful that too much too fast could push her away, so he complied.

  “Whatever you like,” he said.

  Octavia leaned in and kissed his lips, and Jonathon gave her a warning glare.

  “If you start that, then don’t stop me when I—”

  “Okay, okay, okay!” Octavia shouted with a laugh. She wasn’t sure if she could ever get used to being so beloved, but it was a welcomed relief.

  Jonathon called to a nearby server and asked for an empty plate and steak knife. When the server returned with the items, Octavia pulled out the dragon fruit and opened it with one swift slice. With their legs mixing and mingling on the beach blanket, they bit into the fruit and a drizzle of juice spilled down the corner of Octavia’s mouth.


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